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Latest revision as of 19:58, 25 February 2018

A god meets a vampire in Chinatown
Date of Scene: 17 February 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Thor, Black Queen

Thor has posed:
    The night is young and the clouds are lazily hanging over the city while a certain god strolls through a part of China town with a-- well what many would call an unusual weapon for the blonde godling to be carrying on his back. The axe hangs from the leather sling on his back with an unfamiliar and yet a timeless feeling. Thor walks like a man with purpose and stops midstep to look up and to his left.

    "I can not readeth these strange symbols. Woman! Tell me, where can I get the ale and foods! I am starved." Thor says with a bellow towards a small frail asian woman.

Black Queen has posed:
It is the middle of the night and Selene is finishing up some transaction or another with a shop owner not too far from the man with the booming voice. As the small asian woman gets a bit afraid, Selene looks a bit strangely at the blonde man and then starts to wander over in his direction. She's eyeing him as she approaches with a bit of a comical glance, "Excuse me, but I can read the symbols. There's no need to frighten the poor woman." She waves a hand like a 'run now' shooing to her and the frail old woman starts to scurry off.

"You are looking for ale and food?" She looks around and points in the direction of a place with a neon Duck on the front of it. "This is my favorite place to go when I am here in Chinatown." Her smile is growing by the moment as she looks at Thor still, "I would wager you are not from around here then?"

Thor has posed:
    "It is a good thing I am not a gambling man." Thor says with a smile to Selene's words as he takes her directions and without hesitation starts to walk towards the aforementioned neon duck. The god's red cape catches the wind as Thor walks firmly and briskly, though the axe keeps it from flapping too madly behind him.

    "That is most certainly a wager you would win raven haired wench!" Thor says, not in a derogatory manner, as it's simply just how he speaks.

Black Queen has posed:
It is pretty clear to Selene that she is standing with some kind of magical person. She'd have to be blind as well as non-magical to really not notice the man and the way his existence seems to permeate the air around him. Selene walks after him, not wanting her favorite restaurant to be destroyed or otherwise put under some kind of law enforcement esque blockade. In that vain she allows for a small psychic echo to spread out about those looking at Thor, with the idea that he must be some kind of Cosplayer.

"Have you ever eaten Chinese food before?" Wonders Selene as she has to move quickly for a few steps to catch up to the suddenly walking God. "I do not think they quite have ale, but they have some chinese stout beers and likely a bourbon or two..." She is a tall woman and in heels even taller, and yet still her slender frame and still shorter stature would make Thor quite the figure nearby her.

Thor has posed:
    Thor continues to walk and he glances down at Selene as she catches up to his purpose driven strides. "I have. A chicken that was fried in oranges I believeth it was." Thor admits with a casual shrug of his massive shoulders before he looks back to where he was headed towards. The hint of a frown crosses his lips as Selene mentions the state of booze in the asian cuisine. "Then my quest for a drink equivalent to Asgardian mead will continue. My hunger however shalt be quelled this eve!"

    The god steps into the bar and with a hand over his shoulder, the man's huge fingers wrap around his hilt, he lifts the axe and sheath to set down against the doorway. "I have come to eat and be merry!" The god announces as soon as he enters and laughs mightily as his voice causes the windows and pictures to vibrate from the boom of his tone and volume.

Black Queen has posed:
Looking over at the axe that Thor settles on the ground nearby the doorway, Selene looks around while eyeing all of the people. She is capable of keeping up some manner of psychic mask that's low-grade for sometime but there's a lot of people here. She looks to Thor, "There is an upstairs that is quite a bit nicer than down here. I rarely eat down here." She mentions a little cringe on her face before she looks to the axe again, "Perhaps you could tell me all about your fine looking axe? I am sure there are tales that come along with it?"

She doesn't lead the way at all, not wanting to get in the way of the large muscley man who seems to have no problem shouting, and shaking the entire building with his mirth. In fact, when he laughs, Selene lightly winces at the sound but turns her squinted eyes quickly into a cutesy smile that widens wide at her question about the axe. "I suppose it's wielder has a name? You seem somewhat familiar, are you on the... Television box?"

Thor has posed:
    "You must have heard of the mighty Thor!?" The god says with a glance over his shoulder and a smile towards Selene before he jabs his own broad chest with a thick thumb. "He is I and I am he!" Thor says before he nods once and starts to march once more towards the upstairs the woman mentioned as he does like nicer things and is deserving of them being a god and all. "We shall dine up stairs! WENCH! My collegue and I shall be partaking of your finest meal on the upper floor. Bring the music and alcohol that we might drink and be in the finest of spirits!" Thor says towards someone he instantly assumes is a waitress or waitstaff of some kind. He could and likely is completely wrong on his assumption but he's already stepping into the stair case to climb up to the secluded floor.

Black Queen has posed:
With her eyes widening a moment, "Oh, you are THE mighty Thor?" Selene wonders a bit takenaback but it would not be the first time she's met a God, let alone someone from the Norse mythology. She lived about in that time and had wandered much of the viking lands. Going upstairs after Thor is a bit daunting as she moves at normal human woman in heels speed, and he's moving at warrior-will-drink-and-eat speed. So, he arrives and then a few moments later Selene is upstairs.

The upstairs area was blocked by an Employees only sign, though that was likely missed or moved in time before Thor went up the stairs, and the woman that was told to bring up food just kind of blankly stared at Thor as she was reaching into her purse to pay for the meal she just had. Upstairs however is a woman in a chinadoll styled dress who at first is about to shuffle over and let the godly Thor know this is an employees only section and then she sees Selene. Speaking in Chinese, Thor still understands clearly of course, but Selene has to swap languages. "Mistress, welcome back, so soon." The chinese hostess remains with a serious look on her face and motions toward a fine leather booth with ample legroom for a normal man, perhaps a bit small for Thor but it is at a window and able to overlook Chinatown as it continues it's bustle.

