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Latest revision as of 14:44, 25 February 2018

Not in a Box!
Date of Scene: 07 January 2018
Location: Avengers Mansion, New York City
Synopsis: Unknown
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Vision

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is getting used to the 'new mansion' that her life has found her in. First Xavier's, then the Sanctum Santorum and now the Avengers fancy place here on the upper east side of Manhattan.

She'd spent the day wandering around the places that she was allowed to go in, but now she's wound up inside the Game room as it felt most appropriate to her age demographic. She'd set up a game of solo pool, but that got boring pretty quickly...

So instead, now the nearly-19 year old is just, well... laying on the pool table on her back.

Rogue is wearing a black wool coat, her hood is up and she's using it as a little bit of a pillow while she lays there, boots tapping gently on the edge of the table while she listens to some music and just quietly sings along to it. Blue jeans and a dark green sweater cap off the young newly rostered member of the team.

Vision has posed:
It's taken him a while to get into 'the groove', as his friend Clint Barton calls it, of living again amongst others after spending a year living on his own out among the world. Now he is getting into the routine, one again, but the synthazoid still has a few, well, interesting behaviours.

Like Walking THROUGH walls.

And thats what happens. One moment Rigue is quietly sitting alone in the game room and the next moment a red skinned man with a golden jewel in his forehead wearing a colorful sweater literally passes through the wall like he was a ghost.. a ghost sorting through mail held in his hand. "Bill. Bill. Bill. I find it disurbing that Tony Stark does not utilize internet payments.. or his accounting department.. with these." he says to himself as he passes throgh a chair.. a pool table... and stops in the middle of a coffee table to stare at the young woman.

"Oh.. Salutations." he intones. the table at his knees."

Rogue has posed:
If Rogue hadn't ever met Kitty Pryde, let alone been friends with her, she may have been surprised to see a strange looking man just pass right through a wall and athen stand within the center of a table... but young Anna-Marie had seen a lot in her short years. So she wasn't too freaked out.

She did sit up though on the pool table's green felt top and her hood fell back off of her head. She looked over at him, her gloved hands between her knees on the table.

"Wow. Ain't you a fancy one." She said at him with a sly grin, eyeing his nice clothing and the bright jewel in his forehead. "Not seen you before, are you a new member'a this team?" The southern girl asked him. "I'm Rogue. Brand new around here myself." She showed him a soft and calm smile.

Vision has posed:
Vision regards the young woman a moment... which to him is both an instant and an eternity since he is basically a walking computer. A walking computer which is right now running thousands of varying kinds of analysis and queriesthrough sensors and his own link to the mansion's (and other) databases.

He then looks down at his sweater, a faint frown om his face. "I did not believe this sweater could be classified as 'fancy'. I believe the more approriate term would be 'festive'." he states, then steps out of the table, and sets down the mail mehind him.. which does NOT pass through the table.

"And I am not what you wold call new to this team. I have been on an extended hiatus, though, so your misconception is entirely understandble. I am The Vision." he says, offering her his hand. "And you would be Anna-Marie D'Ancanto Carlyle, also known as Rougue, late of the Xavier Institute and new prospective member of The Avengers." That isn't a question, of course.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue turned her legs around to the side of the table that he was on and she dropped them over the edge to let them dangle off of the pool table. Her leather boots have mis-matched shoelaces, the right boot has dark green laces while the left has bright yellow.

"You're definitely a Vision, thats for sure." She said at him, giving the man a bit of a flirty smile (because thats just her nature).

Rogue's left gloved hand went up to her forehead and she shot it forward in a quick and sharp salute. "Ya got my infos, thats for sure, Miste'ah Vision. My whole name too... Ain't heard that spoken in awhile."

"So you're a veteran Avenger then? I'll have'ta be on my best behavior then." She grinned at him, planted her hands on the edge of the table and just let her feet sway a bit. "Whats it that you do for the team?" She'd ask him then.

Vision has posed:
It appears that 'flirty', be it real or not, is something that completely passes the synthazoid by. Not that he comes off as cold fish or anything, as he does offer her a faint (and real) smile. "You are not the first one to call me such, Miss Rogue. Which is how I received my name." he explains.

He then blinks and, unsuredly, returns the salute with one of his own. "And yes, I rerieved you name from your rather extensive file. It also noted that you prefer to utilize your 'nom de guerre'."

