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(Lana accompanies Sam Gwydion (Loki) on her first job.)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 16:43, 24 April 2018

First Day
Date of Scene: 24 April 2018
Location: Little Odessa
Synopsis: Lana accompanies Sam Gwydion (Loki) on her first job. Important choices are made.
Cast of Characters: Loki, Svetlana Kuznetsov

Loki has posed:
    Winter is over, at the last, and New York has embraced Spring with a hearty passion. Hard to tell at first glance, of course. The overriding greys and browns of the city are ever present, but it's when the eye traces over the greens that it becomes clear /how/ green things have become. How the dead leaves have given way to the warmth of the sprouting leaves and the buds of flowers. There's that own particular special something in the air that would make one imagine all is well with the world.
    And yet it is still New York.
    "Are you sure I couldn't convince you into some sort of..." The tall man known as Sam Gwydion waggles a hand slightly, fingers twiddling as if he were trying to conjure forth something upon her. "Leather body suit, active wear, something along those lines?" He turns and continues walking down the street in Little Odessa. The street hawkers are selling their wares animatedly, trying to press small chotzkis into people's hands as they pass and try to do so to both Sam and his partner.
    "I mean, it wouldn't be for me. It would be for you. The aesthetic." He touches a hand to his chest, as if bringing the eye to his dark green pants and black leather shoes, and that loose grey long-sleeve shirt that is without tie nor other adornment. "It would just match well. An Avengers thing." A pause, "Not those Avengers."

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
    Lana has arrived at Sam's office in her typical New York street attire: jeans and boots with a bomber jacket and a concert t-shirt. Taylor Swift today, thank you Darcy. She walks alongside Sam while they talk, hands stuffed into her jacket pockets. Nodding and looking over his attire while he makes his suggestions, the girl's brows furrow.

    "You wish for me to be the eye candy, Mr. Gwydion? Perhaps a thong and a sports bra with the hooker boots?" she replies dryly. Before he can answer, however, she smiles and offers. "We will go shopping and you will buy for me what we agree on. Da?"

    A few more steps, and then she adds. "Then you will buy for me a gun."

Loki has posed:
    His nose crinkles, "Now that would be just terribly crass." Sam uncurls his hand to the side as they stroll and he offers a smile in passing to an elderly woman trying to press a hybrid Russo/American flag into his hand while telling him its price of five dollars. But his smile looks a little sad as he tells her 'no thank you, no my dear,' even as he wanders on. "I'm considering a vibe. Was Mrs. Peel eye candy? Perhaps on some level. But she also carried herself as strong, dangerous, vibrant."
    He steps ahead of her for a moment, his own hands sliding into his pockets as he gestures to the side with a nod for them to take that corner. Once they're around it and walking down the side street away from the more touristy area and towards the river, he tells her. "It's a presentation matter. Mysterious, you see." His long-fingered hand glides from his pocket to gesture towards his chest.
    "What message do I convey to you?" As he walks, "I'm a friendly fellow, well-dressed, perhaps I take care of myself, yes?" Towards her, "And yours, you look like a strong young woman in her own right, but on some level... I would like it if you took the attention away from me. If you presented a conundrum. Mixed messages that will buy an extra moment or two, or the hint of doubt."
    A pause, then he adds. "Maybe a gun."

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
    She knew it was crass when she suggested it, of course. Lana is learning to temper Darcy's advice, after all, thanks to strong input from James Barnes. "Mrs. Peel? Oh, this is the Avengers reference. Television or movie?" And before even receiving an answer she pulls out a small notebook to jot something down.

    Rounding the corner, she looks him over more closely while they walk. "I see nothing mysterious about you, but I think I understand your point. You *do* wish for me to be the 'eye candy', but in a classy way. Like Lauren Bacall or Princess Leia. Not like a hooker."

    Looking very pleased with her understanding, Lana nods once as if to conclude this particular subject of discussion. "Very well, then. I will dress the part as you say. And THEN you will buy me a gun."