Selene responds to the hostess, "Bring food, and your strongest beer. And my wine, as usual. And Ai, your flute." The hostess nods and shuffles off to the chef who has his own visible prep area and he begins to make some food with chicken and is fast at work.

Selene sits and turns back to English, "Thor, then, an..." She squints a moment, "An Avenger? Is that the name of the group that you, run around with? I get confused by all of the metahumans these days." The young 20ish woman says.

Thor has posed:
    "Aye, an Avenger. You are correct raven haired woman." Thor says as he has yet to receive a name from the woman who is acting awfully kind towards the wayward god. He takes his spot in the booth with the wooden frame within groaning in complaint of the man's weight as he lowers himself onto the bench style seat.

    "There are so many teams and clans. I chose to stay with those I know and over me a chance to do good here on Midgard as well and encounter stronger and fearsome foes. As any true Asgardian desires!" Thor says with a bellow on his final sentance with a hearty laugh. His blue eyes then fall back onto Selene and he nods his head, a few locks of blonde hair swaying from the motion, "What about you raven one? What is it you do in this realm?"

Black Queen has posed:
Tilting her head a little to the side, Selene offers, "I think I would enjoy still being called Raven haired, but alas, my name is Selene." She offers as some food arrives and drink. There is no Orange Chicken, that's not traditional chinese any how, but there's definitely chicken, noodles, and an assortment of sauces and vegetables. Chopsticks are settled along with a set of western silverware. For Selene they just bring a glass of dark colored wine, and give over a large glass of beer to Thor.

"Midgard. A name for this realm? I have heard that name before, a while now though." Selene hrms a little, and then grabs up her glass and sips some of her wine before leaning in a bit, "I'm wealthy, and smart, and gorgeous as well. And I spend most of my time investigating the very old. Antiques. A student of history really. You seek out strong and fearsome foes though? Have you ran out of them in... Asgard?"

Thor has posed:
    "Selene the Ravened. Enjoy your name, as dark as the night abyss." Thor says with a smirk on his lips and a smile when the food arrives and passing over the fork and chopsticks, the god lifts the entire bowl up towards his lips and he begins to slurp at it with reckless abandon. Some spilling down to his beard and shirt below, but most makes it to and past his lips.

    "You have that look to you, something in your eyes. You have an ... experience that's seldom seen in most mortal's eyes." The god admits as he lowers his bowl to the table, now half devoured and he transfers his hands towards the beer that was placed before him and he takes a tentive, tasting sip. "One of the better ones I've had, but still not as strong as a maiden's milk." The man says with a resigned scoff and a shrug.

Black Queen has posed:
"I enjoy my name quite a bit. I was named after a goddess." Selene sips her wine again as she watches the man lift the bowl, and only smiles a little like watching a child play with toy blocks. And she then blinks a few times, and leans back some, eyeing you, "Perhaps I have experienced something tragic?" She wonders, thinking and saying, "Or, even better, perhaps I have merely experienced something divine. Like, meeting a god from another realm?" There's a slight shake of her head before she hrms and then says, "Or, less likely, it is because I study history and have for so many years that I... just seem old?"

Taking in a deep breath, Selene just offers a slight shrug, "Who knows? It is hard to explain to those who cannot fathom the changes of the land itself, who can only imagine their current place like a painting on the wall - static, stuck, unchanging, permanent." She looks across to the beer that was given to Thor and she smirks a little, "That beer began it's life almost 9000 years ago. Few know that the Chinese were quite attracted to beers of rice and honey with... grapes, if I recall correctly. What you are drinking owes its heritage to many lifetimes worth of correction. This madien's milk, is likely stronger, yes? You look like you have a great tolerance to such things."

Thor has posed:
    Disregarding most of her conversation because it simply does not interest him, or because it was the last thing she said and can only remember so far back, Thor only responds to her final thoughts. "I, like all Asgardians, have a stupendous level of tolerance for the drink, and because our mead is several times stronger than the strongest things I've encountered on Midgard." Thor notes not like he's narcisstic, but just being honest. His giant hands move from the beer back to the bowl and he again unashamedly lifts the thing to his lips and he begins devouring the second half.

Black Queen has posed:
"It is a shame that no one on your team of avengers can whisk you up some kind of recipe that affects you more." Selene mentions shaking her head a little bit, "Perhaps one of these days I will make something for you. Stronger than the strongest of things. And then, you will see, that Midgard holds something far grandeur than Asgard is capable of." She watches as Thor lifts up the bowl once more to drink down the food, "I do not believe we have managed to talk about your axe? Does it have a name? Where did you find it? Details, details."

Thor has posed:
    "I'll gladly step up to try any alcohol you make for me Selene the Raven." Thor says with his bowl obscuring most of his face. The man slurps some more asian soup with a hidden smile. Pulling the bowl away from his face and setting it down with a heavy thunk, he looks back to Selene and shrugs a simple motion that causes the seat again to groan beneath the god.

    "It is Jarnbjorn. An axe I weilded long before I carried the hammer..." Thor says, his face growing somber for a brief moment before he regards Selene once more. "It's an enchanted weapon, from my younger, much more brash days. Something I wished away from me when I realized how truely dangerous I was when I weilded it."

Black Queen has posed:
"Jarnbjorn. Iron Bear. An interesting name." Selene mentions and then says, "Well, Thor, the Mighty, I will work on that competition to your Maiden's Milk." And she sips just a bit more of her wine before she starts to get up from the booth. "Unfortunately at this time, though, I must go. It was a pleasure meeting you, and I do so truly hope you find those fearsome enemies you were looking for before they are all gone."