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Latest revision as of 19:11, 25 February 2018

Log 3830
Date of Scene: 08 February 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Polaris, Havok

Polaris has posed:
Genosha's been in a tenuous place. Every day Magneto goes free the calls for him to be found and demands that other countries search the island of mutants increases. Despite a few weeks of absence in the midst of this, Lorna is back to work. She looks hale enough, her time off explained away as illness. There's less light in her face however.
    Dressed in soft grays and lavenders, the mutant walks with her advisors, pouring over sheets of paper and listening. She's just come from her day's meetings, having to relay in patchy phone communications with the internet and satellite spotty of late. "I understand we're vulnerable if we can't communicate." she says with a long sigh, it's the same argument she's heard for days. "Increase patrols of our borders then, I'll see to the generators." The advisors reluctantly peel away. She's leaving to head to the north of the island, metal peeling off the walls near the door and wrapping about her arms in ornate bracelets, arming herself as she prepares to leave.

Havok has posed:
Alex was able to get landing clearence within the hour and was shown to where Lorna would be emerging when she was growing toward the end of her meetings. At least these meetings. Surely there will be many more to come.

Alex stands in his standard attire. Black combat boots, black cargo pants, unstable molecule long sleeved black shirt with glowing white concentric circles starting from the chest outward and no headgear. It's warmer here, which is freaking wonderful for most (southern hemisphere), but it's nice to him as he likes the weather being somewhere around his normal elevated body temperature. He stands a few meters from the doorway with his hands in his pockets. He looks somewhat dour, but eager to see his long lost friend and teammate. Spotting her emerging, he takes note of her palor and the use of her powers. There's a forced half smile as he watches her movements and the metal upon her wrists. He calls out, "We going to war? Cause I've been itching to blast something."

Polaris has posed:
Looking up, Lorna pauses for a moment. There's a calculating look in her eyes. "No. But with dear old dad on the lamb, it just makes the fussier up here feel like I'm safe." She says dryly. "I'd rather like to avoid a war for the island's sake-but if anyone tries something I'll let you shoot before I do." She offers with a nod to the blond. Walking out into the sun, she draws in a breath. "You've seen under the island yes? We can walk and talk then. It's my mid-meeting break to make sure they're getting enough juice to keep the world at bay." So, more work. It's a small wonder she's thinner than she ought to be-with the last news the X-Men had from their wayward teammate.

Havok has posed:
Her gaunt appearance does draw concern for him. Thinner than she should be is a definite red flag. Though he'll dwell and discuss that later. For now, he will focus on the blasting and Magneto being awol. "Yeah." He says in a brief answer to her rhetorical question. He will tag along, a few steps to catch up and then walk with her on her right. "Getting enough juice? You mean.. you're going to power this place? ALA, charge up the batteries?"

Polaris has posed:
"I have been, it's not exactly storm season, and I don't want to rely on reserves in case we're attacked and we need them." Lorna nods and draws a slow breath. "He used to do it, but since he's not about I've been doing it." She tells Alex and nods northward. "Come on, we've got a walk." She gestures and sets off. "How are things stateside? I don't hear from the other X-Men...or anyone. It's pretty isolated out here." She glances over briefly, lips pressing tight for a second as and focusing on the path ahead of them.

Havok has posed:
"I'm good." Answers Alex as he will walk and talk. He'll fill her in with the standard answers, "The X-Men are somewhat idle as of late. I've been doing a lot of stuff in Mutant Town. Keeping the crazies from doing stupid things and well... like you and I talked a few months back, doing what I can in that neighborhood for those who don't fit into Xavier's or the X-Men. Oh, but you will be glad to know, Xavier's is now teaching college level classes. Not just dumping the kids off at the end of high school. The rest of the world is in its standard state.. you know, fighting, politics, religion, racism, bla bla bla. It's the standard cluster-fuck."

When he's done with his answers, he will offer a shift and has his own questions, "What happened to Mags? He go off the rails again and forget what side his bread is buttered on?"

Polaris has posed:
"Oh, well. He went to accuse the President of having a hand in some assassinations of mutants or something like that at the same time Mystique happened to surface and assassinated the American President, so-naturally, she escaped, he took the fall. I came here, Kurt went to look for his mother, haven't heard from him since." Lorna answers and walks on, tucking her hair behind her ears. "So I've been holding the fort. Though according to Shield, pops made a break for it a little bit back and he's been in the wind." She lets out a heavy sigh. It's Alex, she doesn't need to play stoic politician around the man. "Lost the babies a couple weeks ago. Doctors said it's the stress and strain. I still haven't told Kurt, I don't know where he is."

