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Cap Has No Fashion Sense
Date of Scene: 29 April 2018
Location: Unkonwn
Synopsis: Diana teaches Steve about fashion and how to dress not like a nerd. So now Steve not-Trevor can dress cool, and be cooler for it.
Cast of Characters: Captain America, Wonder Woman

Captain America has posed:
    On the way over to the Embassy in the middle of traffic, Steve Rogers' brow is furrowed while he rides in the SHIELD SUV that serves at times as his normal transportation. A small frown touches his features as he shifts in the passenger seat and leans forwards to speak quietly to the driver, "Are you sure this sort of thing is necessary?"
    The SHIELD agent that's driving looks over and to the side, "Afraid so, sir. Formal contact between two national representatives. Don't worry. It's all taken care of."
    In fact, when he had made the noise to several of the liaisons that help with the connection between the Avengers and SHIELD they took it upon themselves to make the request for the meeting, to schedule a time, even to agree to what terms must be accepted for the interview considering that Diana's land is sovereign territory. The forms must be observed.
    But then Steve, looking smart in his dress uniform, eases back into his seat and continues on the phone. "So what can you tell me about this Princess of the Amazons? What do I need to know?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
The Embassy on a Sunday is a fairly busy place with a lot of guests coming and going as there is always official business, but the business on Sundays is usually more carefree and tourist=oriented... usually. As of right now, the building's front doors off of the street are open and there's a group of people stepping outside to leave the Embassy and move down toward their fancy bus that brought them. They'd gotten to tour the Embassy and speak with some of the Amazons who are present within it. Currently there are 3 other Amazons living in the Embassy other than just Diana, something she'd worked a long time to get permission to do... to have sisters with her to experience the outside world.

As of right now? Diana's inside the lobby of the Embassy herself, speaking with some of the departing individuals who're thrilled to get the chance to meet her in person.

Captain America has posed:
    "Hm," Steve frowns as he listens to he other end of the phone, "No, thank you, Jarvis." He shifts his phone to the other hand as the vehicle pulls into the small line of traffic that is at the front of the building. "I think that's enough." He checks his watch for an instant then he nods to himself, "I'll call later and let you... or Tony know how it went." The line goes dead and he shakes his head slightly as he pockets the phone while looking at it strangely.
    The car begins to move forwards again and he'll wait for it to pull up directly in front of the embassy. "Good luck, Captain." The Agent smiles over the headrest and gives a small salute which is returned by Capt. Rogers.
    And then it's out into the brisk April air in Manhattan, amongst the steady flow of people. He takes a few steps and then sets his hat in place while he takes those steps two at a time and then moves to the lobby. He smiles to a young woman who is slipping outside and he holds the door for another couple as they make their way out...
    And then he's inside, in that lobby, giving the place a once over. Tall, blonde haired, blue-eyed in his dress greens and a few small medals upon his breast. Towards the receptionist he moves, "Ma'am," He nods slightly, "Steve Rogers to see the Ambassador."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Since Diana was already near by she was aware of Captain Rogers showing up in the Embassy and she watched him walk over to the Receptionist who was seated behind her desk. A lot of the workers in the Embassy were paid employees who were honorary Themyscirans themselves now, they'd wished to join the Island of Paradise and become members, and... it had been allowed, though they of course had to be women and had to be vetted properly to ensure their additions to the people of Themyscira were fitting.

The receptionist takes a moment to point Steve toward Diana, who's on the other side of the lobby wearing a white dress that goes dwon to her knees and up to her neck, her arms are covered down to her wrists as well, but the sleeves of the dress are a shade of black that matches her hair.

Diana separates herself from the last of the guests and then approaches Steve, a smile spreading across her lips. "Captain Rogers." Diana says, her accented voice thick with her origins as well as a calm kindness. "I believe we have an appointment?" She shows a slight grin then.

