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Latest revision as of 19:40, 25 February 2018

A Southern Trip
Date of Scene: 14 February 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Thor, Lara Croft

Thor has posed:
    The Mexican jungles are a special kind of place. In the tropics on a piece of land jutting out several hundreds of miles into the gulf waters. The air is temparate and balmy, making even the treems themselves seem to sweat.

    The birds have all stopped singing their cries out into the dense greenery and the harsh sunlight has begun to soften as a heavy cloud looms on the horizon, moving in towards the temple the blonde god now stands before. Thor looks over and down to his right towards the woman that has been his guide on the trip into the dense lush jungle.

    "Do you still possess my glove? It should, as you've said, lead us towards our main goal." The man says before looking back towards the rockface before them, and a doorway that's been shut for milenia.

Lara Croft has posed:
It was Lara's birthday, and she was gladly spending it doing what she loved to do most. Explore.

Lara stands beside Thor, after a long trip together that lead them to this very point. She's got a backpack strapped over both shoulders and her hair is tied back with a leather strap.

"I still have it." She says, fishing the glove out of her pants pocket and holding it up on display on her right palm. She offers it, yet again, to him incase he wants it... it IS his afterall, at least in her mind. She believed in 'rightful ownership' of all relics, sometimes those rightful owners were just nigh-on impossible to find!

Lara's other hand reattaches the matchine to her belt so that it will hang against her left thigh, she reaches for a canteen of water and lifts it up for a sip. "Beautiful place." The young British woman says to him before taking a drink.

Thor has posed:
    "Verily." The god says, his eyes locked onto the doorway and he ignores the offered glove, it's her possession now in his opinion. Also he discarded it several centuries ago. No need for it.

    Thor steps up towards the over grown door and stands in front of it, his brown shirt having been ripped into a sleeveless varriety. The sleeves were wrapped around his palms and hands to protect him from the bark of the trees and vines growing in every direction. He wears a pair of olive cargo pants with little on in the way of survival gear, but more he's acting as the mule for Lara's stuff, because he is a god, hammer or not.

    Normally there's a series of switches or puzzles Lara would have to solve, blocks or weights she needs to move in order to open the door, but with Thor as her travelling buddy, the door and many problems of that nature are completed with a simple flex of the man's biceps and the stone door begins to swing open with groaning and scratching from the rocks and the pully systems connected to the door.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara stands ready for whatever the God is about to discover behind the large door... her fingers wrapping around the glove she nods once when he rejected it again. "Fair enough." She quietly said while she attached the glove to the back of her hand and its 'technology' or 'magic' wrapped around her palm and fingers as it had done in that hotel's vault basement the night of the SHIELD raid. The glove had a lot of power, it could summon lighting and... lift Thor's hammer (or axe?).

"This site will contain another of your lost items, I simply am not sure which one." She tells the God after he pries the door open in an impressive display of strength. Lara steps forward through the cloudy dust and debris dropping down from the now-moved ancient door...

Once inside the old temple she lifts her left hand up and a light comes on, held in her hand, she shines it into the dark.

"Steps, going downward." She tells him, looking over to him. "The locals would often build temples like this for the water gods, hoping to keep the local underground pools of fresh water filled and plentiful. This... could be for that, or perhaps a bathhouse for the royalty..."

Lara started to descend the steps, one booted footfall after another, with her light shining around into the darkness.

Thor has posed:
    Thor follows a single step behind Lara his eyes following the flash light slightly, but also he keeps his field of vision pointed forwards as he descends the stairs. He looks left and right occasionally looking for an alternate path as they fall deeper and deeper into the Mexican temple.

    "Makes sense for a people to be so reliant on clean water in a place like this." The thunder god notes aloud as he isn't very good at the small talk, mostly because his mind in trapped on trying to reach the axe Lara had promised him she could help him find.

Lara Croft has posed:
It doesn't take long before the two adventurers do indeed hear water down in the depths of the tunnel that they're descending into. "Many theorize that that is what lead to the entire disappearaince of the Mayan people." Lara prattles on. "That their water sources dried up and in-turn their whole society... dried up. So to speak." She glances to Thor and shows him a faint smile in the dark. "You would've admired them as a people. They were tough fighters, fierce and strong." She looks back ahead then and steps into the tunnel and off of the staircase.

"A bit sacrificey... for my tastes... but I still admire their cultural impact on our planet as a whole."

Lara is scanning the flashinlight beam around, there are stone walls a good fifty feet ahead and then... a cave-in occurred at some point. "Blast." Lara mutters, walking forward while her light beam skims left to right and back again, she's searching for anything that might help.

"Water eroded the walls, there's a river beneath our feet." She tells the God beside her.

Thor has posed:
    Thor stops and lifts his hear to try and hear the running water that Lara mentions but he shrugs with a glance back to the British woman. "Sacrificey you say?" The god says with a smirk. "A warrior tribe isn't something I would enjoy as a whole- nay... I would enjoy that quite a lot." The man says with a goofy grin.

    "Then I say we shall take a ride!" The god speaks before raising his two fists above his head and with a mighty heave, he slams down his hands into the stair case below with causing the rock to splinter and crack like a spider's web before he lifts his hands and prepares to smash the ground one more time!

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara is up by the debris that crushed through the wall and filled the tunnel with rocks and mud... when Thor speaks and then slams his hand down on the ground! She spins around to see the wreckage that his first massive hit did to the temple's hallway floor and her eyes go wide. "Hold on, hold on!" She shouts...

