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(Sadie takes Atlee & Luorno to their first rave.)
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To Rave Or Not To Rave, That Is The Question
Date of Scene: 17 July 2017
Location: Metropolis
Synopsis: Sadie takes Atlee & Luorno to their first rave.
Cast of Characters: 1034, Triplicate Girl, 1170

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    It's Saturday night, and it's a party!

    Specifically, it's a rave, set it a large club called the Jewel Box, and it's packed at the moment. A stage with a DJ is set in the middle with his tools of the trade, while a scaffolding that surrounds him mounts a variety of lights that whirls and move, sending multicolored shafts of light throught he darkness of the room. The thump of music throbs through the mass of people surrounding the stage, while the floor is split into multicolored squares which slowly shifting from color to color. Aside from the lights, it's dark, but the people here are usually outlined with a variety of glow in the dark necklaces, shoes, clothing, rings, hats, and whatever else they decided to throw on. Bodies move in the dark, as the lights play over faces and people. The only place where it's a bit better lit is at the door, where there's a long entryway leading from the main doors to the double doors leading into the main area, where people can check coats or find enough light to stumble in or out as need.

    Sadie, of course, was already allowed in, so she could give the high sign to the bouncers when those she wanted to bring in arrived.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    Three of those girls that Sadie had brought with here looked exactly the same. Identical Triplets. Down to the haircut. The only way to tell them apart, at all, was the fact that one of the pixie-cut dark haired athletic, and cute, girls was wearing an all black uniform. Another, grey. And the third, white. And, they each seemed more interested, or curious, than eager as most of the young crowd would be. They stand out, each, as first-timers to such an event by the way they consider everything with the obvious consideration and appreciation for something they've never seen before. She'd been to many cultures sort of party, or celebrations, and each had their own rituals, rites, social mores. It was always interesting to her to record these. To see the subtle nuances of differences between one planet's, and another.

Sadie (1170) has posed:
    Sadie gets the girls in through the door with a nod to the bouncer, Mike, and a big thumbs up. She's basically just wearing lingerie and pretty lights. A pale blue lacy demi cup bra and matching boy shorts, with a strobing light tucked between her two large breasts that changes colours yet more when they pass through the extremely thin layers of cloth that somehow manage to keep her street legal.
    Sadie came in with Atlee. It was more convenient that way. Now the group of girls are meeting near the entrance, where there is room to see faces and talk. Sadie, for her part, is glowing. Well, she's smiling faintly and literally glowing. It's rare to see her openly exhibit any kind of emoiton, so...
    "Luornu, Luornu, and... Luornu," Sadie begins with a quiet smile. "This is Atlee. Atlee, these are Luornu. And you are both wonderful people and I shan't hear a word of you not getting along. Would you like me to get us some drinks...?" Sadie is already preapred to keep moving. She's a networker, after all.

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    Atlee is already bouncing on her toes a bit to the music, her hips swaying a little. She looks fascinated by her surroundings really, her violet eyes glimmering as she watches all the people going by in their club finery. But she's most curious about the triplets who are introduced, perking up noticeably as she looks them over and smiling cheerfully at them. "Hello, and hello and hello! Wow, you all have same name!" she says, pitching her voice a bit higher so they can hear her over the noise. Annnnd yes, Sadie, because she's Sadie, hasn't really told her some things about the girls they're meeting. She offers her hands...well, both of her hands, then realizes she's missing a third and raises one of her legs a bit, bent at the knee as she hops a bit. "I don't have enough hands!" she says with a giggle.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "Yes, we do," says the Luorno in black, looking amused at Atlee as she takes her hand firmly. She is not yet dancing, or bouncing. But she is enjoying watching the others do so, as well as watching Atlee and Sadie. "We're all the same person."
    "Well, at least when we're together," cuts in the one in white, who moves to shake Atlee's hand. "It's very nice to meet you, Atlee. You are a good friend of Sadie's, then?"
    The Luorno in grey says nothing, she is standing just off to the side, staring curiously at the various kandi kids, tweakers, rave babies and others. Still, she smiles at Atlee's amusement, and gently pats the girls leg.
    The Luorno in black then asks of Sadie, "So, should we dance? Or ... socialize? What is considered acceptable?"