Captain America has posed:
    The tall American turns away from the receptionist while removing his cover and espies Diana just as she's turning to move towards him. He spares the woman at the desk a smile and a nod of thanks before he takes a few steps to meet the Princess across the way. Blue eyes meet hers and he gives a single nod tinged with a small hint of a smile then offers a bow in greeting, "Ambassador." He straightens and meets her gaze, "Thank you for meeting me on such short notice."
    He looks to the side and then back towards her. "I thought it was high time we had a talk about our people and our shared interests." He then straightens a little and smiles, "I promise not to take up too much of your valuable time."

Wonder Woman has posed:
"No no, it is fine." Diana says in response then as she smiles at the American and motions toward the back of the building. "Come along, my office is just this way." She'd start to lead him then, her heeled shoes quietly clicking on the hardwood floors. Diana looks back at him then. "You know, Captain... I met your father many many years ago. He fought in the first World War, did he not?" She asks him then. "I was lucky enough to join him at a battle and help change the tides. He was a very valiant soldier and a nice man, or so I believe based off of my short time in getting to know him."

Moments later and she would be pushing the double doors open to her office, to stride inside the comfortably furnished and styled room.

Captain America has posed:
    Now that wasn't something he expected to hear. She can read it in the man's subtle hitch of stride, or in the faint furrowing of his brow as he looks sidelong towards her. "Yes, he did, ma'am." She might see the brief waterfall of emotions that are there if only or a moment. Then he gives her a nod as he continues to step along with her down the hallway, his hat tucked under his arm neatly while he walks. "I'm afraid I never knew him, he was killed in action just a few days before I was born."
    It's the truth, and he is an honest man, but he's also a compassionate one as his smile shifts gentle as he adds, "But I'm glad you and he got along. Perhaps you can tell me about him sometime." It's a gentle shift in the conversation, to allow a show that there was no faux pas and that he was in fact... pleased.
    And then they were moving into the office and he stepped in after her, footsteps quiet as he moves and looks the place over. Looking back towards her he smiles, "You have a lovely office."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Once inside the office, and once she hears Steve's response, Diana pauses in the center of the room to turn to face him. "I am so sorry." She told the man. "I did not know that he passed away in the war... When I last had seen him we had been victorious in the fight and he was, quite happy." She shows a faint smile then. "I lost a very close friend in the War myself, it was a terrible time, back then."

Diana motions toward the sofa in the sitting area away from her desk and she then moves toward the small kitchenette in said office. "Thank you for the compliment." She says about her office. "It is a very comfortable space to conduct business in and I like it to feel inviting so others do not feel as though they are in a place of unwelcoming intent."

Diana reaches for a glass. "Would you like a drink? Ice tea... many different types of juices?" She says to him then.

Captain America has posed:
    The old soldier follows in her steps, moving towards the place she's chosen for their discussion. He continues to hold onto that hat with that same practiced manner she'd assuredly seen in her years during the war. An old habit that one rarely loses with the passage of time. "I'm sorry for your loss, Ambassador." Steve's smile is there though touched with sadness as he gives her a nod about the war. Her war.
    But then she offers him a drink and she can see the instinct is to refuse it, his hand slightly coming up and fingertips moving as if to wave her off. But then he seems to catch himself and he says gently, "Some tea would be lovely, thank you."
    And, should she seem amenable to his taking a seat, he will settle down upon the sofa there in the sitting area, putting his hat beside him as he rests a hand upon the arm of that couch. His eyes will remain on her as she moves about the room and after a few moments he'll lift his voice. "I don't know if you are aware, but the Avengers recently had an operation in Gotham."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana pours them both a glass of ice tea and she brings it over to him at the sofa. She settles down on the edge of a chair to the side of the sofa and then crosses her legs at the knee and raises her tea up for a sip while she listens to him.

