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(Three super-soldiers cross paths in the SHIELD Triskelion workout room.)
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Latest revision as of 02:44, 16 March 2018

Catching Up
Date of Scene: 15 March 2018
Location: SHIELD Triskelion
Synopsis: Three super-soldiers cross paths in the SHIELD Triskelion workout room.
Cast of Characters: Captain America, Svetlana Kuznetsov, Winter Soldier

Captain America has posed:
    For new recruits at the Triskelion some of the perks that come with the job are pretty great. The cafeteria is amazing with its wide selection of delicacies all somehow put together rather rapidly with a precision that's unheard of. Some have even conjectured that Stark must have created an AI just to cook. Then there are the company cars that have a lot of benefits than a normal sedan. But for some, one of the best things is getting to see some of the people they hold in esteem in person, working, relaxing, doing their thing. When Black Widow gives a presentation she tends to draw a crowd. When Tony Stark shows up to implement a new equipment protocol, everyone enjoys that hint of the circus atmosphere that he brings with him. But then there's the spectacle of seeing Captain America in the gym just working out from time to time.
    Not that too many of them are obvious about it. It's a sort of whispered event at times, people mentioning to others through the grape vine. But whenever Steve Rogers is out there in the exercise area, taking his laps, working the heavy bag, or lifting the variable gravitic intensity weights... well people stop by.
    "Mornin', Cap." A man jobs by as he puts on his shoes. Steve lifts a hand and offers a smile.
    "Captain Rogers,"
    "Ma'am," Cap replies to a visiting Colonel from the Air Force whose meeting is supposed to be four floors up.
    "Good work the other day, Captain." A cadet calls out as he continues on his jog.
    "Soldier," Steve smiles a bit and lifts a wave, even as he tries to tie that smae shoe for perhaps the fourth time, shaking his head with a touch of amusement.

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
    Lana is new to the Triskelion, so she lacks the notoriety of the established SHIELD personnel. She's also obviously Russian, from the first words out of her mouth in a conversation. The girl seems to have an easy time with Barnes and Romanov, which sends up more than a few red flags. And Darcy Lewis, which is another conversation entirely.

    To her credit, however, Lana does her combat training with between four and six opponents. Simultaneously. She's also qualified as Expert with both pistol and rifle, although she's nowhere near Barnes' league with the latter. And lately she's been dressing more like a typical teenager and listening to music almost non-stop.

    Right now, Lana is dressed in shorts and a tank top that are similiar to what she was wearing when she was in cryo. Just add a pair of cross-trainers. Entering the workout area, she spots someone she's heard a lot about, but hasn't really met. Towel around her neck and water bottle in one hand, she walks right up to Rogers. Heels click together and she gives a little bow. "Spasibo. Thank you."

Captain America has posed:
    As she closes the distance with the man sitting on that bench, she'll see him pulling out a roll of tape and stretches it out with a tearing sound as the adhesive surrenders to the pressure. He starts to loop it around his left hand, but his blue eyes lift to catch the approach of the young soviet super soldier. For a brief moment she might see his eyes narrow subtly, but then as she bows he gives a small smile and meets her addressing of him with a nod. "Ms. Kuznetsova."
    A glance is given, looking her up and down for a moment as his eyebrow quirks. "You seem to be adjusting well. How are you finding modern life?" He finishes with a few loops around his fist and then tears off the tape with his teeth, patting down the folds of the fabric, then shifting hands to start on the other.

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
    She relaxes again, gaze dropping to where he's taping his hands for the moment. "Please, you may call me Lana. That was the name I used in my childhood." Then he asks about modern life, and it's like a dam bursts. "This... time... is so very confusing. And overwhelming. And wonderful. All at once." Lana offers a more natural smile, and suddenly she looks like she's 18. Which means to Cap's eyes she probably looks closer to 16.

