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Latest revision as of 19:15, 25 February 2018

The gang fights against civil rights!
Date of Scene: 09 February 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Thor, Rogue, Wolverine, Iron Man

Thor has posed:
    "So there I was, with Mjolnir in my right hand, and Jornbjorn in my left. Blood trickled slowly out of my head wound that I mentioned earlier." Thor says, painting a horrendous picture with words of the tale of how he slayed one of the mightest beasts in the nine realms on a whim fueled by the Warrior's Three's goading.

    They know just how to get Thor to do exactly what it is they want.

    "I looked up to the beast and thence I bellowed a mighty roar before charging into the beasts range once more. Blood, and metal and bone combined beautifully with some of the most symphonic music to ever fall into one's ears. It was truely stupendous! Song and tale have been spun for eons of this melee!" The god of Thunder continues, a large glass of yellow beer is cluthced into one hand while the other is used to gesture madly and loudly with great sweeping movements across the room. A special sparkle is in his eyes as he does so love this tale.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is seated not too far away, she's got a chair turned around and she's sitting backwards on it with her forearms over the back of the chair and her chin presseed down onto her wrists. She's watching Thor as he drinks and boasts about his exploits, she's quite happy to hear the tales of this Godly stud muffin and her expression shifts here and there while he talks, her dark eyebrows raising or furrowing at various words atht the Asgardian uses to describe his exploits.

When he drinks, she reaches out for her bottle of sweet tea on the table in front of her, she picks it up with a gloved hand and pulls it back for a sip.

"Is this when you lost the hammer? Cause, I really wanna go find it. I bet I can lift it." She has to say it, everyone declares they think they can lift it at some point, afterall.

Wolverine has posed:
    This was the one of the rare times Logan had been around the Avengers Mansion. Exiting the kitchen with a sandwich in one hand, and a cold beer in the other, Logan overhears the conversation. Not that it was very hard to over hear Thor boasting once again. Moving into the room with smile, Logan checks out who is here.

    With his mouth full of sandwich and beer, Logan says in a muffled voice, "Sounds like a' pretty good story there, Thor. I'll drink to that!" Logan grins, takes a swig of his beer, and sighs content. "Avengers meeting ah see?" Logan adds as an afterthought. "Hiya Rogue. Long time."

Iron Man has posed:
"How is it lost, anyway? Has it stopped returning your calls? I don't know what that's like, but I understand it sucks," Tony asks mildly from the doorway. He is slightly looking better than death, but the whole 'you should rest a week' thing seems to have been reduced to a few days in Tony's mind. He's walking around. Well, standing and helping keep the doorframe from falling by leaning on it heavily. Yes, that's it.

Still, he saunters well enough into the room. He's found a dark blue hoodie to throw on over his upper body, so he is not, at least, still giving a grand show of angry wounds on his chest around the reactor. He moves across the room towards obtaining his own alchohol, casual, and looks with a lot of interest at Logan's sandwich.

Thor has posed:
    "I know not where my hammer has gone, but I suspect it isn't anywhere within the nine realms as no. It has not returned my calls." Thor says with as serious a face he can muster towards Tony, apparently the joke goes over Thor's head, but he does consider what he does 'calling' the hammer. The man's mood has been sullied having once again been reminded that he doesn't possess the uru forged weapon that has become basically his identity.

    Interrupting his own story, Thor begins to go off on a tangent. "I dropped the hammer during a routine fight the night I returned to Midgard, and since that time, it's never returned to me. I was doing battle with a mediocre foe who claimed to be some being from another plane of existence. I believe he has some meaning or clue to my hammer's true location, but I know not a way to seek the villain out." Thor says solemnly towards all three parties present.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue looks over to both Logan and Tony when they make appearances in the room. She hasn't seen Logan since... September, at Harry's Hideaway, at least thats the last time she can recall seeing him. "Heya, Miste'ah." She says to the Wolverine. "Look at us, showin' up in all the random places." She has to stay to him with a little grin before she regards Tony.

Rogue sits up straight on the chair, her glove fingers curling over the back of it, side by side one another. "You feelin' better?" She asks him. "Cause... if not, the redheaded lady is gonna be pissed if you're out wanderin' around without being back t'one hundred percent."

Rogue looked back to Thor then and she reached up to brush some white hair out of her face that had crossed over her nose. "You need t'see Doctor Strange then... He'd know." She clears her throat then. "If he's still alive." She had NO idea what happened to Stephen after the events down in Battery Park on her birthday.

Wolverine has posed:
    Eyeing Stark as the man eyes his sandwich, Logan takes a big bite, grins at Tony, and then turns his attention to Thor. "Losing a hammer. Happens ta all of us, m'fraid." Logan's muffled voice spills over the full mouth of sandwich. "Me, I prefer getting hammered, to havin' a hammer." Logan follows that up with a deep drink of his beer and a large grin.

    Looking over at Rogue, Logan winks at her, and says, "Yeah, seems that way. Random. Never thought you'd be here and ah'd be here at tha' same time." Logan shrugs, and then regards the whole crew. "Innerestin'..." Logan says, again, muffled by the next bite of sandwich.

Iron Man has posed:
"OR," Tony clarifies, "She might be fine with how well her healing worked," Tony suggests at Rogue, opening a cabinet to pull out a variety of other things. He's going to mix something more interesting than beer, obviously. "Can you describe this ordinary villain? -Also--I've got Stephan Strange on speed-dial if you want to talk to him," Tony adds to Thor offhandedly when Rogue suggests it, leaning a hip against counter to steady him. Of course Tony has connections.

