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Revision as of 23:44, 25 May 2018

Charlie (Scenesys ID: 1781)
"What's a little blood between friends? Oh, that's a stake. Bye! "
Full Name: Charlaine "Charlie" Carpenter
Gender: Female
Species: Vampire
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: Singer
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: Mobile
Education: High School
Status: Active
Groups: {{{Groups}}}
Other Information
Apparent Age: 18 Actual Age: 18
Date of Birth 14 October 2007 Actor: Miley Cyrus
Height: 162.5 cm Weight: 48 kg
Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Grey
Theme Song: {{{Song}}}


Charlie is a graduate of Sunny Hill High in Bludhaven. She disappeared from a graduation party and was missing for awhile. She resurfaced as part of a punk rock band that roams a little bit up towards Gotham and New York occasionally. She was always a singer, but now she's a singer with a job. She just also happens to be a vampire as well.



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The young woman that stands here has a confident and frankly somewhat cocky air and manner about her. She stands at about five foot and four inches tall and has a slim petite build, that is offset by a bit of a female figure, enough curve to lend femininity to her form. Her movements speak of her self confidence, bold and with no hesitation. Her body bears a decent number of tattoos scattered around her body, a spider web wrapped tight around her right forearm, the web reaching up across the back of her hand, anchored between each finger. Trailing down her left side is a very detailed dream catcher. Sprawled across her lower back is a stylized set of demon wings flaring out from the base of her spine and wrapping forwards around her hips, and a few small symbols are inked into the backs of some of her fingers. The tats are all highly detailed, and with only the barest bits of color to them.

Her hair is cut short, and kept between three and six inches long. Her hair is thick, though what color it is naturally isn't clear with the solid mix of honey blonde and brown at the roots, but the rest of it is bleached, with the sides of her head shaved. Her hair is usually either slicked back, or swept around to the side in a boyish style.. Her lack of long hair leaves open a rather pretty face, all fine and smooth lines and pale skin. Her cheekbones are somewhat low and rounded, giving her face a somewhat softer look. Her curved and smooth jaw line flows down into a softly rounded chin, topped by full expressive lips, formed into a natural bow. Her eyes are a sharp blue, bright and clear that fade towards green around the pupils.

Her clothing is simple, nothing flashy, but functional. She wears a soot black tank top on her upper body, spaghetti strapped, leaving most of her shoulders and arms bared. Her tank top is skin tight, hugging the curve of her small bust, and then clinging nice and snugly to her flat stomach before ending a few inches above the waistline of her pants, a flash of smooth tattooed skin between the items of clothing. Her pants are held up by a worn black leather belt, most of the gloss from it long since gone. They are form fitting jeans that hug her slender body close, the slim lines of her hip bones emphasized by the low waistline of her pants. The cuffs of the jeans fall down over the tops of a pair of black sneakers that have seen better days, though they're not quite ready for the grave.


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Charlaine Carpenter was born to loving parents in Avalon Heights in Bludhaven. She went to school there and grew up there. Her life was good and her parents were encouraging. She fell in love with music early, and her parents encouraged her to pursue her dream of music. And though weird and strange stuff happened in the area a lot, none of it ever seemed to touch her and her family, or her friends. Until high school. That's when things started getting extra strange. More so when Buffy Summers moved to town.

Through high school Charlie pursued her music, even pulling together a band that played at the Bronze occasionally. While she wasn't close with anyone from the Scooby Gang, she knew them from around school, being in some of the same classes and things like that. She knew of them, and knew they were all pretty weird. Hung out in the library after school and were always around when strange things were going down around the school.

It wasn't until she graduated from high school in May of 2025 that she first encountered the crazy supernatural stuff herself. She went to a graduation party at the Bronze. And she disappeared from there. In reality she was taken, and sired by a vampire that was drawn to town by the rumors that William the Bloody was going after the Slayer. Her sire was only a few days later killed by Buffy and her gang, but Charlie was smart, and had no desire to end up dead, so she got the heck away from Sunny Hill high, started hanging around Bludhaven proper more, linked up with some other vampires that were more like minded. Don't kill unless you have to, don't draw the attention of the Slayer. And also? Rock out. They were musicians as well, and they formed a band. Began traveling to nearby towns and cities, using the band as an income, but also a way to score blood. They never range too far from Bludhaven though, as they all have tied back in the city.


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Charlie is sassy, snarky and more than a little bit cocky. But she's also charismatic and doesn't typically push things too far. As a vampire she lacks normal things like empathy or sympathy. She doesn't feel bad at all for the bad things she does. But she's also careful to keep up her human appearances. She attracts less attention that way. Smart vampires become old vampires. And Charlie is still very young.


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Vampires are remarkably resilient to damage. They can survive anything that doesn't outright kill them, and their accelerated healing will quickly begin to repair the damage. Vampires are capable of surviving significant pressure as well. Angel for example was able to survive the crushing depths of the ocean with no protection. Many forms of damage that would put a human on the ground are nowhere near as effective on a vampire. Most vampires can get hit by vehicles moving at high speeds and be unfazed or recover very quickly from the impact. Bullets have little effect on vampires since they don't require their organs to function like a human being does. They are incredibly resilient creatures. And what does not kill them, will heal, though severe enough damage can scar.