    She moves to sit beside him on the bench, not quite plopping down. "I am learning the music, and I was not aware there were so many movies that I've missed. Darcy... Agent Lewis... has been very helpful with teaching me things." Red flag warning! "I have also read about you, Captain Rogers. You are not much older than I am in real years, da? Will you tell me how you adjust to so much?"

Captain America has posed:
    A small chuckle slips from him as she settles down, but he listens to her with a slightly wary tilt of his head to the side, eyeing her curiously as she regales him about her learning of this era that has in some ways confounded him as well. "I've tried to figure that out myself," His subjective years. He continues to wend that tape around his other fist and then gets it situated with a crinkle causing it to lie asked briefly. He adjusts it then tears off the end with his teeth, setting the roll on the bench.
    "I joined the military when I was about your age, then ended up fighting the war." His hand lifts and then he punches sharply into his palm, testing the taping job he did. That done he rises to his feet and smiles at her. "Never got to see the end of it, then I woke up and for the last... six years I've been doing what I can here." He looks around the gym slowly, eyes widening a little. "So I'm almost a hundred, but I've only lived twenty seven of them really? Or so. Sorta like yourself."
    He starts to step away, slipping out of his windbreaker jacket and setting it on a hook on the wall before he turns back to her and gives her that 'boy next door' smile. "But it's good you're picking up a few things here or there. Agent Lewis seems like a decent sort. Haven't talked to her much I'm afraid."

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
    Lana listens intently, keeping her focus on him while he talks. "I have never seen any *actual* fighting. They kept us in the facility and trained us after our conditioning, but the project was shut down before we saw any field use." It's a curious shift, when the girl speaks of her experience inside the project facility; the 18-year old becomes the trained soldier again.

    "Darcy means well, this much I can see. But she is so... what we could call *naglyy*... -brazen-, in her approach to life. She tells me of thongs and booty calls and boyfriends..." Here, Lana smiles a little and shakes her head. She is clearly blushing as well.

    "When I was younger, before I was selected for the Program, all I wanted to do was ice skate. Figure skating, like what you see in the Olympics. I practiced and I trained and I became very good. I think that is why I was selected." Here she pauses and leans back on her hands a little.

    "I would like to skate again."

Captain America has posed:
    Wearing his sleeveless t-shirt and sweats, Steve steps onto the small run that separates the multiple heavy bags from each other as well as from the speed bags. He takes his time though, chatting with Svetlana while he walks, looking at her sidelong from time to time. "You should be thankful in a way. War isn't something I'd want to go through again." But he would, of course.
    He continues that slow stroll, occasionally a jogging cadet or agent will pass by on the track and offer a wave or a salute. He returns every. Single. One. But as she speaks about what Ms. Lewis has taught her, she might well see the small blush in his features as well as he laughs perhaps a little roughly. "Heh, well I wouldn't really know anything about that. I do know people in this era seem to take a few things more... lightly than I think I could." He shakes his head, still smiling embarrassedly as he reaches the furthest bag and rests one hand upon it, causing it to jangle faintly. "I mean, did you know they can just swipe right on their phone and..." He shakes his head, hands flaring as if incredulous.
    But then he steps around the bag and smiles at her mention of her past. "Then you should, Lana. Central Park has some great ice rinks this time of year. And that snowstorm a few days ago... it's very pretty."

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
    Lana rises to walk along with him, still talking. "I know enough to realize that there is a difference between fighting and war, da." she replies. There are a lot fewer people who wave to her than to Cap, of course, but she smiles freely enough all the same. Tilting her head, the smile widens a touch more when he blushes. No, she isn't alone.

    "I am familiar with the concept of 'swipe right'." she replies softly. Darcy again, no doubt. "I have just not found anyone that I wish to 'swipe right' with. And I am honestly a little afraid to ask Darcy for help with that. I feel like others are in a big rush to do these things, but I am not." The girl shrugs.

    "I will need to find a place to buy ice skates, then. A proper pair, of course. I know how to get to Central Park on the subway."

