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Latest revision as of 15:00, 18 March 2018

Wanda's Uncertain Vision
Date of Scene: 17 March 2018
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Vision, Scarlet Witch

Vision has posed:
Friday nights in New York City are a loud affair, when millions of people get off work and shuck their work clothes and head out to do something fun.. Exciting. And the Avengers are pretty much no different than any other 'regular' people, besides being Earths Mightiest Heroes. They are (mostly) human, after all and humans need time to decompress.

SO while the majority of his fellow avengers are out and about doing whatever they do on fridays, the synthetic Avenger known as The Vision is using this time of quiet to relax in his own way while at the same time covering Monitor duty. Now one would think that having the breadth of human knowledge and information systems at his fingertips would mean one would find the synthezoid brain deep in the internet but.. no...

Vision sits in a high back chair in the mansion's den, the fire cracking. Dressed down in slacks and one of his comfortable sweaters, instead of being integrated fully into the network he is reading an actual /book/. Despite the fact he could literally flip through the pages in an instant he he slowly and almost reverently turns the pages, slowly scanning line after line. On the small table next t his chair is a decanter of scotch and a half full snifter. In the background music wafts from hidden speakers. The album "I, Robot" by The Alan Parsons project

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Usually, Wanda spends her quiet time in the Library. Very few people wander in there by chance - though Thor does an alarming number of times, likely because he knows she hides there. Still, tonight she's not in the library. She's headed to the den. One hand holds a very large decanter of amber coloured liquid, and the other holds a snifter glass. She's barefoot, and in a skirt, and a peasanty sort of blouse that isn't quite done up all the way. In fact, it isnt' quite done up most of the way, exposing a very lacy and likely very expensive bra beneath it. Nothing scandalous per se, but given Wanda? Totally not her usual style.

Vision has posed:
He may not be a 'rweal' boy but over time The Vision has incorporated a few human mannerisms to the point that they truly are almost 'subconcious', whatever that means when the being in question was created and not born and evolved. He licks a thumb and slowly turns the page, scanning another line... He reaches for his glass of scotch.. and stops.

Unlike a human, his attention is never really 'lost' and when the door opens he immediately looks up from his book.. and raises a brow slightly. A portion of his vast mental capabilities analyzes what he sees, breaking down the image of Wanda, her body language, her mode of dress...

"Good evening, Miss Maximoff." he intones, slowly.. almost cautiously. "How are you this evening? Can I be of service?" he asks.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda stops in the doorway and gives Vision a long, sultry sort of look, then rolls her eyes. "Really? I come dressed for the kill and that is the best of an offer you can make?"

It's odd. Her dress and mannerisms are off, as is.. some of her language? It's like she's not quite certain which role she's in. Caught between two worlds or something.

"Do you like to have a drink?"

By the time she's made her way over to where he sits, she's holding not one, but two glasses in her off hand. A chair is taken up and the decanter set down, as well as the glasses, allowing her to lean over and pluck the book from his hands, tossing it over her shoulder. "No. We are going to have the interesting conversation now."

Vision has posed:
Vision blinks...

And.. he blinks again...

Vision is a bit confused. If he wasn't more versed in the intricacies of human socializing (for which he knows whole TIMES worth, thousands of studied) he would swear that Wanda was trying to be.. flirtatious? Seductive? But that can't be right. He cannot think of any reason why she would be such towards him. Then again, he doesn't have any idea why /any/ sentient would be such towards him.

Her current mannerisms seem to conflict with the personality model he has compiled on her, which makes him somewhat worried, though that shows only as a bit more an eyebrow raise as she gets closer.

"Dressed to Kill?" he asks, still trying to catch up. "To kill.. what?" he asks.

He doesn't move as she plucks the book and tosses it behind her.. it lands on the floor, cover up. The Modern Promethueus. He leans back into his chair as she leans over him and his solid yellow eyes widening. "I.. was already drinking.." he says, and is suddenly feeling a strange sensation.. he is NERVOUS for some reason.. "What do you mean by.. interesting? Miss. Maximoff, are you feeling well?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
There's a soft snort of a sound from the woman. "I am feeling all the well, my dear Vision. Better than the well."

He's given something of a smile. It is a smile, it's just.. odd. There's something dark and sultry about it, but it doesn't match the flicker of confusion in her eyes before even that flicker is gone, and she's leaning, uncapping the decanter, and pouring two drinks, as though he'd not just said he already had been drinking. As though he'd follow suit merely because it was her wish.