Sadie (1170) has posed:
    Sadie walks over and quietly takes Grey Luornu's hand, drawing her into the proceedings as gently as can possibly be managed. Blue eyes cast between all of those present, Sadie's expression more or less inscrutable as it almost always manages to be.
    "We-ell," Sadie begins, her gaze thoughtful as she gently purses her lips, considering everyone at once. "You /can/ socialize but it's about the dnacing. The energy. The sense of passion... Movng until you're exhausted and losing yourself in the beat." She flashes a darkly seductive smile at the grey Luornu then, before favouring the group with the same. Leave no one out of te proceedings, of course.
    "We can get drinks first- nothing intoxicating for you, right, Luornu, I understand- and then we should hit the dance floor." Sadie taps her bottom lip with a finger as she considers this for a moment. "I bet we can corner off a whole section of the floor, maybe drag in another girl... We have enough people..."

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    The violet-eyed girl tilts her head at the three. "Really? That's so neat!" she says, looking fascinated. "I've never met anyone who was three people at once before." She grins cheerfully at the tap on her knee, balancing for it, then takes white Luorno's hand, clasping it in both of hers. "Yes? I am very much Sadie's friend! I would like to be yours as well. And we should definitely dance!" She bounces back over to Sadie, then hugs her from behind as she peers over her shoulder, standing on her tip toes. "Do they have the blue one you let me have? I liked that, though I got dizzy for a bit." she says, giving Sadie a little squeeze.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "Very well, we shall dance," agrees the Luorno in white, cheerfully enough. She confirms, "Nothing intoxicating. No." Though it doesn't seem to bother her if Sadie, or Atlee are going to drink. She watches the interaction between Sadie, and Atlee very curiously. Interested. And she waits, to dance with the rather excited young woman who does not appear all that dissimilar to her.
    "Well, clearly I can see why you wanted us to meet," the one in black muses to Sadie, looking entirely amused. There's something unspoken, even accusatory, in her eyes.
    The girl in grey turns to study some of the dancers in the area, and she begins to slowly try to emulate one of them, moving to the music as best she can. She's not bad. But, she's also not paricularly trying to draw attention to herself, lingering near the group she's more familiar with for now.

Sadie (1170) has posed:
    "Oh, can you? I take exception to that tone of gaze," Sadie responds to black Luornu before offering another of those grins she seems to favour. "Alright, I'll get the drinks and then we'll hit the dance floor. Fabulous." BLue eyes dance between Atlee and the Triplicate, back and forth. "You're all lovely people is why," she adds impatiently. "Stop making me compliment you all."
    Then Sadie 'stalks' off, completley unashamed of the fact she walked out of a Victoria Secret catalogue when she got dressed for this event. She stops long enough to lean over and plant a kiss on Atlee's neck, near her collar bone. At the bar it isn't long before drinks are lined up across the counter. She gestures for everyone to join her, throwing up two thumbs to indicate her satisfaction with what hse has on display here.
    "Alright. Let's do this. I'll go first." Sadie throws back a shot. Yes, she actually has reall liquor. Let everyone else drink normally. She's getting some douchebag to the left of the bar roaring drunk right now.

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    The stocky petite girl's lips part in suprise, but also in delight at the kiss, grinning at Sadie as she flushes a bit at her, then reaches out to take the hands of the white and the grey Luorna's, pulling them along after her. "Come on! You too!" she calls to the girl in black as she follows after Sadie. Her hips are definitely shaking a little,, and the walk towards the bar with the girls in tow turns into a strange if cute little shimmy as she starts to bounce a little from foot to foot to the beat, and when she arrives, she lets go, only to take the grey girls' hands as she does a little spin with her as she sees her swaying, giggling. "Like that, yes!"

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    The Luorno's are pulled, willingly, along with Atlee, and even the grey girl seems to be enjoying herself, "This is fun," she declares to Atlee, following the other girls movements, mimicking her as best she can. Which, is pretty good whereas the Luorno in white seems to be more doing her own sort of dance, which is a little - odd. And certainly not something seen on Earth in this timeframe.
    The Luorno in black, however, lingers behind and muses to Sadie, "So, you're dating her, too?" Her eyes are glinting, something behind them. But she hardly seems offended. And, she doesn't wait for Sadie's response, heading over to dance with her other selves, and Atlee, as Sadie hits the drinks again.

Sadie (1170) has posed:
    "We're dating?" Sadie asks Luornu seriously, but there's a definite smile in that frank question. Then Luornu is taking off for the dance floor leaving Sadie watchign her as she departs. The blonde shakes her head in a was hof golde ntresses that hang as far as her ass, and then turns toward the floor and heads into the crowd to join the other girls.
    Sadie inserts herself into the middle of the group skillfully. She's incredibly flexibile, nimble... ANd more than willing to rubh er more or less unclothed bodyagainst every last one o the girls in ehr attemtps to dance with them all. She writhes, she gyrates.. She grinds if someone comnes close enough. And she even laughs when the dancing turns odd. It doesn't matter to her.
    For once the Ice Queen is enjoying herself visibly. Just having these four girls surroundign her is enough to light up her entire night. The details don't really matter. Unless one resists being dragged about during the dance. Sadie has her own plans.

