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Latest revision as of 18:59, 25 February 2018

Hello Havok!
Date of Scene: 06 February 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Havok, Iron Man

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had been in her room when she'd gotten the texts, she was on her new laptop and just relaxing while browsing the interwebs. Being in the Avengers was waaaaay more chill than the X-Men, half the time nobody in the group was even in the mansion. This place had no loud kids running everywhere, it was just like a fancy rich ghost town of a huge ass home.

Rogue went downstairs to meet him outside the gate she escorted Alex in and took him on a light tour while doing some casual conversation and showing off a few things. She showed off her bedroom, passing it by on their way to here... the Den.

"Yeah, they keep alcohol in here which is nuts cause I'm only nineteen but none of them seem to give a shit." Rogue laughed softly and wen tot he kitchenette area. "So if you want a drink, they got just about every thing ever brewed up!"

The 19 year old southern belle is dressed in a green sweater that falls off of her shoulders showing the straps of a black tanktop beneath and she's wearing a pair of dark grey jeans and some leather heeled shoes.. and of course, gloves!

Havok has posed:
During the tour, Alex is most impressed and elated by the environment. The casual conversation on his end was more about 'what's in here', 'is this place run by alien tech', 'are they out on a mission', 'the carpet isn't green'.

When they reach the den and drinks are offered, Alex is quick to say, "Beer.. that'd be great." while he moves through the room to look out the windows and then take a seat on a couch.

His combat boots and black cargo pants are a staple for Alex. His shirt is often unstable molecules as well as his jacket. Otherwise, every time he blasts something, he'd be buying a new shirt/jacket. Those items are also black. He had removed his jacket and now lays it down beside him on the couch. When her attention returns to him from the 'bar area' he notes, "Generally it's not a thing when you've got super powers. Especially super endurance or some resistance to alcohol. I kinda expect you're immune to that anyway."

Rogue has posed:
The teenager moves to the fridge and opens it... she sorts through the large selection of beverages and draws out a bottle of foreign beer, some expensive dark amber ale thing. "Winter Brew." Rogue quietly mutters after reading the label.

For herself she grabs a bottle of tea though, as she's not really looking to drink in the afternoon. She prefers drinking after the sun's gone down and everyone's definitely asleep or out living their own weird adult-ish lives.

Rogue brings the beer bottle over to him and offers it to him while she sits down with a leg folding up beneath her other. "I'm not immune to alcohol, no. I get drunk after like two beers." She laughs softly while opening her tea. "I'll tell them I'm immune to it though, if it keeps'em off my ass."

Havok has posed:
Alex chuckles as he takes the beer from her and then drinks a bit, giving it a taste. After swallowing, he'll address his former teammate visually. Holding the beer in his left hand, arm on the rest of the couch, Alex will say, "So, here we are. Avengers Mansion. You're one of them now. Just like us, a bunch of misfits fighting for a common goal. But you're paid for it. Which is great."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue sits across from him and she sips from her own bottle of sweet tea and then just grins. "I totally went on a shopping spree on Sunday. Got myself all kinds'a shit... so yeah, this place is probably way to good to me. Cause like... at Xavier's, everyone was pushing me to do school'n such. Which is great, but stressful and generally a huge downer. At Strange's place? He wanted me t'go to college AND work with him on his magical stuff."

Her head is lightly shook side to side, the white bangs framing her face waving gently. "Also stressful, that stuff. Here? Its like they barely even know I'm around. They ring my phone if they need me for something. Like 'Hey, call Rogue she punches really hard!'"

Her dangerously bare shoulders shrug inside that off-shoulder sweater she's wearing. "So yeah. Staying here is great for everything except my college education."

Havok has posed:
"I seem to recall a conversation we had. Before I went to the other reality. We were talking about your future and the X-Men. Something about finishing your high school studies and then joining the X-Men. I never imagined you were into college, I think you hated high school. But the X-Men would have been the best choice. However, when I got back, you were all getting married. Sorry that went south. But now you're doing great. This place is amazing. Way better than the Avengers Mansion in the other reality. That place was a dump." Alex states, trying to speed through the past references and not wanting to dwell on the past, but more focused on the here and the now.

Iron Man has posed:
One of the little robots generally used to run errands all over the place in the mansion tottles its way in. it's flying, so the 'tottle' actually takes some effort, but that's really the best descriptor for the thing's somewhat uneven path.

