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Going Through the (Legal) Motions
Date of Scene: 23 February 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Skye apologizes to Matt for using him as part of her undercover mission. Matt accepts, details are exchanged for future colaboration.
Cast of Characters: Daredevil, Quake

Daredevil has posed:
The offices of Nelson and Murdock are quiet today. Foggy was off taking care of Alfonso Diaz' transfer back to New York City and Karen was off at her side-job with the Bulletin leaving Matt working in the office on his own. He's seated at his desk in his spartan office, his cane resting against the desk and a cold cup of coffee off to his right. He's focused on the files in front of him, his fingers passing over the braille text, pausing here and there to consider what he's read or to type something into the laptop on his left, his fingers drifting to the braille display to check what he wrote.

Quake has posed:
Skye had a subdued afternoon. Paperwork mostly. AARs. Signing off on everything that she'd done. And filling out requisitions for her new postion. Who knew it came with so much paperwork??

And Fury, the bastard, still hadn't answered her questions.

She did have one other thing to do before heading home.. well, not *quite* home. Home was the house in Grenwich. But Clint's apartment was a good close second. Still, that would come later. First Skye felt obligated to return the legal papers to one Matt Murdock and explain herself.

Thus she found herself at the office of Nelson and Murdock, knocking on the door, and letting herself into the main portion of the office. "Hello?"

Daredevil has posed:
Matt had heard someone coming from the moment Skye entered the building, until she knocked on the door, the pace of her heartbeat and the smell of prison shampoo told him who it was, shortly afterwards, still he kept at his work until he heard the knock. It was a discipline. One that kept the people closest to him safe.

"Hello," Matt calls back rising slowly from the desk, before offering a tentative, "Skye?" his voice tinged with concern.

Quake has posed:
Skye allows herself a grin as she's recognized. "Nice trick," she murmurs, peeking around until she locates him. "Mind if I join you?"

He's alone in the office, so really she has nobody else to join. And given it's work hours... yeah. She expects an okay.

Skye makes her way into his office where she waits to be invited to sit. That much of politeness she allows.

Daredevil has posed:
"I'm good with voices," Matt says about recognizing her, before he shakes his head. "Of course, come sit," he says without gesturing to the chairs infront of his desk. He sinks down into his seat. "I should say, if you've escaped, I am going to need to advise you to turn yourself in," he let's that hang for a second. "After you tell me how you did it," he says that last with a grin. After all she'd been who knows high up in a floating aircraft carrier, the story would have to be epic. Also, his curiosity, seems off for a person someone just visited by a wanted felon.

Quake has posed:
Skye sits with a laugh. "I could tell you how I did it the first time. But I might have to kill you after." The joke is light. "Uh, yeah. So. I guess I owe you something of an apology."

She shrugs, even though he can't see it. "You probably guessed I didn't break out this time. I did, but not this time. Just got my walking papers this afternoon. I really wasn't sure how long I was going to be in for, so all the motions had to be gone through."

Skye nods, giving a slight smirk. "Though they really didn't read my rights to me. The agent who arrested me wasn't even supposed to be there for the raid. It was a bit crazy."

Daredevil has posed:
"No apology, needed," Matt says with an easy smile. "To be honest I am glad to hear it, not just because another St. Agnes kid isn't going to jail, but, because that case, pro-bono, would have killed the firm," he says plainly. "It's something a team of lawyers could work years on." Still, Matt hadn't refused, which either meant he was a selfless martyr, or had doubts about it going to trial.

"Glad to hear it's worked out, are they putting you under protection now or are you fully back in the world?"

Quake has posed:
Skye makes a soft noise of agreement under her breath as he mentions the matter of 'years'. "You should have seen the pile of paperwork I had to go through this afternoon. I'm shocked I'm actually on the street right now. And it's nice of you to say no apology needed, but I still feel kind of rotten lying to you that way. Just.. all part of the job, you know?"

She shrugs again.

