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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2018/04/12 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=1587, 1134 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1587|Rachel Cole-Alve...")
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Latest revision as of 05:53, 28 April 2018

Let's Go Drinking
Date of Scene: 12 April 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Rachel Cole-Alves, Spoiler

Rachel Cole-Alves has posed:
    Rachel is staying at a motel. It's relatively clean, which is already a plus, but the parking lot has scattered refuse and old cars. They proudly advertise offering a weekly rate (with discount!) for long-term tenants. The redheaded marine must be one of these. She's staying o nthe second story four doors from the stairs and a pair of brightly lit vending machines that are so old they still sell bottles of soda for a dollar. She's staying in Room 172, apparently. The information was wrmedo ut of rache after some more talking, an entire milkshake, and a walk.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown sets her bag aside, her costume and other goodies stored away in there. She sits carefully on the edge of the bed, since there isn't much space here and kicks off her sneakers, flexing her feet a bit as she looks around.

"Stayed here once for a while myself. Not this room, but the motel. Dad got on the wrong side of his bookie and we had to lay low until he got together enough to pay him off. He was the kind of guy who'd put the screws to somebody's kid to get the vig back," she says. She doesn't ask Rachel's story. It's hers to tell, if she wants to, but people get into this line usually don't do it for fun reasons.

Rachel Cole-Alves has posed:
    Rachel doesn't volunteer a great deal about herself, either. She nods with the explanation, looking around the room. Peeling paint and a little painting of a tree on the wall are dominating features, along with a bed, a lamp, and a table with a black case. There's a little bathroom at the back as a spacious closet which is just slightly ajar.

    "That sounds like fun. Your father must be very charming," Rachel observes quietly. "Were you the one who put him away?" She asks without even looking up from the black case she's just now opening.

    "It's clean and the doesn't come in without permission or go through your stuff. So it works." Rachel opens the case finally, though her body hides the contents from view. "I'd offer some food but about all I have is protein bars and MREs."

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown shakes her head, "Believe me, he's not. Just clever. But not as clever as me," she says, flashing a quick smile. "Figured that out, huh?"

"I'm pretty full, don't need to worry about that," she says. "He wanted to be a boss type, but never had the guts for it. So he planned heists for bigger fish, did robberies, ran small heist gangs..." she shrugs. "I picked up a few things from him. But not the worst habits."

Rachel Cole-Alves has posed:
    "Coming from the life you did the only reason I can think of you'd've jumped not all of this so fast is to ake down the old man," Rachel responds seriously. "I hope it felt good." With that said Rachel continues to fiddle around with her things, tilting her head slightly to the left. "With everything you've told me I'm pretty sure I know where Aleksei's holed up. Thank you for that."

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown nods quietly, "No problem," she says. "I won't ask what you'll do. I don't even know what it's about...but, from the look in your eye, I wouldn't wanna be him," she says.

"Just...be careful, y'know? Not just of him, but of...the others. Batman and his friends. They're territorial - and they like to play by their own set of rules," she says.

Rachel Cole-Alves has posed:
    "I don't have a special suit or any kind of 'magic' powers," Rache replies, lifting her hands briefly to wiggle her fingers as if to say, 'Ooh, spooky.' "I've gotten this far by making my own rules. So if they want to play... I guess we'll play." She shrugs and then takes a deep breath. Slowly.

    "You're right, though. You wouldn't want to be hime or anyone working for him tonight." The black case is shut with an audible click and then Rachel turns away from the table. "But that's tonight. Right now we're just talking, right?" She pauses for a second. "Sorry, I can get pretty intense. I didn't even ask how you're doing."

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown shakes her head, "It's okay. I know I'm young, but I'm not that young. And I've seen...a lot of shit," she says. "I know what it's like not to want to play by the rules. That's usually my problem. I don't take orders real good," she admits. "Not enough respect for authority. And guys usually assume they're the ones who do the bossing," she says.