"I believe I heard some of it." Diana tells him at his last bit about the Avengers operation. "But I am not certain that I have the full story on it all." She adds. "Some time ago I sought Tony out about an alliance of-sorts between our groups, but nothing really ever came of it. I am all for open communication between the Avengers and the League, we very much would love to be there for your people on missions, if you are in need of our brand of support." She shows another soft smile then and there.

Captain America has posed:
    A nod is given, "I think we have all been involved in our own plights and our own focus. But I agree with your initial desire." He accepts the iced tea with a smile of thanks and holds it gently in one hand while he speaks to her. "Our mission was successful, but we lost some people." He says somberly, looking down for a moment, then back up to her. "And it's put me in the mindset that maybe we're not doing enough. Or rather maybe I'm not."
    He gives her another small smile, as if apologizing for the possibility of having impugned her efforts. "I decided that I would try and reach out to the people like us, to try and get some cooperation going between us. Not sure a sharing of information, though that is a great place to start..."
    He takes a sip of that tea and his brow knits together as he looks away, then back towards her. "But perhaps some way when things go down, we have a pool of talented people to call upon who have trained together before."
    There's a pause and he murmurs, "I don't know how the League handles matters, but when we need some extra help, we usually work with SHIELD, just I can't help but feel that those young men and women... some of the things we fight... it's not fair to ask them to put themselves in harm's way when we could reach out to others like us, and make that connection ahead of time."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's right elbow is on the arm of the sofa-chair that she's perched on the edge of, she stares at Steve with rapt attention while he speaks and slowly she nods her head to his words. "They volunteer for the fight, and they want to prove to the world that they are able to do all that you and I can do... whether that is true or not, I admire the bravery and the drive to be as good as they can be. But yes, it is difficult to take an unpowered person and thrust them against the threats that our teams are facing. Threats that seem to be growing in power and, often absurdity, with every passing month." Diana shows a faint smile then but its gone rather quickly.

"Though SHIELD is certainly a capable organization, by all visible rights, they still lack the... durability that many in our groups hold. This is why we need to share each other's abilities to aide one another's causes. I am rather certain that both Batman and Superman would agree with me on this as well."

Captain America has posed:
    "Bottom line for me, Ambassador?" Steve's eyes meet and hold hers as he speaks quietly, "I just don't want to write anymore letters to grieving parents. I don't want to have people pay the price for whatever it is that's keeping us from working together more efficiently."
    He takes a deep breath and looks away for a moment, then back towards her. "I know some of the other groups out there might not care for the intrusion against their autonomy. I know that some of them aren't entirely altruistic or have different motivations. But I think ultimately those things can be negotiated."
    "So all I'm saying is, if this is something that you think you can take to you and yours, and have them stand with you... if you agree to this, then maybe you'd like to come with me when I talk to other people." His lip curls slightly. The man is... so direct, so forthright. He'd probably lose his shirt playing poker.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana softly nods her head when he speaks of the letters he'd have to send out when someone under his command died. She'd seen soldiers having to deal with this before in her life and she knew how hard it was. She'd been with a few police officers when they'd had to go to a home to break the news of a loved one's passing as well. The officers had asked her to come with them to help on it, so of course she had gone.

"It is... the only way." Diana replies to him then, her husky-pitched voice soft and calm. "There really is no future for the super powered groups on this planet to stay apart from one another. If we plan to effectively... battle the evils not just within our own world, but from other worlds? We have to band together. As closely as we can. Now of course, I know that the more people you put together in the same room, instantly equals the more arguments you have to deal with." She shows a light grin.

"But I believe that these are conflicts we can smooth over should any arise. I believed in the union of the groups last year, and I still believe in it today. I like to think the rest of both our teams would as well."