It is metallic gold, with a rounded domed top, about the size of a volleyball, and has a broad section of face-plate with a variety of sensors and touch-screen. Three 'ear' flaps raise and lower as flight guidance, and the bottom has a circle of smaller repulsors that keep it aloft and functioning. It doesn't appear to have any arms, and is nearly silent, but not quite. It glides into the room and seems to scan over them, perhaps curious at the visitor.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just grins at what Alex said then and there, sitting in her corner of the sofa she slowly shakes her head again. "Yeah, I'm not ever gettin' married again. Not like that anyway, not so... public... And definitely not until I'm older and make a better choice in partner. Cause havin' your groom die in your arms, then come back in a mysterious way that has him refuse t'even tell ya? Yet you're pretty sure he's still stalkin' you and watchin' you when you least expect it?"

The teenager clears her throat then. "Clearly I made a questionable decision based solely on a pretty face, a smokin' body and a charmin' personality. Rather than... ya know, good traits." She shows a faint grin then and sips her tea again.

"I'm all done with highschool now though, got that finished before the horrible weddin' disaster. Did a semester'a college at NYU and now I'm considerin' goin' back and paying for it with my own dime earned here from this hero-work stuff."

Rogue's green eyes look over to the golden drone-bot-thing as it comes into the room. "One'a Tony's roombas is here. Speakin'a things watchin' ya and stalkin' ya..."

Havok has posed:
A blonde eyebrow is raised as the metallic gold floating orb enters the room. "Damn, and you've got all the best toys too. Does it actually clean the floor lika Roomba? Cause if it does, we need it. The students are way tired of cleaning and doing chores."

Alex will definitely skip over the past references to death and crap the Gambit does. He's never really liked the cajun and never went out of his way for him. Though he's always rooted for Rogue. He'll move on with the conversation, "NYU huh? Color me suprised. That's great news. Next question though, what are you gonna be when you grow up?"

Iron Man has posed:
"I have /far/ better things to do than to watch what you're up to," comes in a quite familiar voice from the voice comm inside the little robot. It's quite high quality, really, you can even hear some strain edged into Tony's voice. "I have ceilings to stare at in here. They don't stare at themselves," Tony informs Rogue. The little drone glides over to the bar area and skims its scanners over some of the various supplies there, 'subtle'.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue laughs at Havok's question about whether or not it vacuums. "I really don't know. I've seen some that do, but that one? I think thats just--" She cuts herself off though when Tony's voice emits from the robot. Her eyes go back over to it and she just stares at it.

"Really?" She asks. "You're usin' that thing as like a drone or something?" She cannot help but ask of it/him. "Why don't ya just come up here'n get a drink if ya want one?" She didn't know Tony was laid-up in the medbay... she'd been couped up in her room all day today, lost inside her own little bubble.

Rogue's stare goes back to Havok then and she grins lightly. "That uh... MIste'ah Stark, I guess? He's the one given me a paycheck t'fight badguys with my fists'a fury... And thats pretty much the best job I could ever hope t'find for my 'grown up' phase, wouldn't ya say?"

Havok has posed:
Alex's attention remains on the drone even as Rogue lists off the information about it being Stark controlling it remotely. His lips part and he aaaahs in recognition of the situation and revealation. "Oh now that's cool. I guess this means he could phone-in his presence during a super battle even from his hospital room. Way better than getting beat up. I mean, why would some multi-billionaire ever put himself in danger, I just don't know. We blue collar heroes should be the ones who get their hands dirty."

Alex says all of this as if he's been around Tony before. Not in this reality. <in the other>. And he's familiar with the process of teasing the fellow hero. Alex does it with a smile.

Iron Man has posed:
"And dental. We have great dental," Tony adds helpfully through the drone.

"Are you not on our obnoxious update lists, Rogue? I'm dying down here in medical. Most of it of boredom. Fortunately, I'm on such a cocktail of painkillers it's a magical time overall," Tony supplies, while the drone continues to scan and review options of liquor as if it were building a little database. It doesn't appear to be being piloted: the voice doesn't seem related to what the bot is actually doing.

"Also, hello new friend. We must have met: we're at the make-fun-of-Tony stage. Refresh me?" Cheerful.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's grin blossoms at Alex's words. "I don't think thats a road I wanna go down... It'll lead t'us all bein' like those humans were in that Wall-E movie. We're all fat'n just livin' our lives through hands-free technology."

She looks back to the Drony Stark when he speaks. "Woah, you're what?" She asks. "Why are you in medical? Did ya hurt yourself when ya smashed through that statue outside...? Cause ya looked fine, I mean, for the most part. Other than pale, kinda out of shape, and perhaps a little malnourished!"

Rogue then motions with her tea bottle and a gloved forefinger toward Alex. "This is Havok. He's one'a the guys from the Xavier's School who I used t'hang around and bother all the time cause he's super hot and would probably die at my weddin' if we were ever t'get married." Rogue grins at Alex then, just messing around with him, which was her usual form!