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    For her part, Atlee is a lot of enthusiasm, but is a bit adorkable when it comes to actually dancing. She just does what she finds fun, not seeming to care what anyone is going to think, though as they all end up on the floor she does watch the other girls for ideas. With Sadie in the middle she grins as she starts to grind, her face flushed and her eyes bright. Her outfit for tonight is...well, really the only one she had that she thought would work, which basically consists of some very cut-off jean shorts and what we'll call a slighty worn stars and stripe bikini top, that has some noticeable fraying here. The effect is two fold...for one, the little rips and frays are revealing quite a bit of skin that would normally be cover. Two, Atlee's bounces cause a definite chain reaction that is enticing, to say the least, though it doesn't seem to bother her much. Let's hear it for superheroine durability!

    She loves playing with Sadie, taking her hands and pinning with her, rubbing up her back to back, or just resing her hands on her as she hugs her from behind. But she seems equally interested in dancing with the other three girls, moving to the one in black as she steps in close to her, putting her hands on her hips as she matches her motions, finding it fun just to dance with someone who's exactly her height, before she laughs and backs away to bounce back to the white Luorna, taking her hands and guiding them to her hips in turn.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    The Luorno's do not seem as eager to bump, and grind with the other girls as either Sadie or Atlee, but they do dance, nevertheless. With each other, with Sadie. With Atlee. Interchangable partners. Even with a few of the other people dancing, to get the entire experience.
    And, the black dress Luorno does not answer Sadie's question if they are, or are not dating. Tonight, perhaps, isn't the night for such answers. Tonight? Is all about the rave. And danching, until one is physically exhausted.
    She is only human, it would seem. But she's damn physically fit. So, it'll be awhile before that happens.

Sadie (1170) has posed:
    Sadie is no tougher than a normal person either. She simply dances with raw, sensual abandon. The sensory overload that comes with the scent of other people, of sweat and alcohol, the rumbling of the bass and wildly pulsating lights are enough to drive her wildin and of themselves. The fact she's already slightly tipsy doesn't actually hel pmatters. Sadie dances like it's her last night on earth and her dearest wish is to be close to the Luornus and Atlee, both.
    Sadie dances with whcihever of the girls gets close. She reacts to having Atlee's hands all over her by leaning into the other girl and grinding in response but Sasdie is just as quick to peel away to take one of the Luornu's hands and and burn up the dance floor. With four partners to choose from already she ignores everyone else. The point is to keep dancing until she's on the verge of collapse, perspiration streaming down her forehead and along her bare curves, soaking what little underwear she's bothered to wear.
    Sadie will push things too far. She always does.

Sadie (1170) has posed:
    Sadie is no tougher than a normal person either. She simply dances with raw, sensual abandon. The sensory overload that comes with the scent of other people, of sweat and alcohol, the rumbling of the bass and wildly pulsating lights are enough to drive her wildin and of themselves. The fact she's already slightly tipsy doesn't actually hel pmatters. Sadie dances like it's her last night on earth and her dearest wish is to be close to the Luornus and Atlee, both.
    Sadie dances with whcihever of the girls gets close. She reacts to having Atlee's hands all over her by leaning into the other girl and grinding in response but Sasdie is just as quick to peel away to take one of the Luornu's hands and and burn up the dance floor. With four partners to choose from already she ignores everyone else. The point is to keep dancing until she's on the verge of collapse, perspiration streaming down her forehead and along her bare curves, soaking what little underwear she's bothered to wear.
    Sadie will push things too far. She always does.

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    Atlee seems to delight in being able to go from partner to partner between the three girls, shaking her hips with one, swaying with the other, taking the third's hand and just moving her feet, swaying her hips, her cheeks flushed from the exertion, her hair increasingly a little mussed. She IS tougher! Or at least, she doesn't noticeably slow down much through the song set. But she does sweat like anyone else, and an hour or so of constantly dancing, she is panting, and sweat rolls down her skin, pooling at her cleavage, over her firm belly and arms, tracing down the side of her face.

    It really isn't until she realizes the other girls are starting to flag that she slows down, a little concern lighting her eyes, especially when she sees Sadie having pushed herself so much.

