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Latest revision as of 18:58, 10 April 2018

Point Break 3: Into Olympus!
Date of Scene: 30 March 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Thor, Lara Croft, Ares

Thor has posed:
    Loki has a big mouth. Loki has a devious mind.

    Ate has a big mouth. Ate has a devious mind.

    Thor has a huge need. One the cosmos itself even rang out. The god has steadily climbed up the side of the legendary mountain of Olympus. The god has been seen by the forces of Olympia, but he cares not for this worrysome turn of events as he pulls up on the main plateau of the holy land.

    "ATE! WHERE ART THOU! THY SHALL RETURN MY POSSESSION HENCE FORTH!" Thor declares as loudly as he can as he steps towards the main entrance.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara is with Thor on this adventure (suicide mission?) and she's keeping up with him because she's wearing the gauntlets once used by him. Enchanted gauntlets that shape themselves to the hands of the wearer and grant them the strength of a God and the ability to wield Mjolnir (wherever it is). She's also got another device equipped to her person that gives her the ability to keep up with the mighty Thor... a Jetpack, gifted to her by one of the Guardians of the Galaxy, and Lara's been training with it at SHIELD's facilities, honing her skills as a rocketeer.

She's still lagging behind Thor though, doing her best to keep up, but he's just on another level...

With some grunts, grumbles, exhales and no small amount of effort, Lara lands beside Thor as he progresses toward the doorway? entrance?

"My goodness..." The British woman says. "I realize we're sharing adventures lately, but... this is rather remarkable." Lara quietly comments to Thor while he bellows out a shout!

Ares has posed:
Ares was on Midgard...earth..a million other names for one pebble of rock. Either way, John Aaron, the human alias of Ares, was just sitting at home, having just put Alexander to bed when he heard the call of Olympus..calling him to his defense. It seems another God plans to make trouble in Olympus...and that could be -bad-. Despite attempting to ignore the call of home once more, when Ares hear's it so many times that it's baffling, out of annoyance he just shouts. "FINE!". Almost an instant later? He teleports to Olympus, descending from the sky -really- quickly and landing hard on that sacred ground, creating only a minor shockwave that couldn't knock down the God of Thunder...as t was unintended to. It could possibly knock over Laura too.


Ares is cloaked in his ember-hinged black armor. Sleek...intimidating...and effective. An insignia of a ram carved into the breastplate, and a tattered black cloak hanging from his pauldrons, which bore the image of vultures..the cape falling down to past his feet, it's edges like burning embers. He wears no helmet, does he even need to? No, he greets the God of Thunder with those red eyes of his.

"Welcome to Olympus. I'm only somewhat surprised you both made the climb at all." he says kindly...you know, trying to -not- be a God of War and then needing to be a God of Wra...you kind of learn to be casual every now and then. Especially when you know you'll get nagged if you don't be afreaking god.

Thor has posed:
    Ate on the other side of the mountain in her sequestered abode, the woman is pacing around her main room looking down at the hammer that's rested on the pedestal that she created out of the ground that it landed on. Oh technicalities that help people get around the stupid rules of magic.

    Thor stands before Ares and his hands stay down on his side, away from the axe on his back. At least for now. "I was going to make whatever climb stood betwixt myself and mine hammer." The god reports as he steps towards Ares and the entrance. "I will tell thee once to allow me in to retrieve my hammer and we shall be able to part ways calmly."

Lara Croft has posed:
And Lara is blown back by Ares' arrival. So much so that she's knocked right back down over the cliff's edge and anyone who saw her go might think that the poor human woman was done for... except she's a bit more resourceful than that.

With her high-tech Jetpack coming to life to counter her falling motion, and then propel her forward until her left hand swings out and her climbing axe jams into the rock along the edge of the mountain... Lara secures herself against the rocky wall with a huff and a heavy exhale. "Wonderful." The Brit says to herself while she looks upward to where she'd fallen from and then starts to move a new way.

Thor had anticipated this, he'd planned for something like this to happen and he'd told her what to do if it did... Lara was subsequently now making her way not upward, but eastward on the rocks. Climbing where she needed to climb, jumping gaps in the rocks where she needed to jump and jet-flying over the others that were too perilous for her otherwise human body to survive... The Tomb Raider was on her own course now.

Ares has posed:
The God of War faced off against the God of Thunder.

Truly a battle that would be legendary.

Either way, Ares...Mars...War..however you want to call him, all mean the same man. His eyes fall on Thor's, crimson red eyes looking the man down as he runs a hand through his raven black hair, a small smile growing on his bearded face. "Hm...See, there is one small problem. I'm not so good at taking orders. Ask anyone." literally, anyone.

"Though it seems...you're an uninvited guest." he looks at Thor then, clearly not going to move for him just because Thor asked.

Thor has posed:
    "An uninvited guest, but one with purpose." The god says and with his hand going over his shoulder to grasp the shaft of his enchanted axe and brings it to bear with a single hand. With his axe held before him and Thor's brow dropping heavily with his blue eyes locking onto Ares with an intensity only gods can muster. "You will stand aside. Or I will force you to." Thor reports with a bolt of lightning smashing into the ground and splashing out against the rock face as Thor summoned the eldrich bolt with a massive crash of thunder as a final exclamation point on his words.

