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(Atlee shows Luorno the beauty beneath the surface.)
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Atlee & Me ... Makes Four
Date of Scene: 23 July 2017
Location: Underneath the Earth
Synopsis: Atlee shows Luorno the beauty beneath the surface.
Cast of Characters: Triplicate Girl, 1034

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    Luorno had /wanted/ to meet Atlee in just her one self. But, ... circumstances had arisen. And until Brainiac got -her- ring back in the trade from Booster Gold, she was too hesitant to merge. She needed a little distraction from the news that Querl was going off, and the responsibility she wasn't sure she wanted that was being placed on her.
    She'd figured one good distraction was to meet Atlee, outside of the realm of a party, when the other girl wasn't al hopped up on mind-altering (and/or body-altering) drugs. And, besides. There was The Pizza. Which was always devine.
    So, three girls, three identical girls, walk through the doors to the pizzeria that her new friend works at, and look around, curious, tentative, in their respective colors.

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    They get looks, of course. It's hard not to look at three girls who appear to be identical triplets, especially when they're matching colors in grey, white and black, especially when they're pretty girls. Giovanni's itself is a mixed restaurant in design, with internal tables and booths as well as a nice outside cafe type area with umbrellas and round tables, surrounded by a simple wooden fence. It has the expected pictures of the Old Country, mostly from Sicily, as well as pictures of a variety of fresh vegetables and a small wall of pictures with a man who seems to be the owner with a variety of somewhat famous celebrities who've stopped by to eat here. At least, you assume he's the owner, as he's the man with the green polo shirt and slacks with the red umbrella and little chef's hat that's stepping up to you while you look around. 'Ah, lovely ladies, welcome, welcome!" he says in a accented voice. "Three for dinner today? We have a special on our Gino, best pizza you can get in all of New York, just for you today!" He has a fairly prodigious mustache and looks to be one of those athletes who'd gone a bit to flab in places, but still has a muscular build to his shoulders and arms. His eyes flick down over all of you from head to toe in the process of his introduction, fairly shamelessly checking you out.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "Yes," agrees the girl in black, ignoring most of the stares, and looking fairly warmly towards Giovanni. He seems a nice enough man, and she's not so unaccustomed to people looking at her - them - like that. "Please, we would like a seat where Atlee is working? We understand she is employed here. We have come to try her pizza." This said, as if it were Atlee's pizza, not Giovanni's, she was here to try.
    The one in grey asks the one in white, curiously, and half under her breath, "How come every pizza place in this city tells us they have the best? Only one is telling the truth, right?"

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    The man looks a bit suprised at that, but gets a grin. "Atlee? Oh, you are her friends, then? Hmmmmm...yes yes, I will get her. Come! Seats first, inside in the cool or outside in the fresh air?" he asks, scooping up some menus and motioning towards either the comfortably dim restaurant or the cafe seating outside. It's a respectable but not overly crowded lunch crowd at the moment. He raises his voice in a bellow. "ATLEE! IS TIME TO WORK!"

    There's a slightly sleepy voice that...of all places comes from a door that's back between the kitchen and what looks like the restrooms. "It is? Okay...let me get ready..." she calls back, the yawn evident in her voice.

    The man sniffs. "That girl, always sleeping, what does she do allt he time? Maybe she is party girl? You party girls, yes? Is good for teens! Gets out all that energy!"

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    Luorno, all three of them, look curiously at the door between the kitchen, and the restrooms, where Atlee's voice comes from. The girl in black furrows her brows, while the grey one watches the doors. The girl in white frowns some, and shakes her head to Giovanni. "I went with her to a party, yes. A mutual friend took us. It was both our first. While it was entertaining, I'm not sure it was a good enviornment that we should enter in again," she explains to Giovanni. She begins to follow him, then, and the others move to join her and him.
    The girl in black adds, "If she hasn't told you what she does with her time, it's not for us to say, either. But, she is our friend. And we promised we'd come visit her, here."
    Grey Luorno sits down, and picks up the menu, asking Giovanni, "Is your The Pizza as good as the one Starfire brought us?"