"I've been released into my own recognizance. Or something akin to that." It's another of those weak jokes. She hadn't actually thought about protective custody. Fury must be fairly certain he's smoothed things over that nobody was assigned. That or she's got tails she doesn't know about - which was equally likely.

"It was a pretty big op. I'm sorry you got used that way, but I'm glad you understand. And for what it's worth, if I'd really been in shit like that, I'd still have called upon you." Mostly because of the favour owed part, but now that she's had a bit to look into the firm, she likes to think she would have had a gut feeling to go with and gone with them anyway.

Daredevil has posed:
"I can imagine," Matt says easily about the amount of paperwork she'd have to sign. "There were a lot of different hands involved in the prosecution, so, I imagine they all needed I's dotted and T's crossed before they satisfied, even with the protections SHIELD agents such as yourself enjoy."

"By the way, did you want a cup of coffee? I think we might have a fresh pot," he says remembering his manners.

"And glad to hear they let you go clean, I imagine, you were happy to be cut loose and get a chance to go home instead of being stashed in some safehouse somewhere," he says.

The part about being used, "I do, you did what you did to protect your cover and serve the greater good, I understand that completely," he says before breaking into smile both boyish and self-effacing."And I appreciate your faith in our firm. That was quite a lot of trust you put in us for a fellow orphan inmate and a guy you met on a park bench at midnight."

Quake has posed:
Skye laughs softly. "So he told you, huh?"

She ducks her head, in some amusement. "Well, you were in my budget for one. And really, given what I was up against, I'm not sure anyone was going to be helpful. Other than the failure to read me my rights I had no defense."

She considers coffee, before murmuring, "Actually, if you don't mind, I'll pass on the coffee. I've been undercover or locked up for the better part of two months now. I really just want to go home and see my man and remember what it's like to be normal. I just felt I owed it to you to explain things and apologize before I did so."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt smiles fondly, "Yes, and in great detail, though to his credit, only after you called about your case. But he was very proud," he says before waiting a beat and asking. "Did he really bring a donut?"

"Well I am sure a number of big firms would have picked up your case for free, mostly for the publicity, but, helpful," he handwobbles with a grin. "Did I get that right? I've only had that described to me?" he asks.

"Anyhow, we would have done our best for you Ms. Johnson, but like I said, glad it didn't come to that."

He smiles then at her reasons for making this a short meeting and he stands politely. "Well, I won't keep you then, but I appreciate the visit and if you do find yourself in need of representation in the future, I hope you remember Nelson and Murdock. Though, if you're going to engage in international terrorism again, we may have to bill you."

Quake has posed:
"Totally brought a donut," Skye grins. "And yeah, you got the hand gesture right. Though pretty sure there would be irony to a blind man getting it wrong given it's a 'enh I don't know' kinda gesture." Then again, she might be the only one amused by it.

Skye stands and taps her fingers on his desk. "Well, I've been promoted to Field Agent, so who knows. I may need you in the future. However, I'll try to keep my terrorism domestic to keep it simple."

She laughs as she says that, and murmurs her goodbyes. "I do appreciate you were going to do your best for me. And hey, same. If you ever need someone with my skills, give me a ring."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt grins back, "Ah, Foggy," he says with a shake of his head. "And good," he says of the hand gesture.

"Congratulations on your promotion," he offers with a sincere smile. "And I appreciate it about the terrorism, though if you want to terrorize Tommy Capello, you could always show up for the next St. Agnes fundraiser," he grins a subtle plug and a means to keep the social connection going.

"And will keep that in mind," he pulls out his phone and unlocks it. "Put in your number?" he offers. "Don't worry, purely for hacking and spy purposes."

Quake has posed:
"Riiight. When you hack and spy on my level I'll sit the bar." Still, Skye punches in her number, and sets her contact as "Daisy Johnson". She figures he'll remember it better that way. When done, she hands his phone back to him. "And thanks again. For both your willingness to help, and your understanding."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt grins at Skyes return barb and puts the phone back into his pocket. "You're welcome," he says offering his hand for a shake. "And it's been interesting, don't be a stranger."