She talks probably too openly for her own good about herself, her dad, who she is. But it isn't like she's had much of anyone to talk to. It feels...like a relief. "Whatever you're doing, it's obviously personal. You have to do what you have to do." she says.

Rachel Cole-Alves has posed:
    "You have to learn to tak orders if you're going to work with someone," Rachel responds seriously. "That's the one thing I definitely remember from being a Marine. If you work together in sync and don't question orders..." She gives a shrug. "That's how you make a real time. But I can only imagine that Batman is probably a bit of a sexist ass." She snorts softly.

    "Anyway... Do what you gotta do. That's all we can, right?" Make sure yo udo what you think is right so that you can live with yourself at the end of the day." Rache nods once and then takes a deep breath. "I'm not going to lie to you. I'll probably have trouble with the Bat at some point. If that stuff bothers you you should probably get out now."

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown shakes her head, "I don't mind trouble," she grins. "In fact, I often invite it. He's told me to back off a few too many times. I know he thinks he's just looking out for me, but I didn't get my old man locked up so somebody else could play daddy," she says. "Especially not a weirdo in a bat costume."

"And I'll try to remember that. I imagine it's easier if you respect the person doing the ordering. I haven't had a lot of that."

Rachel Cole-Alves has posed:
Rachel looks back at Stephanie and nods. "The best part of being out of the Corps is you can pick who your CO is." She tilts her head slightly, regarding Stephanie in a measured way. "Has anyone ever taught you how to shoot?"

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown shakes her head slowly, "My old man wouldn't let me touch his gun. Said it wasn't safe. I've pretty much just gotten by on my martial arts and my...gadgets," she says. "Whatever I could put together. Not always pretty, but it's always gotten the job done. I don't know how I'd feel if I...killed somebody. It seems like it would be hard on a person. Or, at least, like it should be."

Rachel Cole-Alves has posed:
    "I did see you with the taser back there. I would've laughed if I hadn't had a knife in my face," Rachel replies with a smile. "It's smart. But the fastest, safest way to put a person down is with bullets." She sucks in a breath and holds it for a second. "Killing a person is hard. And if you're lucky it never gets any easier." Rachel turns slightly then. She pauses for a second and looks around the room like she just realized there's nothing left to do.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown nods, "I got it at a pawn shop. Cost twenty bucks. Too much, really, but I needed it and Eduardo doesn't ask questions about why I want things. He just sells them to me. He sells bad shit to bad people, too, but he's not really a bad guy. Just...trying to make it by. That's the hard thing. A lot of crooks are just people trying not to starve. The real bad ones are the ones at the top, the ones who take ninety percent of the take and do ten percent of the work. If that," she says.

"That and the psychos, of course. Can't ever forget the psychos. Not in Gotham."

"Do you need a drink or something? You seem...edgy."

Rachel Cole-Alves has posed:
    "And that's why you have to keep going until you can cut of the head. The minions don't matter, it's the man at the otp..." Rachel closes her eyes for a second, tension rippling aong her arms and shoulder blades. Then she nods.

    "A drink sounds nice. Let me get dressed." Rache scoops up a turtleneck sweater. Most of her clothes are more middle class than steph is used to seeing her in.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown nods, "Whatever you want. Don't gotta get fancied up for me," she grins. "I'll warn you, I'm kind of a lightweight. My mom's a lush so I never drank too much - goes straight to my head," she adds.

"And just...try to breathe. I know it can be tough to finally face doing a thing you've needed to do. But you'll get there. And it's important to be careful," she says, wiser than her years.

Rachel Cole-Alves has posed:
    "It's more important to be decisive," Rachel replies, though she nods as well. The redhead ends up in slacks and a turtleneck sweater, her copper hair pulled into a neat bun. She hesitates for a second before picking up the black case and her shoulder bag to bring them along.

    "Lightweight, hm? I guess you might not remember much of today when we're done," Rachel teases. "Just lead the way." Rache has a car if Stephanie doesn't. Either way, the bag and case will end up in a trunk.