Captain America has posed:
    Still leaning partially against the boxing bag, his hand upon the side of it, Steve Rogers shakes his head. "Yeah, I think there's nothing wrong with waiting to find someone that suits your own particular..." He tilts his head to the side, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand and grimacing a touch. "Sensibilities." That said he'll nudge the bag a bit to get it swinging a little, frowning for some reason at the way the metal links of the chain clink. Back to her he gives a faint half-smirk. "Besides, apparently..." His eyes widen a touch, "The serum affects our aging so we have time. Plenty enough to find a pair of ice skates."
    He gets a small grin, then nods towards her. "If you'll excuse me." That said he pushes the bag again and sends it rocking back on its restraints, the chain shifting and begins his work out, throwing a steady series of punches into it with several resonant thumps.

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
    Lana's small smile returns when he talks of plenty of time to find ice skates, reaching up to draw the towel from around her neck. "Da. Plenty of time." she replies softly. He starts on the bag and she nods again, stepping over to a bench. She puts down the towel and water bottle, looking around at the running track.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Bucky arrives into the 'athletic facility' just in time to catch a glimpse of Steve leaving Svetlana to her own devices. Man...someday, he needs to chat with his best friend. Regardless, his eyes fall on Lana with a kind smile as he clearly came in to do some kind of training. His hair was pulled into a ponytail and he wore a black tanktop, revealing his vibranium arm in it's entirety with sweatpants and tenneshoes. He approaches Svetlana with a gym bag slung over his shoulder.

"Svetlana. How are you doing?" he asks her curiously with that small tilt of his head.

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
Svetlana is raising one foot to the bench to check the laces. She's doing the same for the other... skater's habit... when Bucky approaches. The smile is wide and genuine. And in spite of being told of people's general discomfort of speaking Russian, the language just comes right out. "James. I am doing very well, thank you. Darcy has me listening to Taylor Swift now."

    For her part, Lana is wearing shorts and a tank, along with a pair of cross-trainers.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Bucky seems to smile softly as he doesn't even question her slipping straight into Russian to speak with him. He responds in kind as he approaches her with kindness. "Svetlana. Glad to hear it, though Darcy may not be the most sound influence when it comes to music." he teases her softly. Either way, he seems to set his bag down and move to grab the 50's off the rack for his warmup incline.

"Tell me, how was your day? Were you speaking to Captain America recently?"

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
Svetlana chuckles softly at that, nodding. "Darcy has given me some reason to question her judgement on many things, da." she replies. Still speaking Russian. Thankfully. "And yes, I talked with Captain Rogers just a little while ago. He suggested that I could go ice skating in Central Park."

Winter Soldier has posed:
Bucky smiles. He never thought he could get even the smallest chuckle out of someone else, but he nods a few times at her words, continuing his speech in Russian. "I see. He appeared to be well. If I had to choose someone to help guide and familiarize you with the world, he'd likely be my first choice." he smiles then to her softly. "Ice skating would be an easy therapeutic exercise for you. If I recall, you were a talent with Ice Skating, da?"

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
Lana nods briskly. "Captain Rogers and I share similiar perspectives, although from different countries. As I do with you. Darcy's advice and suggestions sometimes make me... uncomfortable. People were not so... free... when I was younger." She smiles again. "Ice skating would be a change from combat training, to be sure." The girl pauses for a moment, then. "I am remembering more and more of my life before being selected for the Program. It seems so long ago."

Winter Soldier has posed:
Bucky smiles faintly then at her words. "She's a very....free, spirit. The kind where she is fully comfortable doing whatever she likes while maintaining a solid morality. I enjoy her company, despite her brash attitude." a smile is still present for her, soft as it is. "Your memories will return with time...even I am still remembering things from my life before I became the Winter Soldier."