He then lowers his hand. "And yes, I believe I could be termed as a 'veteran' of the Avengers. I joined very soon after their formation when my father constructed me to battle and destroy them, and then emplot me to aid him in taking over the world." he says all this matter of factly. Of course, I find my current affiliation much more satisfying." he assure her. "Currently my occupation among the team is less defied and more free floating. I offer tactical and strategic analysis, information gathering and reconnaissance, technical support and development, and sometimes what is refered to as 'muscle'." Yep.. jack of all trades.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue listened while dangling her booted feet off the table, a little grin crossing her lips. "Vous avez raison a ce sujet, Monsieur Vision." She replied to him in flawless French and accent, giving a little swivel of her shoulders in a gesture that would likely also go over his head.

At the bit about his job with the group she'd dip her slim pointed chin in two quick nods. "So it sounds like you're the one who's gonna be tellin' me which things to punch and when t'punch'em." She said, showing another grin and a slight tilt of her head toward her left shoulder as she stared at him. "Because my whole -thing- is muscle. Pretty much anyhow. But then again, ya probably got all that info inside'a your dossier on me too, huh?"

"I'm glad ya'll failed at takin over the world, by the by. Well, I mean... unless ya woulda made it better'a course. Ya know, like if ya woulda shipped all the assholes out. And like, turned off Facebook and Twitter. Those things are the real super villains, if ya ask me."

Vision has posed:
Vision cants his head slightly and nods. "J'ai raison assez souvent." he responds in just as flawless french and then straightens a bit. "I too am pleased I was not forced to subjugate the planet. While I would like to believe that the world would have been a better place there would have, sadly, been little place for humanity, normal or mutantkind, in the aftermath. And that was not something I find desirable."

He then blinks once, twice, and nods. "Yes, like I infered earlier I have as complete a dossier on you and your abilities and history as I could create, combining multiple sources both legitimate and.. less so." he ahems, actually looking embarrased a moment. But just for a moment. "And, of course, by some judicious research of my own and compiling it through various analytical filters." he tells her. "It is.. most remarkable, especially for one of your youth, though I guess age is relative since technically I am less than ten years old. Your abilities are.. quite interesting."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue grinned at the slightly arrogant response he gave her French, she liked that, self confidence and she responded to it by just grinning and nodding her head once while he moved on to the other topics.

"Yeah... sounds like your rule over the planet would've sucked. For me anyway!"

Rogue dropped down off the edge of the pool table and she started to walk toward the kitchenette area close-by. She left her phone on the table though so it was still playing some classic rock song from the 70s.

"Its all true!" She said at him then while she went to grab a glass and to open the fridge to get a drink. Once she had a glass of orange juice she turned back around and walked toward the counter to stare over it at him.

"I'm sure ya'll were most worried about my time with the Brotherhood, especially how it ended. With my attack on Carol... one'a your members here on this team. Its all been explained t'Carol though, and she'n me are on good terms now."

Vision has posed:
Vision is not arrogant by nature.. in that he doesn't hold himelf above others, even if he /is/ superior in many ways. But he is honest, and mosty confident in things he understands.

HAs she walks to teh counter, he stands where he is, hands clasped behind his back as he watches her, relaxed, and raises a brow ever so slightly as she admits to the veracity of his analysis of her records.

"I would be lieing if no one was worried about your past." he admits. "But I am of course not one of them. It would, firstly, be hyprocritical of me if I were as I come from similar circumstances and most would have more of a problem trusting me. You are human, and humans change their minds. I am, or was, programmed. So people tend to give humans who change their ways more 'wiggle room'." he tells her. "And secondly, no offense to the Brotherhood, but beyond a one or two members of that organization not one of them was of the same league as Ultron. It is not like Ultron had not analyized possible threats to his existance, and come up with counter measures."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue sipped her orange juice and listened to him, her fingers tapping gently on the counter top... gloved fingertips dulling the sound a little more than normal ungloved would.

A slow grin spread over her lips. "Ultron, huh?" Rogue said, her head shaking side to side. "Sounds like an important car from some weird swedish car factory." She raised her oj glass up for another sip.

AFterward, she lowered it once more. "Did Ultron kill the President of the United States?" She asked him then. "Cause Mystique did... and she calls herself my 'adoptive mother'."

Was she bragging about this? It might be hard to tell even if you're not a Synthetic person.