Havok has posed:
What do you say when someone tells you that? What does anyone say other than, "Oh damn Lorna. I'm so sorry.". Alex's words are soft. He slows his walking and turns to her. His brow is furrowed. Blue eyes sad. Hands remain free by their sides. She just dumped a whole lot of bad ju ju out there and he doesn't know if she wants a hug or if she needs her personal space. So he'll let her dictate that.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna shakes her head. "My fault. My taste in men has never been exemplary and I couldn't have known the strain was too much-it was work that had to be done." She tells Alex and looks up at him. Her eyes crinkle a moment and she lets her breath go before nudging him and walking on. "Sorry to hear nothings better out there. At least we have peace on the island. People are working hard to make sure we're as sustainable and efficient as we can be." She shifts back to her work, it's all the green haired mutant really has at the moment.

Havok has posed:
Not only did she lose the child, but another guy - the third or fourth in a row by his accounts (or maybe his mind is exaggerating because he's got two realities in his head - ghosted her. Watching her 'take it in stride' is somewhat annoying to him. He wants to say so much, he's a male. But he's not the kneejerk boy he used to be. Instead, he keeps quiet for a few moments, "Yeah, you're doing good things here. And I'm really glad that mutants have her to have a safe place." He leaves it at that. Letting her drive the conversation. He has so many words, but he'll get there when she's ready.

Polaris has posed:
"It's the best thing I can do right now, I think." Lorna murmurs and slides her hands into pockets as she takes him to the north side. It'd be faster to fly, or drive perhaps, but she seems to like the walking. "So you're settled in Mutant Town? That's good. I'm glad you found somewhere that suits you. I know the school was feeling off and this is...well, it's far from everything."

Havok has posed:
"I keep an apartment on the south side of the 'hood. And I spend a lot of time at the local diner. It's kinda like my new HQ. I was thinking of getting a storefront, but it's probably better that I keep walking the streets. Just to show presence." comes Alex's answer as he looks about while they walk.

There's a moment of silence as he formulates the next question, "I figured for sure that you could 'sense' your father. The whole 'magnetic waves' thing. Or is that just my imagination?"

Polaris has posed:
"If we're close." Lorna murmurs a bit evasively. She doesn't look at him, looking skyward as she tries to explain it. "We're like poles-to each other's senses. He's had to shift his if he's...too similar to me. Spin the other way, if that makes sense. So-when I'm meditating, drawing energy I can pick him up in a vague sense." She looks to Alex. "When I figured that out I gave him so much shit for being away in the early years when my power was a mess. There was no way he missed it."

Havok has posed:
"Well, he's not known for his altruism or Rockwell family values." states Alex with a hint of annoyance toward Mags. He then notes, "So he's avoiding everyone then. Seems like he'd come here to make a stand. But then again, he was never really predictable. And what, there's like three bases we know about - some asteroid, the Savage Land, and another island in the Atlantic? Plus all the bases we don't know about. So he's definitely in the wind."

Polaris has posed:
"He can't make a stand here. It'd put the population at risk, I won't allow that. If he comes here, it will be to clear his name and resume ruling his island. There are other ways to accuse other leaders of war crimes than be tied to their murders." She huffs and looks at Alex. "I've lost too much to let him make a mess of this place. These people but trust in my family, so I'm going to safe guard all of them."

Havok has posed:
There's an understanding nod that comes from Alex. "Well, that said. I'll definitely let the others know about the situation - with Magneto. So we can be more vigilant and try to either neutralize the issue or help clear his name. If Kurt's mom is responsible, then Kurt really needs to convince her to make things right. If he can."

Polaris has posed:
"I hope he can." Lorna murmurs, avoiding bringing up the man if she can. "I'd like to clear his name. It hurts Genosha if we can't. But it's hard to do with out a way to prove he isn't responsible for his old ally's actions. His silence in Shield holding didn't help matters." She pushes her hair back from her face and huffs with annoyance. As they near the north of the island, the storms that often seem to hit there are abated, it's a clear, pretty day.

Havok has posed:
Alex will remain silent for a long while. Observing the nature of the weather and the island itself. Having been here before many months ago, even working for Magneto for a brief period until the whole thing turned sour. Now he's here again. Disturbed by all that he's learned. And motivated by all the things he needs to do. He slips his hands into his pockets and will say, "I think you're doing a great job, all things considered. I wish it wasn't the way it is." And he leaves it at that. Because he's really struggling to find the right things to say when things go silent.

Polaris has posed:
"Well shit, clear day." Lorna kicks at a rock and looks around. She squints hatefully at the clear sky. "Ok, so we aren't absorbing lightning to put into the power grid today." She leans against Alex's side. "Fuck. But, thank's Alex. I always told your brother it was a matter of time before something like this happened. Me having to move here. I suppose as long as I don't lose you all as allies it's worth it." She tells the tall man and watches the sea.

Havok has posed:
He'll put his arm around her shoulder when she's leaned against him and looks over the waves. He gives a soft nod and then will intone, "Oh, we know you're not Magneto. So no, you'll be keeping us as allies." And he'll remain quiet for a bit, watching the waves.