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
Svetlana shakes her head at that. "My memories are not the problem. I have read a little about you, as I have Captain Rogers and Agent Romanova. We have many things in common, but our cases are all different. My perspective is what is full of gaps. I am trying to see this world through something more than a 1950's lens." She lowers her foot from the bench, giving a little shimmy. "And I am -really- trying to get used to thongs, because Darcy says they make my butt look good. But they are not entirely comfortable."

Winter Soldier has posed:
Bucky nods softly then at her words. Pretty much anyone with the clearance has done research on the Winter Soldier. That said? He seems to pinch the bridge of his nose slightly when Svetlana mentions that she is presently wearing a thong. "...perhaps you should wear normal womens small clothes. I believe Darcy tends to dress in a manner that isn't what I would call appropriate when she can." He shrugs then. "But who am I to say." he gives up then before he starts doing bicep curls with that 50 lb weight. Of course, this was just a warmup. he does it almost insultingly easily, though.

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
Svetlana smiles at that, and even though she's not yet broken a sweat her cheeks are flushed. "Captain Rogers said that Darcy is a good source of information, but I am starting to question her judgement at times. Especially when it comes to clothes."

At least she doesn't ask Bucky his opinion about her butt.

Lana picks up a couple of dumbells herself... less than 50 pounds but more than would be expected for a woman her size. She begins a routine of squats and curls and overhead presses.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Well, on the bright side, if Svetlana would have asked about her butt, he would have given a positive answer.


Bucky mainly works all the muscles aside from his metal arm....because that thing has a constantly fixed limit whose metal muscles don't necessarily need stretching. That said, Bucky sticks to incline and bicep curls. Once he hits fifteen with them, he moves to a squat rack across from Svetlana.

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
Svetlana continues her workout routine, shifting exercises to work towards completing this set. It's a fairly involved routine, but it is certainly -routine- for her. "I am noticing that people in this time are very interested in courting behavior. Much more than when I was younger."

    Putting the dumbells down, she finds a heavy workout ball and starts working her core. "When I was younger... in Russia... relationships were not discussed by those involved. They were arranged by your family and you followed instructions. There was no choosing, no dating, no 'swipe right'."

Winter Soldier has posed:
Bucky sets his weight down when he finishes the rep set. Either way, when Svetlana starts to speak with him about how she notices how seemingly obsessed people are with dating and courting as it were. That said, He chuckles only mildly. "Welcome to America." is all he says then.

"Here, people can choose whomever they wish. There's no real restriction in such a time as this when it comes to who you decide to love. As long as it isn't the wrong kind of love."

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
Okay, so that gets her to pause as well. "What is the 'wrong kind' of love?" And once again Lana shifts from soldier to 18-year old. "I do not mean to keep asking such questions, James. There is just so much that I do not know."

To anyone watching the two super soldiers conversing in Russian they could be talking about their Cold War days, or the Motherland, or plotting to overthrow SHIELD. Dating and relationships and thongs are probably not high on the list of possible topics.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Bucky looks at Svetlana a moment. "The kind that's only meant for satisfying carnal desire and not so much liking someone for who they are." he shrugs then. "That, and preying on children or the elderly preying on the young. THere are a few unwritten rules, but it relies on common sense more than anything." he answers her then.

Anyone who understands their speech is likely having a fun time.

Either way, he crosses his arms softly. "Though, why on the subject? have you found someone you have feelings for? You do not have to answer my question."

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
Svetlana stops for a moment, giving him a look that is almost stunned as he explains. "Apparently -our- idea of common sense and THIS idea of common sense are two very different things." she replies softly. With a shrug she sets down her weights and takes a swig from her water bottle.

Lana shakes her head, setting the bottle down. "And no. I do not have any 'booty call friends', or anyone that I would 'swipe right'. Not that there are not nice men... people... here that I have met. I went from being a child to being a soldier to being... now I do not know what."

Dark brows knit and Lana picks up her towel, patting the back of her neck for a moment. "Thank you, James. I need to go and buy a pair of ice skates."