The liquid has an earthy smell. Notes of almond to it (Disaronno). She carefully puts the lid back and picks up a glass in each hand.

"Now we make the decisions." He's regarded like he should totally follow her line of thought without her stating it. There's nothing but an attitude of expectation from the woman.

Vision has posed:
No. No no no. This is wrong. Something is very very wrong here. His analysis, no, his instincts are screaming at him. Her profile is off. Very very off. Sure, he's allowed for some variables in his profiling of each and every one of his fellow avengers but this.. this is well beyond parameters.

"All 'the' well?" he asks, slowly. "Better than 'the' well?" He watches her as she leans over to fill the glasses, observing how she bends.. stretches.. matching movement to vice tone.. "Are you sure you are fine? Visually you seem fine..." he stops, frowning, wondering why he worded it like that. He isn't understanding his part calm yet still nervous reactions to her presence, the way she projects herself. He shifts uncofmortable in his seat, fronwing inwardly at his seeming inability to react as he SHOULD. As she returns with the glasses.

"What... kind Of decicions are were talking about? Maybe we should sicuss you seeing a doctor? I hear that DOctor McCoy has been visiting the mansion of late....?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"Yes, all the well," Wanda murmurs. "Silly Vision. Why would I be not the well?"

Still with those odd cadences. The mixture of modes.

A glass in each hand, he's regarded by the woman, her lips sliding over a tiny moue of amusement. "Oh, you wish we should play doctor? I do like how you think." The moue turning into a pretty little pout. "But you would have to make more of the room on your lap for now. How else am I to be doing the sitting otherwise?"

Vision has posed:
Vision does something he rarely, if ever, does. He swallows.. hard. He could easily phase himself back through the chair but something is keeping him from doing so. Maybe it is concern for his fellow Avenger's mental health, if she truly /is/ having some sort of episode. Or is she having an episode. For all his analytical power, he is NOT fully versed in human relations despite having lived among them. There are possibilities his own analysis are in error, right?

"I.. never said I wished to lay doctor." he quickly affirms, his voice rising in pitch ever so slightly. He raises his hands, as if to motion her away, but of course this also frees his lap of any obstruction.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
The hands *might* be moved to motion her away, but of course there is that lap freed of any obstruction, and who is she to deny such *obvious* invitation?

Wanda tsks softly under her breath. "See? Was that so hard?" As though it had taken him ages to decide to free up his lap for her. Though she does giggle when she sits. "And not so hard!"

A glass is held out to him as she swings her legs up over the arm of his seat and makes herself comfortable, trusting that he's just going to provide the shelter of his arms for support.

Vision has posed:
If he were human, Vision would probably make some sort of sound like 'Gah!" or 'Eep!' of something. But such expressions are, if not alien to him, at least beneath him.. at least as beneath him as he is beneath /her/ as she takes her seat right on his lap. He doesn't protest, doesn't even know HOW to protest her actions... or just can't. What is wrong with her? What is wrong with /him/?!?

"No, it was not /difficult/." he states, as unemotionally as he can, and avoiding the word hard as MUCH as possible as he computes there is a very large chance it would be misconstrued somehow. He quickly clamps his mouth shut as she wiggles and just as quickly plants his hands on the arm rests so he doesn't touch her more then he already is... If he had regular skin ones his knuckles MAY be white.

"I am.. not sure if this is appropriate, Miss Maximoff. Perhaps you have had too much to drink before you came here?"Yeah! Thats it! She's DRUNK. That would explain EVERYTHING. The strange cadence of her speech as she reverts to her romani accented english! The flashes of confusion. Her over.. eagerness?

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda's laugh at his reaction is a light and bright thing. As though she's decided his discomfiture is not only amusing, but suddenly the most fun and appropriate thing ever. And when he grasps the armrests as if his life depended upon it, she throws an arm about his neck, and provides her own support that way.

"Of course it was not the difficult. Why would you find it the difficult to want a pretty woman in your lap, no?"

She laughs again, her words amusing herself. The thought of calling herself a pretty woman strking her, it would seem, as a joke. As though this were some sort of game that she's playing on herself as well as him.

"It is always the appropriate, yes? You are a man, and I am the woman. See?" Her glass is lifted, and tilted this way and that as she regards the liquid within, murmuring almost sadly, "No. See? The glass, it is still this full. I am not the drunk." But there's that small flicker in her eyes again. The glimmer of confusion. Or is it helplessness?

