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Revision as of 05:11, 23 April 2018

Mandy Harker (Scenesys ID: 1730)
"Civilization is like a thin layer of ice upon a deep ocean of chaos and darkness." -Werner Herzog
Full Name: Ctrzkzxt
Gender: Female
Species: Spell
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: Student
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: North Hampstead
Education: High School
Status: Active
Groups: {{{Groups}}}
Other Information
Apparent Age: 18 Actual Age: 18
Date of Birth 19 February 2008 Actor: Anjali Ameer
Height: 165 cm Weight: 65 kg
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: "Hurricane"


Mandy is a living spell made flesh by a set of meddling sorcerers that really should've known better. That went south pretty quickly, ending in massacre. Through the attention of W.A.N.D., she was shepherded away to an adoptive family with the mystical knowledge necessary to keep her relatively under control and safe.



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She's a short young thing. Less than five and a half feet tall, she has long, dark black hair that curls around her cheeks. Pale brown skin show's off a pair of oddly electric blue eyes. A septum ring bearing some sort of strange writing is set in silver through her nose. A pair of black swan earrings dangle from her ears. Over all, her nose is a little on the long side, but her lips usually convey a warm expression, for all that. Her chin is a little strong, but her neck is slender and usually set with some sort of choker, bearing a little silver bell with the same undecipherable writing on it.

Her shoulders are a little on the broad side, but this is easy to overlook with her dark black jean jacket and the numerous little silvery charms that dangle and tinkle from the fringe along the arms. She wears a black band t-shirt most of the time, while a pair of black PVC pants hug her hips. She usually walks about in calf-length boots with an inconveniently high heel.


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Mandy Harker, such as she is, is a literally a living embodiment of a spell of Chaos designed, basically, to blast things into oblivion. Considering the size of the ritual, this was meant to be a very powerful spell. Things didn't really work out that way so much. The ritual was stopped from completing before the cultists could finish by some on-the-ball W.A.N.D. agents. In the end, with no target, the ball of primordial Chaos energy coalesced in the form of a teenager. Confused, but surprisingly cooperative, she was given over to the care of a man and a woman, practicioners and followers of Oshtur. Using their command of order magics, they stabilized the young woman's form, and adopted her as a daughter. Surprisingly, for a being born of chaos, a literal living spell of destruction, she was incredibly friendly in nature. Effusively so. Her desire to help, to be more human, has led to the same place it leads for so many others with power and a decent heart: vigilantism. She's even earned a name as a small-timer, being called 'Bang!' due to the sound her most visible power makes.


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Generally speaking, Mandy is friendly, effusive, and eager to be 'part of the group'. She often acts as if she possesses no sense of embarrassment, and indeed, she usually comes across as more or less fearless. The truth is, while she inherently possesses no fear of death, she does possess a fear of forever being the strange 'weirdo' or 'laughing stock'. She's also constantly worried that she will become like the strange things she sees that others can't. Wild. Senseless. Destructive and violent. She's already pretty prone to collateral damage in terms of random items being destroyed during vigilante activities. She values connection with people over all else, and her adoptive parents are easily her most important anchor to humanity. If they were ever to be threatened, she would probably come unhinged exceptionally quickly. Otherwise, though, she just wants to be a part of society at large.


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The most basic of her powers. Mandy focuses her internal chaos and with an act of will, a gesture, and a word, she can bring it to bear in a potentially destructive manner. Usually, it manifests as a characteristic 'Bang!'

Restricted: Generally speaking, this is a fairly straightforward non-specific expulsion of magical energy that has physical force. It can be titrated down to a disorienting loud sound and temporarily blinding flash, or a localized explosion anywhere in her eyesight that has enough force to make most adult humans lose consciousness and bang around low level tough guys pretty roughly.

Unrestricted: When not wearing her charms, things get a little more dangerous as human-sized chunks of steel might disintegrate, or even very tough supers may feel particularly injured. This is very difficult to control due to her chaotic nature (which allows any given hit to vary to the level that is convenient/fun for the people involved). Potentially powerful, but not reliably so. It's like rolling the dice every time she uses it. It can also manifest in strange, random ways, such as chunks of flying concrete, lightning strikes out of the blue, strange green light, etc.

It's a field of pure entropy that protects her physically at its most basic level. It usually operates subtly. Attacks aimed at her often seem to miss, or be intercepted by blind mischance. In cases of particularly strong opponents or dangers, force may be visibly attenuated or even stopped altogether with a visible rippling in the air. Particularly strong, fast, or talented foes or suitably overwhelming dangers may still power their way through the field. It provides side benefits, as well. Anything that doesn't kill her will heal over time as she bathes in the chaos surrounding her, though healing from extreme injuries can induce greater gross anatomical mutation. Finally, it allows her to fly without regards to G-forces at up to eighty miles per hour.