Loki has posed:
    A snort comes from him but he nods, "We shall speak more on it later," That said he strolls down the street until he gets to a line of run down industrial buildings that had once been part of the manufacturing life of Little Odessa, but now were just so many soaped over windows and grimy store fronts. Most of those store fronts were empty, and the ones that weren't were half squatters of some kind with folding tables set out to sell bootleg dvds or faux purses. The other half of the storefronts are filled with 'pizza' places that all seem to have little to no customers. Fronts for the local gangs most likely.
    As they walk down the sidewalks he says to her sidelong, "For the purpose of this meeting you are Mrs. Janes. But most likely you will not be questioned." That said he stops at one of those storefronts that looks like it might be connected to the larger manufacturing building above and behind it.
    Once he's there he doesn't knock, he just stands outside of it and digs into his pocket, withdrawing a cellphone that he swipes to life with his thumb. A number is chosen and he places the call.
    On the other end of the line, "Da?"
    "It's me." Sam says.
    He pockets his phone and then waits there, lightly swaying back on his feet as he kills the time. A smile is given to her.
    Then the door opens and a large burly unshaven man pushes that glass and steel door open, holding it for the two of them to enter. He doesn't say anything further, and once they're inside they're moved into the foyer, past a black curtain that is draped across the hallway and towards a more open room that is dimly lit, the only illumination provided is a halo from a bulb above.

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
    "I can just -take- a gun from someone, of course. But there's no way to know whether it's been used for something illegal." The girl shrugs, then adds. "It's up to you." Walking along, she stays at his side and nods as he explains things.

    "Mrs. Janes? You are not, I assume, to be Mr. Janes?" But regardless, she'll play along.

    And when he steps up to storefront Lana moves casually to the 'blind' side of the door frame so she'll be out of sight. When the door is opened, she takes her hands out of her pockets and follows Sam inside. The bruiser is given a casual once-over, Lana examining his build as well as his stance and gait. Looking for 'tells' and signs of concealed weapons. Further in they go, and her practiced eye scans for potential hidden surprises along the way.

Loki has posed:
    Once they're brought into the room they're left to their own devices as the door closes behind them. The floor is old wood over concrete, and the walls have a weak faux wood paneling that's falling apart at points. But the bulb above continues to glow. Yet they don't have long to wait, the second door opposite opens and through it walks the large burly man that had let them in.
    But it's the man that comes in behind that one, the aged face with the over-sized glasses and the cane most likely aren't familiar to her, but the face of Strannik is known to most of Odessa. His voice is quavering, ragged as he walks in, cane tip clicking upon the wood. Behind him two more large men enter, one in a turtleneck and the other with a hint of a limp.
    "Mr. Janes." Sam looks over to Svetlana and smiles, a little embarrassed, before he looks back towards the old fellow.
    "Mr. Strannik."
    "Please, if ve are to do business I am Poppy." He says with a thickly accented voice. He gestures towards the third door to the side, "Here is how such things function." The old man coughs and then brings up a handkerchief to his mouth to wipe before he continues. "A sample of the merchandise vill be brought forth. You shall examine it. If it meets your acceptance then ve shall oversee the transfer. Da?"
    "Very well." Sam links his hands behind his back and glances towards the third door.
    It's then that a fourth man shows up, bulling the door open and /dragging/ something behind him. He grunts as he shoves a silently crying young woman, close to Svetlana's age, forwards underneath that halo of light. She is dressed roughly in a torn wedding or celebration dress looking like she was recently bathed but otherwise is in a state of distress.

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
    Lana keeps her quietly-casual stance while they wait, having satisfied herself with the condition of the room for the moment. She returns Sam's smile with a small one of her own, amusement in those brown eyes. But she lets him do the talking.

    That's not why she was hired, anyway.

    The two new bruisers are assessed similarly with a casual, professional eye while Sam and this... Poppy... converse. For her part, Lana looks like just another teenager. Perhaps not unlike the sobbing young woman who's shoved into the room.

    Lana's jaw tightens briefly, but she remains otherwise impassive.

