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Latest revision as of 05:57, 28 April 2018

The Black Queen, L5
Date of Scene: 13 April 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Selene joins the Light
Cast of Characters: Lex Luthor, Black Queen

Lex Luthor has posed:
Unlike the others Lex has singled out as potential candidates, Selene doesn't really hide herself or her talents. Why would she when she's more than capable of erasing her mistakes from the minds of her victims? It makes profiling her a very easy job, even without the files Lex keeps on influential people already.

It might or might not come as a surprise when Selene gets ah actual letter -with paper and everything!- to her current chosen public residence. Inside is an invitation:

"Ms. Gallio,

We haven't had reason to have contact before, due to being... in different circles of life, shall we say. However, I get the impression of an ambitious woman who wants to build a better future for Earth... with her at the top. This may or may not be accurate, but I nonetheless extend an invitation to discuss adaptation to current events. Please, visit me at the Tower when you have time, if you're curious.


It was just vague enough to be frustrating, but with enough information about Selene to show basic homework done.

If Selene accepts, she's invited to the private elevator at LexCorp Tower that leads up to the office. Lex Luthor himself is up near the back glass wall, his hands behind his back as he looks out over Metropolis. Mercy and Hope are doing a last minute sweep for bugs to the room; you can never be too careful when it comes to conspiracies of this nature. The corridor itself leading into the office is lined with Team Luthor security when Selene comes in.

Black Queen has posed:
The letter, an actual letter, something Selene hasn't seen in a while though she pens many of them herself. Though she's recently acquired a great deal of tablet devices for her servants she herself has no cellphone or computing device. There's an email, of course, for tons of the businesses that she is a part of but even a cursory email gets responded to by a multitude of secretaries and other secondary staff. Never actually even making their way to Selene.

That said, the letter is nice, a good paper with a high cotton blend. It's both smooth and yet threaded enough that it is easily gripped and kept separate from other papers that she tends to get as well. Once she has read through it, she almost squints at it. Her public persona is one of Selene Gallio, the young and beautiful widow of some late husband that has given her his entire estate. Any amount of digging shows a real person who once was her husband, and a real estate that he did indeed own, and was sent her way. And of course, he met some kind of untimely demise.

At the tower, Selene shows up, her custom ultra-high fashion clothing, all made specifically for her by the best of the best. Some lead fashion designer at Gucci for the jacket, another in Dolce and Gabbana for her skirt, those boots are clearly Prada but not a pair sold on shelves of department stores. The security gets something of a bemused look as she walks past it, handing over the letter and submitting herself to any other form of checks for weapons or the like, not that she herself can be kept out if she's being invited, so that's the only weapon that really matters in her mind.

Upon seeing Lex at the window, she takes a few steps into the office area and takes in a deep breath, before grinning a bit, "Your letter was rather interesting. Straight to the point, and acutely accurate. What do I owe the pleasure of such attention?" She is relaxed, her tone calm and a hint of being entertained as she continues to approach Lex and his window. Though she also doesn't make any sudden movements or speedily approach. She's in another person's home, and though she doesn't need to be invited to get into places, there's still always some respect.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"I've been tracking potential allies for a very long time, Ms. Gallio." Lex states, without looking away from the glass wall into Metropolis. "I preferred to build my own resources, my own intellect." Lex gestures with a hand that was behind his back to the city proper, "My own city." The fact that Lex Luthor considers Metropolis his should be no surprise; he actually outright owns half of it, after all.

"But, the time for acting alone has past... especially with groups like the Avengers getting official support now." Lex finally turns to Selene, hands still behind his back... and she can see the cut of his impeccable black and blue business suit from the front, now. His tailor is just as high end as Selenes. Higher end? Debatable, but their people are probably in the same social circles, at least. "Please, have a seat if you like." Lex gestures to one of the chairs in front of his desk as he himself sits behind it, "Your business arrangements are rather well done for a woman of your... attitude." Lex says, carefully, "You can certainly clean up after yourself, but with your talents and resources, I think that with some adaptation, we can do much better." Lex raises a brow them. Hope and Mercy move to either side of the desk just watching the exchange.

"How do you feel about working with others interested in guiding humanity to a better future?" Lex inquires.

Black Queen has posed:
Moving in the direction of the window, Selene stops at the desk since Lex is going there instead. And she finds herself a seat on one side of the desk, sitting in it comfortably, and crossing her legs with a well practiced grace. Leaning back a bit she feels the chair, and runs her fingers along the material, "Nice. More businessy than I prefer, a little rigid. I enjoy a well used antique sofa. 18th century or older in my house for all my furniture. Something about the age just allows a irreplicable sense of comfort." She looks at the business suit and takes a glance over it, probably higher end than her clothes but for her it was the conquest of thralling the designers to make something for her not necessarily just their worth.

