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Latest revision as of 02:13, 4 June 2018

Logan and the God of War in Harry's
Date of Scene: 04 May 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Logan agrees to introduce Ares to the Avengers.
Cast of Characters: Wolverine, Ares

Wolverine has posed:
    The man at the bar is currently hunched over a half-drunk mug of beer. His jacket is pulled up over the back of his head, and his cowboy hat covers the rest. The trickle of cigar smoke wafts up from the stoogie that is currently located in an ashtray. Both of his hands are wrapped around that mug of beer, and he seems to be staring into it.

    In the background, a hockey game is playing on the "big" screen TV. It looks like it is the Winnipeg-Nashville game. Currently the Jets are up 4-3 into the third period. There are very few patrons in here right now. It appears that Logan is alone, with only Harry to keep him company. Harry is wiping down a mug, while watching the game, pretty much ignoring what Logan is doing.

Ares has posed:
Entering the bar is the God of War, Ares, though he's dressed in very casual clothes today. He just got off 'work' at the construction company nearby as they build their building, and he was finished for the day, so what was he going to do? Get a beer of course. He's just wearing a black T-shirt with black jeans, combat boots, his longcoat held firmly in his hand as he approached the bar, ironically enough ending up next to the Wolverine.

He looks to the game and he sighs a moment. "You'd think the jets would squash. Oh well." he looks then to Harry. "Whiskey please. Bottle it." and he'll sit down and wait for his drink to arrive.

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan sniffs. Growls a bit into his beer, lifts the mug to his mouth, and takes a drink. As Ares sits down besides Logan, he puts the mug down, takes the stoogie, and takes a deep inhale. Sitting up straight, he looks sideways at Ares, and says, "Whiskey. At least not all yer tastes are bad."

    Logan regards the God of War through the fog of cigar smoke. "Preds got a good team. Their main man/defenseman is a friend o'mine. Saved his Dad, eons ago." Logan sniffs, turns back to his beer, and says, "On ma tab Harry." Logan points emphatically at his nigh-empty glass, and says, "'nuther."

    "What are ya' doin' here Ares?" Logan says, "matter-of-factly".

Ares has posed:
Ares gives a bit of an 'ahhh' and he makes a hand gesture at the screen that pretty much screams 'screw that noise' at the Preds having a good defense. Though he remains seated and he sets his coat at the back of his chair. Though it's when he hears that Logan saved the dad of the main defenseman, he chuckles a small moment. "hm, how kind of you." he says in a way that's a compliment, but it's in a serious tone.

Then he's identified, and he looks to Logan. "I'm just here for a beer, Logan. Also...since your here, I think I'll see if I can get some information out of you." he receives his bottle and he looks to Harry to open his tab. though he looks back to Logan. "I hear you're with the Avengers, off and on."

Wolverine has posed:
    "No big deal." Logan says, dismissing the compliment. As his beer is replaced with a new one, Logan smiles, and takes a drink. "A beer huh? Not whiskey? Always best when they're cold. Ahhhh. That's good...Harry always keeps tha' best Canadian beers in the back fer me. Yer welcome ta' have one if ya' like?" Logan says, magnanaimously.

    "Well now, ah might be hangin' out with them once in a while. We have similar views lately. Plus, one a' tha' younger X types is there, an ah'm kinda watchin' her back." Logan drops the cigar in the tray, and takes another drink. "Why are you innerested?"

Ares has posed:
Ares takes a direct sip of his drink before he looks to Logan, tilting his head as Logan is....apparently in a good mood if he's offering the -best- of the canadian beer that apparently Harry keeps for his best customer. Regardless, Ares then smiles then. "Alright, since you're offering." he nods then, looking to Harry to silently tell him to snag one for him.

Then the avengers question is revisited, his eyes watching into his own as he drinks. "Ah...I suppose that makes sense. I believed that you'd be with the X-Men a majority of your time. But you can still assist me I believe."

a small breath. "I've done a great deal of wrong in my millenium of existance, Logan. I believe that I can sit on the sidelines no longer about it. It's time I started doing some good." he looks at Logan. "Who can I see about perhaps joining this group."

Wolverine has posed:
    Nodding, Logan smiles, and says "Sure." As Harry runs out back to grab the brews, Logan takes another drink and absorbs what Ares is asking. "The X-Men have gone their way lately. Me, not so much in that direction." Logan shrugs, and adds, "The Avengers 'er doin' tha' right thing lately. So, with them."

