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Latest revision as of 06:03, 11 March 2018

A Brand New Morning
Date of Scene: 04 March 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Nixe, Rainmaker

Nixe has posed:
    Sunlight sneaks between gaps in the bedroom blinds, suffusing the room in a warm white light and peppering the floor and bedsheets with blinding pinpricks. Tracing across gentle crests and valleys, one beam stretches up to caress a young, sunbaked face. Entangled in the bedsheets with a bronze-skinned apache, the fair Italian's shoulders peek out from the comforter and a deluge of blonde hair has draped in almost every direction; the naiad is a fitful sleeper but also a hard one. Snoring softly against Sarah's chest, Nerina's ear is resting over the young woman's heartbeat and a trail of drool has trailed down the taller mutant's chest.

    As the morning sun warms her face, the nymph's breathing softens and she grumbles softly in resistance, squirming lightly and reaching another hand out from the blankets to grab her pillow.


    Nerina's mouth snaps shut and her eyes snap open as she looks at the supple but highly un-pillow-like thing she's just grabbed. Rosso promptly turns rosso.

Rainmaker has posed:
    There's a faint gasp from her current resting place as the sudden squeeze causes Sarah to stir, her eyes popping open, a bit groggy from sleep but focusing quickly as she peers downwards...and sees the blonde nymph currently resting her cheek on her chest. "...fluffing the pillows?" she murmurs, her lips curving up slightly as she shifts a little. Sometime in the night, her arms have come to rest around the other woman, either to keep her from tossing and turning, or simply because she's drawn to the warmth of snuggling into her body.

Nixe has posed:
    Nerina looks up as her hand lets go and she makes an attempt to get off the apache's breasts (and discretely wipe her mouth). "Buongiorno..." the nymph replies with an awkward smile, already a shade or two brighter than normal despite the grogginess trying to weigh her eyes back down.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Not that Sarah is going to let her get off that easily, of course. "Are you sure? You looked very comfortable where you are....don't need to move on my account." the Apache purrs a bit, her hands shifting where they're resting against Nerina's back lightly. She can't deny that there's a bit of a stirring below for her, waking up with a pretty girl in her arms. It's been a while for her. She's only human. Well, Gen13, but close enough.

Nixe has posed:
    Nerina's smile brightens despite herself as her head bows a little. "Well you are very... soft," she notes, poking a breast in what might be a show of bravado.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah twitches her lips a bit, then reaches up with a hand to run her fingers over Nerina's hair at the top of her head, an almost petting motion in return. "In places." she agrees. "You feel very...soft...against me too." she murmurs lazily, her eyes twinkling.

Nixe has posed:
    Part of the naiad's torso turns back and forth to water as her locket dangles between them, its end resting on the apache underneath. Nerina breath pauses for a moment but a stubborn blush and a stubborn smile both stay in place.
    "I'm not all hard bones?" she tosses back, mustering at least a light grin.

Rainmaker has posed:
    "Hmmmm..." Her hands slide back down, running along Nerina's sides, down to rest at her hips. "You're showing a lot more curves these days, yes..." Sarah says gently, her fingers tracing back up over the curve of those hips than up Nerina's sides again, running over her ribs. "It looks good on you."

Nixe has posed:
    That proves a little too much and the naiad squirms just before her waist turns to water. The nymph's legs are apparently still fair game.
    Nerina fights down her smile as she glances aside and mutters dourly, "I still have a lot more weight to gain."

Rainmaker has posed:
    "You'll just have to keep staying over for dinner then, won't you?" Sarah says amusedly. Really, the sides turning to water..the sensation doesn't stop, it just changes as her fingers slide back down to rest on her hips again, her abilities just barely touching the surface as her fingers run back down it. "Don't tell me you're ticklish?" she says teasingly. "Whoever heard of a ticklish ninja girl?"

Nixe has posed:
    More of Nerina's body turns to water as Sarah traces down it, then suddenly the entire naiad flips aqueous and flows up the apache's body like the spray of a water slide. Washing up over her face and arcing into the air, the nymph deposits herself on the floor beside the bed and reforms standing straight.

    "Good ninjas you don't hear of at all," she notes back.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah sputters a bit at the water running over her, though it flows off her to leave her dry again a moment later, puddling on the floor by Nerina as she sits up in the bed. "How did you sleep?" she asks curiously after a moment. Making no attempt to hold the blankets or sheets to her chest as she lets them fall naturally around her waist.

Nixe has posed:
    Nerina pffts a strand of hair from her face as she watches the rainmaker dispel her water. "Imbroglione," she accuses mirthfully while shifting so the edge of her foot touches the new puddle. Instantly the spill flows out of the carpet and back into its naiad origin while the young woman pauses to stretch, averting her eyes towards a wall.
    "Good, molto bene," she admits before rubbing her eyes. Despite the rest, they're still sunken and haggard. The nymph looks back with a tired sort of happiness as she hands the question back. "E tu? How did you sleep?"