While she may appear humanoid, it's pretty much just a shell over her energy. Filling her full of holes from knives, bullets, etc, will kill her the same as just about anyone else. The difference is, shooting her in the face, chest, or neck, is no more dangerous than shooting her in the arm or leg. She doesn't truly require food, or air for that matter, and is inured to most extremes of weather, though she is still very flammable.

Not being truly human, Mandy is surprisingly difficult to distract in normally chaotic situations. Bullets flying, a tornado whipping objects around randomly, and loud, random, rattling sounds? She tends to appear virtually untouched by it all.

It's nearly impossible to permanently restrain or imprison her by normal means. Give it a few seconds, and knots fall apart. A jail cell? A few hours until the lock fails. Attempts to grapple her turn into hilarious farces. Most restraining magic fails to even work, period. Any Order-based magic tends to work pretty well, and anything empowered by Oshtur is pretty much guaranteed to lock her down, easily. Oddly enough, highly ordered places (like advanced science labs) tend to also work for this purpose. This is a result of the natural tendency of Chaos to not want to be restrained.


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She's actually pretty terrible at fighting by most vigilante standards. That being said, she's got one thing going for her: unpredictability. There's no real pattern to her movements when fighting, though this does make her a particularly poor talent at martial arts.

Perhaps it's her chaotic nature. Whatever the case may be, the woman is able to perform feats of complicated acrobatics without first planning or practicing them in a manner that would make most parkour enthsusiasts green-eyed with envy.

She's a world champion liar and concealer of truths, at least when it comes to her body language and tone. No micro-expressions, no increased heart rate. She could look a person in the eye and tell him the sun is blue without so much as a hitch in her pulse.


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Given over to a pair of Oshtur-worshipping magic-users, they work hard to maintain the charms that allow her to keep her relatively human appearance and keep her abilities in check. They're actually rather loving parents, in fact, and they work well to keep her directed and assimilated. She still lives with them, and adores them more than any other.


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Without the charms she wears, Mandy can't even remotely pass for human. She has no real discernable internal organs, and her blood only looks like blood to basic visual inspection. She has hooves, one of her arms is a mass of tentacles, and her eyes are all sorts of odd-looking. When she's wearing said charms, she looks pretty human, provided she's got shoes on. Without them, not only are her deviations highly visible, but the rate her body 'mutates' may speed up as well.

Order-specific spells work pretty well on her, and any rituals or spells drawing on Oshtur for power tend to cut right through her defenses and block her abilities rather easily. What's more, highly ordered places damp her power (like super-science labs, or super high-tech vehicles) severely.

The charms she wears to look human also severely limit the power of her 'Bang!' ability, making it remarkably less harmful. She can take it off to get a little more power, but that runs the risk of exposing her to the deleterious effects of her own chaos.

She doesn't do so well with structured learning. It took a long time for her to learn to read, and basic math took even longer. They're all ordered process that her mind inherently has trouble grasping. The more structured the activity, the more difficulty she tends to have in pursuing it.

Technology doesn't seem to work quite right for her. A cellphone will transmit her voice if it's already on, a car will carry her, for example, as long as someone else is operating it. Otherwise, though, automated sliding doors don't open for her, biometric scanners don't read. Trying to turn a key in an ignition will never result in a car starting.

Because of her odd nature the walls of reality are a little thinner to Mandy, in terms of what she perceives. She can see and hear odd, chaotic creatures from across the dimensional barriers. They often appear frightening and threatening, and she has absolutely no information on what they are. Her guess is that they are what she once was before being summoned and coalesced. She worries that they may come for her one day, and more, that she will return to being just like them. Also, her occasional reaction to them sometimes may make her appear to be hallucinating, and the poor girl doesn't need more help looking strange.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Rayner's Return May 12th, 2018 Summary needed
Log 4378 May 2nd, 2018 Summary needed
Bang Bang on the Tower Roof April 28th, 2018 Summary needed
This is how the World Ends April 27th, 2018 Bang! and Stardust have a who-can-talk-the-most contest. Rayner gets a headache.
Another Rooftop Rumble April 25th, 2018 Dan and Mandy fight crime, and talk pizza. Dan does most of the work though.
The two newest super rookies in one high octane scene. April 23rd, 2018 Drake and Mandy meet for the first time. She is a curious sort.


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