And besides, Lex is almost certainly richer than Selene by far. Though she grins a bit, her eyes light up a bit, "Clean up after others, you mean? I tend to have to do that a lot. A subordinate screws this up or that up, and then you get rid of them, and then well, you have to make sure their mistakes do not hurt you in the long run. After all, the future is just another day away." And she looks to Hope and then to Mercy before looking back to Lex, "Eye candy? Or more like dessert?" She wonders of the two guards with Lex, "I tend to keep many playthings around as well, if you were to meet me in my office, why they would be far too dressed. That said, I am open to... an offer." She asks, "And it is clear that you understand some things of what I am doing. You do not need to hide behind vague words, what ventures do you wish to talk about? I would not suspect you are talking about needing... slaves or powerful objects. You could clearly get those if you wished. Instead, you are suggesting working together to form, what, a team, like the Avengers?" She chuckles a bit, "It is rare that a group would seek, me, out."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"More like an organization." Lex retorts, his hands steepling on his desk as he leans forward. "These last few decades have seen unprecedented change, and I have the impression there's more still to come. We have the stars to reach for, after all." Lex gives a vague gesture upwards, "Mercy and Hope are valued employees, and the only two I trust to help me oversee this."

He smiles warmly, "you see, the plans of people like us keep being thrown into chaos or thwarted. I'm working to build a group of Enlightened individuals who have the power and influence to actually counter some of these groups popping up to challenge those of ambition." Lex gestures between Selene and himself, "people like us, who want to see a better tomorrow. Forming a cohesive organization to rule from the shadows."

Black Queen has posed:
Leaning forward a bit, Selene leans onto the desk toward Lex. "You want to create a group of strong leaders? Of those who know what they are doing?" She questions lightly, more serious in tone as she speaks. With that she hrms a bit long and comments, "I play no second fiddle. I will not be the attractive arm decoration. And any attempt to do so will show just how many thorns this rose has..." Her eyes get to be nearly slits. A wash of darkness partially fills the room before she lets her lips go from a stern position stretching out into a smile, and the sensation mostly vanishes. There's always something 'dark' emenating from Selene, but it's now just background again, "But, I have been attempting to create a better tomorrow for quite some time. Within your, organization, where do you see me fitting in?"

Selene leans back a bit in her chair, "I mean it is clear that you have recognized my great intelligence, power, influence, and most cannot help but be attracted to such a perfect vessel. For those things I have no questions. What is missing in your group that you hope for me to be able to fulfill? And when we create the world, by whose design do we follow?"

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Judging by your talents, you're a remarkably skilled sorceress in your own right. We have a need of mystic expertise." Lex then presses a button on his table, and a holographic representation of Earth comes up... along with a bunch of documents. Reaching out to them makes them able to be manipulated; probably a form of motion sensor technology for a fully room equipped VR suite. "This is my initial proposal."

Black Queen has posed:
The documents appear on the holographic display, and Selene looks at the holographic display. Though she's not 'pulling back' from the entire thing she definitely does not reach forward. There's an anachronistic side of being, well, an ageless ancient sorceress. For you, technology has come along quickly in your lifetime, for her, it is like yesterday there were cathedrals and archways just being discovered and today genetic testing regularly being done.

"Yes, well." She eyes the documents a bit, reaching out skeptically to sort of 'flip' through them. And she is tense, as if this causes her some manner of discomfort. Though she does it anyhow. And then when done reading she sits back, "You can... put it away." She waves a hand dismissively at the holographic showing of the documents.

"So, a democratic sort of organization. Each vote equal and equivalent. So, then I suspect that each of the other members have some kind of secret identity that they wish to protect? I can honor that, so long as they are members of the organization. It takes much to earn my trust, and it is easily lost." With that she slightly shrugs though and thinks, bringing up her hands and allowing her finger tips to press against one another in thought. "This organization will need someone to be around when the rest of you have become dust. There is little risk for me being involved, and I would be there to help support others, on whatever we voted to do, and lend my mystical arts to the group?"

Lex Luthor has posed:
A press of a button later, and the holographic display switches instead to a 'screen' of current members. L1 through L4 have pictures, shrouded in light (http://youngjustice.wikia.com/wiki/File:Psimon_reports_to_the_Light.png). The others are barren. "We need mystical expertise we can trust. Plus, I do want to future proof this organization with someone like you." Lex nods, "member names will only be known to each other. Agents and other assets will know us as the Ls, and nothing more. The rules for how to recruit and when to reveal are clear." He smiles, "You seem like a shapeshifter of sorts, given what you just did with your eyes... I assume your perfect beauty is part of your sorcery?"

Black Queen has posed:
There's a breathe in, and Selene looks over at Lex as he shows an image to her on the screens, "I imagine this, technology, that you use will be a common way for us to communicate?" She questions lightly, raising up a brow. "I can, tolerate it, if I must. So... unfleshy. I like to meet, in person, like this, rather than through fiber optics and cameras." There's a genuine disgust toward that form of communication, then again it's another way for someone to not really be influenced by her psychic abilities. "Shapeshift? Oh, I can certainly do that. Though this is the godlike beauty I was born with." She smiles a bit at that, "Blessed." Her facial expression shows a genuine smile, talking about her and her beauty certainly boosts her mood. "The, eyes? Oh, sometimes my inner soul peeks out a bit. When you know, I get upset. And my inner self is still beautiful, but you might say, horrifying as well. The two are so closely related." She chuckles lightly at that, maybe to her own joke, as she wonders, "So, will we be doing a rundown of everyone's capabilities? So that we know what it is that we each bring to the table? If so, I am more than happy to answer questions, I am... an open book."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Our members are all over the world; without a reliable means of teleportation with failsafes, using a satellite network as a backbone to our meetings will be essential going forward." Lex smirks, then. "If you accept membership, I can release a bunch of information to you." Lex then takes a thumb drive out of his desk drawer, and places it in front of Selene, "and that has the encrption key and the computer program we'll use going forward to talk to each other."

