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Good Ideas.
Date of Scene: 25 March 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: In which Darcy and Cap actually have a conversation. Or this is why leaving Darcy without adult supervision is a Bad Idea.
Cast of Characters: Captain America, Darcy Lewis

Captain America has posed:
    The Triskelion is in some ways its own city. It hums with a steady activity at all hours and seems to be alive with the hustle and bustle of agents and support personnel moving about their business. It has its own restaurants, its own theaters, its own culture. There's even a morning and an evening rush hour throughout the place that causes the hallways to be filled at various points and lend an element of hectic abandon to the place.
    But sometimes there are ways to avoid the madness that comes with being an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and one of those ways is to be in the food court in the dead hours between breakfast and lunch. It's just a hair's breadth after 10:15 in the morning, and at one of the empty tables with a cup of coffee in front of him is Captain Steve Rogers. Something about the man might almost look positively domestic. It's just the posture. The slight turn to the side with one leg over the other and a hand upon the cup of coffee. His eyes are cast down upon the newspaper, yes newspaper, that the man is perusing even as a half-eaten bagel sits upon a plastic plate beside him.
    At a glance most agents might not recognize him at first glance. He's wearing blue jeans, a shirt, and a brown leather bomber jacket. No insignia marks him, though perhaps in a nod to a friend he does wear a small security tag on his lapel.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
She missed breakfast. Darcy had vowed never to be like the scientist she had once cared for, and yet here she was getting to work and starting on that logistics project, and promptly forgetting to eat breakfast.

A quarter after ten in the morning, and Darcy makes her way into the mess hall.

It's mostly empty, and so the blond with the coffee and the newspaper is an easy spot. That it's none other than Capitan America takes only a few seconds longer. Darcy makes her way over with her breakfast tray.

"Mind some company?" she asks him, pausing at the table and actually waiting for him to give her permission instead of her usual Hurricane Darcy Moving In.

Waiting is a Good Idea. None of what might come next has the same guarantee.

Captain America has posed:
    The blonde man lifts his eyes and meets hers, then a smile spreads upon his features only for his brow to furrow as he shakes his head. "No, please." He rises partially out of his seat, folding the newspaper in one hand with a faint rustle. He gestures with it to the seat opposite and gives her a nod. "Feel free."
    That said and once she does so he waits for her to get at least partially settled then extends his hand towards her. "Steve Rogers," Just a small introduction and should she take his hand he'll give a firm handshake. Once that's done he'll settle back into his seat and then tilts his head to the side.
    "Can I get you something?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Permission received, Darcy smies and settles herself to the seat. The cloth napkin is spread across her lap with one hand. The other reaches out to take Steve's.

"Darcy Lewis. And yes, some answers to some very important questions. If you don't mind," Darcy says leveling, calmly, faintly mischeviously.

Captain America has posed:
    Once he's back in his chair opposite Darcy, Steve tilts his head to the side curiously to consider her sidelong even as he takes up a packet of sugar from the small dispenser in the middle of the table. "Answers? I can try, Ms. Lewis." He tears the small paper end off the packet then adds the sugar to his cup, lifting a spoon to stir the drink.
    He then sets the spoon down with a faint clink and takes up the coffee, blowing on it for a moment before taking a sip. He looks back to her and quirks an intrigued eyebrow, "What were you interested in knowing?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy takes a moment to butter her pancakes and drown them in a puddle os syrup before speaking again. That Steve agrees to answer makes things easier.

"Do you know Agents Barton and Johnson?"

Captain America has posed:
    A hand lifts up a bit as he nods as if to agree with her but conditionally. "Hawkeye? Yes we've worked together before. Agent Johnson though, not sure if I had the pleasure." He takes another sip from his coffee as he keeps his gaze on Darcy, at times following her movements but then seeking her eyes again as he tries to perhaps gauge what she's getting at. "Is something amiss?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Her movements are more focused on getting her breakfast to a state where she can start to eat it. Her posture is telling in that she finds something of great amusement and is eager.

