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Latest revision as of 06:07, 28 April 2018

Captain Rogue Soldier
Date of Scene: 14 April 2018
Location: Avengers Mansion, New York City
Synopsis: Bucky storms off because he's a butt.
Cast of Characters: Winter Soldier, Captain America, Rogue

Winter Soldier has posed:
    The kitchen fire alarm is screaming; and there's mild smokey atmosphere floating out of the kitchen door into the hallway, but it isn't too extreme ... yet.
    In the kitchen is the source of all the smoke, with the open oven, beating away the smoke with a towel: one James "Bucky" Barnes. Something went very awry in the oven.
    The best thing to do as a visitor to someone's home is to either stop up a toilet or cause a fire. So far the latter has now been checked off. He squats to look in at the mess he's made, coughing. For once he's not in athletic gym attire, but very ordinary jeans, long sleeved shirt, open hoodie, with a new scent of singe.

Captain America has posed:
    From the back deck there's the sound of the sliding door opening and then shutting with the metallic whir of its slide shifting back and forth. Then a few moments later the man known as Steve Rogers comes striding in. His movements are a touch hasty in that 'just in case' way one has when they're figuring out if a kitchen mishap is an actual danger or not. But then he gets in the doorway and waves his hand around.
    "What happened, Buck?" Steve's voice is a little amused even as he steps across the way around the island. He gets to the window and yanks it open, letting some of the chill air into the room though giving some ventilation as well. He turns back towards the man and the oven and smirks a touch as he adds, "Tried to boil water again?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue isn't too far behind since the alarm was calling her name, right? No... not really, but hey it was worth looking into. So she arrives a little after Cap does, but she just leans against the doorframe and watches Steve go into help his 'friend' and it makes her smile.

When the alarm is deactivated, Rogue just continues to lean there with her gloved hands on the doorframe and her white/brown hair hanging down on the right side as she's leaning that way against the door's frame.

"Is it date night?" She asks the two men, still believe that they're an 'item'. "Ya'll makin' pizza or somethin'? Cause I'm starvin' and am totally willin' to interupt your romance for some'a your food... unless its burnt now."

A second later and Rogue's eyebrows raise. "Oh and Logan stopped up the toilet upstairs and left without tellin' anyone."

Winter Soldier has posed:
    "You boil water in the oven?" Bucky asks over his shoulder without turning, and reaches into the oven with his left hand to draw out the tray carefully, no need for potholder. He pulls the tray entirely out and sets it on the burners on the stove; the smoke isn't coming from that, but the oven. There's a lot of dripping though.
    "Sauce bubbled over into the bottom. Must have put it in tilted." Flat, deadpan information given. It looks, from appearance, that it's some kind of beef roasted thing, potatoes. The smoke is covering up some of the scent of it. He turns snares a fork with his other hand and pokes at it, emotionlessly.
    Bucky closes the oven with his foot, which contains more of the smoke and then just stares at Rogue's weird questions. He must not like the idea of being interrupted.

Captain America has posed:
    Moving on to the next window, Cap is pulling it open and then steps across the room, reaching to that island and flipping the switch on the internal fan to hopefully get the smoke out of the room. He shakes his head a bit, smile wry as he eyes James sidelong, "Last time you tried to cook, well, it made me grateful that I had K-Rations in my pack." But with all that done the room seems to be clearing somewhat, at least passingly so.
    Leaning against the island he lifts a hand and gives Rogue a smile as she makes her entrance. "Marie." He offers in way of greeting then his brow furrows a bit at her first question. "Date night? Buck, you got a gal coming over?" His features shift to curiousity as perhaps some of the subtext slips past him.
    Then he looks back over towards her and lifts a hand, "Was thinking of making some reubens if you folks are in." But her suggestion about 'romance' just draws a sort of confused look for a moment. The mention of Logan's particular... efforts, however has him shaking his head. "That guy, he can be a trial." Harsh criticism from Cap indeed.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue steps around the door frame and leans there against it with her left gloved hand holding onto it. She's wearing a half-zipped black hoodie up to her bustline over a tshirt she's wearing beneath it, some blue jeans and knee-high black leather boots. She taps her left hand's fingertips against the doorframe and flashes the two elder men a little grin.

"Guess thats a 'yes'." She says softly about date night and her interrupting it. "Reubons?" She asks then, looking at Cap. "Whats a Reubon?" Without skipping a beat she shakes her head right to left and continues.

"I knew a guy named Reubon in Colorado. He was a total d-bag. He used t'make mutants think he was operating some sweet Shelter for Mutants out of his parent's old place. But all he was really doin' was lookin' t'exploit their powers for his illegal jeans factory he ran in the basement'a the place."