    The last comment by Ares surprises Logan. "Huh. Ya' wanna' join tha' Avengers? Can't say I am too surprised. We got Hercules, Thor, lotsa gawds been pounding tha feet with tha' Avengers. Huh. Well, ah'd ask Tony Stark. He's the main man right now. Cap is around as well. I kin prob'ly get ya' in tha' door."

Ares has posed:
Ares looks to Logan then as he says sure, and Harry leaves the God and the Wolverine to go and get the good stuff. "Oh? And here I thought the X-Men were attempting to be the pinnacle of virtue, or have they fallen into the mutants against everyone category?" of course, this is coming from someone who doesn't know the inner workings of the Institute in itself.

Though as Logan speaks about the Avengers, Ares just scoffs.

Despite how much he -hates- Hercules and there's probably not going to be a solution for that half-sibling rivalry, Ares wants to change his life around for Alexander's sake. "Well, that's greatly appreciated. If you can get me in the door, Believe it or not, but I'd owe you one." Ever read mythology? Ares generally makes due on his promises, not one to break them at -least- 90% of hte time.

Wolverine has posed:
    "Not sure. Not been around them much. The X-Men do their thing. I try ta' stay outta it." Logan grumbles, his mood darkening. That was the hint that he was upset about something, but wanted to avoid the topic. "If'n ya' are interested in tha' Avengers, let's foucs on them."

    Logan picks up his cigar, inhales, and watches as Harry drops two new beers for the two of them, and then makes himself scarce. "Good man Harry...always knows when ta' vamoose. Heh." Logan shakes his head, drops the cigar back on the tray, and regards Ares with another sideways glance.

    "Ya'd owe me one huh? Well, there is that." Logan nods, and takes a drink. "Ahhhh...good stuff." Logan pauses, and says, "One question - why and why should I? Okay, two questions."

Ares has posed:
Ares huhs then, apparently the X-Men have changed their ways, but he nods as the focus of the conversation of the Avengers is the deciding factor for which they should try and keep to. Which Ares seems to respect. Then Harry brings on over the gooood brews, which Ares will get to after his bottle of whiskey. "A wise man, or at least from what he's managed to show so far." he then looks to Logan out of his peripheal vision (which is pretty good) as he watches the hockey game, apparently looking irritated when a Jets player misses a shot.

"That's two questions." he says at the same time as Logan corrects himself. "As for why should you, nobody can answer that question -right- except yourself." one of the few things he's managed to learn from his sister, Athena. "as for why?...I have a son, Logan. His name is Alexander. His mother is not with us. I do not want him to grow up, and be left with only that I was a cruel God of the ancient and modern worlds. I want him to grow up that he can be better than me. That...and I need to repent at some point."

Wolverine has posed:
    "Uh huh." Logan says, taking another drink. "Jets are still up." Logan says, noticing Ares' attention. "5-3, 2 minutes left." How does he do that? He's Logan. "Multi-tasking..." Logan says, pointing to his ears. "Ah understand yer reasonin'. Makes sense. Son's are...difficult." Logan nods, as though he understands.

    "AH kin see what ah kin do. Ah'll talk ta Stark. See what he says. We'll set up a meetin' and you can plead yer case ta' him. AH'm easy." Logan chuckles, finishes off his beer, and turns to face Ares. "That good enough for ya'?"

Ares has posed:
Ares looks at the screen and he just shakes his head at the screen. "I made a bet that it'd be 7-3, so I'm hoping that the Jets stop playing around." he shrugs then as he sips his drink once again, setting the bottle down...and if one looks at it? it's all gone. Which means it's finally time to crack open that canadian beer.

Drinking it, he looks at it a moment and he seems to be in approval. "It's no mead of Olympus, but it will suffice." he nods then and sips again. At Logan's agreement to help him with the Avengers, he cracks a small smile. "That would be greatly appreciated....thank you, Logan. It is acceptable, indeed."

Wolverine has posed:
    Fair enough. Enjoy the game, and later, we kin chat with Stark." Logan finishes off his brew, drops the money on the bar, and gets up. Grabbing his cigar, he adds, "Ah got somewhere ta' be right now. Here's ma number." Logan pulls a pen out, and jots it down on his bill. "Call me. Later." With that he tips his hat to Harry, then at Ares, and with a grin, heads out of the bar into the rain.

Ares has posed:
Ares looks to Logan with a small nod. "Sounds good." He takes the number and pockets it for accessing it later. "See you around Logan. and thanks." he sips his beer again s he watches the game, and a small smile comes to his face after all is said and done.