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Latest revision as of 18:24, 25 February 2018

Hi my Name is--
Date of Scene: 28 January 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Red Robin, Tigra

Red Robin has posed:
    "Avenger Tigra. You have a guest in the lobby. He was most insistent that he speak to you, and he assured me that once you met with him, you would forgive me for interrupting." The female staff member looks bemused and a little uncertain. She tentatively clears her throat. "I didn't get a great look at him, but he was some young guy? Wearing sunglasses. He goes by the name of Tim?"

    To Tigra's senses, the woman is holding something back. He heart rate is a little elevated, and her cheeks are a little flushed. "I don't know who red is, but if he is this one's older brother? Uhm, send him my way?" No one really appreciates just how young Greer is. The fur and her confidence mask her relative youth."Shall I tell him to buzz off?"

    For his part, the erstwhile Red Robin, here in a pair of sunglasses and a smart suit that he hopes ages him a little, and actually makes him look a little younger, is a basket case. He looks up at the lobby camera though. He makes sure he is seen, but too casually to be known for it. It calms his pounding heart a little. It has to. He's been seen now. He too-casually spritzes his mouth with a little breath freshener. His right hand fidgets and pushes through his hair. He cannot do it with his left hand. It's full of a dozen long stem red roses in the fist stages of bloom. Symbolism much, Tim Drake? His tongue moistens his lips before his teeth worry at his bottom lip a little. He's crossed the Rubicon, let the dice fall where they will.

Tigra has posed:
    Tigra is in one of the mansion's many lounges on the second floor, curled up on something comfortable and well-padded. Like her feline namesake. Slowly and deliberately she uncurls and rises, straightening and arching while her tail swishes back to life. "No. I will see him and what he wants, at least."

    Yes, she's bored. This could be either a good thing or a bad thing.

    Striding past the staff member, she makes her way towards the main staircase. When she reaches the balcony she regards the young man downstairs in the foyer. Her head tilts, nostrils twitching and tail swishing more rapidly. Forget the stairs. Tigra vaults lightly over the railing and -jumps- down to the floor below, knees bending deep to absorb the shock. Brows knit and she regards the young man in silence for a moment.

Red Robin has posed:
    Heart rate ticks up, just a hair. He's excited. A little scared. Scared? Or worried? They are very closely entwined emotions and it is maybe little hard to tell in this case. She can smell... roses. Peppermint. The jerk has a bag of catnip in his pocket too. Underneath it though. Old Spice Aftershave and deodorant. Under that, him. She knows his scent.

    His right hand rises up and he removes his sunglasses right there in the lobby. Beautiful blue eyes under those expressive dark brows.

    "Hi. Tim Drake. We've met?" The voice isn't the same. He lacks Red Robin's inflection. Confidence. THe timbre isn't as practiced, sure, or commanding. It's... his secret Identity voice? That smile though.

    Cheeky. Playful. Crooked. His smile is his though. "I, uhh, hope you remember me?" His tone betrays a little worry and uncertainty. "These, uhm, are for you?"

Tigra has posed:
    Tigra doesn't -quite- go into a crouch as she regards this... Tim. Nostrils twitch and her ears perk at the sound of his voice. No, it's not the same. Some of the smells are the same, however. Her tail swishes a bit more rapidly.

    She relaxes slowly and visibly. Rising onto the balls of her feet, she pads slowly closer. And she looks into his eyes all the while. The smile she knows, that much is certain, but she's only seen a glimpse of his eyes that one time.

    The flowers aren't exactly ignored, but they do take second place to other interests. Tigra leans in slowly, and very close. He can almost feel her heat and he can definitely hear her sniffing as she brushes her cheek against his own. The tail stops its swishing and curls around his right calf as she draws back, eyes brightening.

    "I -do- remember you!" she exclaims rather loudly. Strong hands grip his shoulders and she draws back a little for a better look. "Tim Drake." she declares. Flowers. Pretty, and they smell good as well. In the back of her mind she remembers that men give them to women they care about. "Thank you." Gingerly taking the flowers, it's pretty clear that she has no idea what to do with them.

Red Robin has posed:
    How close this comes to heartbreak is a little scary. Tim endures the examination. He doesn't twitch or react to it, even if he wants her to react in another way. Pushing the woman will result in nothing good. His voice clears, delicately. But when she rests her cheek against his, he pushes

    "I'm glad you remember me." Tim says warmly. "You left quite the impression on me." He admits it quietly. He holds the flowers over to one of the staffers. "Uhm, please get these in water for her room?" He attempts to pass them on over and along. His right hand pushes back through his hair with a soft, almost content sigh. His heart rate is going down. The worst is over. He's never done this before, and he means to never do it again. "I needed to thank you for the other night. You showing up when you did, well, it was a great relief,, and it salvaged my night. I cannot thank you enough for the time and efforts you have made. Thank you." That is the most oblique doubletalk he can manage.

Tigra has posed:
    Flowers. Staffer. Water. Yes. It's all good. Her tail untwines slowly and begins to swish again. Tigra's head tilts and she regards him quite curiously now, as if this was some sort of game. "You -are- him, but you don't act like him." she declares, keeping things vague. Yes, the feline understands keeping secrets.

    "Would you like to go somewhere to talk, Tim? You seem different. On edge." She pauses for a moment, then declares out of the blue. "My name is Greer. Greer Grant. Since we are trusting each other more, I want you to know who I was before... Tigra." And with that, she offers a furred hand. Palm-up.

