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Latest revision as of 17:18, 6 May 2018

Date of Scene: 17 April 2018
Location: Canada
Synopsis: Wolverine and Havok travel to Canada to take down Effex before he can steal Adamantium stuff.
Cast of Characters: Wolverine, Havok

Wolverine has posed:
    Another day in the old cabon. This time Logan was actually doing something productive instead of drinking, smoking, or...carousing. Logan is actually cleaning. Picking up an old t-shirt with his right hand, Logan sniffs it, nods, and tosses it in the bin he was carrying in his left hand. Noticing there was also several empty beer cans sitting just outside the recycle bin, he grabbed each one, and tossed them in. Unfortunately, it was over flowing, and they fell right on the floor again..this time bringing a half dozen friends. Growling, Logan tosses the wash bin near the washing machine, and returns to grab the recycle bin. Looks like he was going to have to empty it. With a sigh, Logan heads for the door.

Havok has posed:
On the other side of the door is the other Summers brother, dressed in his costume, he spies Logan opening the door and says, "Logan, let's go, we've got a mission!". And instead of heading in the direction of the cabin, he turns and starts jogging back up the slope toward where one of the X-Jets is descending (being piloted by Forge). Alex (ala Havok) is obviously in a hurry.

Wolverine has posed:
    As the door opens, Logan looks up, sniffs, and shakes his head. "Summers. What are you doin' out here? Sneakin' around?" Logan says, growling as several cans fall out of the overflowing recycle bin. "Damn cans. I swear they 'r multiplying in here somehow...or I drink too much." Logan shrugs, and looks back at Havok.

    "What do ya' mean, we got a mission?" Logan drops the bin, and follows Havok. Catching up to him as they reach the jet. "What's goin' on?"

Havok has posed:
"Something going on just over the border, In Canada." Answers Havok as he runs up the hill to the jet that touches down and its hangar ramp lowers. He waits a second for the ramp to touch the ground and he continues his remarks. "Salaberry-de-Vallyefield is under some sort of attack. Alpha Flight is up north fighting off the Master or something and can't get down there. Beta and Gamma flights are also occupied. So it's just you and I to handle this"

Once the ramp is down, Forge is exiting and hands Havok the 'keys', "Try not to break it this time."

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan grunts a non-committal and shakes his head. Walking up the ramp, he nods to Forge, and crosses his arms. Looking around, Logan says, "Just the two of us. Huh. Well, that is askin' fer trouble. Nuthin' we can't handle I suppose." Logan's frown tells him how he feels about this. "AH guess I'll just haveta' trust you know what yer doin'."

Havok has posed:
"Logan, you forget. I'm not the kid you knew a few months back. I'm the older Summers brother now. I'm almost 30 and have had a lot more experience in this profession than everyone else, except you. So, sit down and belt in."

Havok jumps into the pilot's seat and lifts off, rapidly. He reaches 5000 feet before the ramp is even closed. He will soon reach 30,000 feet, then levels off and heads north at hypersonic speeds.

Wolverine has posed:
    "Thought ya' smelled funny Summers." Logan says with a nod. Looking at the man more closely, Logan snorts, and shakes his head. "Yep. You do look older." Logan shrugs, sits down, and adds, "Seen a lot of things in ma' lifetime. This ain't too out of character fer us." Logan chuckles. "Alright. I'm in." Logan watches as Havok sits down, and jets off to who-knows-where.

Havok has posed:
"Reports suggested that there were multiple combatants, however they were controlled by one individual in power armor. They are attacking this place called Valleytank. It's a chemical shipping plant on the Canal de Beauhamois. The fire/rescue are already in route. We'll get there about..." he pauses to look at the guages, "About 30 seconds before they do." He alters course, descending already. It's a short flight.

Wolverine has posed:
    "Uh huh." Logan grunts out, flexing a bit in the chair. Logan opens his hands. Closes his hands. He does that several time, ready for a fight. "Multiple powered combatants? Or just tha' powered armour? Only reason I can think of ta' call us inta' tha' fight Summers." Logan looks over at Havok. "The RCMP should be able ta' handle a single power armour, unless it is STark built 'er somethin'." Logan watches as they start to descend. Logan grins. "Doesn't matter. AH'm itching ta' cut somethin' up anyway."

Havok has posed:
Havok reads a moment and pushes a button casting a hologram on the HUD. It displays the area. He says, "This is what we're looking at..." < Canada01.png > He says, "This area here <indicating the factory area> is what's under assault. Various buildings are on fire, things broken. There are several operatives in the area. "From reports, it says that these little blips (operatives) are robots, like Terminators." He zooms in. < http://s64.photobucket.com/user/brelas/media/Canada02.png.html > He points, "The red dot is the big bad. I'm gonna put down just to the east, next to the small white building, in the parking lot. That'll give us cover and the means to assault from the east. It's morning, we'll have the sun at our backs."

Wolverine has posed:
    "Put me down by tha' red dot. This shouldn't take long. Be back in time fer tha' game." With a chuckle, Logan cracks his neck and says, "Looks like a slash and grab. Get it?" Logan's eyes twinkle with adrenalin, the feeling he always gets before battle. "Giddyup!" Logan points, and adds, "Good times."

Havok has posed:
As he gets closer, he changes the display to a straight up zoom as the two of them get closer to the action. Havok nods, "Roger that." He alters course. And will start to slow. Get ready to jump, this'll be a high velocity Fastball Special."