Loki has posed:
    "I see she mirrors your taste," Strannik says with a crooked yellow-toothed grin. He coughs again into his handkerchief then leers sidelong towards Svetlana, eyeing her blatantly as if she were but a piece of cattle he has not had the chance of branding yet.
    "Hm," Is Sam's answer as he steps towards the young woman and touches a hand to her brow and brushes her hair back from her eyes, as if truly inspecting the merchandise. He quirks an eyebrow and frowns, "She seems to have been a bit banged up." He gestures to discolorations on her skin.
    Strannik makes a rude noise, "Bruises heal."
    "True," He shifts to that open and friendly smile as he turns to face the old man, hands behind his back. "But it makes me think, if this is the one you chose to put your best foot forward, so to speak... well it makes me worry about the rest."
    Again there's that rude noise from Strannik.
    "I'd like to see the others."
    For a time Strannik sort of stares at the man, frowning as if he was pondering if the loss of the sale was worth just killing this British buyer. But then he shakes his head and snaps to the side at one of the henchmen.
    << Take this mincing little faggot and his beard to see them. Once the money transfers he will make no more demands. >> The tallest of the goons gives a single nod and says, "Da."
    "Come, we will show you, walk with us."
    And with that they are led towards that door the girl just came through, henchmen and all move out into that hallway and the last drags the girl with.

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
    Part of Lana's training was to remain impassive and wait for orders. She does so, without even changing expression as she's sized up like a side of beef. The girl doesn't even so much as turn her head away.

    Strannik's frown is easy enough to read, of course. And it really helps when he speaks to his 'handymen' in Lana's native tongue. Letting Sam go first, Lana gives him a -look- that is merely an arched brow. She's ready, alright. And when they exchange looks she glances at the four bruisers and gives a single nod.

Loki has posed:
    As they had entered that hallway he met her gaze and when she gave him that /look/ she might see his smile there just for a moment hidden beneath a small nod as if something in the room met his liking.
    They had to duck under a dangling light bulb, past a few more doors in the walls of that hallway, but then they reach the loading dock and step out into a large warehouse area where old shattered crates and their remains litter the area. Those four henchmen fan out, one taking up a place next to the door they step through, two staying with the old man, and the last moving to the only thing that has looked new in the whole building. It's that large shipping container that looks like it'd just been delivered off the back of a semi. Bright red, with a 'TRANSLANT' logo on the side, the container looks immaculate, but when the thug grabs the latch and opens the door... it loses all of its lustre.
    Hiding in the dark depths of the trailer, a mass of women are huddled together all sobbing softly having been cured of screaming an entire ocean ago. One woman lies on the ground, unconscious or worse, while... sixteen... seventeen... eighteen more are there looking on with wide eyes and fear rampant in their gaze.
    "Well." 'Poppy' snaps sharply, "You have seen them. Make the transfer and we have a sale, da?"
    Sam frowns as he looks towards the container. He walks over and rests a hand on the door that's swung open, peering inside. For a moment something old is there in his eyes, something dark. He's seen horrors across the nine realms and beyond. But there is something about the mortals of Midgard. Something so dirty. Petty. He shakes his head but then looks up and steps to the side, standing in front of the thug as he tells Strannik, "Da."
    And then stabs the man beside him in the thigh.

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
    When Sam steps up to examine the shipping container, Lana remains casually close to him. She must be an associate of some sort, after all. Her gaze shifts, keeping all four bruisers on her internal radar as the container is opened.

    Lana knows from the exchanged looks with Sam that this is only going to go one way, now.

    Poppy demands the transfer, Sam stabs the thug, and everything happens quickly after that. Lana takes a couple quick steps and then *climbs* up one of the thugs flanking Strannik. One foot on his thigh as a step, she locks her knees around his face and throws her weight backwards, flipping the man forward and onto his back. It's a hard fall, and the girl straddling his face breaks his nose with a single strike... knocking him out.


    The cry cuts the silence in the room, and it's only once she kips back up to her feet that anyone else would have time to react.