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    The man, who you assume may be Giovanni now, hands out the menus as you seat yourselves, grinning toothily at all of you. "Bah, is good for you! All that youthful energy, is good to find, ah, outlet, yes?" He rubs his hands against his apron, then looks thoughful. "Starfire? Is girl with green eyes, yes? She get it from here! Comes to visit Atlee too, is very popular girl!" He glances at the door, then frowns. "Is so slow! You look at menu, I come back!'

    He walks over towards said door, then reaches out and just pulled it open, sticking his head in. You're close enough to hear Atlee let out a suprised sound, then say in a slightly exasperated voice. "Mr. Giovanni, I keep asking you, please knock when I am changing?" The man grins as he leans back, not bothering to close the door. "Oh! Yes, soooo sorry! You go to friends at table there, yes, when you are dressed. Clean shirt!" he says, before letting the door close again, then wandering towards the kitchen, a large grin on his face.

    After a few more moments, a slightly mussed looking Atlee emerges, tugging her shirt in place as she tucks it into her shirts and slides an apron over her head. She looks like she just woke up, yawning a little as she runs her fingers through her dark hair, then looks over towards the where the three of you are sitting. She immediately perks up, jogging over to you. "OH! Lu, how are you all? I didn't expect you, I'm so sorry! I thought I wasn't working now..." she says, a bit confusedly as she rubs her eyes, but smiles cheerfully at all three of you. "I'm so happy you came to visit!"

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    All three of the Lu's are looking rather darkly at the disappearing form of Giovanni. Slowly, each girl turns her head back towards Atlee, and each girl slowly smiles, warmly. The girl in white speaks first, "We decided to come visit. We asked for you, sorry if it woke you up. But we did promise we would visit. To have some of your pizza. After we eat, do you think we can go take a walk around the city? Or, fly to the park? We would like to spend more time with you," she says, quietly. "We didn't get to talk too much at the party, or afterwards, really. There was a lot going on."

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    The other girl dismisses it with a little wave. "Oh nono, it's fine! It was just a late night, there was a minor earthquake in Peru and there were some ancient mountain Fv'tala who were a little uppity and, um, it took a little bit to work out so everyone was happy." she says, beaming a little. "Oh, yes, that sounds great! Um, what kind of pizza do you like? We have a sale on the Gino today...it's pepperoni and sausage and onions and green peppers and sauce...no cheese though, so that's extra if you wanted it." she says cheerfully. "And it is on me! So you can try whatever you want if not that." She watches you expectantly as she gets out a little pad and pencil, all ready to write!

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "Well, I will take a Giovanni," says the Lu in black, nodding. The one in grey considers, "I want the Vegetable Supreme," and the girl in White considers, "I will have The Works." It goes back, as Atlee may remember, to the whole 'different experiences' thing.
    The girl in white asks, though, "What is a Fv'tala?" while the girl in black suggests, "We had intended to come as just ourself, but, circumstances made that - difficult. I hope you don't mind all three of us."

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    The other girl shakes her head, her violet eyes sparkling a bit. "Oh no! It's you still, so you should be able to come however ou want, though I'm sorry if there was something difficult? I would have liked to meet you as one too." she says curiously, industriously scritching down. "I will get you each a small then, so there is not too much, unless you want to take some home? They are just as tasty, but less." She smiles. "Do you want something to drink too? We have Italian sodas in many flavors...cherry, grape, orange, pineapple, and cola...?"

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "Yes," they all say, in unison to the choices at hand. Apparently, they each want one of each flavor of Italian soda. The one in black grins, casually, admitting, "We enjoy new things. We have not tried Italian Soda's yet. Your Earth food, or - their Earth Food I suppose I should say, is very different from ours. Far less healthy, but the flavor is absolutely amazing."