She snags the nearest two hands she can, the left of the black Lu and Sadie's right. "Do you want rest and drink something?" she yells a bit over the noise. She could use a drink herself, she thinks but now that she's slowed down a bit, she's back to being very curious about the other girl...girls?..Sadie has invited along.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    Lurono dressed in white is snagged by Sadie, and the one in black laughs, as is drawn in by Atlee, and both of them seem to be enjoying themselves, each moving in a similiar, yet somewhat subtly different mannerism, her own sweat showing, but the exertion she shows is one of absoulte pleasure.
    "Sure, sounds good," says the black dressed Luorno. She grabs her other self's hand, and says, "Let's go find somewhere to sit a moment. Rest." She's breathing hard, but grinning, warmly.
    Then, the one in white asks, "Where's Luorno?" The other Luorno, dressed in black, immediately knows who she means. And begins looking around, "Here she comes."
    The girl in grey comes back to the group, "Look," she says to the others. "Candy. The pretty girl that gave this to me said it was for all of us. So I haven't tried any, yet." She holds out a strip of paper, upon which, glued, are several brightly colored 'kandi's', or pills, with friendly, even fun designs on them.

Sadie (1170) has posed:
    Sadie is breathing so heavily she's actually trembling. She danced twice as hard as evryone else and is no doubt the least physically fit of the group. it must be all the booze and smoking. She blinks a few times as she composes herself, having put herself inbetween white Luornu and Atlee for the moment. She's sure to keep the girls close as she's allowed. SOmetiems she ends up leaning on some one or another. Sadie can walk but the closeness and the heat are almost intoxicating by the mselves.
    Then grey Luorno is coming back in their direction. Sadie turns toward her and blinks a few times, blue eyes thoughtful as she studies what the girl is carrying. "Oh, darling. ou should have." She steps forward and reaches out to snag one of the strips of paper ,The pill on it is regarded soemwhat critically.
    "Mmm. Thank you. I would love one actually. BUt, ah..." Sadie pauses for a moment, tilting her head while she considers. "It isn't as incapacitating as alcohol, but these are... Mmm. They'll make you feel /really/ good actually." Sadie pauses. "You should try one, ma etoile fille," she states to Atlee.
    To the Luornus Sadie says, "I think you'd enjoy it. But /apparently/ I've grown a conscience and I can't let you just take them thinking they're candy. As if."

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    The violet-eyed girl's chest rises and falls as she catches her breath, breaking into a smile as she sees grey Lu coming back. "There she is!" She looks curious at the candy, between her and Sadie as they separately explain what the 'candy' actually is, pursing her lips as she bounces on her toes a little bit, clasping hands behind her back.

    It's really Sadie's recommendation that seems to decide her. 'Sure!" She says cheerfully, totally trusting of the other girl as she reaches out to pick out one of the little pills....purple, because it is one of her favorite colors. She looks at it curiously, then pops it in her mouth. And tries chewing it, unsure exactly how you eat it...suck, swallow, crunch? She agrees with the funny owl on the TV. Crunching is WAY better than getting to the center by licking.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "Ah." The Luorno in black speaks, but all three Luorno's look at each other, knowingly. "Then, we shall have to pass." She seems to be speaking on all of their behalfs, though it might be unclear if she's reinforcing that for another of the Luorno's or not.
    "While we enjoy experiences, we do not wish our own perception to be altered," explains the White. "It is, forgive me, a perversion of our senses. And thus, a perversion of the experience. But please, if you wish to enjoy your senses being altered, do not let us spoil your enjoyment."
    The one in grey smiles, apologetically, "Sorry. He just said they were candy," to the other Luorno's, but she looks curiously at Atlee. As if watching the Strata born girl for something to happen to her.
    The one in black begins to guide Sadie, and the rest of the girls, towards someplace they can sit. Get something to drink.

Sadie (1170) has posed:
    Sadie allows herself to be led to the bar without complaint. She simply swallows the pill, a brow arching while Atlee tries to negotiate her own. "Ah, darling... Just swallo- oh, I'll just get you a drink." Sadie is shaking her head, slipping easily into a bar stoool. When she sits the woman leans way forward, like her limbs are heavy enough to drag her down, and fixes blue eyes on the bartender. A moment later she has a cocktail for herself and a similar one for Atlee. These ones are violet rather than the earlier electric blue.
    "Ha--! Need plenty oo drink. Especially if we'd like to keep going..." Sadie looks between all of the other girls at large, a bright mile onher lips. "Mmm..." She takes a deep breath. "I know that Atlee can keep going," sadie begins. "But what about the menage a trois?" She pauses for a second, tilting her ead slightly as she studies each of the three Luornus in turn.
    "Up for continuing to dance after we get soem more water into our bodies? You might need to carry me home after." There's an amused smile to follow that statement.