Vision has posed:
Vision is not sure if his discomfiture should be found amusing by anyone. He surely doesn't find it funny at all. All sorts of alerts are blaring in his head (a turn of speech, of course, since he doesn't actually have alert buzzers installed. She is well within his 'personal space' proximity, a parameter he didn't even realize he had and despite her (apparently) inebriated condition he isn't sure if he /minds/ are not. or at least isn't sure /how/ he minds it. It's teribly confusing. if he didn't have the control he hs over his own physical form he would be breathing a bit more raggedly and his synthetic heart would probably be pumping a but harder then it already is.

"I am.. not sure I can give you a proper response as to why.. it would be difficult.." he tells her, forcing himself to NOT LET GO of the armrests as she slides an arm behind his neck, her body temperature at a slightly elevated though not sickness inducing degree. "Beyond.. the fact that I am not sure why you are finding such.. interest in me.." he tells her.

He then looks down at her, his large eyes wide. "I am sure there are many who would dispute that I am a man." he says, is voice taking on a strange.. hoarseness? Inwside his head he wonders what is wrong with his voice. Maybe it is her pleasant aroma drying out his synthetic nasal passages.. Why did he define her scent as pleasant?

"But you are..."he looks dow a bit lower now.. "Most assuredly a woman, yes... And females tend to have less body mass, and can sucumb to slight inebriation much quicker than males." he quickly adds.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Her glass is tilted this way and that again, an idle passtime as he speaks. Wanda looking bored for a moment. "Why wouldn't I be interested?" Her words are soft. Distant. "You are male. I am..."

She turns and faces him now, her glass forgotten in her hand, still tilted at an angle.


"Tell me, Vision, do you want me to leave? All you need to do is tell me to leave."

Wanda leans in closer as she speaks, her odd cadence lost now. Perhaps merely because she whispers. Or perhaps.. Perhaps it is like a trick of the light. A sleight of hand merely missed because he wasn't paying attention. Or because his nerves or her nearness have caused him to misshear her.

Her attention fixates on his lips now, head canting to one side as she considers them. "I could kiss you," she murmurs, though there is a sense that she she really means is 'I could kiss him' - as though he were an abstract part of this equation. That she's regarding this as an exercise of sorts. Both engaged in, and disengaged from.

Vision has posed:
For all his senses, for all his analytical abilities, Vision really has no clue how to guage this situation let alone how to COMMUNICATE what he is.. experiencing. That Wanda is acting strange, possibly due to a mixture of stress and social lubricant (aka Alcohol) is a given. She has always been a somewhat passionate individual, as much as he knows her, and for all her life's difficulties (and her working their way through them) he has always admired the magical avenger..

But synthetic or not, Vision is not /perfect/, so he cannot tell if she is being influenced by other outside stimuli like he is.. that stimuli being the romani woman in his lap.. her rather intimate actions.. her sultry voice with it's almost hypnotic cadence.. her vibrant scent... the weight of her body... Her warmth

"I.. do not know..." he says, sounding as confused as he looks, like he is having trouble processing the question and it's possible answers... What does he /want/? It's not something he gets asked often. "I mean... I am unsure. Part of me wishes to know why you are acting this way.. It seems out of character for you but.. I do not know if I could send you away..."

As she fixates on his lips, states what she could do, he quivers just a little, an odd out-of-reflex reaction that he cannot find any reason for. "Yes.. Yes you could..." he finally says, his synthetic voice actually hoarse with.. something emotional? He looks like he almost wants to lean in.. to meet her lips with his.. Surely thats the signals /he/ is unwittingly giving.. but..

"You /could/ kiss me.. And.. I could not stop you.." he says breathily, using her given name for once.. a rarity. "But do /you/ really /want/ to, Wanda.. Is this what /you/ want? In your heart of hearts?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
The world hyper-focuses down. It's the strangest thing, and later she won't remember this at all, but right this moment, everything has a clarity about it that is surreal. As though time had stopped and every moment she was experiencing now was a chance to turn things this way and that and consider them, standing back from the two of them, watching the woman on Vision's lap be both sultry and awkward in turns. Watching Vision falter between the nobility of recognizing that perhaps something is wrong, and his own wanting to throw that all away.

Like a breeze, she steps around herself, watching from all angles, but despite it all, she can't change the outcome. He asks her to look within her heart of hearts and she does, finding nothing but confusion roiling about so many things. Most of them saying this isn't the time. Or the place. Or the how. Or possibly even the who. These are things she's been struggling with for weeks now and finding no answers to.

