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AoP - Two Devils Walk Into a Bar
Date of Scene: 05 January 2018
Location: Elseworlds: Age of Pirates
Synopsis: Our scoundrels have met up, but will they form a crew to go after the Treasure of the Sea Witch?
Cast of Characters: Yokai (Sakara), Rogue, Nightcrawler, Kaelyn Silverleaf
Tinyplot: Elseworlds: Age of Pirates

Yokai (Sakara) has posed:
A more wretched hive of scum and villainy ... is just on the other side of the island. This is a Pirate Nation port, and the phrase "honor among thieves" means that the Convocation of Captains gets to rule on anyone who breaks the peace, and Captain Governor Roberts (the Pirate King in all but name) has the power to direct their verdict - and C.G. Roberts runs his nation with an iron hook. Nobody and that means nobody betrays the Code when they're in port, or for a day after leaving port. So there is paradoxical safety here amid the pirates, active and retired.

Most of the ships here are galleons or corvairs, wooden ships styled after the usual Portugese, Spanish, or English ships. The ship sailing into port does not look like any of those. It looks more like a three-level Junk, a ship from Far Cathay, except that it does carry cannon. It flies the Pirate Nation flag of truce, and after meeting with the Port Master's boat, it continues in to dock.

The crew is secretive, except for their captain. He's a giant, seven feet tall and almost as broad across the shoulders, even if some of that is his naval commodore's jacket worn over the top of an Asian robe with chrysanthemum flowers in purple on white. A club is tied to his belt, rather than a revolver tucked in, as he makes his way down the gangplank to the docks.

"Where do I get good booze here?" he asks, in accented French, and the dockmaster shrugs, and points in the direction of a building that has crossed tankards on a sign over the door.

Without even stopping for further directions, the ship's master reveals himself to be further unusual -- he has a long tail that lashes behind him like that of a tiger, and a closer look shows that there are horns rising on either side of the forward point of his tricorne hat. He enters the place that sells booze, and moves toward the bar.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is a barmaid in the local tavern, she got the job because the other barmaid's kept getting roughed up and touched a bit too much... They'd hired Rogue on the spot when they'd found out what her mutation was. A barmaid that can't be touched less the men fell flat on their arse's and lose their soul? That was a barmaid that rowdy pirates in a rowdy pub... feared. feared like they feared the ghost ships out on the waters, or the devil in the caves to the south, or their wives!

Rogue, however, didn't let it stop her from wearing a bust enhancing bodice, a pair of tight leather trousers and a tall set of boots, dark green with matching long gloves up her otherwise bare arms.

"I'll have ya your booze, you filthy mongrels." She says at the table narest to her. She turns around and is promptly slapped on the buttocks, which gets her to spin around and reached a hand down to the man who did it! He flailed his hands and fell out of his chair.

"Don't touch me, She Devil! I don't wanna lose me soul!" He spilled his beer all over himself as he fell to the floor a waving and whining mess!

Rogue just grinned, she didn't bother telling people that the gloves blocked her mutation... where's the fun in that?

Nightcrawler has posed:
If the man with the French accent was unusual, so was the man sitting at the corner, clearly getting a laugh of the fear that others displayed towards the Barmaid.

He was blue, for starters. To this unnatural complexion, Nature (such as it was) had seen fit to grant him the features of a demon and the yellow eyes of a cat lying in wait in the dark. His clothing were not fine, but they were certainly colorful enough. Worn trousers, a red long shirt and a patchwork vest are all he wears, as footwear is impractical due to the unusual configuration of his feet.

"Fraulein, if you will. I think I have need for more of your services." He gives the barmaid a wide grin, which shows off his fangs. His manner of address is, however, corteous in its way.

His tail taps on the floorboards idly, next to a covered bundle set by his table.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
There's lots of calls for Magi in these days and whatnot... Fixing ships, and building compasses and whatnot is one of those calls... She'd been working on a couple large compasses in drydock, fixing those ships and well working her tail off when she's not at her home, selling potions and fixes and whatnot for every passerby that needs a cure-all...

Kae's determined now would be a nice day for a little drink and well some relaxation, so in wanders the readhead. She's dressed in victorian type garb, as is proper and all. A long jacket is worn over a black under-bust corset and dark blue poets shirt. She of course has many bits of jewelry, bangles earrings, necklaces and the like, along with what appears to be a book of sorts on her hip, a ball wrapped in leather, judging by its look, it's probably crystal. She's got a few rods hanging from said belt and a few buckles on the belt as well, one having a hammer, another buckle a sword, and a third, looks to have a pistol of sorts....

She pauses inside to take in the place, eyes adjusting befor emaking her way slowly to one of the tables, where she sits down quietly and wait, before she pulls down the hood that's attached to her jacket...