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    Atlee mmphs? as Sadie starts to tell her how to properly take the pill, but gratefuly accepts the drink when it's handed to her, drinking it down. "That does NOT taste like candy..." she says, making a little bleah face. "Ooh, but this is good.." she says, looking at the violet one. "Preeeety. Oh, yes! I can dance LOTS more!" she assures Sadie and the trio. "It's really fun!"

    She looks curious at the three girls. "Is it bad for you?" she wonders. "If your senses aren't normal? Ooh, do you like the dancing too? It was really fun!" she repeats, starting to get a little more...well, energetic as she talks. It's like someone hit the overdrive button on her somewhere. "I really like you guys, you're fun too!" she says cheerfully, giggling a bit as she leans back against Sadie a bit, wobbling on the stool.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "We can continue dancing," assures the Luorno in black, warmly. She places one hand on Atlee's back, the the other on Sadie's, standing behind the while the white dressed Luorno sits near Atlee, the grey dressed one sits on Sadie's side.

    The grey one shakes her head, "It's not bad for us, not in a harmful way. But, we just want to experience through untainted eyes, emotions. Intoxications and drugs stifle that. We prefer to remain - in control." She says this as if it had another layer to the meaning, and the Luorno dressed in white smiles down the way at her counterpart. She agrees, "One never knows when you will need full control of your senses." Mirthfull, she orders the three of them some strawberry lemonades, one of the few drinks that's on the menu that doesn't have booze in it.
    "Are you having fun?" The Luorno in black inquires of Atlee. "You've never been to one of these either?"

Sadie (1170) has posed:
    Sadie is watching as Atlee reacts to the durgs, blinking a few times. She takes a deep breath and holds it for a second, tiltign her head slightly as she does so and then looking between the other women curiously. Clearly the drugs aren't having the same effecton her yet. "So that faster metabolism of yours- ah, that explains so much."
    The blonde seems to be murmuring to herself but now she has a quiet smile on her lips, blue eyes darting back and forth. She leans against the hand on the small of her back, gently rubbing herself against the grey Luornu who is sitting against her lap and leaning into her a bit. "Mmm. You're really soft, you know," Sadie tells the girl as she raises her glasss to her lips and takes another draught.
    "You, my dear, can be in control whenever you like." Sadie's gaze moves to the black Luornu's face nowand she offers another private smile before setting her glass down and reaching for Atlee's hand. "Yes. Are you enjoying yourself, etoile fille? I'd hate to think I'm trapping you here..."

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    That draws a giggle from Atlee as she lets her head loll back to look up at the Luorno in back. "Yaaay!" she says, twisting around as she slides her arms around her, then gives her a firm hug, pressing up against her as she rests her cheek against her shoulder. This does interesting things to her top, her breasts pushed up against the other young woman enough that they're in danger of becoming a wardrobe malfuction - yet the top edge of the bikini cups valiant cling to their last refuge. It's a good thing Atlee appears to be a bit excited. She mmms happily, then slides her hands down the Luorno in black's back to her waist, getting distracted as she just follows her curves for a moment, then pulls back a little bit to look at her with sudden serious. "You're all so very pretty..." Then she breaks into giggles again, then attempts to do the same to the Luorno in grey, slipping off her stool and tumbling into her as she slides her arms around her neck, laughing, then clinging to her a bit. "I feel really funny...." she says, still trying to get her giggle sunder control as she snuggles into the girl, sort of hanging off her shoulders for a moment before she pulls herself, up, her full chest dragging lightly up over the other woman as she again just holds the clinch, cuddling into her happily. "Mm, you're warm too...."

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    The Luorno's, all, are clearly amused at Atlee's antics, all of them watching her, and her little adventures under the influence of Ectasy. "We -are- very pretty," agrees the girl in black, confidentally. She curves a smile, then looks back out at the crowd in general thereafter. But the grey one seems to take to the drink, content to sit, and watch, and be the object of Atlee's attention. She says quietly, "Well, all of us like to be in control. But, we're also all a little different." She certainly doesn't push Atlee away.
    "Mmmm." The girl in black's eyes light up, as she sips the strawberry lemonade. "This is - rather divine. I'm going to have to take this back to the Cruiser." She leans in to kiss Sadie's cheek. "You need to learn to behave yourself. At least, some of the time. Or you'll end up being a terrible example to us. And, to her." The warning, though, is more playful, than anything.