With a heavy sigh, Rogue walks into the kitchen and looks about. "There any booze in here?" She asks, even if she's just 19.

Winter Soldier has posed:
"I can grill just fine. This can't be that different, and /should/ be a lot easier than trying to do it in pouring rain at an outpost," Bucky retorts of his cooking ability or lack thereof. He moves back to the oven to open it. Yes, when he raised the shelf, he put it in at an angle. He flips it closed without much reaction. Cooking has made Bucky dead inside.

    Bucky checks the meat a little more. Collects the cooked potatoes off of the tray off into a dish. And then moves over to the trash and up-ends the whole of the rest of the dripping mess of it into the garbage. "Not that I know of," Bucky says, still expressionless, about the 'gal', as he dumps it. "So I'm in. A Rueben is a grilled, corned beef sandwich."

    The question about booze gets no judgement from Bucky, but he doesn't know the answer, so there's a noncomittal shrug in response. "We also have baked potatoes." Sigh.

Captain America has posed:
    "None for you I'm afraid, Marie. At least not in... New York? Right?" Steve says as he fields the request for alcohol, giving her a slight smile then as he starts to move around the kitchen, gathering the needed ingredients. The bread from the bread drawer is withdrawn with a plastic rustle, tossed onto that stovetop on the island. Then he's heading towards the fridge where he yanks it open and peers inside for a bit.
    "Bucky's right." He leans back and looks out of the fridge towards Bucky as he starts to recite the ingredients as if checking if he's forgetting anything with the other guy, "Corned beef, swiss cheese, thousand island, and... sauerkraut?" His brow furrows as if not entirely sure on that last bit, but then he starts to get each out of the fridge one after the other. The plastic deli packs with the meat and the cheese are tossed onto the stove, then he walks the rest over.
    "It's good, trust me." That said he starts to rummage around in the cabinet below the island, the sound of metal pots and pans clanking against each other is heard. He rises up with a skillet and sets it on the stovetop. "I'm sorry the word might have crummy connotations for you, Marie. Hopefully we can redeem it a little." After that, he turns on the heat.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just looks from one of the dead sexy men, to the other and she just grins at them and shakes her head side to side while her arms fold over her stomach causing the fabric of her her hood to rumple up some behind her forearms and gloved hands.

"I figured ya old tiemrs would be against fun drinkin' times. Its alright, I won't -eve'ah- drink again." She says with a big grin on her pale pink painted lips.

Then, a second later, and her dark eyebrows are lowering down over her green hued eyes. "Why in God's name are the two'a you cookin' in this day and age when ya can just use your phone t'have someone bring ya somethin' from any restaurant in town? The food delivery is insane around here, especially if ya can afford it. Which I figure we all can, less ya guys got a secret gamblin' addiction that I don't know about."

Just about every word Marie says is laced with a flirtatious tone to it, her husky voice is naturally that way? Sort of, but she's also a giant flirt and a tease.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    "I'm tryin' to clean my mess here," Bucky snorts as Steve gets in the way with his next food project, smirking a little, and snaring the pan off the other side of the stovetop to get around Steve to the sink. He rolls both sleeves all the way up, which fully bares his metallic left arm to the elbow to view. When he's looked at about the ingredients, Bucky has a 6th sense about that he's being asked, and automatically adds, "Butter," without looking at Steve.

    Bucky is now at the sink, and has shown an emotion, finally: grumpiness at having to scrub a dish. His hair in his face just makes him more broody. "If I just throw the pan out, nobody will notice, right," Bucky grumbles, realizing that this is going to be time consuming.

    "Why make my own? Because I don't need things done /for/ me." Bucky pauses, looks at the evidence in his hands, and amends, "Except right now, I guess."

Captain America has posed:
    "Yeah I can see you /tried/ to do a lot here." Cap replies to Bucky with that old at ease tone, reserved for one of the few people he feels comfortable ribbing. "Butter, right. How'd I forget that?"
    As for Rogue's comments to Steve he's just sort of inured to some things, or at the least willing to accept that Rogue's tone is just her manner, taking it as nothing more. But at her observation about the food situation and the possibilities that are available to them in Manhattan... well that actually has him drawing up short.
    "Well," Steve looks over towards Bucky as if seeking support in the building of his argument. He tilts his head back towards Marie and his smile is warm and reaches his eyes. "I mean, I suppose we could. Right?" He looks back towards James again, still perhaps seeking advice. Then he's back towards Rogue. "I just kind of like to cook?"
    "But yeah, good to be able to do stuff on your own." Yet he knows that doesn't offer too much insight at least at this point. So he holds up a hand, "Hey, just entertain this old geezer this one thing. And if you hate it, then next time we'll order out. Alright? Alright." Decided. He pulls out slices of bread.
    "First step, butter up one side of this bread. Get to work you two." He digs into the drawer and produces some knives for the bar of butter. The rest he starts working on himself.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue flashes a grin at Bucky and nods her head slowly. "I can crunch the pan up into a tiny ball if you'd like me too. Its way easier t'hide stuff if ya do that to them. I did it to a microwave once..." She pauses and then points over to the microwave on the counter. "Not here. A different microwave... Someplace else." And a smile is given to the mighty handsome Captain America.