Yokai (Sakara) has posed:
The giant guy with horns approaches the bar, and offers a small piece of gold with a hole in the middle to the person who appears to be the owner.

"I'm looking for a few extra good pirates. The kind who can wreck a ship by themselves. I need special crew. Can you recommend anyone?"

He doesn't say why he needs them. Obviously he has a target in mind, but the more he tells about this, the more people will want to get in on it, and not necessarily on his side. Because they're pirates. That's what they do.

And then he hears the Alemanic accent and glances that direction. Hmm. Another Yokai? The fellow does have something of the demon about him, if only the faint scent of brimstone. This might be a good one to recruit, if he isn't too vicious. He nods in the direction of the fellow.

The owner, or manager, or cook, shrugs and takes the coin. It's good coin too, it won't disappear unless it's touched by an actual saint who has no burden of sin. In this town, that probably means it'll last forever.

"Ain't nobody been looking too hard, but I'll let ye know if I hear somefin'. Have a beer an' find a sit."

A tankard that looks half-size goes onto the bar and Roark Sakura (the tall guy) takes it and moves toward the corner.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue passes by Kaelyn when she enters the tavern. "Have a seat and shout out whatever it is the heck'n'he'll you want." She told the patron before she moved toward where Kurt was, about to pass-on by him before he spoke up and caught the girl with the white streaked hair's attention.

"Well hey there, Ray'a Sunshine." She said to Kurt with a grin. "More'a my services?" She asks him then, noting his tail. "How can I help ya?"

Rogue looked forward toward the bar to where Rory was, but there a lot of people at the bar. "You've come to the right place for pirate searching, am-i-right-boys?!" Rogue shouted out.

Just about the entire place suddenly shouted various forms of harrahs! and hoisted their mugs and pitchers up in the air!

Nightcrawler has posed:
"Sonnenschein, that is a good one!" Kurt laughs cheerfully at Rogue, "I like that. I meant my throat could use something to make these vittles go down smoother, ja?" he had picked a plate clean, only crumbs remained.

He was about to ask for her name, when the bar rose out in cheers declaring everybody in it fair game for piracy. He gives a slight smirk and raises his tankard. Empty. Rory's appearance has not escaped him- how could it, when the man was positively enormous? A look to his tail, and he raises an eyebrow.

He did hear his mother had had more children. Perhaps...?

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae nods to Rogue and smiles "Mulled wine would do me well I think." She says simply, her accent? Well it's decidedly Irish in sound, goes quite well with the red-hair and green eyes... Kae glances around and relaxes back into her chair now as a Raven of all things comes swooping into the bar to land on the young woman's shoulder... "Oh hallo Poe..." She says and the bird kind of well bows... "Good day missus." Is his response, ina prim and proper English accent.

At the mentioning of Pirates, Kae tilts her head listening to the request for pirates curiously as she looks down at her table, then unhooks a book from her hip. She lifts it to said table, the book growing quite a bit in size before Kae opens the thing and begins flipping through the pages, then she shouts out "Roast pork please, potatoes, cheese, and bread too please!" She orders, pretty simple, if standard-ish faire....

Kae glances back to the bird now, and hmmms... "Boiled corn, or crackers or dried bread for my Raven please."

Yokai (Sakara) has posed:
WELL, that's intriguing. It seems that there are a lot of pirates who think they're tough.

SOMEONE is ordering food. Rory's stomach mentions that there is food, and he shuts it up by draining the tankard. It has a bit of a kick, but nothing like the Demon Water from back home. Of course that stuff will detonate most mortals unless it's diluted with mortal water.

"You'll have to pass my tests," Rory says, "before I'll sign any of you on. And I don't guarantee gold unless we succeed!"

That only discourages a few, because alcohol is Pirate Courage too. The giant glances at the short demony-looking guy and asks, in German, "Can I join you?"

He'll order a leg of lamb or pork or even goat when he's seated to keep the stomach from shouting again. And then he needs to think about how to test these people. Probably can't make it lethal.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue gave a big grin to Kurt's words. "You're a mead kinda fella, I can see it on that pretty smile'a yours." She reached a gloved hand out to pat him gently on the top of his head. "Don't go no where now, sugah. I'll be right back."

Rogue passed by Kaelyn again. "Thats a tall order ya got there, but I imagine we can make it happen. Sit tight and take a load off, darlin."

Rogue ended up back at the bar and sat her wooden tray down again to start gathering up more orders. She looked up at Rory and gave him a lopsided grin. "Hit me with some'a these tests'a yours, O'Captain My'Captain." The Barmaid said at him, her left hand coming up to stroke a swath of her two-toned hair back out of her face and up and over the back of her head so she could see better while gathering up orders.