Loki has posed:
    The dam breaks and for the first time in a long while that girl who was being dragged behind the henchman screams loudly. Her shriek causes Strannik to reel, half falling to one knee as his henchman at first tries to silence her, but suddenly... his partner is flat upon the ground with that lithe young woman slashes back to regain her feet.
    His eyes widen, hand reaching into his jacket as he draws his pistol from its quick holster and chambers a round with one single movement, taking aim in that same instant that the youthful super soldier is likely closing with him.
    The other henchman near the container is screaming as his leg seems to just /spill/ blood down the inside of his thigh, his pants quickly darkening and wet as he staggers back against the still half-closed door of that container, sliding down it with a squeak of leather on steel. He's half-fumbling with his pistol in his jacket while the other hand is desperately trying to staunch the flow of blood. But he's relieved of that weapon almost gently as Sam kneels beside him and tells him, "Shhh. It's already over." As if urging him to embrace sleep.

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
    A quick glance shows Lana that Sam is okay. It's all she can spare as the other henchman draws a gun on her. But he's within stepping distance of the soldier, which is more than enough. He chambers the round, and as he brings it to bear the gun is suddenly and smoothly no longer under his control.

    Using a Systema palm technique, Lana guides the barrel upward as her other hand strikes the inside of the thug's elbow. He still holds it, but the gun just no longer matters for the moment. Swinging her leg up in an impossibly-high kick, Lana's boot connects with the man's temple and drops him the same as if she'd clocked him with an axe.

    She catches the gun as the man crumples, pointing it unerringly at Strannik's forehead. And when she speaks it's in fluent Russian to the remaining thug in the room.

    << If you even twitch a finger I will scatter his brains across the room. And then I will shoot out your eyes. Say that you understand this. >>

Loki has posed:
    << Do as she says!>> Strannik's voice is sharp, ragged as he looks upon the suddenly poor position he now holds in the negotiations. He frantically looks to the side, to the woman, to the gun barrel, then down for his glasses. His hand pats out as if trying to find them but he repeats. << Lower your weapon! >>
    Yet the man who had been standing by the door gets a sort of wry smile even as he keeps his own firearm trained steadily upon Svetlana, << Let me offer deal. >> He tells her as he takes a step closer, but only to steady his firing stance, knowing that he doesn't need to be much closer to get a good grouping on the woman.
    << I shoot you. I shoot Strannik. I shoot your little friend. I become boss. >> His meaty lips purse then shift into a grin. << Or you shoot him. You leave. Perhaps we do not hunt you down like dog. >>
    Then his smug grin is broken as he frowns and his eyes slide off of Svetlana just for a moment as he asks, << What is he doing? >> As he looks over towards Sam...
    Who apparently had his phone in his hand and was dialing. But then he answers, "Calling the police."
    The Wannabe Boss' eyes go wide.

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
    The other thug was kind enough to chamber a round, so Lana's all primed and ready to blow Strannik's head off. She's looking to the last remaining thug, the one with the gun pointed at her, and then the girl smiles.

    Strannik's answer is a distraction, however. Wannabe Boss takes his attention off the girl for just a moment. It's enough.

    Lana sweeps Strannik's legs with a fast spiral-kick, ending up in a shooter's crouch. That can't be good for an old man with a cane. Wannabe Boss takes two rounds in the shoulder (to encourage him to drop his gun...) and one in the knee.

Loki has posed:
    The first round is enough to get him to lose control of the gun, the second spins him around towards the wall when the one in the knee slams him against it and he slowly falls down along its length until he's reduced to a whimpering mass of pain, his one hand reaching down towards his shattered knee. It leaves the two investigators alone... with only Strannik able to still speak with them.
    "You are both dead, do you hear me? Dead as that one!" He snarls, spittle spattering as he speaks, tossing his head towards the one who just betrayed him. Yet he winces at the pain in his legs, likely one has cracked or the other even as he shakes a fist, slipping into his mother tongue for nothing more than a stream of curses and invectives.
    But Sam Gwydion walks up those few steps to stand beside her. His gaze is measured even as he drops his phone upon the floor and leaves it there, the call to the police already having been placed. Those dark green eyes narrow a touch as he looks to her, curious. "I've made my decision in this matter." He uncurls a hand towards the man who is all but dead, his skin utterly pale as he lies there, his chest heaving as he tries to still breathe.
    "You will have to make your own," There is something... formal in the man's tone, something wise as he looks her over. "But I would have you know this before you make your decision." He squares with her, eyes seeking as if taking the measure of her worth... for in some ways he is.
    "Whatever choice you make, I will aid you in carrying its burden. Do you understand?"

