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Latest revision as of 02:16, 4 June 2018

Ohana Means Family
Date of Scene: 04 May 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Wonder Girl, Wonder Woman, Ares

Wonder Girl has posed:
Okay, so, things were going just as planned. Mostly.

Alexander was in the living room, watching television, and Cassie, for her part, was in the kitchen, a plate of vegetables on the counter in front of her, coupled with a bowl of yogurt. She was using said vegetables to scoop said yoghurt into her mouth - and she demonstrates this with a celery stick. With said celery stick still halfway in her mouth, she starts texting.

She had her phone out, you see, elbows atop the counter. Normally, she'd be texting her friend Bianca (B for short), but instead she was texting Diana. 'Hey Di guess where i am'. Beat. '...there's something here you gotta see, also i need a ride so could you come over?'

Wonder Woman has posed:
Its not often that Cassie asks Diana for a ride, anywhere really... which generally means that she assumes Cassie needs to see her or just wants to see her. So since her day's work has finished and she was simply at her desk in her office and reading messages on her laptop, she glances down to her phone and then responds to let Cassie know that she'll be there soon, but of course she also asks for an address so she knows where she's going!

It takes a little while, 45 minutes or so, before the Amazon's sedan pulls up outside. Diana can fly too, but driving is far more proper for a city like this when you're not on patrol or under emergency conditions. Flying people often make those who can't fly, a bit uncomfortable to see.

Once at the home, Diana approaches the door, a light jacket on over a black top and black pants. She has her hair back in a simple ponytail and her eyes look around the area. She rings the doorbell and stands in wait.

Ares has posed:
When Ares asked Cassie to babysit Alexander while he went out on a date, he wasn't really expecting her to call over Diana.

Some small time after Diana arrives in her Sedan, Ares arrives in his fancy black Lincoln and he walks up to his house with quite a beautiful woman on his arm. They seem to be enjoying themselves. Ares is wearing a long black coat with a dark suit underneath it, a silver tie adorning the collar of his tuxedo. He wears nice oxfords as well.

Though he tilts his head as he sees Diana's Sedan and he only slightly sighs. The woman on his arm is beautiful, wearing a more form-fitting blue dress. "John? what's wrong?"

"Nothing, you might just be meeting a family member." and he'l open the door....

Who knows what he's gonna end up seeing.

Wonder Girl has posed:
That was a pretty good assumption by Diana. Very good, in fact. Tucking her phone back into the back pocket of her bellbottom jeans she was wearing, Cassie sticks her head around the corner, narrowing her eyes in Alexander's direction. Pointing her hands at her eyes, and pointing the same fingers at Alexander, she waggles them in a circle.

A rolling of his eyes, before he looks back to the television.

Cassie purses her lips, although she gasps at the doorbell. "That'll be Diana!" she calls over to the living room proper. "Hey - you made it - thanks for coming, Diana!" A handful fo moments. "I have veggie sticks and some yoghurt set out in the kitchen if you're hungry. And hey, I ordered some schwarma!"

So whatever else happened, Cassie perks up as the front door opens, mouth half full of schwarma as she waves a half-eaten one in his direction. Alexander was no doubt dutifully eating his share, sitting in the kitchen. "Hey, I invited Diana over too," a beat. "Who's the babe?" she asks, lifting her chin towards the woman and giving a wide grin.

She normally wasn't this bad. But. It was a different time.

Wonder Woman has posed:
And Diana is inside the house, smiling at Cassie and looking about the area. She isn't too far inside yet, and hasn't seen Alexander yet (as she'd likely recognize him quite quickly when she had seen him last summer while he was at camp... They'd sword fought each other with sticks from under a tree, just to have fun).

"This is a nice place." Diana tells Cassie, standing in the front room. "Are you just about ready to go? Are the parents home yet?" She asks then, stepping toward what she believes to be the kitchen's direction.

Its about then that the door behind them opens and she turns when Cassie turns to greet, well, him. Diana's expression changes at this point, her overall calmness drops to a contained annoyance. Her blue eyes just stare at Ares and his date.

Then she looks pointedly at Cassie. Wondering if this was some kind of a setup, did Cassie even know? That this was probably the one person on this planet Diana wouldn't want to be around.

Ares has posed:
Ares walks into his house and he looks at Cassie and then to Diana....before his eyes sharply turn to Cassie, blue eyes turning blood red for but the briefest of moments. He definitely believed that this was a set up to try and get the 'family' back together. With a sigh, he answers Cassie. "I can tell." Before he looks to the woman on his arm. "This is Teresa. A friend from work. We decided to go and get dinner. She wanted to meet my boy, so I brought her back here." Were they -just friends-?

"Teresa, this is Cassie and Diana." he leaves familial relations out of it for now. "and this.." he gestures to his son, beckoning Alexander over to him. "Is my son, Alexander."