    Ate's head snaps up from within her wild manor, and she starts to pace outside and is naturally her attention is drawn by the sounds. "What is going on!?" She demands of no one, as the entire Pantheon seems to deny she's even worth talking to so she is pulled away to go and find a spot she can see what's happening.

Lara Croft has posed:
As Lara rushes around the mountain that the buildings of Olympus rest upon, she raises her right gloved hand up into the air whilst running along a snowy ledge. From the palm of her hand a brilliant bright light begins to shine like a pillar from her palm toward the sky! Lara's eyes look from where she's running up toward where the light is shining, she's panting as she runs but she's also paying close attention to where she needs to go...

"Almost." She mutters as her hand drops again and the beam of light vanishes once more.

Croft rockets (literally) into the air with the silver jetpack mounted on the small of her back firing its engine and lifting the human woman up on invisible wings toward the buildings once again, far away from where Thor and Ares are now... Lara's mystically-gloved hands latch onto the base of a tower, she fires out a heavy exhale and then looks back over her shoulder... seeing only rock and clouds beneath her.

"Clouds..." Lara mutters. "They're supposed to be above you." She's talking to herself, but hey, she was only-child... they tend to talk to themselves.

Lara starts to climb again, using her own climbing-axe and her strength-enhanced hands she's pulling herself up an Olympus tower while she can hear the thunder in the distance on the far side of the mountainous peak.

Ares has posed:
Ares looks at Thor then, seemingly still unconvinced with his initial statement.....then Thor calls down lightning to strike the ground around them as if to put a heavy hand with his words, though when teh smoke clears, Ares doesn't appear to have moved an inch. "Not bad." he compliments Thor, before a wicked smile forms on his face. "Though I'd like to see you try to force me to move....not very many would threaten me with their sanity still in tact." He narrows his eyes then.

"I am Ares. God of War." he extends a hand and a blade instantly appears, Greek runes lining all about the blade as it radiates like fire, powerful magic bequeathed onto the blade itself, while in his other hand is a mace, which seems to unlock and grow a little bitm ore menacing, radiating with magic as well.

"Shall we, then?" he smiles, before he twists his body, attempting to send an inferno of magic flame at Thor!

Thor has posed:
    Thor's furrowed brow remains low and yet his lips curl briefly, this is going to be something to remember. People will sing songs of this battle for ages to come. "Have at thee!" Thor cries loudly as he leaps forward his axe heaved over his head and brought down heavily to try and cleave Ares' head in two from top to his neck! Seems the god of thunder is not in a happy mood. He's here with a goal and he will not be disuaded or halted.

    Ate has fully left her house with a glance over her shoulder and a simple spell is dropped upon the hammer. It's not gone, but it's been removed from visible light. A cloak of invisibility has been dropped in a sense upon it.

Lara Croft has posed:
Mere moments after Ate has departed her tower, one of the window frames of said room is suddenly altered by the appearing presence of a human hand encased in an intricately detailed and engraved glove... a moment later and its counter part joins it, clutching a jagged looking ice axe. With a heavy sigh, Lara's head peaks up over the ledge of the window, her brown eyes scanning inside the room while her dark brown hair waves gracefully about her face and head in the cold winds of the high altitude air.

Lara releases a gasp as she hoists herself inside the room and drops down to the stone floor, the jetpack on her back suddenly animates and starts to fold in on itself until it disappears into the form of a small metal box about the size of a stack of playing cards.

"Where is it?" Lara says to herself as she paces, scans and searches. Fearing it had been taken from this room she raises her right hand again and once more that beam of light spills from her palm... right at the pillar where no visible hammer had been before!

Now, however, there's a shimmering transparent presence, shaped in the form of Thor's trusted weapon and tool. The beam of light pouring from Croft's hand is illuminating the edges of the otherwise invisible hammer, making it look ghostly and haunting.

"Remarkable." Lara quietly whispers as she steps up toward it.

Ares has posed:
Ares manages to deflect the blow coming to try and decapitate him, actually letting the axe's blade glide across his sword, spinning around Thor to try and smack him right in the face wtih his magic mace, the impact if hit hard enough to cause a massive shockwave.

He chose this fight! Either way, Ares does not seem to be the type to surrender either...so this entire battle may end up being Thor trying to stall Ares. Alas, the God of War seems to be enjoying himself, a steady smile constant throughout their entire exchange.

Thor has posed:
    Thor's jaw spins with his neck catching him from spinning but they pull his shoulders and a fountain of blood errupts from Odinson's mouth. The man halts his momentum but he is hunkered down and clutching onto his axe before he lifts his thick arm to brush his leather bracer against his lip to brush aside his blood.

    "A mighty blow Ares." Thor says before he grins boldly and swings his axe heavily towards Ares' side with a strike of lightning coming from the axe out of the god's body.