But the woman on Vision's lap can not hear her. Can not feel her now. She feels like she's falling away from her, slipping into a vortex pulling her from the here and now to an elsewhen. An elsewhere. She's not sure, it's more a feeling than a thing.

And the Wanda in his lap is giving a sultry little sigh as he leans in, both pleased and disappointed all at once.

"I want many things, Vision. Kisses are only the beginning." The words forming the spell of the thing, and the Wanda in his lap leans in, even as the Wanda watching feels herself slip away further..

Vision has posed:
Vision does not, cannot, know what is actually gong on inside her head, nor her heart, at that very moment. he can guess.. surmise.. analyze small key factors.. run simulations.. But that isn't /knowing/. So he has to trust in something he was never designed to have.. he has to trust his feelings.

Not knowing she is falling, metaphorically, he still releases one of the chair's arms and gently places his hand on hers and comtinues staring into her eyes. His hand is.. suprisingly warm. Not like a machines. While his flesh is synthetic it doesn't feel like plastic or metal. It feels almost organic.. and it is like an anchor. Because, also not like a machine, there is something metaphysical that Vision doesn't realize he has the potential to posses.


That feeling which living beings can just tell another has. Her real self, walking around her physical form could possibly feel it even. One spirit reaching out to another, fighting itself one one hand against it's own wants but also determined to be better then any base wants he doesn't realize he actually has.

"Of course you want many things, Wanda. And.. I would not deny you. But Something tells me you are conflicted. And I do not wish to.. exploit you." he tells her softly. "We have both been exploited to much in our lives.. Yours by circumstance of birth and me.. by my very creation. And while I would allow myself to be exploited by you, willingly so, if your heart so desired I could never forgive myself if I found I had exploited you. So perhaps.. perhaps you should spend more time figuring out what you /need/ for the future, rather than what you think you want now.."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
The hand is an anchor.

Only it is not the hand of the woman on his lap he holds, but the one slipping away, finding it hard to keep her grip on the reality she knows and wants to keep. But that hand, the warmth of it, coupled with those words, and the look in those eyes... they're like a balm, soothing her soul. Allowing her time and space away from the unrest that has been eating at her, growing daily without any physical form or direction she can point at or fix. All she knows is that somewhere, something is terribly, terribly wrong, and if it continues, she will lose herself to what is becoming.

It's something she's feared ever since she discovered even just the edges of who and what she is and could do. It's what has kept her in check all this time, from becoming else and more, and something fearful.

But the hand is also a knife. It stabs through her, leaving the Wanda in his lap in a sudden panic. She is, in that moment fully the Wanda that is; but she is also lacking the Wanda he holds, and for a brief flash of a moment, it's clear that the Wanda in his lap understands that is wrong.

Or perhaps it is only that in that moment the Wanda that should be returns, and where the two collide, fighting for space and supremecy, all that is left is a sharp echo of fear, leaving behind only one Wanda, eyes wide and fearful, cheeks a desperate pink of mortification turning scarlet, her drink falling and landing on the floor, the snifter's delicate glass shattering with a bell-like sound that matches the "nonononono" coming from Wanda's lips.

Vision has posed:
So.. in a instant, change.

He has no idea what is going on, only that some event has transpired. Something beyond his limited (even for him)m reckoning. Her change in attitude is instantaneous yet, for him, also immeasurably slow.. seconds drawn out over years in his accelerated mindscape.

But even knowing that something has changed, though not sure of what that thing was, Vision doesn't bolt nor does he encroach any more on her space than he already is (though it is more her still being in HIS space) His hand slips from hers and both of his hands now rest on her shoulders as she murmurs nononono over and over agin.

"Wanda." he states, firmly though compasionately. Instinctually he reacts, not logically. "Calm down. You are fine. You /will/ be fine." he says as soothingly as he is able, his voice a warm synthetic monotone. He ignores the dropped glass.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"No.. no.." Wanda shakes her head, trembling, trying to back away from him, but sitting in his lap, there is no way to back up. No way to remove herself but to get up and leave, and she doesn't know how. Her body feels strange. Like she doesn't quite fit in it. Like how it is to wake some mornings where your limbs feel all heavy and like they must truly belong to someone else even as you can feel them and know that they are your own.

"Please, I did not mean.. that is.. you.. oh, oh Vision." Her words are a tumble of fear and sorrow that drop to a barely heard whisper. "I do like you too much for this."

Then softer, still, "Something is wrong. I think I need.."

She does not finish what it is she needs.