"Well, he and Johnson are competely a thing. Amiss depends on your view point. She's just back from a rather intense field op, and they need a reason to celebrate."

Captain America has posed:
    "Al...right?" Cap leans forwards against the table, his elbows supporting his posture as he cocks his head the other way curiously as if waiting for the punchline to be dropped. He uncurls a hand towards her, "So your role in this is... what exactly?" He lifts up his coffee again but at least she has his full attention. Also she hasn't asked for his autograph yet so that puts her ahead of most of the agents he meets.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Wedding planner. Well, the entertainment... and before parties. Rhodes is in. There was talk about your USO tours. I figured you'd be a good resource on stage lighting and things. All I've got are cheap strip clubs. Skye deserves way more than Discount Chippendales," states Darcy, the sweetest of micheivous smies on her face as she starts cutting her pancakes into not exactly neat litte squares.

Captain America has posed:
    "Whoa whoa," Steve holds up a hand, "I'm getting the feeling you're burying the lede here, Ms. Lewis." He puts the coffee cup down and then casually slides it out of the way so he can lean forwards and meet her gaze. But there's a wariness there, as if only now perhaps realizing that there's a trap set out there for him, and not entirely sure what bait they must have used but he's assuredly got something going on that triggers what sort of danger sense might be left over for him after all the years of fighing.
    "You need my help with their pre-nuptial festivities in some way?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
First bite of pancake taken. Darcy nods, smiling into Steve's leaning. She follows suit, swallowing the bite and licking her lips before speaking.

"Yes. Top secret. They can't know you're involved until, literally, next week. At the house warming party to welcome Skye back. But the conversation has be loud enough for them to hear and should be you discussin with Rhodes something about stage performance or something. If you wanna break out into smoe moves, I'm not goign to stop you, given that Skye thinks the only thig you know how to do with your hips is salute, but that is SO not a wholesome thought, and I promised May I'd be good if I ever got to have a conversationw ith you so I am totally NOT going to say anything more about THAT." Darcy rambles. A lot.

"I might still think it, but I won't talk about it," she adds after a moment's thought.

Captain America has posed:
    "Ms. Lewis, I'm not sure what you're asking." He lowers his head into one hand, still eyeing her incredulously as if she were having a conversation on multiple levels and he was only privy to part of it. Which, in some ways, is likely true. He chews the inside of his cheek for a moment and says, "Clint's going to ask for this young woman's hand in marriage, and for the asking you'd like me to run interference in some way? Be a distraction?"
    The old soldier sits up a little, hands now resting on the edge of the table. "That can be arranged, but not sure what you're angling at."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy purses her lips, hand comign to her chin thoughtfully.

"Actually... that could be interesting. What were you thinking?" she asks now, head tilting. Is it suddenly clear that she doen't really have a plan, just a vague idea, and is more than willing to manuveur about as new things show up?

Captain America has posed:
    A small smirk slips over his features then he shakes his head, "Just tell me when and where, Ms. Lewis. I can run interference as well as the next guy." He reaches over for his coffee and draws it back for another sip, emptying it with a swallow. Then he sets it back aside and scoops up his newspaper.
    "You know how to reach me?" He asks as he gains his feet, reaching back for his jacket and slinging it on over one shoulder even as he cocks an eyebrow at her, "Or you could send me a textual message with the details. I'm in the S.H.I.E.L.D. directory listing."
    That said he sweeps a hand over the line of his jacket, adjusting its hang then giving a nod to her. "Talk to you later."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy's smile is wide and sly and oh so pleased with herself.

"I will send you a message with all the deets, Captain. Thank you," she replies, not hiding how she hates seeing him go (becuase he seems like a cool cat) but she's rather enjoying watching him leave.

Phase One: Complete. On to phase two: Can we get him to agree to dance with Rhodes. Barnes will have to be called in. Yes, this is such a Good Idea.