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Latest revision as of 19:01, 25 February 2018

Log 3812
Date of Scene: 06 February 2018
Location: Avengers Mansion, New York City
Synopsis: Several Avengers chat in the mansion
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Thor, Vision, Black Widow (Romanoff), Black Knight

Rogue has posed:
Rogue has a pushcart... Tony told her where to find it in the garage. He wanted various things brought down to him in the medical lab, and after propping the medlab door open with a marble statue for him so that his drone-bots can fly in and fly out... she's gone off to do some more errands for him.

Hey, if he's paying her a thousand dollars a week to do errand-girl stuff, she's fine as hell with that!

The pushcart has a few boxes on it loaded with tech stuff, a computer and two monitors. She's pushing it into the Den/Study now and moving toward the kitchenette area now to get him some of the drinks and snackfoods he wants.

All the while the mutant teenager's humming along to some tunes from her phone, a bright yellow earbud cord haning down from either of her ears benath her draping brown/white hair.

Thor has posed:
    Thor has claimed a spot on the sofa in the den, or to be more descriptive, the God of Thunder has claimed the entire sofa. The not young man has one arm across the back of the couch with his thick fingers strumming away a non-tune agaisnt the wooden frame beneath the thick leather fabric.

    "I always forget how droll Midgard can be from time to time. This god could use a bout of action any minute. Can Avengers become door to door heroes?"

    Thor teases with a roll of his eyes to look up towards the lazy spinning fan.

Vision has posed:
A sweater clad Vision floats through the far wall into the den, as he is wont to do, a book in hand. The synthezoid hovers serenely towards a chair and stops, mid flight, looking at the Asguardian hogging the couch and the mutant wheeling in a cart of.. stuff. He raises a hairless brow a moment, frowning.

"Greetings Thor Odinson. Greetings Anna-Marie Carlyle." he intones, the motions to the push cart. "Are those for Anthony Stark? I was under the impression from Doctor Hank McCoy's notes that he should be resting and not exerting himself in any manner for approximately a week." he then looks to Thor. "Which I also believe includes any sort of 'action', as you call it.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Tired of sitting in the monitor room, Natasha comes wandering in with a bottle of water in hand, dressed down for the moment in a pair of jeans and a green blouse. A pair of short boots cover her feet. "I don't think there is such a thing," she says in answer to Thor as she stops at the door way and leans against the frame. "I mean most people don't need a hero. They need a plumber or electrician. Though, I suppose you might be able to help out with the latter. Maybe the former in some ways." She doesn't elaborate, smirking a bit.

She glances at the cart that Rogue is pushing then arches a brow at the instructions from Vision. Well, relayed by Vision. "Tell him I took the cart away from you. That way he's mad at me, instead of you."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue glanced over to see the Thunder God on the sofa, she can't hear what she sees his lips moving to say cause of her headset, so she reaches up to pull them out. "You look more bored than a nerd at a football game." She says to the big guy, grinning across the room at him when Vision floats on in and interrogates her about her cart of supplies. "Uh, oh... uh. I mean. Look... He writes my paychecks, right? And ya know whats worse than Miste'ah Stark getting all this stuff he's not supposed t'have?"

She looks over at the pretty redheaded lady she's seen around but not ever spoken to. "Miste'ah Stark when he's bored and can't put that crazy mind'a his on anything."

She points to the sofa that Thor is laying on. "I had a guy friend over here earlier and Miste'ah Stark sent a robot drone thing up here with a audio feed on it. Ya know how weird that is? My friend totally took off."

Thor has posed:
    "Ah haa! A worthy cause indeed!" Thor says as he pracitcally leaps from the couch to step up in front of Rogue and the cart she is pushing along. His blue eyes then turn with a thankful glance towards Vision's hairless face and nods curtly. "Well met Vision. You are requiring a surname, as I'm inclined to call you Vision the Red Skinned, but I'm told that is in the poorest of taste." Thor says with a frown before he looks toawrds Natasha.

    "I am not a plumber, or an electritian. I am a warrior, with a thirst for blood and combat. I know not a think about indoor trees or lightning in puny wires." Thor says before he looks to the couch Rogue points at. "Tony's mind is ineth his head, of course he can't put it on anything." Deadpanned and completely serious.