Rogue moves toward the bread and eyeballs it and then watches him as he gets the butter ready. "Not sure... I should help." She tells the man who likes to wear the red white and blues. Her gloved hands come up and she wiggles her fingers. "I take these off in a kitchen setting and there's bound t'be accidental touches... or purposeful." She grins a little and puts her hand down on the edge of the counter. "Either way, its dangerous for you two. I don't wanna drop one'a you tonight afterall. I like ya both alive and well."

Winter Soldier has posed:
    "It's usually on rye." Bucky just states this out of nowhere. Just four words, that make him just stop washing anything in the sink, and then... STARE. Like he's going to stare a hole down into the tray in front of him in the sink. Bucky just checked out, he went somewhere, and it probably is not related to the contents of the sink. It is related to a rye sandwich somewhere in a past that is barely still existing in tiny threads. Sometimes the threads appear, usually they break. This one is unraveling into some other threads behind Bucky's eyes, as the sink just runs, the water pouring over the metal and mess, floating bits of burned black floating loosely around his dangling right hand.

    Because of that, Bucky is unavailable, he's checked out, and doesn't help Steve's questions at all, or seem aware they were asked.

Captain America has posed:
    Cap's response to that is to eye her sidelong as he murmurs, "Somehow I think you might have better control than you give yourself credit for, Marie." But despite his words he takes up the job of buttering the bread as well, taking his time to layer it on thick even as he gives her a nod. "But you're probably right. Best to be careful, hm?"
    Over his shoulder he calls to Bucky, "You're right, but we don't have any. I'll try and pick some up for next time." He deals with the butter on the white bread for now, though he does set out some slices should Rogue be feeling /dangerous/. And for that small slice of time he's getting the bread buttered and then set down on a prep tray. Once that's squared away he then starts to layer on the other ingredients. The thousand island, the corned beef. But then the silence behind him catches his attention.
    "Buck?" A quick glance is given to Rogue as if telling her to hold on for a moment. Then he turns around and rests a hand lightly on the other man's shoulder. "Buck, you alright?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's gaze is going from one old man to the other and then she just leans forward onto the countertop's edge and folds her forearms together whilst leaning on her elbows, her feet are extended out a bit behind her with the pointed tips of the tall boots tapping on the ground lightly (since the girl can alter her place in gravity, i.e. flight power, she can lean or float in just about any way she wants to!).

"Kitchen safety is important, Captain America." She says at Steve with a grin before she looks to Bucky and then back to Steve. "So how long have the two'a you known each other?" She asks them then. "Was it love at first sight?" Yeah... she still hasn't caught on yet, or HAS she?!

Winter Soldier has posed:
    The shoulder and back of the Winter Soldier tense when touched. Bucky is jarred out of wherever he went. Nothing is 'off' in the sink, there's no collateral damage. Bucky doesn't say anything at all, but the question gets a nod. He's okay. No smile though. Bucky rinses his hands off, shuts off the water, and towel-dries his hands in a robotic way.

    And then Rogue comes in with that tease, and Bucky pulls himself together. Be a human person. Come on, Bucky. "No, he had the hell beaten out of him. Not pretty," Bucky answers Rogue, helping now with the buttering.

Captain America has posed:
    For one slim moment, Steve looks at Bucky and a glimmer of concern might be able to be discerned. But it's banished quickly, as if the man were trying to maintain that simple... normalcy of this interaction as he looks back over towards Rogue. "We first met way back when in..." He looks towards James even as he steps back to the stovetop, finishing the buttering of the last few slices of bread then beginning the effort of piling toppings onto it. "Mrs. Lindermann's class? I think that was it. 2nd Grade."
    Towards Rogue, Steve smiles easily, his blue eyes finding hers again. "Billy Falco had a huge mad on for me because I beat him at marbles, and he decided to give me a pasting." He shakes his head and then reaches down to get a second skillet, considering the size of the sandwiches they're making he'll need to put three in each.
    "And then Bucky came running up and... what was it you said to the guy?" He tilts his head back towards the man who was known as the Winter Soldier.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue leans on her elbows and watches the two of them, mainly Steve as he prepares the sandwiches, at least she thinks they're sandwiches... she's already forgotten. Corn and beef and something?

