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Latest revision as of 18:44, 10 April 2018

Fek it. We'll do it Live!
Date of Scene: 28 March 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Lara Croft, Thor

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara Croft was attending a museum showcase that she'd helped setup. Not long after she and Thor had rescued his axe from the jungles of South America, she'd gone back with a team of archaelogists to further delve into that tomb and recover more lost artifacts. Thor had seemed all too eager to leave on that day, while Lara had far more work to do there and she'd returned with the right gear and the right resources to do so...

And now, set out in multiple glass covered displays and exhibits were all the artifacts recovered from that tomb. Alien skeletons, armor from unknown sources and some more Asgardian equipment as well... though nothing with the power that Thor's gear possesses.

The gauntlets were on display too (though they're replicas and not the real things, a common thing at the museum to put out replicas of the powerful items).

Lara had invited Thor, but she didn't really believe he'd come. She stands with some of her colleagues, a black dress on that is revealing but also tasteful, her hair is tied back in a bun on the crown of her head and she's sipping a glass of champagne.

Thor has posed:
    The main doors part open, granting entrance to a man who looks like he thinks he's wearing a monkey suit. Thor's hair is tied back in a pair of strands, like the folks from that HBO show several years ago did, but Thor wears it better than Sean Bean ever did. No, this is a god. He looks powerful even when in such refined and restrictive clothing. The white cuffs poke out from under the custom tailored tuxedo jacket with the twin tails and he holds a walking cane in one hand as if it were the hammer itself.

    Thor's deep blue eyes scan the room with a bored dettachment until he spots Lara and lifts the cane into the air and starts to march towards her, his broad shoulders making it impossible for him to squeeze past anyone politely, bumping and brushing past everyone on the way.

    "Pardon me. Oh I'm sorry. Do keep your heads up." He says trying to be polite on his way to Lara.

    "Good eve Croft."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara certainly wasn't a Goddess, but at least she was royalty of sort, right? That put her somewhere on-part with the sudden arrival of a Legendary God... okay, maybe not.

All eyes in the room went to Thor when he entered and many of them were already moving to take pictures of him or ask him questions, but they quickly found themselves all but ignored by the mighty God and when he approached Lara and spoke, she looked away from the people she was speaking with and over to him as well.

"Th-Thor." Lara said, lowering her drink, she was surprised he was here! "Its... good of you to come!" They hadn't seen each other since they'd gotten back to the US after their recovery of his axe. Lara wasn't immune to his manly charms either, and though she held them at-bay a lot better than most women (or some men) she still smiled up at the impressive God and gave him a soft nod.

"Thank you for coming, it will draw even more attention to this exhibit in the coming days." She looks him over then. "You're looking quite dapper, aren't you?" She says, teasing-but also friendly in intent.

Thor has posed:
    Thor actually drops to one knee in a kind of bow with a hand going up and bent at the elbow before his lowered head. It's an incredibly rare and proper Asgardian greeting. Or at least that's how Thor remembers it. Looking back up and lowering his hand down on to his knee so that he can push up off is leg.

    The undershirt beneath his button up top and red bow tie groans. "Thank you Croft. It was custom and not as uncomfortable as I was fearful it would be." The god says extending his hand out towards Lara to offer to be her accompaniment for the night. "It appears you have gathered a wonderful exhibit this eve and there seems to be a grand crowd to view your tiresome work and rewards."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara recognizes the formal greeting of her from him, and there are a lot of camera phones going off that apparently recognize it as well. Lara's impressed, humbled really, to have a God like him acknowledge her such a way. But to play it off gracefully is what counts in moments like this and she sets her drink and and takes his hand to accept his offer and then help him rise up again.

She takes a step closer toward him and looks up at him. "Lara." She says, refering to the title he should use for her is her one true first name. She shows a smile then and nods once toward him. "You're as kind and dashing as you are strong and capable, Thor." She tells the man before her eyes glance about the room.

Lara then leans in and whispers quietly. "I know this sort of thing isn't your forte, so thank you for coming here, truly."