Vision has posed:
Vision Raises that hairless red brow once more. "The president is but one person, Miss Rogue, for all his power. He was killed by someone who was his wife, or at least whom he beleived was his wife. Who inserted herself over time, a lengthy covert operation. Ultron killed thousands. On a whim. In an instant. There is not much comparison." he adds. And no, he is not bragging. The thought obviously disturbed him a little, and he shakes his head.

"I am not saying Mystique, or Magneto, are not horrendiously competent and ruthlessly dangerous, because they are. But for all their power, for all they differentiate themselves from the rest of teh species, they and you are still human. And your imaginations are constrained by your humanity. Ultron.. was not human. He was so much less and so much more. Truly alien."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue wasn't a philosopher, by any means, but she certainly had her own opinions and viewpoints and though she saw his point... and her head nodded a couple times to what he said... she just had a clear indication on her face of something not settling right.

"Yeah, maybe... But. LIke... if a enemy country shoots missiles at the United States, ya know, the nuke variety. Who gets put into a plane and shot up inta the sky to be protected? The President. The rest'a us sods are left to fend for ourselves down here on the ground. Millions of us. Left t'burn in the fires of a barrage'a nukes."

Her head shook side to side. "While ol' POTUS is whisked away on the wings of his nuke-insulated jetplane." She shrugged her shoulders inside of her coat. "So it seems t'me like one person is a lot more important than thousands. At least on some level."

Another sip of her ornage juice was taken then and she flashed him a smile. "What do I know though? I'm just a southern bumpkin."

Vision has posed:
"Despite your sterotypical dismisal, jokingly made as it may be, your files show that you are ar from a 'southern bumpkin'." he states honestly. "And contrary to popular belief, you would probably be safer than a president in an air plane if nuclear strikes from an enemy nation were fired upon the US. the electromagnetic pulse would destroy the planes avionics, even if the plane was outside the blast zone, and the president would die in proceeding crash. And while the infrastructure of this country woule be severely damaged there are much less nuclear weapons available t enemies than popular culture tells you. Only enough for targets of tactical Interest. The majority of the population would survive."

He smiles now. "I would not worry much about nuclear war. Alien invasion would more likely, it seems."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue was a bit motionelss and stare-y while he explained all of that and she wasn't sure if any of it was true or not, but he seemed smart so it must be.. right? The teenager shrugged her shoulders. "Everything I learned about Air Force One, I learned from that Harrison Ford movie..." She sighed. "Can't remember the name'a that movie... God, It was good though!"

Another sip of her ornage juice was taken then and the girl reached out for a glass jar that hd pretzels in it. She plucked the glass lid off and then reached inside to grab a couple between her fingertips.

"I look forward t'aliens tryin' t'invade our planet. I'll not regret puttin' my fists through their ugly faces, with their big beady eyes. I'll be all like 'Probe this!' and then airate their heads." She grinned at him and popped a pretzel into her mouth.

Vision has posed:
Vision has to smirk at the youg woman's... perky if slightly uncouth confidence and he nods his head. "Indeed. We all look foreward to your alien anti-probing endevours." he tells her. See, he does have a sense of hunor. "Of course, remember that not all aliens will be your enemy. be sure you only.. airiate.. the ones who pose a threat." he advises her.

He is about to say mor when he suddenly becomes still, and then frowns. His gem flickers and projects a flat hologram in front of him.. like a floating computer screen. Matrix-like code scrolls down the translucent projection and he shakes his head.. yet the hologram does not move.

"You will have t forgive me, Miss Rogue, but a project I was working on is calling itself to my attention." he tells her and with a swipe of his hand, the holoscreen dissapears.

"We will talk again. Also, remember, there will be an assesment of your abilities at some point."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue chewed on some pretzels and she nodded her head at what he was saying. She glanced down at her phone on the pool table and then walked over toward it to get it. "I look forward t'passin' that test with flying colors, Miste'ah Vision." She said back at him... thinking back to about a year ago when the X-Men had made her take a similar test and she'd ace'd it and earned a spot instantly on their A-team. She expected the same here, even if it was probably not quite as easy to accomplish with the Avengers (how would she know that).

"Party on, Wayne." She told him as he left the room and she scooped her phone up into her gloved hand again.

Vision has posed:
Vision walked to the door, yes, happy in having met the newest future avenger, but when he comes to the doorway he stops and looks over his shoulder at her and nods one last time.

"Party on, Garth." he resonds, deadpan, but then winks once and he is gone... passing THROUGH the closed door. Because why not?!?