"Oh, wait... You two are both from the 1800s?" She asks them then, her eyes going wider. "Wow... God, that is so bad ass... I wish I could live t'be like a thousand years old." Did Rogue even graduate math class?

She looks to Bucky's back, but its easy to tell that he's the grumpy one of the duo. Her eyes go back to Steve and she keeps on grinning. "I once had a teacher tell me that I was a menace and shouldn't be allowed t'even be in school. So I pushed her coffee cup over onto all the English assignments and it spilled into her purse."

Slowly she shakes her head back and forth. "I got sent home for a week..." And she inhales, and exhales heavily. "Shoulda just played marbles, I think."

Winter Soldier has posed:
    What was said? What was it? Bucky looks entirely blank, like a computer unable to access the drive it needs. Not even a small flashing cursor. He just has nothing, it appears. But is there something to find? Maybe there isn't.

"...I don't think I said anything," Bucky says, hesitantly, but doesn't look at Steve to fact check it. He's more focused in the butter. But he can't maintain his cool about this. "I don't /know/, Steve." He gets a sudden agressive look and bats the butter dish away against the wall, in a quick, frustrated reaction. The plastic clacks on the wall and the small amount of butter sticks, but there wasn't much left anyway. He doesn't say anything more, he suddenly leaves the kitchen out the side door in several super-soldier sized strides, excusing himself. There is a very brief hand-signal on the way out, that Steve will read very clearly. They have a set of hand signals, and this one is 'hold, I'm going ahead'.

    The man obviously needs a few minutes to himself, but is cognizant enough to signal.

Captain America has posed:
    Cap's exhaled approximation of a laugh is barely there, accompanied by a small snort as he eyes Rogue sidelong, "Well, it was... 1924... I think? 25?" He again glances towards Bucky for support as to the date...
    But the timing is all wrong for that's the moment that the Winter Soldier gestures to the side and the butter thwaps against the wall, slowly sliding down even as the tray clatters.
    For a time silence rules there. All the more as Bucky moves off towards the door and with little further ado he's out and gone. It leaves Rogue and Cap there in the kitchen, Steve still looking off after his oldest friend. Then slowly, very slowly he tilts his head to the side back towards her and says quietly, "Close enough, I'm sure."
    He swallows, and then looks again towards the door. A moment passes before he steps to the side and takes some paper towels from the dispenser nearby, the device squeaking with a plastic sound in that silence in the room. But soon Cap is kneeling to the side and cleaning at the spots where the butter smeared.
    "It's not his fault," He says over his shoulder, "He's dealing with a lot." The paper tears as he splits it to clean a little better, then he rises back to his feet and comes back over towards the stove. "C'mon, let's finish up and get these cooking."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is biting down on her bottom lip lightly while listening to Cap reminisce about he and JAMES BARNES' past. At least until the tantrum is thrown and then the Southern Belle's eyes go over to the wall and the mess there-in. "Butterhawk Down..." She quietly mutters before watching Bucky storm out.

"I guess I really did interrupt date night." She then adds with a slight frown. She straightens up then and walks over to the fridge to get herself a drink. She spots some bottled juice and slides one of the bottles out of the grid to open it up with a twist of its cap.

"I'm sure he'll come back t'ya soon enough, he's probably just not a fan'a me. I talk too much sometimes, it bothers the angry quiet ones... I've had that experience before."

Winter Soldier has posed:
Bucky is actually visible out through the window, he's just taking a breather outside in the cold, on one of the benches. He isn't tearing up the scenery.

Captain America has posed:
    Scrunching one eye as Steve puts the butter container in the sink, he looks over towards Rogue and he says with a small smile, "We're not dating, Rogue. Just..." He gives a small 'heh' of sound as he looks back towards the girl. "Old time friends. And trust me," He moves back towards the pile of sandwiches they've assembled, the last part now is the application of heat and oil. "I doubt it's you he's reacting to. He's got a lot of his own things to work through."
    As he finishes oiling up the pans, he then applies each of the sandwiches in, causing them to hiss with the sizzle of heat. Six separate sandwiches, all starting their slow burn. He leans over and sets the alarm for twelve minutes, then leans against the island to look at Rogue.
    "Though, you know what it could be? When you wore that Yankees hat the other day. The Yankees are bums." And with such judgement in his voice, Cap voices the age old opinion of those born in Brooklyn.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue drinks from her bottle of dark red juice and she leans back against the fridge and puts her other hand into her hoodie's front pocket. She looks out at Bucky on the back patio and then over to Cap again whom gets a light nod from her. "Hey, I get it." She tells him. "I was depressed like that for a long time, till I got here t'New York and got the help I needed at Xavier's place. Then the added help from Doctor Strange." She takes another swig of the expensive high quality jooooce and then smiles a little.