Vision has posed:
Vision floats over to the chair he was eyeing before and settles down into it's cushions, just as Natasha enters. "Good evening, Agent Natasha Romanova." he greets her as he leans back and crosses his leg over another.. All he is missing is a pipe! He closes the book he was reading and sets it in his lap. The cover is inscribed "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Repair."

He then returns his gaze to Rogue and cants his head. "Mister Stark just had major Thoracic Surgery. He needs to rest and recover. If he is bored, surely there are less 'active' ways to alleviate his boredom. Perhaps he requires a mild sedative? Regardless, if he does /not/ rest he could exacerbate his condition which could prove detrimental to his mortality and then you would have no one to pay you a thousand dollars per week for services rendered" he explains.

To Thor he frowns slightly. "Why would that be in poor taste..." he ask a moment, then blinks once as a net search is implemented. "Ah, yes, I see. Because of negative connotations involving the use of that description in regards to those of Native american ancestry."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Tony could use a little boredom. And sleep. I second the sedative if we're voting," Natasha says as she enters the room, settling onto the couch that was just vacated by Thor. She doesn't even try to explain the joke to him. The moment was lost already. No getting it back. She leans back, one arm draped atop the arm of the couch as she looks to Rogue.

"Sorry, we haven't been introduced before. SHIELD seems to think I should spend all my time here doing paperwork for them." She shrugs then gives the younger woman a smile. "Natasha Romanova. And you are...Rogue?" Since she has heard the girl's name but isn't sure what she wants to be called by almost strangers.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue releases her gloved hands off of the car and she just leaves it where it is, folding her forearms over her stomach and exhaling softly. "Fine." She quietly says. "I mean, yeah, I don't wanna be the one who gets him killed." She glances over to Natasha. "Thats me... yep. I'm surprised SHIELD hasn't briefed you all about me." They probably have. "I'm the one who put Carol in a coma a few years back... She and I are on good terms now though."

Those lats bits were said while the young teenage southern gal walked her way over to Thor's side, eyeing his arm, eyeing the musciesl more specifically. She reaches out with her right gloved hand and pokes a gloved finger at his bicep. "Are these real, or are you on some kinda drug? Like what Doctor Sweater there is suggestin' we shoot Tony up with t'make him not bored."

Thor has posed:
    Thor scrunches his face as he mulls over the Vision's words and then says aloud but not towards anyone as he's connecting the dots. "If his mortality is endangered that would be good right? He'd go from mortal or immortal. I see no negatives."

    Thor then looks over to Natasha and extends a beefy hand. "You know I offer to use my hammer as a paper weight, once I find the blasted thin-- Can I help you?" Thor asks, looking down to the index finger against his bicep and following the arm up to the shoulder and then further still to the mutant's green eyes. He doesn't move, almost like a statue he is until the words "This appears to be one of those hash taggeth me too moments."

Black Knight has posed:
    There arises on the roof such a clatter that⦠oh. It's Dane and his horse. No, really. Look who is back? The horse is apparently being stubborn. It is rare, but it happens. "Damnit Valinor. I said we are going to go home. Why are we here? No, you greedy guts, you are not asking her for an apple! No1 Don't you dare! You stubborn.. I say thee nay!" there is a heavy fall of hooves on the roof and a trumpeting stallion making a mocking call.

    An armoured man plummets past the window, then there is a thump and a creak as he catches himself with one hand on a window sill just outside the window. "By the veil, I will turn you into glue."

    He hauls himself up a little, and the helmed and armored man lifts a fist to tap at the glass for a moment with a couple of fingers. "A little help, if you please?" he calls to the voices he hears. "Valinor got it into his head that i need to be social, so it seems." He is holding himself up on the sill with one arm, and seems he can do it for quite a while. Still, he does tap ever-so-politely at the window. Gently rapping, rapping at the window. Tis just this, and nothing more.

Vision has posed:
Vision frowns, his usually perfectly smooth forehead wrinkling ever so slightly. "Miss Carlye I do not believe I suggested we 'shoot' Mister Stark up. I am sure a oral sedative slipped into his jello would do just as easily if not more so." he says to rogue with a perfectly deadpan face.. though there IS an amused glint, barely in his eye.

