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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2018/05/07 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=1747, 973, 22 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1747|Carrie Kelley...")
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Latest revision as of 02:29, 4 June 2018

Private Eyes
Date of Scene: 07 May 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Carrie Kelley, Robin (Wayne), Iron Man

Carrie Kelley has posed:
With finals fast approaching for the students of Gotham U, the room that was often occupied by theater students was rather empty currently. There were no performances to plan, no roles to rehearse; everything at this point was down to pen on paper. The only real occupants of this area at the moment were students sneaking in somewhere quiet to study, and Carrie Kelley along with her younger students that didn't have to worry about such grades just yet.

The last of those students was packing up and heading out the door leaving Carrie time to enjoy the mostly empty space to herself. She goes around tidying a few things here and there before pausing to pick up her bag rummaging through it for her phone to check the time.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Being too young to be seen driving, Damian had arranged to be dropped off by a chauffeur. He didn't carry any books, but as dressed in a blue shirt, tie, and black slacks, all put together with a black vest. He looked the gentleman he was supposed to be in public.

  Of course, people whispered as he walked into the building, it was something he was used to. There was hardly any covering up being Damian Wayne.

  The door opens gently, and he walks in as gently as he opened the door. "Hello?" Damian had a reputation of being mostly quiet, not many reporters had spent time interviewing him, the ones who did were usually desperate for some kind of scoop on the boy. He would show them the many animals he knew around the mansion, until they gave up.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
    Hearing the familiar voice Carrie jerks her attention away from the screen of her phone with a sudden bright grin. Absently she stuffs it into her bag again before pushing the purse to the side ontop of the makeup table that she had it stashed at. "Hey there, stranger!" Grinning still she shifts her weight to lean against the table with the side of her hip. The little jostling to the table causes her purse to tip over with phone, and a tazer slipping out. Her hand drops down to quickly scoop it all back in preferably before it's seen.
    "How're you doing, Damian? Ready for a lesson?" Her arms cross casually as she regards the younger man keeping her head tucked down just a little. Just enough to try and hide the sickly purple-yellow of fading bruises around her neck, and the thin line of red where she'd been cut on the right side of her jawline.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian walks up towards Carrie, giving a nod. Every bit the slightly shy boy he portrayed in the media. "Good, I guess. How about you?" A slight pause before he answers her question. "Yeah, I'm ready." He offers, putting his hands in his pockets.

  His green eyes peered quickly at the changes in her features. "You...don't shave your face do you?" He asks, knowing full well that she didn't, unless she had a proclivity for hirsuteness.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
    "No hurry if you just need some time to relax first," Carrie assures the usually quiet boy she'd come to know over time. "I'm pretty sure most everyone else is gone at this point so you don't have to worry about any creepers trying to catch you for the tabloids." It almost seems she might say more, but the question of shaving has her suddenly go red-faced. It was impossible to hide with her pale complexion.
    "No, that... I got cut, that's all. Just a small altercation in the old neighborhood." The not-quite explanation is given while her hand reaches up to run along the cut. She didn't think it would scar at least, as razor thin as it was, but it was too large to hide with a bandaid. "I walked into something I shouldn't have."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian gives a nod, letting himself take a moment for a breather. "Was it an altercation, or an accident? Normally an altercation means conflict with another party." Yes, Damian was asking twenty questions, but he was curious like that. He was also as smart as his father to boot it seems. "Sorry, I shouldn't pry." He offers, looking back to Carrie.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
    Carrie ducks her head at that. "I guess if I started a story I should finish, huh? It's pretty unbelievable though." Her weight shifts again with arms crossing over her chest, and she regards a spot above Damian's head. There wasn't anything really to stare at. It just allowed her to get her thoughts together.
    "Ninjas. Honest to god ninjas. I'm walking home, and next thing I know-" Her hands come up only to drop down again as if indicating movements. "I've got two guys with katanas in front of me and all I've got on me is my umbrella. So I push it at them--It was open by the way--And I turn to run before they can react. Except there's a third one behind me I didn't know about."
    "Next thing I know, I'm in a choke hold with a sword at my neck, and Batmans rising up out of the shadows. I mean it was *epic*, Damian, but ..."
    She falters with a troubled look as she frowns. "Anyway, it ended up okay, just bruised up a bit. I tried every thing they teach in those stupid self-defense classes they hold in campus all the time and I'm telling you, it's complete bullshi--" Blinking she looks up realizing WHO she's talking to. "-hockey. Complete bull hockey." Yep.