"That hat cost me twenty buckaroos and I got at my first game last summe'ah with some'a the kids from school. So I'd kindly appreciate it if you didn't poke fun at it! I like it... Even if I don't know jack crap about Baseball. Othe'ah then the players are pretty t'look at. Like you and Grumpy McButterkiller out there." She motions at Buck through the window with her bottle.

"You guys are old old old old friends then... I admire that." She softly clears her throat. "I ain't neve'ah had a friend for longer than a year or so, I guess. So I don't know what it must feel like t'have one -that- long."

Captain America has posed:
    The reubens continue to sizzle in the pans, the smell starting to shift to that lovely scent of melted cheese and butter. Steve smiles a little as he looks down at the two pans, but he looks back over towards Rogue and gives a small nod in agreement. It'll take Bucky a while to get a handle on everything, "Hopefully he'll find some peace after everything that's happened." That's all that's offered for now, just that positive sentiment.
    Then she shifts the discussion to the hat and he chuckles a little. "I can respect that, just so long as you perhaps understand the occasional growl about the Yankees. Growing up in Brooklyn... well hating on them is sort of an institution there."
    He ducks under the counter and pulls open the garbage, tossing in some of the butter bits as well as some of the paper towels he'd used cleaning up. "Well it seems like you're on a good start now, Rogue. Just keep the people you care about close to you."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue shakes her head side to side at the madness. "Maybe he should go see Charles Xavier too. Get some'a those bad memories smoothed over a bit by that man and his brainly ways." She grins before moving to set out some plates and napkins for the food. "Smells really nice. I'm gonna have t'figure out how ya did that. Or just... ya know, order out for it t'be delivered t'me like I'm a Princess." She's grinning again while setting the plates out, one for Buckynasty too for when he decides to come back.

"I don't know much about sports, other than I'm not all that into them, really." She replies about the Yankees, before looking up at him. "You guys down in Brooklyn are for the... Dodgers?" She asks, sounding entirely unsure of that. "Why are there two sports teams so close t'each other? Just seems weird makin' people hate each other's teams when they're dang neighbors. But I guess thats what people do, right? Find reasons to be competitive."

Rogue sits down at the bar chair then and sets her juice aside as she pulls her phone out to check her texts. A few from Remy, wondering what she's up to. So she's tapping letters back at him in response.

Captain America has posed:
    Moving in counterpoint to her, Steve helps to get the table set even as he lays down some forks just in case the sandwiches are a bit too sloppy. "Well, Marie, back in those days baseball wasn't as big of an institution as it is today. People got clubs up and together from mainly enthusiasm and some people being like-minded." He looks to the side, eyes drifting back towards the window then back towards her. "And New York, well... we were /really/ into Baseball."
    The timer goes off and he strolls over to flip each of the sandwiches, the buttered bread slices that turn over are now delicious and golden. He takes a few moments eyeballing each in turn, leaning over the pans and nudging them with the spatula. "Alright, I'm thinking three for the three of us. Then the other three we can save for later or for anyone else who's hungry."
    Reaching down, Cap adjusts the oven then looks up, "Do we have any chips?"

Rogue has posed:
"Sounds like it was more fun back then, I guess." Rogue says about America's 'once' Past-Time. "I think they should re-invent it again and take all the corporate bullshit outta it. Ya know, how they pay players like a billion damn dollars." She shakes her head then and exhales softly. Her phone buzzes again and she reads the text. A second later and she's looking up again. "Someone's comin' over t'take me out and see a movie. So I guess I gotta eat 'nd run. But yeah..." She points behind Cap's right shoulder. "In there are the junk foods like chips and pretzels and bagels. I went through this whole place the first day I was here." Another grin is shown then.

Rogue glances back over to where she'd seen Bucky last. "I think he'll come around though, and probably be as much of a help t'all'a this Avengers stuff as you are." She states, putting her eyes back onto Steve. "You're a tough one t'live up to, but I can see it him that he has the potential t'do it." She smiles lightly then, having paid a real compliment there!