"It's nice to meet you all." Teresa says with a friendly smile.

and while she's likely busy with Alexander, Ares shifts his attention to Diana. "Diana....good to see you. Have you eaten?"

Wonder Girl has posed:
"Naw, he's only going to be a few more minutes though. But I'm just about ready to go - the kid is tucked in bed, waiting for daddy to get home, right?" responds Cassie to Diana. He had taken some schwarma and stomped off to his room at this point, so he /never saw Diana/.

Cassie takes a few moments. She glances from Alexander to Diana, and then back again. Another bite of schwarma, this one slow - thoughtful - contemplative. With her increasingly widening eyes at Diana's expression, one might get the impression that Cassie did not know about the bad beef that was going on.

Or she wouldn't have invited Diana over to pick her up, after all. But... stuck in an awkward situation, Cassie brings up her hand, Alexander having stepped out of his room when he heard his father arriving. Cassie seemed stuck between 'friendly trolling' which was basically how she interacted with Ares most times, and that creeping sense that she had messed up.

"Hey there," says Cassie, lifting her hand to Teresa before she was distracted with child.

Cassie takes another bite. "...so um... yeah. Lots of veggies and schwarma. Well not /lots/ but some. It's good."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana didn't honestly believe that Cassie would orchestrate something like this. No, she believes this was one hundred and ten percent Ares' doing. It'd been almost a year since she'd warned him not to cross her path or do anything to even remotely suggest that he was 'up to something' and since then she'd assumed he'd listened. But now? It would seem otherwise.

However, with Alexander in the room now and her eyes glancing over the boy to judge his well-being, Diana is looking back to Ares and his 'date' and she releasese a light sigh. It is always bes tto be diplomatic in moments like this. There is no reason to make a scene in front of three people who have nothing to do with the bad blood between she and he.

"I am not interested in eating." She says in her thickly accented Greek flavored voice. "I will be out in the car, Cassie. Please come when you are ready to leave." Diana starts to make for the doorway. She never told Alexander who she was back at his summer camp, she'd gone there to check up on the boy as she'd never even knew Ares had a son. Perhaps he doesn't even remember her...

But then again, who really forgets Diana Prince?

Ares has posed:
Teresa was distracted with meeting Alexander, which means that Ares's attention was all on Cassie and Diana. He knows the look that Diana gives him...and frankly, he fairly doesn't care. It's not his problem that the rest of the pantheon doesn't like him because they think him nothing more than a cruel animal. He locks eyes with Diana...though there's a sadness to his features. "Look...I just want to live a normal life." He mutters to Diana in passing.

Though he does give a seemingly 'really' kind of look to Cassie, figuring that this was all her doing.

Alexander likely remembers Diana in great detail.

Then his eyes remain fixed on Cassie, before they move to Diana, watching her leave but he makes no notion to stop her.

Family drama.

Wonder Girl has posed:
Why did /everyone/ think this was Cassie's doing?!

I mean it kinda was, but. Cassie's features pinch, and she looks back towards Ares. "Yeah, so - um." A beat. Picking up two more schwarmas - and leaving two in the box still, Cassie lifts her chin towards Ares, giving him a bright grin. "I'll just get my cash later, okay?" she says. "But maybe... I dunno. Ohana and all that," she says.

"Or, you know, something," she says, sticking out her jaw. "So... I'm gonna go before my ride goes, because I did need to talk to Diana about that thing before she hears about it from Detera," she says, bringing up her hand to gesture over her shoulder out towards the car.

"Alexander was great! Good behaviour today!" she says, backing her way out towards the car proper. "He deserves something nice! Not just schwarma..." she was out the door now. "Which is nice, but... ice cream?" And...


Wonder Woman has posed:
When Ares whispers at her about wanting a normal life, Diana halts her steps and she looks over her shoulder to him. "So did all the people your orchestrated the deaths of. The countless lives you ended in the name of ideologies that only a mad man would fight for!" She loudly whispers back at him.

Diana was raised to hate Ares, it wasn't just the experiences she had with him, it was the experiences of being raised by women for a very long time... told to despise this man. She was conditioned to be his enemy, and conditioning like that is something not easily broken. Not even a plate of schwarma could do the trick, it would seem.

So the Amazon Princess moves for the exit. She would've liked to had a chance to speak to Alexander again, but such is the way of things when your family feud dates back thousands of years.

Once they reach the car though, and Cassie joins her, Diana looks over the vehicle to the young girl. Its a glare. Which probably isn't something Cassie would enjoy getting from Diana. She opens the driver's side door though and moves to sweep herself inside of it.

Wonder Girl has posed:
"What?!" says Cassie, her features looking stricken when Diana glares at her so. Holding her arms out in front of herself, still bearing schwarma, she says. "I wanted to talk to you, I didn't think it was going to be a big deal! We're all demigods... okay, I'm the only demigod, but we're all Greeks here, right, technically?" A beat, and she reconsiders her usual mode of dealing with things like this.

"I'm so so sorry."