Iron Man has posed:
    From the theater, there's a sudden extreme burst of noise: feedback. It filters into the classrooms behind it easily. And then after a few seconds, "Test? There we go." A female voice, muffled, hard to identify through the walls, but clearly from the theater area.

    Then there's another pause. "Ready." Same person again.


    The sound of the power in the building stressed and dimming down, as the electrical system sobs over what is being asked of it from the theater area. It's causing classrooms to dim out to barely-lit, except for those with natural light from the windows and exterior.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Ninjas, and Batman, and katanas, oh my! Damian looked to Carrie as she explained, eyes widened by the mention of ninjas and Batman. "Woah, w-was he...huge? They say he is a big guy." Then the replacement word, his eyes roll back a little. "I'm fifteen, not fi-"

  He covers his ears suddenly, the feedback ringing through the PA system was piercing. "What the hell is that?" He asks, looking towards the Theatre area.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
    Being caught with her own near swear, Carrie starts to laugh with hands spreading in a shrug. He was right-he wasn't a kid. Any further amusement is silenced with that screeching feedback as her own hands clap over her ears. "What the hell!" A look of sheer annoyance comes over her as she whirls around grabbing for her bag again. It's the cellphone that comes out, and with a quick downward chop motion the flashlight feature turns on. A step is taken, then she pauses and reaches back with her free hand for that pink tazer that had almost fallen out of her purse before.
    "Don't know but I'm going to find out! No one's supposed to be messing around here today!" Not that she'd seen on HER schedule at least. Harumph.
    "I don't know who you are but you're in big trouble if you break anything!" She bellows as she storms forward, muttering, "Stupid people fucking around with things they don't know..." The curtain is pushed aside with cellphone light held high to illuminate the stage beyond.

Iron Man has posed:
    "Where's the extra mic? I can't hear from this booth?" the female voice asks again, sounding stressed out.

    "I'm good, don't need one," flippantly answers a potentially familiar voice, depending on how much TV somebody watches, to know what Tony Stark sounds like. "Looks like I'm bringing my own power supply along with everything else." Another pause, as if someone were speaking that wasn't on a mic. Tony again: "Sure."

    And promptly there's activity at the curtains. Carrie will explode out onto a stage of about five people, including two of the college administration. Of course they look at her. One particular event wrangler is looking particularly upset, conferring with another woman in a suit. Something to do with being embarrassed. Stark himself is not directly in view.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian followed Carrie, stopping before she broke the legs of the curtains.

  Then the voice, Stark's voice. He gives a little of a grimace before he clings to the curtain. If he can keep out of sight unless necessary, the better. He keeps listening however, waiting for the right moment to show himself, should he need.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
    Whether or not any of the voices were familiar it doesn't seem to phase through the fog of sheer annoyance that had surrounded Carrie Kelley. The short redhead fixes her gaze sharply on the gathering of individuals with a disapproving glare. "Patrick Mulhaney, you told me that I would be alerted of any usage of the theater during my scheduled class times! What the hell is this nonsense!? And you--!"
    Though it was difficult to see who was in the sound booth it didn't matter. Carrie POINTS at them with that pink tazer as if it were a laser pointer. Thankfully nothing sparks, she'd merely forgotten it was in hand. "If you don't know how to use the equipment get the hell away from it! I have students that can do better than that! Dial back the equalizer or you'll keep getting feedback. You don't push it all the way at the start." A puff of breath blows her bangs out of her face as hands find her hips, foot impatiently tapping. "Ugh nevermind I'll do it myself. Get out of there before you break something. Here, hold my tazer," she utters as she shoves the atrociously pink device into the arms of one of the hapless few gathered around.