Again, to Thor, he stares.. and then actually sighs. "I understand your species exhibits signs of enhanced longevity and, apparently, a form of transcendence when your life functions cease but I assure you that is not the case with Mister Stark. Should he expire, Mister Stark would be the embodiment of the exact oppsosite of Mortal. He would be put to bed with a shovel... Lose the number of oneâs mess.. Ride old Charonâs Ferry-boat... Snuff oneâs glim... Climb the six foot ladder.. In otherwords he would expire."

He doesn't look all that startled as Dane appears at the window. "Perhaps you should have come in through the main level doors?" he calls out.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
At the sound of the clatter from above, Natasha actually pauses and looks toward the ceiling. Then the voice is at the window and that oh-so-polite knocking as though on the front door wanting to sell something. She rises from her spot on the couch and moves to the window where she looks at the dangling figure for a long moment.

"How do we know it's really you and not someone pretending to be you? Thor, smite him if he tries anything." She has no doubt he's Dane in truth. It simply amuses her. She opens the window then offers a hand to help pull the Knight inside the building.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue looks up to Thor and just grins at him and his hashtag joke. "I understood that one." She said to him before she looks over to Vision and grins at him too. "Nows your chance to bend MIste'ah Stark over a medical bed and inject some drugs into his butt. He can't fight it cause for all he knows its the proper proceedure for his condition! Imagine the hits that video would get on Youtube. You'd be insta-famous." Yep, she's young and its 2026... she's all about the Youtubes.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Rogue took her finger off Thor's arm then. "Forgot that was still there." She says with a flirty grin up at him before, well... Santa Dane arrives.

The teens eyes look over to the window and watch Natasha go to aide him. "Hmm... You guys really do just kinda fall outta the woodwork around here. I've been here like three or four months." A couple weeks, actually. "And barely seen anyone."

Black Knight has posed:
    "Thanks for the tip, Vision!" Black Knight looks up at Natasha, and through his helm, one can see a twinkle in his eyes. "Who the hell else would want to be me, 'tasha?" his voice is warm, but that deadpan layered under it is unmistakable. He will accept a hand up into the room with another deadpan smile. "Horse is being cranky. I rode the other one too much while i was gone, and he got competitive.' His eyes settle on Rogue. "Black Knight." he introduces himself.

    "Were we  ever that young?" he asks Tasha with a soft, wistful smile.

    A black shadow glides over the window, as Valinor, the bat-winged, black stallion alights in the yard, and gives a little triumphant swish of his tail. He snorts. Black Knight pulls in a breath, and sighs, :Stubborn beast." he flicks his gaze to Tasha. "I blame you. He must have smelt you. He's sweet on you." The horse flicks his tail in denial and almost seems to wink at Natasha.

    "I'm sorry. You try to raise them right, but he just seems intent on being a jerk." he points at the horse with two fingers, back at his own eyes, then back at the horse. 

Thor has posed:
    "Vision, I am no fool. I understand the concept of death. I personally have sent countless to theirs." - Thor was saying before he cuts himself off. His hand moves to Rogue's head and gently ushers her out of his way before he moves on towards the window.

    "Natasha, I do believe you hath spoken my favorite words." The god stops not far from the window with his enourmous arms crossing before his broad chest and locking his arms with his hands against his biceps. "Dane, you best be praying you are truely the one you claim to be." Thor says with a most serious scowl upon his face.

Vision has posed:
Vision looks like he is about to respond to Thor when he goes still, like he is frozen in a single moment, then he unpauses and frowns. "You will have to excuse me. I believe I need to pay a certain bored billionaire technology magnate about what is and isn't acceptable regarding the attempted intrusion upon one's private network." he says, a but darkly. he sets the book aside and then starts to phase downwards, through the chair and the floor.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Very quietly, Natasha answers Dane's question about youth. "I know I never was." The words are said lightly, not letting on to the fact of the truth behind the statement. She has been careful to keep her real age to herself, a well kept secret that only a handful know. As the winged horse lands on the lawn, she shakes her head a bit and focuses on the man who had been riding it. Before the beast got a mind of its own. "I think he's sweet on anyone that will give him sugar cubes or apples. In other words, your steed is easy."