< red dot is big bad, purple dots are operatives Canada03.png > He comes in low and directly over the bad guy. < http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix/effex.htm > The bad guy is a man in a giant robot (30ft tall) with various energy signatures and weapons mounted on the armor. The smaller operatives are man sized robots and running around looking for something. He's ready for Logan to jump in 3, 2, 1....

Wolverine has posed:
    Unbuckling his belt, Logan nods, and says, "I can get in on that. It's Miller Time." Getting up, steadying himself, Logan prepares himself for the countdown...3...2...1...jump! Terminal velocity is reached pretty quick, and there is the predatory look on Logan's face - priceless. The last thing Logan does, before impacting with the 30 foot tall giant robot, is a trademark, "SNIKT!!!" as both claws and the small bundle of hair, muscle and adamantium strike the robot at full speed! Ouch, that hadda hurt!

Havok has posed:
The good news is, Logan strikes the target. The bad news is, the target has a force field that Logan will deflect off of and careen into a nearby shipping container with a loud CLANG.

The giant robot turns and says, "We are under attack! Hurry my minions! It's an X-Man. Hurry, hurry!" Then raise the monstrous right arm of the robot and blast in Logan's general direction with an energy pulse that would normally puncture a Sherman tank.

Meanwhile, Havok zooms by with the X-Jet and will land just to the east as planned.

The robot minions scurry around ripping into shipping containers, looking for their prize.

Wolverine has posed:
    Bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce. Logan ends his bouncing against a metal shipping container that is suddenly pulverized. Shaking his head, Logan is sitting up, facing the giant robot, just in time to say, "Oh fu..." Blam! The energy pulse strikes him with excrutiating agony. That was gonna leave a mark. The smell of burning clothing, hair, and flesh permeates the air, as Logan rolls behind the remnants of the metal container. "It's never easy..." Logan says, as his healing factor takes over immediately. "I hate this part...ergh."

Havok has posed:
Three robotic agents launch themselves at Logan. They are NOT protected by force fields and their robotic limbs will be easily lopped off if Logan so chooses. Otherwise, they try to pummel Logan with fists of steel and try to grab him to hold him firmly in place.

Just to the east, Havok has exited the X-Jet and starts blasting robotic agents. FOOM, FOOOM!, obliterated.

The big bad robot guy turns his attention away from Logan and begins walking southward toward the ship in the port. He mutters aloud, "Perhaps it's within the ship.. My minions, to the ship! Scour it for the Adamantium!"

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan does short work of the three robots, as his claws slice and dice them into little parts, taking a few hits in the process, but not feeling much pain. His nerve endings were just starting to sew themselves back together.

    "Havok! The big guy! Do your thing! And blast him. We can't let him get any adamantium, if there is any!" Logan grimaces as another couple of robots try to grab him. "I'll take care of the little ones. The big robot is yours!" Making short work of another little guy, Logan moves to back up Havok if needed.

Havok has posed:
Havok responds with his attack: "FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!" comes the blast of fiery white hot plasma that arcs across the battle field and strikes the left side of the robot overloading the force field and knocking the robot off balance. The robot doesn't fall, instead, it catches itself against a stack of shipping containers. But.. the good news is that its backside is open to Logan's assault, like the achilees servos/hydraulics, the power pack on the back, and all the wires/hoses that would otherwise be protected by the force field.

The smaller robots turn their attention on Havok and 3 will start to close on the hero.

Wolverine has posed:
    "Now we're talkin'!" Logan grins, and moves to strike at the vulnerable parts of the robot. With a frenzy that was trademark to this old Canadian, Logan growls and strikes, slashes and cuts, and stabs, until there was very little left of the robots inner workings.

    Looking over at Havok while this was going on, Logan says, "You alright there kid?" Logan says, as his face finishes healing with nice, pinkish perfection. Distracted, Logan doesn't notice his next strike was to the power pack...

Havok has posed:
FOOOOOM comes the arc of attack from both of Havok's arms. Cutting robots in half with a swath of fiery plasma that not only takes out the appraoching three, but four others in the general area. It's a sweeping area attack meant to strike multiple opponents. Melting, exploding, and destroying not only the 7 robots struck, but a few shipping containers and even a fork lift. Whoopsie.

Logan strikes, cuts, cleaves, destroys.... The guy inside the robot says, "NOOOOO!" as his robot is cut into many pieces and powered down. He hits the eject button and is launched upward and forward. But he miscalculated his escape and slams faced first into the side of the cargo ship, then slides down the side into the water below.

Additionally, when the big robot fails, so do all the smaller robots... they stop, collapse.

Havok was saying, "I totally got this..." then is cut off when all the other robots stop. Then he mutters, "dammit..." as the wind is taken out of his sails from wanting to blast shit all to hell.

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan snorts, and nods, as the last of the robots clearly stop moving. Looking down into the water where the bad guy disappeared, Logan squints, but can't see if he was gone or not. "Better let the Mounties know what happened here, kid." Logan says reaching for a cigar in his jacket. The jacket that was now a mess of rags and falling off him. The cigar was long gone. "Dammit." Logan grumbles, and shrugs. "Ah well."

    As the Police arrive, Logan flashes his Alpha Flight ID, and explains to the men and women in uniform what happened, including where the bad guy went. "We took care o' it. Now shoo." With that, Logan moves to stand near Havok. "Nice work. We should team up more often."

Havok has posed:
Havok will do his part in helping with the Mounties when they arrive to ask questions. But when it's all calming down, he'll note to Logan, "Yeah man, it was great. We'll definitely do this again. Now, let's get outta here."