    The goddess of mischief stands moving deeper into the growing crowds. This is certainly a fight that bards will sing about for ages and eons, but then the goddess continues to move deeper and closer towards the fight until she spots the combatants and she freezes. "No." Ate whispers before she snaps her head over her shoulder and looks back towards her house, quite far away. "No nonononono!" She whispers as she turns around and starts to move towards the hammer where she left it.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara tried to be ever-aware of everything going on in situation such as this. For instance, she knew Thor was going to be in trouble... even for Thor-level of power he had a lot to deal with here and now. So time was of the essence!

When Ate turns back toward the doors of the tower that lead to her personal space, she's unfortunately discovering that its already come to pass... that the Hammer of Mjolnir has been moved.

Specially to where Lara is now CRASHING out of Ate's chamber! The hammer is clutched in her gloved right hand, the gloves giving her the powr to wield the weapon as proficiently as Thor might (or somewhere close to it at least). "I believe this belongs to my friend." The British explorer says to Ate as she points with the Hammer toward the woman who'd been squatting on it here on the Mountain of Olympus.

A moment later and Lara is moving forward with lightning sizzling on the block of the hammer's tip! Thor was a ways away still, she needed to get it to him yet-still!

Ares has posed:
Ares watches Thor buckle over and hunker down as he takes that thunderous (PUNS) hit to the face, before he grins at Ares....who grins at him back. That is always a bad sign for a battle...when both opponents are grinning. Either way, when Thor swings that mighty axe with a bolt of lightning at him, he grins. "That's the spirit!" he forms a crossguard with his weapons, blocking the axe hit, but it's the lightning that sends him gliding backwards into a wall with a thunderous -boom-.

However, Ares soon emerges from the smoke standing up straight with a tilted head. "Huh...I take it you're the God of Thunder? Thor, is it?" he recalls almost amusedly.

"Well, I suppose I'll have to k-" he turns his head sharply when he hears a boom coming from the direction of Mischief's house. "...that mortal girl is far more competent than I thought." he turns his head back to Thor. "Well done." he compliments the fellow before suddenly, the sword in his right hand disappears.....and A lightning bolt seems to strike Ares...but he holds it in his hand as he channels that divine energy...then he tosses the thing right at Thor! Seems Thor isn;t the only one who can throw thunder around. Thoug hThor's skill is admittedly far superior than Ares's. Perks of beng a son of Zeus.

Thor has posed:
    "No!" Shouts Ate as she draws forth a pair of daggers from thin air and she rushes at Lara. "No! You're ruining everything!" The woman rushes towards Lara with a blade thrown through the air trying to start the fight with Lara. This is horrible.

    "Look at that!" Thor says with a gasp before he is blasted in the chest and sent tumbling over the side of the Olympus summit. Yet his voice is heard bellowing over the entire mountain. "GRASP IT TIGHTLY LARA!" And his hand is snapped up and he calls forth his hammer in a high upwards arch that would then plummet towards him as he falls.

Lara Croft has posed:
So The God of War has just noticed that Lara has stolen the hammer, and now... Ate has noticed... and now she has daggers.

Lara Croft did NOT come here to fight Gods, she came here to get what rightfully belonged to Thor and if that was enough to make the Gods mad with her afterward, well... she'd swallow that pill when it came, but if she FIGHTS them then she fully expects the wrath of the all mighty legendary gods and, nope, nope, nope!

So when Ate rushes her with those daggers, Lara's jetpack unfolds again and launches the 'unexpectedly competent' human woman up into the air! Lara lands ontop of a pillar holding her ice axe in her left hand and Thor's freakin' hammer in her right! She looks around for the mighty Asgardian... where did he go!

Ate is scaling the pillar after her? Lara can see her, she runs across it to the far edge. How the hell is she going to get out of this on--.

"Ahhhh!" Lara is suddenly yanked off the pillar at tremendous speed by the hammer clutched tightly in her hand! It would almost look comical, if it wasn't so wonderfuly awesome! (still looks comical to be sure).

Ares has posed:
After prompty blowing Thor the literal hell off of Mount Olympus, his bellowing and defiant shout causes Ares's attention to shift to Croft, who comes wizzing by him with incredible speed...only..she likely wouldn't have gotten passed him unless he let her. After all, he was just supposed to play gatekeeper.

Chuckling softly. "Until we meet again, Thor, Son of Odin!" he says in amusement. "Though next we meet...I might claim your head." he mutters to himself before he crosses his arms, watching Lara and Thor fall, yet fly. He's likely gonna get ranted at by the other Greek Gods, but Ares doesn't care about any of them. Already cursed them to the depths anyway.

Thor has posed:
    Ate just might beat Ares in the verbal abusing event later tonight on Mount Olympus, as she was hoarding the mighty hammer and nearly brought forth the wrath of the Odinson down on the mountain. He could have done MUCH worse than what he did.

    Meanwhile, below and above the rocky base Thor's arm wraps around the falling Lara and holds her to his tight frame. He takes the hammer and throws it with his wrist secured in the strap and their decent is halted by the mystical tool dragging two through the air and away from the Greek heavens.