She moves back to the couch before Thor has a chance to sprawl his bulk all over it again, settling down at the end she had just vacated. "We seem to wander in here in cycles," she admits to Rogue. "We all try to take monitor duty so there is someone here if there's a call but yeah, sometimes the wayward sons and daughters show up with no warning. And in the most unusual ways."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue was pushed out of the way by Thor's hand, and she accepted that fate and came to seat herself on the arm of a chair beside the sofa while she was observed by this Dane fellow. "Black Knight?" She asked. "I watched that movie like a week ago... it wasn't very funny. Mm... it had its moments, I guess." She clears her throat then and watches Vision make for the exit like only he can. "Whats his story, anyway?" She had to ask, cause well... the guy was interesting, in an alien-kind of way.

A moment later and she stands up and moves to the window to look at the flying horses. "These are yours?" She asks Dane then. "Wow... I'm, completely and totally jealous." Rogue raises Havok's beer up that he left on the table and she ships it... having swiped it on the way to the window!

Thor has posed:
    Thor remains silent, and standing ominously, his arms still crossed and before Dane. He's been set to guard duty by Natasha and will remain in such a state until he's been called off by his superior like a good guard dog. The blond man's large body keeps square with Dane yet he turns his head towards the two far younger women in the room and he shrugs his shoulders. "I do not wander anywhere in cycles. I use mine own boots and feet like any Asgardian without their mystical hammer."

Black Knight has posed:
    "I can vouch for my identity." Since they are using his name, the pretty young lady must be okay. He removes his helmet. Scruffy 5 o'clock shadow, big blue eyes. Nice bone structure. He looks like a fairy tale prince who forgot his razor. That's Dane Whitman.

    His eyes are sad as he looks at Natasha. He nods. "To me you are." He tells her. It isn't him flirting. It is him simply reminding her that in his eyes, she is not the weapon that they made her. She's simply Natasha. He grins at Thor, then offers his hand to Rogue. "Dane Whitman. Black Knight. Engineer and nerd with a deathwish. That is Valinor. The white one is Strider. Feed him an apple, and like 'Tashsa said, they will love you forever. I am sure there is a lesson about men and people in there, but a refuse to pay that sort of attention. They're mine, and I am theirs. Its complicated, but then most things regarding magic usually are. As to Vision? His story to tell.""

    He gives Thor a wink. "You drink beer for free at my castle, you better remember who I am, Odinson." His grin widens, and he offers his hand to the Thunder God.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
It's tempting to keep Thor that way all night. It wouldn't be right, but it's tempting. "He's good, Thor," she says a bit reluctantly. She picks up her water bottle and twists off the top. Taking a sip, she falls silent to let the others socialize a bit, just paying attention and listening instead of participating for the moment.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue looks from the Black Knight, to the horsies out side down on the lawn and then back over to the Black Knight. She reaches a gloved hand over to his and shakes it. "Rogue." She introduces herself. "I suck people's souls outta their bodies, and I leave'em lifelessly bound to permanent comas. Among a whole host'a other things." She says to him, emphasizing her words with a sly smile.

With another sip of the beer, she then pushes it out toward Thor and waggles it back and forth. "Hark! Godly one. I serve'th ye nectar of the Angels'n stuff. Drinketh and forever shall ye loins be happy'n things." And more bottle waggling at the Asgard as she grins, playfully screwing around with how he talks.

Rogue glances over to Natasha then. "Is it racist t'talk to an Asgard like that?" She asks in a loud whisper.

Thor has posed:
    Thor errupts with a bout of laughter and his hand reaches forward not to grasp Dane's hand, but to instead clasp the man's wrist in a full on heavy Asgardian greeting. It's like a handshake, but deeper and stronger with more of a warriors greeting to it. "As long as you get stronger beer, Thor will always fight at your side Black Knight." The god says before laughing again and turning around to walk over towards the couch and gets in a stare down with Natasha over her taking his former seat.

    Thor takes the bottle from Rogue's hand and upturns the bottle directly to his mouth. "That is the weakest kind of infant alcohol. I feel I should be-est offended by the whole of Midgard." The Nordic being teases.

    The god quickly backs down and drops himself with a heavy clap and a groan from the couch under the heavy load falling on it. Thor then lifts both of his feet to sit down on the coffee table with his heals causing the glass to strain and pop briefly under his weight.

Black Knight has posed:
    Thank the heavens Thor does not crush the hand. Dane's smile betrays a little twinge at that. "Good to see you Thor. And I'm brewing my own now. Something stronger."