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    Atlee smiles. "It is like many things, if you have too much of a good thing, it becomes a bad thing! But it's very interesting how it's all cooked! They use something called a brick oven her to cook the crust a certain way, but elsewhere you have completely different ways of making pizza, so it's thicker or thinner or has very different sauces as toppings!" She tucks the pencils away. "I will go tell the cook right away to rush them out to you, then I will be back!" She heads off at a rapid pace towards the kitchen as Giovanni comes walking back, shifting to let her pass, though his eyes promptly drop to the back of her shorts as she bounces back towards the kitchen, hmming, before he heads back out to the front of the restaurant. "Ah, she finds you, yes! So much energy, that one, always so...bouncy..." he says. "You enjoy, is all good food here! You let me know if there is anything special you want too." He lets out a booming laugh, reaching out to try and pat the grey Lu on the shoulder as he starts to walk past the table.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    Atlee is - gone. Gently, the black Luorno reaches out to catch Giovanni's sleeve. She looks up at him. "There is -something- you could do for me," she says, quietly. Gently. Her eyes, though, are quite stern. "Make certain, when she's here, Atlee is not taken advantage of? She's my friend. Which means," she supplies, by way of gentle, leading logic, "She is also a friend of the Legion of Superheroes. And, Mr. Giovanni, I would hate to have to learn that she is being taken advantage of. By anyone here."
    The girl in white smiles a bit, and looks at Giovanni expectantly, while the grey Luonoro smiles more to herself, and, kind of looks away in that mischevious 'this is going to be really good and I can't believe she's doing that -here- and -now- OMG' sort of way.

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    The big man is pulled up short by the pull on his sleeve, automatically turning towards the girl in black as he starts to grin down at her, then blinks a bit at the stern request. His brow furrows, his thick brows coming together. "...what are you saying, eh?" he says defensively. "Atlee is good energy girl! Very bouncy!" There's that word again. He frowns at the Lu in back. "She like being here, is very happy here...does not care about such things..."

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    The girl in black does not let go. Yet, she doesn't seem inclined to start anything either. "She clearly asked you to stop. All of us heard her. She is a friend, Mr. Giovanni. We protect our friends. You seem a good man. It would be unfortunate if you were to let a momentary lapse of self indulgence put a stain on that."
    It's all she says, before releasing him. Then, the white one comments, "Thank you for your hospitality, Mr. Giovanni. We will let you know how we like your The Pizza." She smiles, faintly. And the girl in grey merely nods her agreement -- with what both of the other Lu's said.

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    The older man sputters a bit at that, frowning at the three of you, then harumphs, before walking off, muttering to himself in Italian as he heads back up towards the front as Atlee comes hurrying back out from the back, this time holding a platter that has a variety of multicolored bottles on it. She looks at Mr. Giovanni uncertainly as he walks past, then heads back to the table, smiling at all of you. "Here, I brought you ALL the flavors. You can decide which ones you like best!" The fact that her paycheck is rapidly disappearing doesn't seem to bother her in the slightest. Money is for having fun and making people happy, right? And little things like rent and food.

    She starts setting down the bottle, looking towards the older man. "...is Mr. Giovanni okay? He's so forgetful, I worry about him." she says thoughfully, looking back. "Um, he just forgets to knock on my room. Sometimes." A lot, now that she thinks on it. Yes, the closet is apparently her room.
    She pulls up a chair and sets herself with you, leaning forward. "Go ahead! See which ones you like!" she says eagerly. "I can tell you all the flavors, I memorized them!" she adds proudly.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "Yes. I had a talk with Mr. Giovanni. I don't think he'll forget, anymore. If he does forget, just keep a small, hard piece of dirt in your room," Luorno suggests. "Hit him with it, if he fails to knock and wait for you to give him permission to enter. It will help him remember. Be certain to always tell him that you've asked him before to knock, and wait. And you'll keep doing that, until he remembers."
    The grey Luorno can't help but giggle a little bit, before snagging a slice of her pizza, and filling her mouth. Apparently she's either hungry, or doesn't trust herself to not say something she shouldn't.
t"Sit," invites the girl in white, to Atlee. "Eat with us. Then, we'll go out."