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
    With the last bruiser down and out of commission, Lana turns her gun on Strannik. As for any speaking, she'll leave that to Sam. She's expecting him to offer words to the cursing Russian there on the floor. To declare or pronounce sentence upon him.

    The girl is surprised when Sam speaks to her instead.

    "What will happen to him when the police arrive?" Lana's question is simple, and spoken in English. And yet so much hinges upon the answer. "And what will happen to the girls?"

Loki has posed:
    The tall man in the dark green and grey looks down towards Strannik as the man sneers at the both of them. He's from the old school, the old Bratva, not the weakness that he must work with. He is facing this possibility of death and he spits on it even as he glares at both of them. He offers no words of defense, only the seething hatred.
    "Him. He will be charged, his lawyer will advise him to declare that he was kidnapped by another mobster. Use it to drag his competition into the matter. Likely he'll work the angle that he is old, that he has not much time left, and he'll see at most several years in a white collar prison." Sam's gaze is curiously distant as he looks down upon the man. But then he looks up towards Svetlana and takes a deep breath before answering her second question.
    "As for them, they may be sent back. Some might be able to stay if they are not too traumatized. One, at the least, will be returned to her family. For it was her family that hired me." He slides his hands into his pockets and then turns back towards the kneeling mafia boss, "But it is likely they will never feel safe again."

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
    There is no emotion in Lana's eyes as she listens to Sam play things forward. She nods in understanding as the man lays out the probable paths. Without looking directly at her targets, three shots ring out. Strannik, then his two remaining subordinates are all shot in the head. The last one is already bleeding out.

    Reaching into the dead old man's pocket, Lana takes his handkerchief and begins wiping her fingerprints from the gun. Looking up at Sam, she speaks softly and in Russian.

    << All of the girls need to find safety. All of them. Not only the one whose family hired you. >> It's a classic case of doing the wrong thing for the right reasons.

Loki has posed:
    Something about Sam is not so light, not so at ease. The way he looks to her, the curiousity in those emerald orbs. His eyebrows incline as she places an obligation upon him and then he accepts it with a nod. He pronounces to her his oath and it might seem a weighty thing somehow, as if it bore upon them both the moment he says. "To their nearest kin they shall be returned."
    But then he turns and tells the one woman who had been brought before them as a sample of the goods. He smiles faintly towards her, pained as he kneels down and tries to gain her eyes. A fingertip lifts and he tells her quietly, << These. >> He gestures to the fallen, << They killed each other. They fell upon each other, arguing. And it ended in madness. Da? >>
    The girl looks up at him, meeting his eyes and she blinks a few times. Tears hover upon the edge of her gaze but then she nods and she murmurs softly in a ragged dry crackling voice, "Da."
    The man in green gains his feet and then he nods towards Svetlana, "Come." He steps towards the edge of the truckport and drops off the side to walk towards the back doors that lead out into the alleyways.
    Already distantly there are the sounds of sirens.

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
    Okay, so what just happened? Lana isn't sure *what* Sam just did, but there's something in the way he just accepted her request that something makes this all right. The girls will be returned to their nearest kin. Period. And she somehow knows that they will.

    Then the other thing... with the girl. Arguing. Madness. And the girl is okay with this? Perhaps some questions are best left unasked.

    Lana follows Sam to the edge of the truckport, and by the time he reaches the back doors she's at his side. Hands in pockets. Walking casually.

    "Tell me of this 'Avengers' show, and of this woman in the leather."