At least he's not on pain medication anymore: although the drinking may be just as bad, really. He creates a white Russian, and enjoys it like a thirsty man out of the desert. Somebody was blocking his drink orders in the medical lab.

Thor has posed:
    "I will be finding it sometime soon, I'm certain of this." Thor says to no one as he watches Tony walk over to the bar and cants his head. "I'm well aware of Stephen Strange. The man is an enigma and an oddity. To say the least." With a frown on his lips, it appears Thor has had a few negative run ins with the odd Doc.

    The giant of a man regards Logan then with the warrior's nod and a grin but his eyes go back to Rogue with a shrug and it seems his stories have come to an end as the man hefts his beer and walks over towards Tony. "Natasha will be most cross with you Howardson. That you will be sure of, and it is cliche even where I come from to quote Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, but it has never been so apt."

Rogue has posed:
Its not secret that the young Anna-Marie D'Ancanto Carlyle (almost LeBeau) had some fatherly issues. Her dad had died when she was six, and after that she'd pretty much had next to no father figure up to age 18 when she'd met Charles Xavier. But even that didn't last more than 9 months before she was back out on her 'own' and ended up living at Strange's place, under his guideance. She'd quickly latched onto him in that kind of role too, and it probably is what lead to their eventual disagreements.

"He's a good guy." Rogue says about Strange, after showing Logan a small smirk. "He can find your hammer. I'm sure of it... And if he can't? Then the damn thing is GONE FOREVER."

Rogue stands up from her chair and flips it around to push it back under the table wher eshe found it.

She looks at Tony and grins at him. "I meant the tiny redhead, the spy one. The scary one... seems like she'll rip your face off like a spider-monkey if you upset her."

Wolverine has posed:
    "Huh. Didn't know you were outta commission, Stark. Glad yer still breathing and all that." Logan finishes off his sandwich, and takes a few seconds to ensure his fingers were clean as well. "Least yer kitchen here is stocked with fresh stuff fer a sammich. Mmmm. Good stuff. Beer fridge too."

    Logan nods, holds up his beer, and with that thought, takes another drink of his beer. Smacking his lips, Logan burps, and smiles. Looking over at Rogue, "Sorry Rogue. Gas snuck out on me there." Grinning, Logan moves over to stand with the crew. "So, what else is happenin' 'round here? Besides the Nat thing? I'm sure a lot of women are mad at Stark." Logan chuckles and nods at Thor."

Iron Man has posed:
Tony Stark looks surprised. "Isn't Wanda's hair red? Eh. Wishful thinking." Tony shrugs. And smiles. Maybe pleased. "Nat's around? I haven't seen her. I can't be punished for something she didn't tell me not to do, though," Tony answers Rogue idly, as if ... well aware that he absolutely CAN be. "None of you saw me, ---....unless she threatens to strap me down. I might deserve that," Tony adds, putting his drink mixing items away, and totally not going back to the medlab. He can fantasize about the strapping in private, at the very least. But he doesn't quite make it. Because... Tony likes to talk. And there's talking.

"Mostly we are trying to save the world from rioting in the panic of not being able to post trollish comments on the interet. I know it's like the city MOST of the time, but. If you want to pitch in, we have problems /galore/ to wrangle."

Thor has posed:
    "What was that lymric I heard ages ago on this plane..." Thor begins lifting a thick hand to his chin as he rumages through his enormous memory bank. "Bitches be cray." Thor says in his almost musical sing song kind of voice.

    Then Thor looks over to Tony as the smaller man scurries about to hide his tracts. "You have cream on your face hair." Thor notes calmly before he looks to Rogue with a shrug. "I will contact the doctor though I am not inclined to do so. So peculiar." Odinson explains before he takes a long pull from his large mug of beer. Then idly to himself, he turns towards the kitchen. "Sandwich sounds divine."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue can't help but shoot her eyes over to Logan when he belches, which makes her dark eyebrows furrow and her expression just sour. "Nasty." She says back at the man before she looks at the OTHER TWO men and just folds her arms across the green sweater she's wearing. "I'm goin' t'my room. Where I'm gonna get ready t'go out t'night. Its Friday... I'm nineteen... which means I'm on the verge'a being old as hell like all of you. I gotta have some fun before I get there!"

And with that said the teenager makes for the exit and toward the staircase to the second level. "Wanda has brown hair! Way to pay attention to the ladies around here!" She shouts back at Stark on her way, a skip in her step as she goes.

Wolverine has posed:
    Nodding first to Rogue, then to Thor, as he talks about sandwiches. Maybe one more...naw. Logan then turns to Stark. Finishing off his beer, he says, "Yeah. Gotta love tha' redheads. Hard on yer heart...and sweet on yer eyes." Logan grins and adds, "Sounds like ya' got yer hands full, Stark. Been there."

    Dropping the can onto the nearest table, Logan says, "Welp, gotta run. Thanks fer tha' grub and tha' booze. Next time there is an "Assemble" give me a' hollar!" Logan chuckles.

    Turning to leave and then looking back over his shoulder one last time, Logan winks at Rogue as she then heads upstairs, and says, "Hope ya' find yer hammer Thor! Maybe check the second hand shops 'er somethin'." Logan chuckles, and heads out the door right after grabbing his cowboy hat off the rack and don it to cover his features. Zipping up his jacket, he was gone, into the rain and the cold.

Iron Man has posed:
"If you could use some more spending cash for your night on the town, I'm buying freshly made sandwiches in the medbay," Tony calls to Rogue as she exits, and makes himself scarce headed back to medical, before he's dragged there by someone that may or may not have red hair.