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    Atlee blinks a bit at the advice, looking unsure. Can you do that to your employer? She's really not sure, is it like being respectful to elders? Which he is....ugh, surface things are weird sometimes! But she trusts you, so she just nods. "If that would help. I would not mind if he didn't leave the door open..." she says with a sight, then smiles a bit. "Yes...I will try...a little of this then?" she says, snagging one of the veggie pieces first, then begins quite seriously explaining. "You can eat this pizza like this, where you're supporting it with your fingers, or it is traditional in New York for some people to eat it where you fold it over...like this!" She demonstrates, making a little pizza sandwich out of her slice. "I don't understand why people are so sure that it has to be this way though, it seems like either would work." she confides, but takes a big bite out of the piece of pizza, munching happily.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "Trust me," Luorno says, gently, warmly, to Atlee. "There are other people that would - help him to remember in far less pleasant ways. I think, if he doesn't listen after my talk with him, one or two times of your reminders will get the message across. If not, feel free to tell me otherwise. I'd not mention it to Sadie, though."
    Then, the other two Luorno's are quickly digging in as well. They don't talk much. They just enjoy the company of Atlee, each other, the food, and the drink.
    And soon enough, between the four of them, the food is literally completely consumed. Not a drop left.
    The grey Luorno burps, then looks aghast, and giggles afterwards. "Excuse me."

Atlee (1034) has posed:
Atlee breaks into little giggles herself at the burp, then sighs, patting her stomach. "Did you like it all? Next time, I will make sure you have your favorites, or you can try more! There are sooooo many ingredients, you can make all sorts of things. Or you can try calzones, which are like pizza toppings but with pastries aroun dthem that are very tasty! You have to dip them in sauce, because they don't have any." She hops up, resting her hand on grey Lu's shoulder. "Let me go make sure it is all paid for and ask Mr. Giovanni if I can go now...I'm VERY sure I"m not supposed to be working today." she adds, having had time to think about it. "And we can go explore!" She flashes a quick smile, then scampers back to the kitchen to settle the bill.

    She's back a minute or so later, sliding off her apron, calling. "Let me change quick! I'll be right there!" She ducks back into her little closet, closing the door behind her as Giovanni comes around the corner, approaching the door, then hesistating as he shoots a quick look at the three girls, then mutters a bit, continuing on his way. Atlee emerges a moment later in...well, the same thing she was wearing at the club. She may not have a lot of outfits at the moment, it seems. "Ready!" She says cheerfully, jogging (and bouncing a bit) as she makes her way over.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    The three Lu's nod approvingly to Giovanni's sudden formation of at least awareness, if not guilt and his change of heart. Then, as Atlee emerges they get up in synch, and move over to her to hug. Group hugs /are/ the best. And Atlee is in the center of it all. "Good, let's go out and have some fun, shall we?"
    They lead Atlee out of the pizzeria and into the street where they all take to the sky, floating up a good twenty feet or so to be out of the way of traffic, wait for Atlee to get her Geokenesis on, and then they begin to fly at a lazy speed towards the park. "So, you said you are from Strata. We are from the planet Carrg. It is - very, very far away from here," the white Luorno tells Atlee, while the grey girl, curious, actually flies up to and hops onto Atlee's small little platform to fly with her, instead. New experiences, and all. "Your Earth ships could not get there in several lifetimes."

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    Atlee obviously enjoys the group hug! She does her best to hug back, following you outside with a little spring in her step, then stepping off to a grassy area as you start to float upwards so she can pull rock up through the ground to stand on and float up after you, following along as she zooms after you, keeping pace.

    "Yes, that's correct! It is...far in time and space, then?" she says curiously. "Why did you come such a far way then, to come to Earth?" The rock is very steady under white Lu's feet as she steps off onto it, and Atlee promptly takes her hands, grinning at her. "Hi!" She squeezes it, listening to the explanation curiously.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "A long story. The short part of it is, that we were fighting a very dangerous enemy. And, as he could not defeat us, he sent us back a thousand years into our past. So he could see his dark plans for the Universe through, without us stopping him. We seek to return to the point which we were sent back, so we may keep our worlds, our Universe, our Time, safe," educates the girl in black.
    The girl in white smiles back at Atlee, wiggling fingers in a 'hello' wave, and asks as they near the park, "Does Strata have an alliance with the Earth above?"