One of the surley stinky dogs at the bar gave a whistle at the show of old Soul Suckin' Witch Barmaid leaning over to get at the meat cask.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Happy at the prospect of incoming mead, the blue elf leans back against his chair. When the captain decides to join him, he replies in German, "<By all means, Captain>" gesturing to the opposite seat.

Kurt, then, leans forward on his table, the light glinting off the one earring on his right ear. "You seem to be looking for able-bodied crewmen, ja? With a specific target?"

When Rogue joins back in, he nods and leans back against the chair again, draping one arm over the back. "I am curious about these tests as well."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae nods to Rogue and smiles slightly before flipping yet another page in her book. Oddly as studious as she is, she's pretty much left alone by the pirates and such... She glances around again, then motions to the table. The bird flaps down to perch on said table then stands on the edge of her book as she continues reading. "Not letting out Fan are we?" Asks the bird to which Kae smirks and responds "Nope, Fan is not coming out here..." she adds as she flips a page

Kae then looks around again and holds up a hand, with her index finger pointing upward... She makes a short, small circle with said finger as a small soft, white light forms there and begins floating, giving her a little more illumination to read on...

Yokai (Sakara) has posed:
Well, the first test will be a cleverness test. The second will be courage versus foolhardiness. The third will be to show their best skill. Rory begins thinking about the cleverness test. Riddles are overdone, and besides they're far too likely to backfire. Oh, wait! The puzzle boxes!

"I will test all the candidates at once, when we're done with the meal. But one is a test of wit, then of courage, then of what you can bring to the task."

He glances over at the magician. Hm. She's not actually a pirate as such. Probably safer that way, to be honest.

"Oh, along with a leg of whatever beast you have roasted, I'll also take another two tankards of that beer, if you please," he says to Rogue, on her return. He pays with mortal gold this time, which means he's not as sure of the purity, but it won't go away. And he does pay in gold, not silver.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's eyes went up to Kaelyn as she casted that lighting spell to give more reading light. "Fancy that." She said. "We got ourselves a bonafied magickfingers in here tonight." Some of the other pirates all looekd over at her also. "Pretty fancy trick there, Merlin." She told the other before setting Kaelyn's detailed order down in front of her in different bowls and mugs.

Rogue's tray was loaded up though and she made it back over to where Kurt and Rory was. The tray was set down on the edge of their table. "Mead for you... and here's yours, Captain Testies." She gave a wink and a grin at Rory then.

"I wanna set sail on the high seas, but every ship I ever ask t'sail on turns me away... Cause I'm too damn gorgeous." Rogue vanely tossed her hair again over her shoulder.

A pirate behind her snorted. "Nah, Lass, its cause you're pretty as an angel and deadly as the devil. Guy gets drunk, puts a hand on that sweet body and ends up dead a turncoat tossed inta the sea, covered in sharkbait!" He chuckled then at Rogue's expense.

The Barmaid just glared back at him.

Nightcrawler has posed:
"My stepmother used to tell me stories with three tests in them when I was little." And the Roma knew a lot of stories, many of which they never shared with any gadjes. "I'm game. Surely you will be, too, liebschen?" the blue one grins at Rogue, giving her more of that 'pretty smile', quite a fangy one, too.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
A smirk and Kae mutters "And the talking bird was nae a dead giveaway?" She asks curiously and smirks, the light directing a bit more and getting brightre "Yus, a magic-finger... Yup yup, that's what I am I guess, good for making light, potions and other little tidbits and baubels..." She says, maybe she's underestimating or under talking her self. Who knows.

At mentioning Tests, she studies the big fellow curiously, and glances to Rogue curiously as well... "Am imagining something can be done about your touch through arcane means.. wards and the like, and they could possibly be made such that you could control em... Maybe.. I'm usually pretty decent with enchantments" She says and smiles cheerfully... "There's others I know perhapse who could do such too..."

Yokai (Sakara) has posed:
Fangy smile. Roark has one of those, as well, and shares it around. But no, he's not the kind to molest the unwilling, so he's not worried about the barmaid's curse. Which, frankly, sounds to him a bit like one of the yokai he's learned of -- they called them Lamia in the language of the westerners, women with the power to drain virtue with a touch -- where virtue did not mean 'personal honor' but rather 'personal power'...

"I'll prepare the test and have it ready. The target ... It's a rich enough vessel, but the risks are high and the danger is real. Already two good ships have failed against their Captain, with lesser prizes at stake."

And he begins eating like some sort of wild animal, but a bit more fastidious than most pirates.

Yokai (Sakara) has posed:

End of Part One. Tune in next issue for part two of "Two Devils Walk Into A Bar" in the Age of Piracy!