Vampire healing speeds vary fairly wildly from vampire to vampire with a range of different factors affecting it. Charlie herself heals fairly quickly for a newborn vampire though not as quickly as some of the vampires that have seen a couple centuries. She will typically heal superficial things within seconds. Basic cuts and scrapes and things like that that are just damage to the skin. Wounds that go deeper and inflict actual internal damage get longer. Minor wounds will typically heal within minutes, though the more severe the damage the longer it takes. A single knife stab wound should heal within five minutes or so, whereas a series of gunshot wounds may take a half hour or so. More serious wounds that cause significant internal damage or crushed bones or body parts will take hours and sometimes days to heal depending on the severity of the damage. Charlie is unable to regenerate lost limbs, though like other vampires if they're reattached her body will reincorporate them as if they were never cut off.

Vampires all enjoy significantly boosted strength, and Charlie benefits from this as well. Her strength isn't quite at the level of other vampires though. Whereas some vampires such as Spike or Angel are capable of significant feats of strength like flipping cars or taking someone's head clean off with a single blow, she can't do that. She can still duke it out with other vampires, or their age old enemies the Slayers but she has to rely a little more on her speed and reflexes to that rather than her strength. Of course she's still more than capable of manhandling a normal human as if they were a child.

Charlie is immortal. She doesn't age, though eventually if she lives long enough her demon half will begin to show in her day to day features as it does with other ancient vampires. But Charlie isn't ancient, so it's something she won't have to worry about for a very long time.

Charlie like most vampires has an enhanced sense of smell, hearing and sight. The enhanced sight includes being able to see at night with minimal light.

All vampires can move much faster than normal humans. They can cover short distances in an instant not unlike some speedsters. Charlie is fast for a vampire, especially one as young as she is. She is capable of moving quickly enough to be a blur of color though it is something she can only sustain for short bursts. This extends to reaction speeds as well. Charlie is capable of dodging bullets or snatching a crossbow bolt out of the air before it can strike her, even one fired from very close range. She can fight at these speeds as well, hands little more than a blur in close quarters combat.

Vampire physiology comes with a number of advantages beyond the physical powers. Sharp fangs capable of piercing even tough hides, a basic resistance to telepathic abilities, immunity to disease and many biological forms of attack and influence such as pheromones or magic that effects the physical such as sleeping or memory spells. As a vampire Charlie also has sharp and strong fingernails akin to talons. They're able to break skin easily and can even be used to slash someone's throat.


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Charlie is very charismatic when she chooses to be. It helps with catching food, but more so it helps her avoid notice. No one expects the diminutive little punk rock singer to be a vampire right?

Like all vampires, upon being sired she picked up an innate sense of hand to hand combat. Despite having no prior training she possesses a strong martial instinct akin to someone with significant hand to hand training.

Charlie is a very good singer and pretty good guitar player. She can read and write her own music. This is how she pays her bills, but also how she typically feeds. It's a source of income and blood for her.


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Charlie is the lead singer for a punk rock band. It's an excellent cover for her life as a vampire. It provides ample reason for her to only be out at night, as well as provides her with an income and easy access to blood.


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If Charlie's head is cut off she's dead da dead dead dead. No regenerating from that, her body will dust on the spot.

Vampires have to have blood to survive. And this can be problematic. They can get blood from any mammalian source, but human blood sustains them the best and satisfies them the most. This need for blood can cause a vampire a lot of problems when they're trying to obtain it.

Holy items repel vampires and burn them on contact. They struggle on holy ground, filled with unease while they're on it, potentially distracting them from a lethal threat. Holy water is potentially lethal if ingested, at the very least it will cause extensive internal burns and damage.

Vampires must be invited into a private residence such a house or apartment. Anything that someone considers home. They cannot enter if they have not been invited. The invitation can be made ahead of time, such as 'hey come by my place sometime' would qualify as an invitation. But if the resident moves to a new location the invitation will have to be renewed. It doesn't travel with the person. The invitation is only revocable through the use of a magical ritual. This restriction on invitation does not extend to the homes of other vampires, demons or half demons.

Charlie doesn't show up in mirrors or mirrored surfaces. So she has to be careful to avoid them when other people are around as it can be a pretty huge indicator that something is not quite right.

As a vampire Charlie is extremely vulnerable to sunlight. Even a moment's exposure results in a stinging burn to her skin. A few seconds result in more severe burns. Anything more than that and the vampire will light on fire, quickly succumbing to their weakness to fire and burning into ash.

Vampires are extremely vulnerable to fire. As they age that vulnerability is lessened, but Charlie as a very young vampire has to be extremely careful not to be exposed to fire. If she were to catch on fire it would almost certainly spell her death as it would consume her very quickly. Much more quickly than it would a human.

As a vampire, if an object made of real wood pierces her heart, Charlie will immediately die and turn to ash. It has to be real wood though, nothing synthetic. And it only works with wood. Not plastic or metal or any other material.


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Guess Who's Back May 30th, 2018 Slayer and Vamps meet and no one dies. Hooray!


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