Rainmaker has posed:
    And this time, for once...Sarah makes no effort to hide the fact she's admiring that stretch as Nerina looks away, as she gets a faintly pleased expression at the happiness. "Very comfortably." she says, softly. "It helps sometimes to have someone else there with me." She smiles a bit more. "If it helps, you're welcome to again in the future." Her eyes slit playfully. "You may even use the same pillows if you want."

Nixe has posed:
    Nerina coughs and covers her mouth politely as her stretching dies a sudden death. She snickers and a smile peeks out around her hand as she glances back to Sarah and tosses her a mirthful, "Lesbica."

Rainmaker has posed:
    "Happily proud of it too." Sarah murmurs, sliding out from under the sheets to stretch herself. Unlike Nerina...she is a very fit and curvy girl, and that stretch certainly demonstrates it throughly as she rises up on her toes. to do it, before starting to pad towars the bathroom, then pausing to look down. "....why am I grey?"

Nixe has posed:
    Nerina's eyes glance down then stay there until Sarah finishes stretching. By now her body's beginning to show the consequences of the apache milling around naked and the naiad turns politely aside again - until Sarah speaks back up.
    Sea-blue eyes flit back down to the young woman's grey and black stained skin and Nerina rubs the back of her head awkwardly. "That was me last night," she reminds, and after a moment adds, "It won't wash off."

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah opens her mouth, starting, then closes it, then looks down. Then back up. Then gets a mischevious look in her dark eyes. "So you're saying you marked me as yours?" she murmurs. "And permanently to boot?"

Nixe has posed:
    Nerina's eyes grow wide as she processes the implication, then sets a stern but very red-faced frown as she tries to salvage her dignity. The naiad's arm thrusts forward and stretches into a thick tentacle as her body behind it turns aqueous and thins to fuel the appendage.
    "Sciocco apache, vai a farti la doccia!" she blurts as the broad limb whips at Sarah's waist, aiming to push her back towards the bathroom.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah oofs as she's pushed back into the bathroom, breaking into laughter as she disappears inside. "You're lucky it's winter and I'm not wearing summer tops!" she calls out, before the water flips on.

Nixe has posed:
    Nerina draws her tentacle back and reforms the rest of her body once Sarah is in the bathroom. Her eyes don't miss that the door is open but first the flautist has a more important task...
    Stepping around until she's against the same wall and better out of view, the nymph takes hold of her locket and reverently pops the little clasp holding it shut. Opening it slowly she takes a small tuft of blonde hair from its inner compartment - the locket's only contents - and pops it into her mouth. The water mutant swallows a few times without even twitching her lip at the uncomfortable tickle as the strands are pulled down her throat, then reaches for one of the loose hairs in front of her face and tugs.

    *pluck, pluck, pluck!*

    A furtive glance is given towards the bathroom doorway as Nerina's fingers work with practiced ease on the new hair pieces, folding them into a bundle and tieing them together with one more strand.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah remains unaware of the antics outside, as she's realizing that she still feels weak...like she's had the flu or something. A hot shower is doing wonders for relaxing her a bit, but she's taking stock of exactly how...shrunken she feels, in terms of he rmuscle tone. Yes, it's not a lot, it's only two weeks, but for someone who take sboth great pride in her body and does a great deal of work to keep herself very fit, it's distressing.

    Still, she's still smiling to herself as she lathers up. That look from Nerina. She'll be treasuring that for a while. She giggles to herself softly at the thought.

Nixe has posed:
    While Sarah washes Nerina finishes her own business outside, tucking the new hair bundle inside her locket and snapping it shut. Then the naiad shuts her eyes and lets her breath settle heavy and deep. There's no sudden change that passes over her, no great flash of color or light, but once she feels her breakfast drop into the pit of her stomach, the water nymph's shoulders settle just a little.

Rainmaker has posed:
    The faint sound of cheerful humming can be heard coming from the bathroom, faintly over the sound of the falling water from the shower and the occasional splashes and such as Sarah begins rinsing out her hair.

Nixe has posed:
    Nerina doesn't seem to be in any rush to peek this time as the naiad instead waits for her complexion to return to normal and then wanders back to the bed, falling onto her front and stretching out. The nymph grunts and murmurs softly to herself before crossing her hands under her head, resting her eyes.
    Sarah may well find a sleeping blonde by the time she's done.

Rainmaker has posed:
    It DOES take a while..there's a lot of hair to wash, shampoo, and condition after two weeks of going without. But fter about fifteen-twenty minutes, Sarah emerges in a towel, peeking out into the living room to see what's become of Nerina.

Nixe has posed:
    Unmoving beneath a thin blanket of blonde hair, Nerina is still on her front, already passed out on the bed again. She doesn't so much as stir when Sarah shuts off the water and steps out.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah tilts her head, then pads over quietly, before she perches on the edge of the bed beside the snoozing nymph, careful not to disturb her. "Little nymph..." she murmurs, reaching out to very lighty, gently stroke her fingers over Nerina's head. "Sleep well. You need it." she murmurs softly.

Nixe has posed:
    The blonde naiad doesn't move except for a soft, steady rise and fall of her back - a sign perhaps of how much rest the light-sleeping ninja has lost keeping vigils lately.