"Seriously, it took me hours to get that set up just right, if you've mucked it..."

Iron Man has posed:
    "Miss Kelley," the event organizer greets, trying to derail the tirade. "A test was needed, as Mr. /Stark/ has stopped by, in regard to his presentation next week," there's some 'warning' in the tone. 'Behave', the tone begs. Things bend for money. Two assistants move on stage when they see Tony move, approaching to the side of the stage as Tony comes strolling back out of stage left, with a brilliantly lit tablet in hand, surfaced in a literal mirage of holographic orange and yellow interface. He has a mic extended out of the glasses he is wearing near his chin.
    "Glad to quote you on an upgrade of your electrical system before my presentation. --Albert, quote him," Tony directs one of the two assistants, ditching the man that was trailing after him with Albert and Albert's tablet of quotes. Tony is met again by the event planner. "I'm sure we can provide anything else you might need," she assures.

    Carrie finds a frazzled older woman in the sound booth that has no idea what she's doing. "I don't know what I'm doing, they sent me here to connect the mics up so they could talk across the theater about whatever tech he wants to use," she says off-mic, admitting it directly to Carrie.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     From Stage Right, Damian can see Stark as he approaches center stage. The man was every bit the man he had seen on TV. Though Damian hardly ever talked business with Bruce, Damian himself had an acumen for business as well.

  The subtext in the event organizer's voice was palpable. So it was time to make himself known. He crosses from behind the proscenium, stage right, his dress shoes clapping on the wooden stage floor. "I'm sure Mister Stark understands the confusion on your part, madam, concerning the scheduling." He stands as tall as he can, all five feet two inches he can muster. "I know Ms. Kelley's student does."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
    "Then you should have asked for help. You know this building is ancient, I had to rewire half of it to even get it close to spec," Carrie shoots back at the event organizer before she dips into the booth. "... Stark huh," she mutters quieter before her gaze rests on the older woman. The annoyed look on her face shifts to a sympathetic one at the obvious uncertainty of the woman. "It's okay, I'll get it fixed," she assures with a little shooing motion at the woman.
    As soon as she's allowed access to the sound booth panels she starts correcting switches, and dials. It doesn't take long. This had to be redone before every performance. There's no more grumbling from her at least. Just a pleasant silence while Stark and his entourage try to pitch on the electrical system.
    Then there's a soft 'whoomph', barely audible, of equipment powering back up.
    "Is this-"

    "More to-"

    "Your liking-"

    "Mr. Stark?"

The sound flips from one speaker to another in such a way that the simple sentence sounds as if it's being spoken by someone walking around the group. One speaker rolled to another, to another, to another creating the surround sound effect without any of that negative feedback or distortion.

    Whether he was satisfied or not, she was now that she'd done a quick display of the capabilities of the sound system when *used properly.* She steps out of the booth to approach the group again, reaching out to snag her tazer back from the hapless person who got it. A singular nod is given to Damian with a smile of approval at his coming out to speak so boldly.
    "I suppose this snafu does at least offer for some unexpected opportunities."

