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Latest revision as of 13:49, 25 March 2018

Connecting to The Past
Date of Scene: 18 March 2018
Location: Unkonwn
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Captain Marvel (Danvers), Rogue

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Dressed casually for once, Carol had contacted Rogue, asking her to meet her at the Avengers' Mansion Study. Rather unusually, she sounded a bit bitter while asking for the meeting. She's waiting for Rogue on the couch, before the TV, but the TV is off.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had been out and about all day, had even helped Tony with a fight earlier in the day around lunch time... so she was a bit worked up because the fight involved her needing to rip the Iron-Man-Like armor off of some jerk who was using it for foul purposes... At least she assumed it was foul purposes, Tony'd told her to do it, so she just figured he had a good reason.

On her way back to the Avengers place, she got the call from Carol to stop by the Den on the second floor, so here she is, striding into the room with a couple of plastic grocery bags filled with food from the market she'd picked up... stuff she liked to have around.

"Hey!" Rogue said to the side of Carol as she passed by her on the way to the fridge. "Whats shakin', hot stuff?" She asks Carol, flashing a grin on her way past.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol pats the couch next to her, "hi Rogue, come, have a seat with me," she invited the younger woman. "I'm sorry if it'll be a bit on the heavy side, but I really needed to talk with you..." she offers in a way of warning, holding on to a small object in her hand, as Rogue comes nearer, she'll find it is a picture. Rogue will know the man in the picture as Colonel Michael Rossi.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue sat the two bags down beside the fridge that was in the den's small kitchenette area. She then turned and made her way toward where Carol was and took a second to smooth out her hair back on either sides of her face while she unzipped her black leather jacket and then came to sit down on the edge of the sofa beside Carol. Her green eyes go to the picture of the man and part of her recognizes him, but she's not quite sure from where. "Heavy is fine." Rogue said, flashing a smile toward Carol. "Who's that?" She asks to make sure.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"That is Colonel Michael Rossi," Carol starts and almost immediately stops, staring at the photo, and sighing faintly, not meaning for Rogue to hear her sigh. Was my mentor in the Air Force...he later got my foot in the door at the C.I.A." She stops, a rather deadpan expression on her visage. "At one point...we also became lovers." She slowly turns to look at Rogue, the way she talks of Rossi is quite detached for someone meant to have been her mentor, and later on her lover. The way she speaks of him, paints him as an integral person in her life, but she seems almost as if she is talking about a character out of a movie or biography of someone else. "I was hoping, maybe you could describe for me...what this picture makes you feel," she extends her hand with the picture toward Rogue. If she manipulated it a bit, there's a dedication on the back: "Ace...no matter the odds, you'll fly onwards to victory. Stay strong. -Mike Rossi."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue slowly nods her head to the rundown of Carol's past with the man but she doesn't really 'look' at the photo until she's asked to gauge her own feelings from it. "Lover huh?" She asks with a grin as she leans over to look more closely. A grin on her lips fades some as she stares at him, and for a second it looks like she has some kind of thought or thoughts go through her head and she shrugs her shoulders then and straightens up again. "Just a guy." She says to Carol, glancing over at her and then away again. "Cute, but yeah... lots of'em are, until ya get t'know'em." She shows another little grin again. "Why?" She has to ask then. "Did I... take your memories of him?"