Thor has posed:
    "Lara." The god repeats once and smirks, his hand falling to rest in the forepocket of his vest and his elbow staying out to let Lara rest her hand in the crook so he can guide her around. When in fact it would be Lara guiding Thor around the museum. "You will have to show me what everything is and what it means." The god says, his neck basically bursting out of his collar.

    "My two fortes are eating and fighting, anything not related to those is something I can't do well. But I will try. Verily."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara will indeed hook her hand against his elbow and she'll smile up at him again on her left. "I'm happy to talk to your ear off a bit, for the cameras if nothing else." And she leads him onward to one of the nearby displays of ancient weaponry recovered from the site. She explains that the temple that his Axe had been stored in had been warred over by locals several times and that they'd built a temple around the Axe to preserve it.

She glances over at him after she speaks on that subject for a time and she shows him a little grin. "Fear not, there's dinner here at this event tonight too. Hopefully not fighting though. So one out of two isn't bad, right?" The British woman was openly happy tonight and that much was evident.

Thor has posed:
    "So they were worshiping the axe itself?" Thor asks idly, as if he wasn't even worried or paying any attention to the cameras. Nope. The mighty Thor has only eyes for the exhibits and Lara. The girl on his arm and the cane in his free hand.

    "One out of two is acceptable." Thor reports as he continues to stand at the side of the woman who's been a great help for the god of Thunder. "I've got a lead on my one true hammer." The god says in a subtle whisper and then a smirk with a gleam in his eye.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara guides them along to a different exhibit, one thats showing off the crude body armors of the Amazons (not the the all-women-kind) that were clearly influenced by alien cultures, woods and rocks formed into armor that looked more advanced than the culture should've been able to have.

Earth has clearly been influenced for a long time by other worlds.

"They worshipped it, yes, but more specifically they worshipped their idea of you." She showed a grin to him. "Their version of you was a bit different... He'd eat the hearts of everyone he killed and he'd feed their brains to his feline warrior companions. Its all very... gore-based, unsettling really."

When they paused again she looked back at him. "A lead?" She asked. "Its not here on Earth is it?"

Thor has posed:
    Thor follows exactly where Lara leads as they're attached by the hip. Metaphorically. "They thought I ate my foes and victims?" Thor asks loudly, loud enough to shake the glass in the room and maybe trigger a few silent alarms, but not enough volume to break anything.

    "No, it's not on Earth... Not really. It's in a place like Asgard, but it's not. It's a place called Olympus..." The god says looking upwards towards the ceiling as if he could see the other realm.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara has to laugh a little at his response to that revelation. "Well they never knew the real you... to be fair. Their name for you was Tettatekan and, well, its a rather long story. Suffice it to say that cannibalism was particularly a big thing in the region of the temple that your Axe ended up within. Sadly there are still pockets of it still circling in the jungle down there."

Lara's words trail off then and she releases an exhale. At the other mention of his hammer's location then, she furrows her brows. "Your hammer is in Olympus? Zeus and Aphrodite Olympus?" She has to question him, even though, of course thats what he means... he doesn't mean... Olympus, Nebraska!

Softly she shakes her head and exhales. "I'm sorry, if I sounded disbelieving, I guess I'm just far too much of an unimportant mortal." And then she shares a smirk up at him.

Thor has posed:
    "Yes. Olympia with Zeus, Aphrodite, and ... Ate." The god says, his eyes squiting fiercely with a tight squeeze of his cane and a glare back to Lara. "You helped me before. Will you help me again? Though as soon as I say it, I know it's a poor idea. It would be wraught with peril and danger for me and you especially." The god warns.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara disconnects from him and she steps around to look up at him. "Of course I'll help." She tells the Asgardian Prince. "I've put myself in plenty of dangerous situations and you have to believe that its my intellect and drive that gets me through them. I may be a... puny mortal... but I'm a puny mortal who doesn't quit. So yes, I'll be offended if you need my help and you don't seek it out." She then shows him a smile and motions her hand across the room toward a series of tables setup with food and beverages for the guests. "Lets go do the one of two things you actually do enjoy." She then tells him. "You can fill me on the rest later."