Havok has posed:
Alex looks up at the orb with a grin. He even chuckles as Rogue gives accounts that may or may not be true. "Havok, Alex Summers. Either way, Tony. You and I met in another reality. You wouldn't remember it. Different you. But same you, I'm guessing based on what the tabloids say about you. Either way... Good meeting you again. And yes, the make-fun-of-Tony is multiversal. I'm pretty sure you're the target of many fun loving, albeit very harassing, individuals."

Iron Man has posed:
"Your memory of my redistribution of objects in the yard seems to be questionable," Tony teases Rogue in return about him 'crashing' or something. "I'm sure I'd sent out a memo about it, but we're established you don't read those," Tony continues, but then suddenly the vocal cuts out, as if he severed the connection. When it returns, it's fairly clear he muted a huge chain of coughing, because it's still in his voice when he speaks again.

"Glad to be... famous for one of my best qualities: taking shit," Tony manages to get out, then silence again. The droid is just sitting, doing nothing, as if waiting for input from Tony.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue sits up a little higher on the sofa and puts her left forearm back across the back of it to look to the Tonybot. "Ha ha... I read them." She says while lifting her bottle of tea up for a drink. "Sometimes." She mutters against the brim of the bottle.

After the drink she looks between the two, Alex and Robot and smirks a little. "Its only cause ya put yourself out there so much. The more ya prance around in the public limelight the more people pick at ya, either friendly-picks or bad-picks. And I don't think there's that many people more spotlighted than you are, Miste'ah Stark." Rogue says this with a small smirk before looking to Alex again.

She points at him with her right hand! "He's one ya should put on this team too. He shoots out huge beams of energy that blast people away. He could be like the Avenger's 'Oh Shit Gun Guy'. Which I think is a totally awesome callsign."

Havok has posed:
Alex hahs when Tony mentions memos and Rogue. He even peanut gallery comments, "Don't believe her, she never read memos back at Xaviers."

Then comes Rogue's remark about him being on the team. He grins and nods, "Yep, that's me. The guy who can level a skyscraper with one shot. I'd fit right in with the destructive power of the Avengers. Though, I have my duties in Mutant Town, keeping the peace and making sure the mutants don't kill one another and doing my best to keep the kids on the straight and narrow."

Iron Man has posed:
"Have him audition for Cap. I am currently relegated to my wonderful ceiling staring. And certainly not doing /anything else/," Tony informs Rogue.

"I'm going to selectively /not/ hear that you call my PR 'prancing,'" Tony adds. "But it's kind of you to flatter with the truth about my extremely high popularity. It takes real effort, although indeed, most if it is just natural talent," Tony says, cool and amused. And masking the health difficulty he's clearly NOT having.

"Energy beams? Hmm. But. Does 'Havok' /also/ mix good drinks?" Tony inquires, as if that were a very important point.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue sighed and shook her head. "I tell myself I'm 'going to read them' and then the day flies by! I can't help it. I got stuff t'do!" She was a kid afterall, mostly anyway. Barely even 19 years old and she's lived a pretty extensive life up to this point, with some huge highs and some deep lows.

"Just do me a favor and stay off of Twitter, Miste'ah Stark. They're... they're not nice there." Rogue looks back ot the robot then. "Do ya need anything brought down to ya so you don't have'ta stare at the ceiling? Like a tv or something? There's an XBox thing here." She points at it across the room.

Rogue's eyes look at Alex then and she grins. "He just drinks beers."

Havok has posed:
Alex looks at the droid and then over to Rogue with a grin and a shake of his head in denial. He regards the drone when he answers, "I'm definitely no bartender. Just beer. Like Rogue says." Something beeps underneath his sleeve and he pulls it back to reveal some fancy watch looking thing that's flat against his arm. He reads the display and says, "Oh damn. Speaking of Mutant Town. I've got to get to work. Rogue, we'll catch up more." He stands, grabs his jacket and says, "Love your new digs. Tony, get better. You've got women to woo and liquor to drink." and he'll head for the door.

Iron Man has posed:
"I have all the access I need with my robots, although they keep getting removed from my room, which is bothersome. Supposedly I should be resting. I consider laying here the very definition of resting." A pause. "Obviously your smiling face coming on down would be amazing - and also wedging open the medical doors so that I can send my robots where I want from whatever was done to them in a silly attempt to make me rest-would be great."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue would wave to Havok as he left, having gotten up off the sofa also to walk with him out of the room. After that was done, she looked back to the Tonybot and she just grins at him. "Right. Okay. Let me get my laptop and I'll head down there. I'll talk your ear off about all the things I plan t'buy and the classes I wanna enroll in this summe'ah." She says all of that in that sultry sort've southern charm way that was almost always lacing her words and mannerisms.

Rogue would move on down the hallway to the room she'd been assigned which was loaded up with all the things she'd purchased for herself on Sunday, including said laptop.

Within moments she was onher way down to sit with the medically needy Tony.