    "Rogue." Dane's tone is resonant. "If ever you need to kill someone with one my swords, do not use the black one. It carries a blood curse that will slowly drive me mad with bloodlust and turn me into a literal stone-hearted killer with a tenuous grasp on humanity." His eyes flick to Thor for a moment. There is a little nod, "And if Thor kills me afterwards, I asked him to. So, if you want to talk about life being unfair, and things sucking, and generally wanting someone to listen to you about your negative thoughts and feelings⦠come talk to me."

    "That was heavy." He deadpans as he grasps her hand and gives her a warm look. "Just if you need help? The Avengers are family. A dysfunctional mess of one, but a family." He gives a little nod at that and pushes a hand through his hair. "Are you old enough for that drink young lady?" He looks from the others to her.

    He's surprising himself. Why does he care if this poor damaged teenage girl drinks beer? Crap. Are these fatherly emotions? "Crap." He mutters. "I'm the killjoy."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
There is a faint chime and Natasha pulls a phone out of her pocket. She touches the screen and a moment later is getting to her feet, stepping over Thor's legs on her way to the door. "I need to go. If you all will excuse me." She pauses just before she goes outside, glancing back to Dane with a dark smile. "And if Thor doesn't, I'll put a bullet through your left eye. Goodnight."

And with that flat comment, she leaves the room.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue smirks softly at Thor. "I didn't make it..." She says in regard to the super weak beer. She walks past him and Dane and glances back toward Dane. "I'll have t'remember that, it sounds all very... heavy metal." She shows a light grin while she moves toward the kitchenette area to get another drink out of one of the boxes on the push-cart she was going to take down to Tony but no longer is allowed to do!

So she snags a wine cooler of some kind and opens it up to sip on it.

"This place really has some colorful folks." She notes while the redhead makes her way out of the room again. "We should all put on sweaters like that Vision fella, and take a family photo togethe'ah."

Thor has posed:
    Thor lifts his chin when Natasha climbs over him to get out of the room. He's finally gotten comfortable, he's not going to move for anyone, especially Natasha. She's capable of walking on the ceiling, so climbing over his tree trunk sized legs.

    "Bring me on-- Oh, you're back already." Thor demands of Rogue and sighs as things seem to be slowing down back into the humdrum of boring monotony and he's resigning himself to just deal with it. Name-Brand Raiden rolls his head back and closes his bright blue eyes with a soft sigh as he spreads out further across the leather couch. "And thus we return to the droll of Midgard."

Black Knight has posed:
    "I will hold you to that, Natasha." He stuffs his hands into his pockets. Oddly, that makes him feel better. He knows she won't miss. "I love you too, Natasha." He feels warm and fuzzy. He is actually smiling, as if that gave him a warm and fuzzy feeling. "Hey, hey! Drinking age." He says it with that warm voice though. He sort of gestures at her and gives up, shaking his head with a little, small, soft sigh. "I'm not your dad. It's fine." He lifts his left hand to massage at his temple with his left hand. He moves over towards a chair There is a flash of white, and his armor vanishes, leaving him in a t-shirt and slacks. He flops into a chair, and grimaces as he pulls his lightsaber hilt out of his side and grimaces. He rubs at his hip and rolls his eyes. The armour and the other swords vanished, ut the technological one remained. He was, after all, just grousing about magic being weird. He slowly lifts his feet up to rest them on a table. He lifts his brow at Thor. "She your beer maiden?" He gives a little nod. "Cool." 

Rogue has posed:
Rogue walked over to the sofa and offered Thor the alcoholic beverage. "Here, this one is fruity... Maybe thats more unlike what you're used to. Different is good, right?" She asks him and shows a faint smile before she sits down on the arm of the sofa and puts her gloved hands on the tops of her thighs.

Rogue slowly nods her head then. "Yep. 'Midgard' is pretty damn boring. Which is why ya have t'get yourself onto the internet. Like the rest of us do." She gives him a big sidelong grin. "You could be starin' at cat videos all day, rather than the damn ceilin' fan."

Thor has posed:
    "Rogue, you must become more observant. Mine eyes art closed." The god explains as he remains seated on the couch and suddenly begins to snore softly about ten seconds later.