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    Atlee frowns at the idea of an enemy doing this to you all. "That's terrible! Your families must be so worried...or...well, I guess they don't actually exist yet, but I'm sure they would be..." she admits aftera moment of thought. She smiles a little a at the wave, violet eyes sparkling as she answers. "Well...no. The Council of Strata doesn't feel it would be a good diea to let the surface know too much about us yet. We're not a very warlike people at all, but we have a much higher level of technology than the world above." She frowns, turning serious. "We already had one man accidentally come into contact with a fairly dangerous substance from Strata that made him very...not well. He did a great deal of damage before I could stop him. So, the elders want to leave me as the only contact here, and I'm not supposed to tell people generally much about it...oh! Well...um, I'm sure they would be fine with telling you thought, you're all champions too!" She smiles at the three of you.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "Perhaps it is best, then, you not share it so openly," suggests the black Luorno, but she's smiling, and kindly, when she says it. "But yes. We will not share your secret. It is your secret, afterall." The grey Luorno taps the girl in black on the shoulder, and points. "Down there."
    The girl in black nods, and begins to curve down to the park, with the girl in grey behind her. White dressed Lu remains on Atlee's platform, "So your culture is Xenophobic. I understand. We have encountered those types of cultures before. Sometimes it is difficult to help them, should they be in need of it."

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    Atlee looks thougtful. "Oh no, the opposite. We don't hate or fear other cultures, but we want very much not to accidently disrupt less advanced cultures than our own. The fact that villains might try to take advantage of us they knew we were there is just part of the issue. They sent me here to help, after all!" she says with a smile. "I am my people's way of trying to make the surface world a better place and providing someone who can talk to both sides, so there will be less conflict and more understanding. Then one day, we hope we can become another nation and be able to trade and travel back and forth freely finally. It's just..." She hesistates. "...the surface cultures, they're very...different. We don't have a lot of the things that seem to cause problems here. We have many races living in harmony, we don't seem to have this...enviousness or desire to take things that aren't ours. There isn't any hatred because of what people look like, and we don't have the....same rules...as people seem to have about who can be friends or..." She flushes a bit. "Or lovers with who. It just is...VERY confusing to me, at times." she admits, sheepishly. "I want to understand, but things like people who want to do evil just....seem foolish to me. Like they don't realize it's ultimately self defeating and corruptive, and that it will end up destroying them if they become so...so isolated and wrong thinking."

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    As they land, the girl in white nods, and kisses Atlee's cheek, warmly. "You're correct," she agrees, "You have the makings of a member of the Legion yourself, Atlee." She looks curiously at the Stratan born girl, "We may be holding tryouts, soon. For people of Earth. And others of this time, around here. To join us. To help our cause of peace, and justice in the universe. Including Earth. When we do, we whould be honored if you would seek to try out. I will be one of the judges," she tells Atlee, with a small, sly sort of grin.
    The other two Luorno's walk up to the pair, the black one asking then, curiously and not without a bit of mischeviousness to her tone, "So, did you and Sadie enjoy your time together after we left?"

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    The violet-eyed girl blinks a tthat, stepping off the stone with you as she lets it sink back into the ground and smiling at the kiss. "Really?" she says curiously, sounding interested. "I've never gone to a tryout...." she admits, starting to walk with you. "I would like to help with peace, yes. However I best can."
    At the question she gets a definite blush. "Well..." she says, looking over shyly. "Yes. I think the candy is nice, but I was much more....everything felt very, very nice to touch, and to hug, and then Sadie was on the couch, and..." She reaches up to brush her hair a little. "I think she was just relaxing but I was...maybe...a little bit...wanting to hold her and touch her, and..." Her flush intensifies. "...it was very nice." she finishes sheepishly.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    Luorno had thought as much, nodding. "You care for her very much," the girl in white observes, moving to sit down casually on a rather large rock in the park. The girl in grey sits next to her, and leans into her other self's side. You might cuddle with yourself, too, if you could, right?
    The girl in black remains near Atlee, instead asking her, "If you would like to know something about us, all you have to do is ask."