But its inevitably too late! Thor's second punch lands solidly on the stone floor and it breaks the entire hallway causing both of them to fall down into a rushing torrent of water coming from the river that they'd used to get here by boat...

Lara's voice cries out in a yell that is suddenly silenced as the woman disappears beneath the surface of the water, losing her flashlight in the rushing waves whilst she's carried forward to wherever the river goes!

Thor has posed:
    Thor is laughing maniacly as he drops his second attack onto the ground and then is just as quickly silenced by the water trying to fill his lungs. The mighty Thor is not going to be killed by something as pathetic as drowning so he begins to swim with the flow of the stream. He reaches a hand out and grabs onto Lara's arm at her bicep and pulls her with him for a moment before he lets go.

    Swimming in the darkness is very disorienting for the god, but thankfully he can feel the current still pulling at him deeper beneath the temple before the water errupts into an underground cave and there's one heck of a drop into a large what looks like an underground pool with a diocese rising up out of the pool in the middle of the room lit by a single light. A pinprick in the ceiling that provides with enough of a goal for the two spelunkers.

    "Lara, did you survive our short swim?" Thor inquires as if he realizes she was in danger.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara sees Thor reach out for her in the river and she reaches back TO him, because why wouldn't you in a situation like this? He's like a life-raft in a crazy drowning nightmare like this... and he's the reason she's IN this situation so she kind of wants to strangle him!

But it doesn't last long as they're separated again and the drop comes swift and with a gut-lightening sudden pull of gravity. The free-fall amongst the white waters is almost slow-motion in nature at first, but then the pool below comes swift to the Tomb Raider and she splashes down beneath the black water surface and vanishes underneath it...

... Thor might start to think she had perished in the ordeal, by the amount of time that goes by before, suddenly, there is coughing and Lara's hands appear on the edge of where he now stands. She pulls herself up, breathing heavily and crawling onto her hands and knees.

"Thanks." She tells him... gasping for sweet oxygen.

Thor has posed:
    Thor lifts a powerful hand towards Lara and offers to help pull her to her feet. "You did well Lara Croft Tomb Raider." The god says in that way of his that is almost sounding like he's mocking her, but he's as serious as he can be and trying to give her all due credit.

    "Hark! I believe our trials have reached an end." The man says pointing a thick finger towards the center of the diocese.

    A small pedistal, almost a table, sits at the middle and the pinprick of light rests a second glove and behind it is a long, ornate looking axe. A slight curve to the handle and a blade on one side roughtly half the size of a serving plater and far more deadly.

    "I believe you should take your prize first, but the axe. That is mine."

Lara Croft has posed:
One of the reasons Lara was eager to get away from civilization is that the 'movie' about her time on Yamatai was releasing in a month and there was a flood of social media and movie related materials coming out... There was a billboard with 'Lara Croft Tomb Raider' in Times Square... for god's sake.

It made her extremely uncomfortable and her desire to run away was white-hot.

"Right." Lara says as she accepts his assistance and rises up to her booted feet while shedding water. When he speaks of their journey reaching its apex, she looks up to see that he was... telling the 'God's Honest Truth'.

"Remarkable." Lara quietly says in response as she glances to him and then up to the ancient Asgardian gear. Lara moves to it, her footfalls quick but soft. She approaches the second glove and gathers it up to hold it in her hands... she turns it over and visually inspects it before she looks up to the axe.

"Jarnbjorn." Croft quietly says while her eyes go back to Thor.

Thor has posed:
    As soon as Lara lifts the glove from the pedistal, the pinhole begins to open up as though it was an aperature. The sound of rock scraping against rock screams out into the dank chamber and the sunlight begins to pour into the whole of the room, centralized upon the fated axe.

    "Jarnbjorn. Indeed Lara Croft Tomb Raider." Thor speaks as he steps up to the pedistal himself and not to be rude, but he puts a hand upon Lara's shoulder and simply urges her aside. He lifts his other hand slowly, almost trembling as he reaches for his former weapon, true trepidation and worry rising up in his body language and as his hand finds the handle and grips the hilt firmly he lifts it off the pedistal with a tinging sound of metal echoing through the chamber and ... nothing happens.

    Then a yellow bolt of lightning flashes and archs across the sky. The herald of a storm forming upon the horizon, the bolt of pure electricity lancing across the sky like nothing ever before or since as the thunder reaches out from the very Earth to meet its own herald. The storm is coming.

    "I think it's time we leave Lara." Thor says with a look in his eyes that he is beyond stoic at this point. He's on a whole new mission like never before.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara steps out of his way of course, she moves aside with the second glove now attaching itself to her other hand meaning that she has the strength of Thor now... she could move a door just as he had earlier at the mouth of the temple.

"Its beautiful." Lara quietly tells the God as he moves to reclaim his axe from the sunlight shining down from high-high above... a skylight in the temple's roof that had vines across it... but little else.

When he retrieves it and holds it up, it makes her smile. "I'm glad its back in your possession." She tells him. "I was worried, someone would've already discovered it." She was proud to have helped Thor, the MIght, reclaim his rightful weapon... or one of them at least.

Lara's left hand moves behind her back and she presses a button on her belt which suddenly unfolds into a space-tech Jetpack where her backpack used to be (lost in that damn river that brought them here).

"I can go straight up..." She pointed skyward to the light coming into the temple. "Curtsey of one Peter Quill." Who had gifted her the jetpack.