Captain America has posed:
    "Good, then I'm glad, Ambassador." Steve gives a single nod as he looks down and ten back up to meet her eyes. "I don't think we need to get everyone in a room at first. I think we just need to get people to agree with the sentiment and move from there." He shifts his posture a little to turn to the side and face her more directly. "Iron Man is working on consolidating some of the data we have available, and the more we learn about the other people and the like... well Tony's just an expert when it comes to handling data."
    That said, "But that's all I had to present before you. If you can get an agreement from the rest of your team just so we can move forward on it, then perhaps together we can see what else we can wrangle up."
    And it's only then that he takes a longer pull of the ice tea, perhaps only just now really tasting it. His lips part as he looks sidelong at the glass then he lifts it up, "This is pretty good." As if she didn't already know that.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana is holding her own tea glass in her left palm while her right lightly grips the glass. She is nodding at his words softly. "It is called Da Hong Pao. Or... Big Red Robe. It is a very expensive tea, that I had gifted to me for some of my work over seas in Asia. I love it, it is wonderful. Very rare."

After a faint smile following those words, Diana gently nods her head to the other. "I will present the proposal to the rest of the League, they are a busy bunch who are often individually dealing with their own great many emergencies... as I'm sure you're familiar with in regards to your own team members."

And with a deep inhale, Diana glances away toward her right where her desk sits beneath two large windows covered over with sheer white drapes. "Hopefully I will get word back from them all on the subject. I know that most of them would answer any calls for aide from the Avengers, if they were to receive them."

Captain America has posed:
    That seems sufficient as he nods along with her words and at the end he agrees as he says, "That sounds good. I'll be in touch, and please feel free to call on me if you need anything." He says that levelly and with a touch of formality to it even as he takes another sip of tea. A small smile flickers over his features, triggering a hint of a laugh which he looks to her afterwards.
    Explaining, he says, "I'm sorry, I was just thinking that it'd be best if I head off and not take up anymore of your time. But now..." He swirls the glass of tea lightly and then says sidelong, "Since you told me how rare this tea is, I feel like it'd be a sin to let it go to waste." His smile widens, knowing how silly that may well sound.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana cracks a grin then at the latter part of what he says and she shifts in her chair. "Yes... I do not like to even utter aloud what they charge for some of that stuff. But I know why they do it, it is a very difficult tea to get the leaves for. They come from a remote mountainside and they have mythical healing properties. It is said that some of that tea healed a sick and dying Empress, a very long time ago." She shows the man another soft smile.

"I do not know if that is true or not, but I have certainly seen stranger things in my time away from my Island. And my island alone is quite strange to everyone else." She shows a light grin then. "Or so I am told. Repeatedly. Every time it is ever brought up up conversation. Which is almost daily." And she's grinning more openly then.

Captain America has posed:
    "Well," Steve takes another draw from the tea and holds up the nearly empty glass, just ice cubes clinking inside of it. He lowers it to the side on a convenient table and coaster, of course. He turns back towards her, "I imagine I get the same sort of looks when I tell people I'm from Brooklyn."
    He then rises to his feet and replaces his hat under his arm. "Thank yo for taking this time, Ambassador. It was a pleasure." He lowers his head again, that same bow that he likely was told was appropriate of someone of his standing offering to someone of her culture. Right or wrong, he at least executes it well.
    "Please feel free to drop by the Avengers facilities, I'm sure some of our team would be very happy to meet you."

Wonder Woman has posed:
When Steve rises up, so does she and she stands there at her tall height (somewhere over 6 foot with the heels on). She smiles at the man and nods once to him. "It was a pleasure getting to both meet you and speak with you, Captain." She says to him. There's a lot about him that reminds her of the friend she lost in World War I, but she doesn't feel like now is the appropriate time to really mention any of that, if ever there would be one since THAT Steve was something she pretty much never spoke to anyone about.

"I was there recently and it was a good time. Tony is a very enjoyable man to be around." She shows a grin then, knowing that some may not agree with that, but she's fond of his sense of humor.

Captain America has posed:
    "Yeah, he does sort of grow on you." Steve smiles a little and then he adds, "Sort of like a fungus." At that he flashes a grin and steps back another step, "Take care, Ambassador." And with that he departs.