Atlee (1034) has posed:
Atlee certainly would agree! You'd always know exactly when you needed a hug and could GIVE yourself one too! It'd be perfect! She hmms at the girl in black. "Yes. I love her." she says, happily even. Such a simple, immediate, and heartfelt response, no hesistation or self-consciousness about it. She looks thoughful as you all stop and she's asked to ask her own questions, turning it over in her mind. "Well..what do you like most about Earth so far?" she wonders curiously. "Is any of it like your home? Are all the people in your world like you, were they can be many people at once?"

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "There was a number of people," agrees the white dressed Luorno, "Who carried a meta human genome. They voluntereed to go to the planet Carrg for an experiment as Carrg has three suns - which is extermely unique. It was thought that the unusual setting would provide some interesting results with the meta genome. And, they were correct. Those born there are all gestalt human beings, organisms, as myself. Able to be multiple, or separate, and join again at will. Most are scientists, in some way or another. Others work at diplomacy, and reinforcing relations with other worlds. Or, between conflicting worlds. I am one of the few who left, and the only I am aware of who is using her selves as - well, a hero."
    The black interrupts, offering gently as she steps behind Terra to settle a hand on the small of the girls back, and moves in close, "I saw what I had the potential to offer the Universe outside. I heard about the formation of the Legion. And, I knew I had to go. Just, I think, as you knew that when your people asked for a hero, you stepped up. We each know our own calling, sometimes."

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    Atlee inhales a little at the touch, the skin of her back soft and warm under your fingers as she listens to white Lu, then turns to the black dressed girl next to her. "It sounds like it would have been very strange for you, if you'd never been off your world. I know I was very confused here at first. It's...different. There's so much to learn!" She smiles, leaning back into the touch comfortably, looking a little shy now. "Well...it was a bit like that. There was an experiment for me too." she admits. "I think I told you a little about it, the other night...I'm a little fuzzy on what I said though..." she admits. "I didn't look like this before though, so...it was getting used to a different body too for me. I mean, I like this body!" She says, getting a little flush. "Um, a lot now that I know a bit more about how everything...works?" she says tenatively.

    She smiles at you all. "So...doe sthat mean you had to do tryouts too? Were there a lot of other people there who wanted to join too?"

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    The Luorno in black smiles, sharply as she moves to Atlee's side. She says quietly, "I didn't try out. At least, not - officially. I heard about the Legion forming, and I decided to join them. But, there wasn't any official channels to do so. So, the three of us decided we would infiltrate their Headquarters. Which was, to be fair, quite secure. We each did it in a different way. And, we proved to the founders our worth. So Triplicate Girl became the first non-founding member of the League."
    The grey Lu continues, "We later began helping to train, and teach, all the new members we would take in. It is our family."

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    The other girl grins a bit at that. "That's very forward of you!" she says cheerfully. "But very neat. I'm glad it worked and you found the place you wanted to be in. As much as a teacher as a champion. That is also a very worthy thing to be." she says thoughfully. "I have tried to help people like that, but I don't know enough to be as ueful as I'd like." She wrinkles her nose as she admits. "...I do warn people away from sushi though." She makes a face, then turns back to thoughful. "So you have been part of the Legion many years?" she says curiously.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "A few, yes. Since it's founding," agrees Luonro. She considers, "We all rather enjoyed sushi. It's quite lovely. Why do you warn people about it? I would think you would be more apt to warn people about things like the mole-people that tried to rob a bank many weeks back, or earthquakes."

