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Latest revision as of 19:01, 25 February 2018

Date of Scene: 16 February 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: In which Darcy goes on a blind date but isn't able to get a happy ending, and Skye can't believe Darcy. Or This is Why Boobs Rule.
Cast of Characters: Darcy Lewis, Quake

Darcy Lewis has posed:
It took hours of IMs and a few nudes, but contact was made with a member of the Rising Tide and Skye was tracked down. Darcy was able to get one message to her, and so Darcy had to make sure it was the perfect message to summon her friend.

--Your code's shit, but I still love you. Can I lick you? Meet me at Pho King Noodles, Tuesday 8pm. Will rock your world.--

Without a name associated? Who's to know whom it was from!

Quake has posed:
When the message had come through, Skye had been.. well, surprised wasn't the word. Okay, surprised was the word. That it was Darcy of all people who had tracked her down via legit means, and not Skye stumbling into her, had been something of a shock. A pleasant shock, but a shock.

Of course she knew it was Darcy. That wording? Not single other person it could be.

Skye'd been supposed to meet with Miles and the unknown benefactor of Rising Tide, but that meeting had been postponed. If it weren't for that, Skye wouldn't have found her way to Pho King at the appointed time. As it was, she'd thrown back a:

>>You keep saying that. I don't think you know what it means. Expecting dinner.

She got there early.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
It was a relief to have gotten a message back. Darcy got to the restaurant, eyes skimming the crowd as if she were on a blind date. The least awkward blind date, because Darcy knows exactly who she's meeting up with.


"Some Pho King before some fu-cking?" Darcy quips as she approaches the table, dressed as if she were indeed on a date. Tight and low-cut top, skinny jeans (fuck you all thinknig curvy girls can't wear skinny jeans), and a jacket to ward off the chill. She even wore her contact lens tonight, so the eye makeup is easy to see and tastefully done to make her eyes look large and luminous and purple.

Contact lenses were mentioned, yes?

Darcy, dressed to kill.

Quake has posed:
Hells bells. Was /THAT/ Darcy? Double-U. Tee. Eff.

Yeah, Skye stared. A lot. Lips quirking with amusement at the typical Darcy line flying from the other woman's mouth.

"Fuck Darce, sit before you cause a scene. And you brought backup with you, I will kill you." She shakes her head, scowling faintly now. "You have any idea how much trouble you're in? Cavorting with the enemy?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
BEFORE I cause a scene? Fuck you. I AM the scene. Darcy settles herself into the chair across from Skye, a smile on her lips.

"Please, Skye. My ass is all the back up I need," comes the reply just before the waiter arrives. Sodas are ordered along with a bowl of pho and beef. Darcy knows what she wants tonight, apparently.

"I like to live dangerously. Besides, I'm still under the belief that you're being held against your will and need a rescue. Your boytoy's a fucking pussy, so I'll be your Knight in Shining Armor, because I fully intend to wine and dine you, then take you home and tie you to my bed."

She's just playing.... Right?

Quake has posed:
Skye lets Darcy order for the two of them. Hell, if Darcy is the scene, let the waiter think Skye's the girl. Not that Skye came dressed to kill..

When the waiter has left again, Skye goes back to shaking her head at Darcy. "Clint is not a pussy. When'd you see him anyway?" There's a slight chance Darcy caught him pre-figuring out what was going on, and at that point she had no doubt he was being a whiny assed suck. Which was also amusing. And had her smiling to herself. Damn he loved her.

Cue one very goofy look look from Skye.

Then things catch up to her. "Wait, what? We're tying me to whose bed? Why? Shit Darce, I have a boyfriend. Remember him? The whiny assed pussy you're badmouthing to me?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Allowed to order for them both, Darcy does so.

"Day after a duplicate Christmas gift got in. Had to hand deliver it to his old place, which by the way was a complete and total hazmat zone. Fucker hadn't taken out hte trash in what looked like weeks. TOld him off. And yes. I know who your boyfriend is. And that he opted to get drunk off his ass instead of track you down, and then whine to me about getting shot as the reason he left this to a fucking case manager..." Darcy's words trail off in a light growl.