Black Queen has posed:
Looking at the USB drive, Selene squints some more, and she smiles. "Fine. I will learn the ins and outs of this. Perhaps I will simply find a technician who knows this stuff very well. Easier that way." She comments rather easily before reaching out, "I am in. You reached out, you recognize my greatness, and have a healthy curiosity instead of an unhealthy fear of it. I do not know who your other members are at this point, but whomever they are, I am taken aback a bit by the invitation. Again, most do not voluntarily bring the devil home to meet their family. I still believe, just to be open, somewhere in the back of my mind there is going to be a catch. I hope I am incorrect."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"L1 is myself. L2 is Magneto, otherwise known as Erik Magnus. L3 is Talia Al Ghul, otherwise known as the Demons Daughter. L4 is Grodd of Gorilla City. You will be L5, the Black Queen and mystic supreme for the Light." Lex notes, "... but no, I don't consider you arm candy. I do consider you an interesting and beautiful woman I'd like to get to know, but you've probably seen plenty of interesting men over the years, so I have no idea if that's even a thing on your radar."

Black Queen has posed:
There is a bit of laughter as you name off who is part of the group. "You have managed a rather interesting band of folks to consider in The Light." She mentions and then leans back "Mystic supreme." She smiles a bit at that, liking the title, grinning a bit more, "Mystic, supreme." Trying a slightly different intonation, and then offering. "I could have been Sorcereress Supreme. You know. Long before there was a title, I could have siezed that silly crown had I ever wanted it." She is basically dismissing Strange, perhaps in a bit of arrogance and self-flattery. "Hmm? Oh. I am always looking to enjoy myself. And I have yet to learn what it is that you do for the group. By the way you are the founder, and you are extending the invitation. I would fathom a guess that you are the strategist, the tactician. Magneto needs little in the way of introduction, a bit too morale for my taste, but still useful. And yes, I have seen many men over the years, women as well, demons, things that go bump in the night. Though the last man I truly found interesting was intelligent, and designed an entire city just for me. Do you think you have that level of ambition?"

Lex Luthor has posed:
"I intend to design the entire planet alongside the rest of the Light, and am the most intelligent man on Earth." Lex states it as fact; he really does think he's the best intellect on earth, "Whether or not I'd design a city for you... will depend on a number of things. I already designed one." Lex gestures out into Metropolis with a back thumb gesture, "even if the alien likes to think of it as his home."

Black Queen has posed:
With your words, "The entire planet. That seems fitting. It is bigger than a city, for sure." Selene mentions as she looks you over, and then wonders, "Alien?" She questions before letting out an Ahhhh, "That person in blue, with the overly cliche name. Superman? He must really like german philosophers." There's a smirk on her lips but then she stands up, a slow and steady movement so as to not perturb Hope or Mercy. She walks in the direction of the window, "How large of a population would you say your Metropolis has? It looks rather, dense." Standing at the window she looks around, taking the city in, "I have not spent much time here. Perhaps you could find it interesting to show me around as you got to know me?"

Lex Luthor has posed:
"It's a beautiful city. I'd be happy to show you around sometime." Lex gives in reply, "For now though, I have a few hours of meetings to deal with. I need to keep my resources current, and LexTech needs to do another round of testing for some station modules." There's a pause, before Lex looks to Selene, "How useful would you say your mystical arts be at... say... helping to test and design a space station?"

Black Queen has posed:
With Lex's words, Selene takes another gander at the city below and then turns back, walking over to the desk again. But since it looks like this meeting is concluding she nods her head once, smiling to you. "Always a busy business man. That is good." She indicates, "Idleness is the root of all evil. That said, an interesting question as I have never built a space station before." There's a clear process of thinking, millions of lives worth of knowledge are stored inside of her and she adds, "Indirectly, invaluable. Between finding workers, as well as test subjects, it is without compare. As far as actual construction, well, if you were to bring me there once I could make a transportation circle allowing you to bring materials to space instantly. I would also be able to aid in guarding the inside always, from those who would seek to invade it. As long as you do not mind the dark company I would bring."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Then we'll have to discuss the possibilities later. Perhaps over dinner?" Lex offers, before he starts to step over to the entryway, "I'll keep that in mind. It's a long ways away... but my intention is to get the Bastion into orbit within the next decade. My calculations project that I should be able to make it in two, three years at most with current technology." Lex affirms, proudly. "Welcome to the Light, Ms. Gallio."