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    The other girl makes a face. "I don't understand why someone would want to eat things that are not cooked!" she protests. She pouts a bit. "And they looked really cute and pretty too. Though I've been told there are cucumber rolls that do not have the fish, so maybe I have not tried the right one yet. And I do like the wasabi!" She grins at her, then hmms. "Well, I do do that too, but people look at me funny usually when I tell them not to dig there because they'll upset the Kakan tunnels underneath, or that they shouldn't continue to drill because they're wrecking the ecosystem for the sludge worms and agitating them, or that the Empathosaur is tunning up under their house party and they really should evacuate quickly...." She siiiighs.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    Luorno's lips quirk, just a little. At least, the one in black's does, if not the others. She nods some, as the white and grey outfitted Lu's remain yet on the rock, leaning against each other, watching, listening. And, occassionaly speaking. "Well, I suppose, if they have no knowledge of such things," points out the one in white, rather gently, "It would be hard for them to take you seriously. Especially if they do not know you, Atlee. People tend to only acknowledge the things around them. That directly affect them, for the most part. They are not inclined to change their behavior on word of a stranger, of something they've not heard of."
    The grey Luorno nods, adding, "It's something shared across the whole galaxy, for the most part. Not -always-. But, beings in general don't trust strangers who come with ill omens about things they don't know."

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    Atlee sighs. "I know, I know that...but it's very difficult to prove these things exist before it becomes a problem. Many species don't want to have much to do with the upper world and would be upset if I told people about them all the time, or took strangers into their areas. And..." She breathes in, then lets out a huff, looking up at the Lu in black. "When I first got here, I wanted to...to be sure that I had proved myself to people, before I did anything like that. I wanted them to believe I was there to help them, so I did whatever I could to help...but I didn't really talk to people, because there was always something else to deal with, and..." She looks down, tapping a toe against the ground. "I didn't think they would trust another Terra, or someone taking her name...or even if I should take her name."

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    Clueless, the Luorno in white asks, "Who is Terra?" while the black Luorno, sensing Atlee's discomfort, puts an arm around her side and gently pulls her in for a side-hug.
    The girl in grey nods to the white's question before adding in, gently, "Well, it sounds like you've been doing a good job of being a good hero, Atlee, whatever name you take."

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    The other girl leans into the girl in black a bit. "Thank you, I am trying to live up to what I am supposed to be." Atlee says, smiling at the girl in grey a bit, then turning her attention to the girl in white. "Terra is...she was a hero. Before me. A girl my age. A little younger than where I am now. But she...made bad choices, though I think she redeemed herself in the end." She squirms a bit. "I'm not the first champion that my peole sent to the surface. They tried to do it before. THey chose another Stratan girl who agreed to become the champion for Strata on the surface, and they uses the original Terra's DNA to change her to look like Terra had, because they wanted people to trust her like they had the original."

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    Luorno considers this, nods slowly, and then she snugs Atlee more tightly. "Well. You are here now," she observes, "Perhaps you could take a different name. Such as - Earth Girl." It's a perfectly good name, afterall. And probably what Atlee -would- be called, if she had first joined the Legion in their time. Or something close enough to it.
    The grey Luorno smiles, "Think about it. But, whatever you want to be called, we will call you that. You're our friend. And, a good friend. We know you really care about Sadie. Even if Sadie might not care that much about herself, yet."
    The white Luorno presses her lips together, exhales, "I think she's a very good person, inside. But, whatever life she's led has made it difficult for her to care about others. Or herself."

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    She smiles at you, more steadily now, looking a little sad for a moment...might make you wonder what happened to the last Terra then. "Yes. And I like Terra...I want to live up to their legacy." she says, quickly shaking off wherever her thoughts went, then giggles. "Earth Girl! That's a fun name too, though!"
    She looks back over to the one in grey, then smiles softly. "She just doesn't see how good she is." she says, sliding her arms around the girl in black as she thinks. "She told me once that she loved me more than she loved herself, so...maybe that is part of it?"

    She looks curious again now. "How did you meet her? She hasn't told me...just that she'd met someone she really liked and she wanted the two people she cared about to meet each other."

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "Oh!" The white Luorno looks up, grinning. "We were in a public eatery, and ordering many foods. Sadie helped us order an array of different things to try. She was very nice." We, implying that there were three of her at that time, too. "She did want to help us, but I think she was attracted to us, too. We went back to her apartment, spoke, and things started to escalate, just a little, from there. We told her that we needed time to get to know her, and she accepted that. Then she invited us to meet you, at the party. To which we agreed."
    The girl in black prompts, "But enough about us, pestering you with questions. What more would you know of us?"