"He can't do yo ulike that, Babe. So, I'm here to kick ass for you. And you're getting tied to MY bed. Pussy-bitch can come watch, take notes."

Quake has posed:
"Woah. Back the fuck up. What duplicate Christmas gift?" Skye can't, for the life of her, figure out what it might be that Clint had gotten two of, let alone something she'd..

And then it hits her. "Wait, are you saying he got another bow?" She sounds disbelieving. Like how could they fuck that up, right? And the thing was damned expensive - they wouldn't have just sent another by accident and not asked for it back.

Skye frowns again, "Darce? Uh.. oh hell. This is just getting to be a mess. And I can't go back with you. Nice joke and all, but I can't. As for Clint, what? Smelt like a brewery? Was wallowing in his own filth? Hadn't shaved in days?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"A fucking bow. I don't know. I back traced the order. You placed it weeks before Christmas, under Skye Johnson-Barton. Which was fucking hilarious, by the way. By the ordering records I got, there was back order and then stupid dock mishandling having it lost for ages. If he hadn't shown me the dupe, I wouldn't say that was the only one ordered, ever," Darcy replies, before it hits her.

"What's a mess?"

Cue noddle and drink arrival. Darcy waits for the waiter to scram before pressing.

"Wasn't really a joke, Skye. I'm fucking worried as hell. You're not on the other side, so don't try to make me sound like a fucking idiot. If you'd really turned coat, you'd have fucked all our computer systems six ways to Sunday and then up the ass on that day of rest. I know you," Darcy says while squeezing lime into her soup and adding some of the garnish they brought on a small plate.

"Yes, Clint's been fucked. Hasn't showered. Doesn't leave his house. He's pining, and it's fucking stupid."

Quake has posed:
Skye thinks back to the day she ordered. "I don't get it. The thing wasn't on back order. It came. I was there when it came." Though she allows a hint of a smirk. "Heh. Oh god, I'd forgotten about using that name. Guy thought I was Wasp. I just wanted the fucking Avenger discount. So he makes it out like I'm having an affair with Clint, only he can't say anything, because I'm this Wasp, whoever she is. It was supposed to be funny, only I bet he thought it was some sort of crass poke at marriage or some shit."

"No worries. We didn't run off and get married and not tell you."

Skye waits until the Pho is settled in front of them, dishing some of the raw beef off her plate into the steaming broth to let it cook.

"All of this is a mess. Though, kudos to you for tracking me down. That was pretty clever. As is figuring out what a line of bullshit this all is. Don't think anyone else sat back and considered what I'd have done to SHIELD's computers if I'd intended to bolt for real." Well, okay, she did have those secret back doors. They were one good reason not to burn the system. But honestly, if she'd planned on screwing SHIELD over the way she had and not just disappearing quietly, she'd have burnt the mainframe to the ground, and then bombed the ashes.

Darcy wasn't anywhere near as stupid as people thought.

"It's an act, Darce," she says finally, of Clint. "All of it. Has been since not quite a week after I left."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy rolls her shoulders of Bow Gate.

"Thank God for that. I demand to be your Maid of Honor and throw you the most unclassiest of parties. Also, I am going dress shopping with you. Period," Darcy says of weddings. The beef is added last, right before she sets to eating, because Medium Rare is a thing. Mouth full of noodle, Darcy listens as Skye gives up the game which she'd mostly guessed at. She finished that mouthful before wiping at her face.

"He's a fucking good actor then. And I'm not apologizing until he fesses up that he -was- acting and apologizes for lying to me about it. As if I can't keep a fucking secret. Fuck, far as he knows, I can help. His loss," Darcy replies, slurping her broth before leaning in.

"Speaking of, what's the mark and how can I Facebook him into nothing?"

Quake has posed:
Skye shrugs. "Think hell will freeze over before a wedding happens, Darce. But you can take me dress shopping and throw me a part anytime you want." Which she'll likely regret saying, had she stopped to think about it at all.

"He's a fucking good actor because he needs to be, Darce. If folks thought this wasn't real, I'd be in danger. You tell me who has the best reasons to bullshit their way through this? Besides, he was a mess at first. I made a shit call on telling him at the beginning of the op. And I have no clue who the mark is yet. Until I I do, I'm in balls deep."