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol does start to look a little bit more notably saddened at Rogue's reply, nodding her head very faintly. "For a while at least...after I've...evolved," Carol finally chooses a word to describe her ascension to become Binary, "I've regained my lost memories, but not the emotions attached to them." She sighs a bit more audibly this time, "I was hoping you could describe to me how I feel about Colonel Rossi. I've recently found this picture of him, with the dedication, and with the memories I have...I realize he was important to me." She extends her hand to take the photo back from Rogue, "I just can't get any reaction...it feels almost alien. I'm sorry for calling you over for something like that..."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue shakes her head at the older woman while she hears her explain this. "You don't have t'apologize t'me for what I did to -you-." Rogue replies to her in seriousness. "I took that from you, and... if I could give it back, I would in a heartbeat. But I can't." She slowly shakes her head again and seems to struggle with the next words, another glance is given to the picture before she looks back to Carol again. "Doctor Strange." She starts. "He took most all of your influence outta my head, along with all the weaker minds that I'd absorbed as well. He said that by removing them, he could give me a freedom that I needed to know myself... And though some'a your, quirks?" She shows a faint grin. "Yet still reside up in my dumb head, the memories are all mostly gone."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol smiles at Rogue's words, "you've sure grown," she remarks, before falling silent again. "On the one hand, it's true, I shouldn't...but on the other, I can't imagine having my life mix up with yours was easy for you...as I understand it, that was all Mystique's doing, you didn't know what would happen, did you?" Carol looks directly at Rogue, "at least that's how Professor Xavier explained it to me..."

Carol looks a bit shocked at first, before she calms, and then reclines abit against the back support of the couch. "I see...you don't suppose Dr. Strange might be able to magic them back for me...?" It's a thought, something of a magical healing for her mind? Assuming that won't be too dangerous, her mind is a most unique one after all she's been through.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue shows a larger smile at the part of her having grown up, and this gets a slight quick dip in her pointed chin given in affirmation of those words as she feels she has as well, whether she has or not! At the rest that Carol says, Rogue's smile fades away again then and she leans back agains the sofa and then slides her gloved hands back across the tops of her jeans covered thighs. "He might be able to." She responds to carol. "I've seen him do remarkable things. Things I couldn't wrap my head around, which is why he and I parted ways."

Rogue then bites down on her bottom lip for a second at the earlier question though and she shakes her head. "I knew that I could absorb people's memories and thoughts. I just didn't know I could do it permanently. I thought that the plan was we'd take you out temporarily and finish our job... then you'd be on your way, with a defeated moment behind you. I didn't know that... what happened would happen. Mystique seemed to know it though, I don't know how, but I don't know how she knows most of the things she knows."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Are you still in touch with him...?" Carol inquires, and doesn't elaborate, she assumes Rogue already understands what she means to ask of her. After all, she doesn't know the magician too well, what reason has he to help her out of the blue? "Easy answer to your question, her lover, Destiny," hard to remember these days, but Mystique used to be a regular nemesis of Ms. Marvel, and the two got to know each other and each other's friends quite well through the years.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue quickly shakes her head side to side once. "I haven't seen him since my birthday. That wretched day where I was... possessed with a rage demon. Strange, once more... came to my aide and he saved me. He saved my life for the second god damn time." Rogue exhaled softly then and put her eyes back on to Carol. "That guy, wherever he, whatever he's doing... He's mean, he's arrogant, he's brash and reckless even. But god damn is he amazing. I admire him more than I really ever thought I could admire someone." Rogue then showed a flashed grin at Carol. "Aside from you of course. You're still my number one."

Rogue then nodded her head at the Destiny part. "Never met her, but I heard about her... Would like to meet her someday, and punch her nose into the back of her skull."

She clears her throat then and there a little. "If you need me t'get in touch with Strange though, I can do that. I think he'll see ya, especially if I ask him too."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Rage demon...?" Carol seems surprised by that, looking at Rogue with concern, "I guess life doesn't ever take a break to treat you nicely, huh? I'm sorry to hear you've had to go through that...I know how my rage issues felt once I got out of that coma you put me into..." she slows to a stop just as she speaks the words, sighing, "I'm sorry, didn't mean to bring that up again...inevitable with the two of us, isn't it?" She nods at being told she's Rogue number one, regardless of whether it's true or not, she appreciates it.

"Guess I'll have to look for him myself, I'm good at dealing with arrogant men, made a career out of it..."

She nods as Rogue offers to seek Strange on her behalf, "I would appreciate it, actually, would be much easier than having to find a magic user who doesn't want to be found."