Red Robin has posed:
    "Miss Grant? I would love somewhere to talk. I would kill for a place to talk." His smile tilts again. His own hand takes her. He clears his throat. "That's a beautiful name, for a gorgeous lady." Later, he might have to admit that it was not what he expected. But then, a part of him thinks that the last name will sound better as Drake. He nods his head. "It is I. I maybe do talk funnier, but then when I saw you last, it as in a different situation." He admits. "That can be rough on the voices of his mere mortals." The staff is so going to talk; he wasn't expecting that.

    Her claws could kill him. She is vastly more powerful than he is, but he attempts to leave a little kiss on the knuckles, then he will lower his hand. His palms are a little sweaty. He is nervous, or he was. He quietly mumbles, "Never realized how much support staff you guys have." And how many female staff members would be smiling. His cheeks show a little color.

Tigra has posed:
    Tigra seems pleased to be addressed as 'Miss Grant', and her smile shows it. Her hand takes his own, fingers lacing casually together. Her fur is soft and silky to his kiss, and she looks even more pleased to receive it. "I know this is difficult for you, putting on a new face. Thank you for showing me your real self."

    Giving his hand a light squeeze, she leads the way down a corridor into a smaller room. This one is smaller, with a TV and a gaming console along with a handful of chairs. Once in the room she releases his hand and brings her own to the amulet she wears. "I'm not concerned about the staff talking." she offers. "Would you like to see my human form?"

Red Robin has posed:
    "As long as it doesn't hurt." he leans over to shut the door behind her. She feels his momentum switch. She can out power him, but it is plenty obvious what he means to do. He attempts to whipcrack her back towards him and into his arms. Gently, he tries to press her back to the door as he lays his best kiss on her. He's trembling.

    Of course he's trembling. He just did the thing that he has trained to keep for years. He's given someone the key to the kingdom. It cannot be undone. His kiss is sweet, passionate, but also seeking reassurance of her own feelings." At any point, she can remove herself from the situation. She's far more powerful than he is.

Tigra has posed:
    Yes, she can anticipate what he's going to do. And Tigra doesn't stop him from doing it. Pressing back against the door, she drapes one arm over his shoulder and receives the kiss quite eagerly. She kisses back eagerly as well, sharing that intimacy that's become quite familiar between them. With her other hand she lightly touches the amulet.

    And while they kiss he feels a -change- in the woman. The confidence remains, but her strength and her demeanor seems to shift. Her fingers become smooth instead of furred, as does the rest of her. She pulls free of the kiss in time, and it's a very different woman that Tim now holds against the door. The curves are still there, but the sinewy muscle is softer. Her face is completely human, eyes blue and hair quite black. "Well, what do you think?"

Red Robin has posed:
    His eyes are still shut. He rests his forehead to hers for a moment. His hand gives her derriere a very bold sort of squeeze.That is also a first. She feels the hand rub over where her tail was for a moment.She can feel him draw in a breath. he is bracing for something?

    He leans back and then opens his eyes, and just looks her in the eyes. His cheeks go rosy. His smile starts to climb back upwards. "You didn't tell me you were beautiful like this too, Greer."

    If she was wondering which was the real voice, apparently it is Red Robin's. The deeper, more resonant, confident one. It rises a little in delight. He stares at her openly. "I.." He just looks utterly relieved, and very much infatuated. He hasn't had the guts to say the 'L word' yet. But here he is, showing her his face, and telling her his name. Obviously, she has him seeing a future with her.

    "Am I really shallow person to be relieved you are beautiful like this too?" His left hand slides up to caress her cheek. She has great skin!

    That right hand sure is settled right there on her derriere though as if he is afraid he won't get a hand back on it or something.

Tigra has posed:
    Her backside is smooth, but still rather firm. And it flexes with his squeeze. She laughs softly, the playfulness remaining as he looks at her. "Are you surprised?" she asks with that familiar smile. "Your eyes are very, very blue, Tim. I didn't expect your name to be something like Tim. I'm not sure exactly -what- I expected, of course."

    Greer smiles, then, gaze lowering in a genuinely coy manner she would never be able to pull off as Tigra. "I like it, though. Tim. And I like that you came here like this. For me." Her eyes meet his again, fingers running through his hair. Tousling it. "My personality is the same in both forms, although I don't have my strength or other abilities this way."

Red Robin has posed:
    "I miss your tail." he admits. Tim's cheeks blush more. "You do look younger like this. It can get lost under the fur and confidence that you are really quite close to my age." His cheeks remain red. She hasn't asked for his hand to leave, and it sure as hell is remaining right where it is. "Well, Greer wasn't what I was calling you either." He manages to tease back, his smile showing something new-- delight. His eyes actually sparkle as he smiles at her. "You struck me as maybe a Heather. Or a Katniss. Maybe an Emma. Not Greer. But, yeah. My... other look doesn't seem to shout 'Timothy Jackson Drake' to most people."

    His middle name is Jackson? He just lets his gaze linger on her. "Is it okay if I maybe start referring to you as, umm, my ladyfriend?" Obviously not a lot of those. "Only with your permission, Uhm, Miss Grant." He just squeezes her behind a little. His grin gets a little cheekier. He looks relieved. yes, relieved. Happy too.

Tigra has posed:
    Greer chuckles softly, and she nods in agreement. "I'm only 20, believe it or not. As Tigra, I'm a lot more worldly, though." She pauses, then adds. "Technically, I'm Greer Grant-Nelson. I was married for a short time to a detective before he was killed."

    There is a brief wash of sadness over her features, then she shifts her weight a little. Her backside flexes in his ever-present grip, and her expression becomes amused. Quite amused. "Tim. You're standing alone with me in a room, wearing nothing but a bikini, with your hand on my ass. You really don't need to call me 'Miss Grant'. And I'd like it very much if you referred to me as your ladyfriend."

    Greer pauses for a moment, then adds. "And don't worry about the tail. I do prefer to have sex as Tigra..."