She shrugs. Her beef really should have waited, but hey, it's Skye. She doens't cook. Ramen with a sprinkle of spices is a delicacy.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"I'll call Hell tomorrow and start making arrangements," Darcy quips, winking and not repeating Skye's promise of dress shopping and parties. Nope. Not giving Skye a reason to try to back track that. Darcy's just going to file that away for later.

"Dude, chill. I get what he's got to do. I still want a fuckin' apology," Darcy retorts around another mouth of noodle. She chews, swallows, drinks broth, and ponders.

"Well.... I found you via Reddit Mods and strategically sent nudes. I'll see if I can't keep pressing, find someone else. I like your balls and want a turn," Darcy says.

Quake has posed:
Skye smirks, and slurps her noodles. Noodles she knows. These fuckers are goooooood.

"Sure, beat an apology out of him. I'm not his keeper. But I do want front row seats."

"Oh, god, Darce. Nudes? Really? And my balls are spoken for, chicka. We talked about it. We don't share. But if we did, you'd be on the list." She winks.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"I'm getting on the list," Darcy deadpans, face suddenly so completely serious it is almost frightening. And then Darcy grins, back to coy and zero shame.

"My tits are amazing. Just wait and see what I get when I send video of me deep throating."

Quake has posed:
Skye mouths, 'okay' about that getting on the list. "Someone might want to tell Clint that."

She'd just put a mouthful of noodles to her lips when Darcy's deep-throat extravaganza is spoken of, and with that, Skye actually chokes on noodles and broth. "Okay, May owes me an apology. She said you had filter. More filter than me. You sure as fuck have no filter." Because, of course, it's Darcy, and Skye isn't even going to consider the woman might be joking about that comment.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Nah. He can figure it out for himself. He's a big boy," Darcy retorts, slurping up noodles and grinning as her comment draws a choking cough. Just like a thirteen inch sausage can.

"May's not wrong. I have a filter. I just don't always know where I put it. Right now, I have zero fucks to give to this random bullshittery," she adds. And of course she's serious about DT Vids. That Admin might know more than he originally let on. Another healthy bite of noodles is taken.

Quake has posed:
"Fair enough," Skye murmuurs. "Look, Darce, I went to Fury about this. I called the op. It's not a game. The Index shit is just the tip of the iceburg. If I hadn't gotten in when I did, we'd be up shit's creek. And the contact you made in Tide for me? If you can, put a good word out for him. He's good people, Darce. I don't want to see him burn."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy stays leaned in, one hand leaving her noodles to reach across to rest atop one of Skye's hands. To anyone else, the Lesbian is flirting hella hard. Especially when Darcy stretches out a foot to look like she's rubbed against Skye's leg.

"I know it's not a game, Skye. I don't get serious about games. I'll talk up anyone you need. Anything to help you and bring you home safe."

Quake has posed:
Skye digs around in her noodles. "Appreciate it Darce. I'd kinda like to get back home safe myself. They're not kidding around this time." As the Saffron shooting suggested. Skye was still convinved it had been Rising Tide had done that, not SHIELD.

She lets her fingers linger in Darcy's - not just because of the whole deflection of the lesbian couple scenario, but because Darce was one of her tribe. One of the people she considered family. It felt good to make the connection.

"Appreciate all you've done."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"And there's still more to do. I don't leave things I love out to hang," Darcy says, keeping eye contact, fingers lacing with Skye's.

"Hell, you want backup yourself? Count me in," she says, voice low before she adds a bit louder, an obvious wink, as the waiter comes by with drink refills.

"Cause I can't wait to get my tongue all over you."

Is the waiter uncomfortable yet?

Quake has posed:
Skye smiles softly, "Ah, Darce. You know my landlady. She doesn't put up with that shit. And with the mess going on, I've got a curfew for the next couple days. She saw that Mutant Town business and freaked a little. Even if we're nowhere near there."

Translation: can't reveal my safehouse. Innocents at risk. Not in the vicinity of Mutant Town.

It's a lot of information for a small, romantic denial.