Sadie (1170) has posed:
    "I really am a terrible example," Sadie agrees with a shrug. "But if you want me to behave you're going to have to make me." With a giggle of her own Sadie leans over and kisses the black Luornu's cheek herself. Then she lsips down from her stool and with a slight shvier comes up beisde the gray Luornu Atlee is hugging sotightly. Sadie steps inbehind and moves in very close, reaching past the girl to grasp Atlee's arms as she presses herself in against her in a decided y intimate way. The blonde leans into kiss Luornu's ear, testing her reactionswith her teeht, and then move down her neck.
    "Mmmm..." Sadie starts in a soft voice. "you smell amazing," she almost purrs, her voice low and sweet. "And etoile fille is absolutely right. I seem to be dating the four prettiest girls on earth. Or is it two? Four now. .."

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    A muffled giggle comes from against grey Luorna's shoulder, before Atlee raises her head. "She does...she deserves a spanking, often..." She leans in, a bit conspiratory. "Do you think so too?"

    She makes a little squeak, then a happy sort of purr as she's sandwiched between the two. It feels...really good, every touch now sending a little tingle through her body, as she rises on her tiptoes a little at Sadie pressed against her back. "Mmmmm, I love you..." she says happily to Sadie, rising further on her tiptoes to plant a soft kiss against her neck, then turning her attention back to the Luorno in grey. "...Mmm...we are dating?" she says with interest, looking pleased at the idea. "I like that too..." She leans in, nuzzling Luorno as Sadie nips at her ear, then tilts her head up. "I like you very much...." she whispers, then leans in to give the alien girl a gentle kiss, snuggling into her. "Mmmmmmmmmm...."

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "Dating?" Luorno seems very amused. "Who says we're dating? Or, that we're not dating? I don't recall committing, either way," says the girl in black. "But, clearly, I think we've had enough of the rave, and there are other things to talk about. Shall we had back to your home, Sadie? It's a little too loud in here to talk."
    The grey Luorno looks quite pleased at this, telling Atlee, "You're really something," she assures Atlee in return, while the one in white gulps down the rest of her strawberry lemonade. "Back to Sadie's home it is," she concurs, as if the decision were final.

Sadie (1170) has posed:
    "Touche," Sadie responds to black Luornu. She lifts a finger as if she's about to wave it at the woman but the nshe breaks into a series of breathless giggles and shakes her head. "Mmm. Okay..." Sadie sways just a little. Her much vaunted composure is just barely intact through all of this.
    "I- love you too, etoile fille," Sadie responds in her most sincere moment of the night. "Okay. Back to my home," the blonde agree, taking a deep breath as she does. She throws back the rest of her cocktail before turning toward the doors. "How are we handling transportation? Hmm."
    However the girls manage to get there Sadie's large, open loft apartment isn't far.

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    "Awwwwwww!" comes from Atlee, along with a bit of a pout as she breaks the kiss, looking over. "Done already?" She tilts her head a bit, her thoughts on her face as she considers the loss of dancing versus going back to Sadie's loft again, then seems to decide she DOES approve of this idea. She shoots a big smiles at grey Luorno as she compliments her, then takes her hand, then the white girl's hand. "Let's go! We can do something there too....I want to do more stuff!" she says, almost bouncing against as the excitement returns, her energy looking to be fully restored now. If not overcharged. She almost skips going to the door, towing the two along cheerfully, though she stops as she gets to the girl in black, leaning in to give her a soft kiss on the cheek too. "Mmmmmwwwwah!" Much like she did with Sadie, but without the noise and with definite enthusiasm, before she slips past, giggling.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "Well," suggests the black Luorno, who if not before, can clearly be defined as more or less the self-appointed spokesperson for all of them (at least, as far as she's concerned), "I believe the three of us could fly you there. It's not that far. But it would be somewhat, cumbersome. Alternatively, we could walk."
    The grey Luorno looks over at Atlee, as she's kissed, and she too, giggles. "Can you walk?" Atlee is a little hyper, and a little -too- attentive right now, perhaps, to do so.
    The third triplcate, the one in white, leans into Sadie and tells the other girl, "The people of your planet are quite interesting. I suppose I'll need to contact the Cruiser and let them know I am going to be delayed in my return. Come along."
    And, off they go.