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    She smiles again at the story. "That sounds very much like Sadie..." she admits, before her violet eyes turn thoughtful. "Do you have other good friends that are closest to you in the Legion? I mean, um, not like, close close, necessarily. But people who are best friends?" She seems quite content to be hugged by the Lu in black, though today she's not nearly as snuggly as she was at the club or afterwards, hugging her back.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "Oh, yes." The girl in white begins to count on her fingers, "Brainic 5, Invisible Kid, Saturn Girl, Lightning Lad, Phantom Girl, Dream Girl, and Andromeda are just some of my really good friends. Best friends. Each, in their different ways."
    The girl in black prompts, "Invisible Kid is - well, he likes our more mischevious side. And Saturn Girl and Lightning Lad were two of the original founders. So, we're very close to them because we've spent so much time with them. Saturn Girl is a telepath, and you can't hide much from her," she grins. "And Andromeda is very, very loyal. Very kind. I am glad she's here with us, but also regret that she is not with our other members in our own time. I have no doubt they could use her, too."

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    "Oh, there are so many Legion people!" Atlee says curiously. "I thought you were all here on your ship, but there are more that didn't get sent back too?" She hmmms. "And...does that mean you are different parts of yourself, not...exactly the same?" She looks between the three of you thoughfully. "You do each act a bit different, I think I could tell you apart even if you didn't wear the colors like that." She smiles.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "We're each a -little- different," agrees the girl in black. "Yes. And, sometimes, we can even get in arguements with our selves. That --- can get interesting, I suppose." She smiles, somewhat sheepishly.
    "It doesn't happen often, though," the girl in grey adds in, hastily.
    "Well, next time you meet us, we'll just be one. But, I don't think there's an exact answer to your question, Atlee. We are the same, and yet we are each slightly different. I have been told I am most like myself, when I am not all my selves."

Atlee (1034) has posed:
The other girl considers. "I think that's better.." she decides. "If you want to experience things a little differently, right?" She looks curiously at the girl in white, filing that away.. "I was wondering." she admits. "What you were like when you were all together." She smiles a bit at the Lu in white. "Well..I argue with myself too! It's just in my head where people can't hear it." She does grin a bit curiously. "What do you like to do most, of what you've found here? Oh! What was your favorite thing to do before your ship ended up here, too!"

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "One of my favorite things to do was to mentor, and teach, new Legion members, quite honestly," the white Luorno answers Atlee, warmly. "That, and, being a hero. An example, to the rest of the universe. Being with my dear friends, while I did it. It sounds corny. But, it's true."
    The one in black nods a little bit, adding, "So far, here, what little experience we've had with Earth, I would say our most enjoyment has been in sampling the cuisine and learning of new flavors. And, meeting people as yourself. As Sadie. New friends."
    The girl in grey seems to consider, hesitate, then nods to Atlee's offer of 'it's in her head', "It's -kind of- like that," she agrees.

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    "Oh! Yes, it's like that!" Atlee says. "I have met heroines who do not understand that, that being a hero is what you do all the time, not just on a...a clock? I mean, I like doing other things when there is not trouble, and I don't...constantly try to stop everything. I tried that when I first arrived on the surface, and..." She frowns. "...well, I got a bit hurt, and told that I should learn to not try to do everything at once." She sighs, then rests her head against black Lu's shoulder, then grins at the grey girl, nodding to her. She says to the black. "Oh yes, there's SOOOO much food here! So many different cultures and ideas how to create different dishes. I'm not good at it at all, I don't really get the spices..." she admits, frowning. "I did try once at the restaurant but, I don't think the cook liked it when he tasted it, though he was very nice pretending he did."

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "Being a hero isn't about saving -everyone-. Nobody, not even Superman, can save -everyone-. It's about doing what you can do," the black Luorno agrees, wholeheartedly. "And if you over-extend yourself? You can't do what you can do. Perhaps, in time, your powers will grow. Some do. But for now, ... do what you -can- do. And be glad. Because you're one more brilliant star in the world that wasn't there before."