Iron Man has posed:
    "I thought there weren't classes going on in here right now," Tony comments, without looking up from his device. There's all kinds of communication snafu, it appears. But there's no real judgement. "We'll get out of your hair quick, you probably have finals, huh?" Tony offers to Damian, casual and friendly, actually looking up from his device this time to flash a smile, but doesn't immediately recognize him: or if he does, doesn't react. But Tony meets a hell of a lot of people.
    Tony, to his part, doesn't seem upset by anything at all. He's cheery and charismatic, something of a game-show host of ease in person. The sound test doesn't ruffle him a bit. He does have to take a second to resync his personal mic into the sound system when it's brought back up. "Yes, thank you - Kelly, was it? Great. Will Kelly be around to help with the presentation?" Stark asks on mic, his attentive high-beam smile on the administrative person, who glances at Carrie with a hopeful look.
    "This building could use an upgrade," the administrator with Albert admits. Looks like Carrie might not have to suffer too much longer. "THAT is what my donations should go towards, technology improvements as priority," Tony agrees. "Of course, Mr. Stark," is the reply: hard to say much else into Tony's persuasive smile.
    "It should be what the teaching staff requests," Tony finishes, offhand with a partial gesture as if fanning the subject away, but quirks a brow at Carrie. He finishes something on his device, and the power to the lights floods back on as he puts it away.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian looks to Tony, giving a nod. "Something like that. I take private lessons with Ms. Kelley." He looks back to Carrie with a flash in his eye.

  "Oh, my apologies. I'm Damian Wayne." He says, giving the other billionaire in the room a smile befitting a young lad of his age. "I hadn't realized the electrical system was in the state it is in." Damian's voice was calm and kind, much like Bruce's public voice. "I'm sure her services would be a great use for you in your event next week Mister Stark."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
    "I do private lessons though I usually do coordinate with the main office. Technically I'm not certified to be a teacher in any professional capacity, other than knowing what I'm doing," Carrie admits. A faint smile is cast toward Damian at that remark, and her head shakes lightly. "You're my student, Damian. I'm here to teach you not milk you for money for the school. They do that enough with tuition." A joke of course, but there's some truth to her remark as well.
    Her green eyes fix on Tony a moment as her arms cross over her chest considering him and his request which Damian just encouraged her with. "I'd be more than happy to assist your event, Mr. Stark. On one condition." A single eyebrow lifts as she takes a step closer to him to peer up at him pointedly.
    "Whoever did your video tour on your webpage sucks. Give me a chance to redo it, properly, and I'll make sure your show goes off without a hitch."

Iron Man has posed:
    "Damian Wayne - of course! Didn't expect to see you here, but I should have known. 'Tony,' please," Tony says, immediately offering a handshake to Damian. Tony isn't hard to talk to, if the bravado and flair isn't an issue. "I was about to bother Bruce, since I'm in town, thanks for reminding me. He owes me from Vegas," Tony laughs. "By the way, if you need any embarrassing stories from that for ammunition, I'm happy to oblige sometime."

    Carrie is then belittling his tour video!? Tony doesn't mind. "You're talking about the Avenger's one, aren't you. I agree with you; it lingers /entirely/ too long on Captain America's statue," Tony laughs, smiling at her. "Tell you what, make something better; do that and we'll put it up, and compensate you. And I'll expect to see you at this event! Albert." Albert hops forward to pounce on this new item, to arrange a meeting at the Avengers Mansion.
    "Well. That's done, then. Let's finish the LIVE tour up with food-besides, we're standing around in the middle of an important lesson; enjoy that," Tony declares of the group of assistants and adminitrators in general, with a parting wave to Carrie and Damian.
    "This way," the event organizer says, relieved to move on to an area she's strong with. "We have one of the banquet rooms set up for you." And with that, the billionaire abruptly starts off of the stage, doing a sudden swan on out of the auditorium, with the entitled arrogance of a confident celebrity/playboy/Avenger/billionaire/etc.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian accepts the hand with the appropriate level of firmness. A skill any businessman, or businessman's heir should have. "A pleasure, Tony. I'll...have to take you up on that sometime."

  Damian gives a semi blushing smile to Carrie, not that he was overstepping his bounds. But Gotham, and it's higher education systems were a matter of pride for the Waynes.

  "You've got his personal number, yes?" A gesture more than anything. Assistants had a keen way of getting everything their employer needed after all. He allows the rest to finish, giving a wave in return to Tony.

  It was only when the rest had left did he give a sigh of relief, going back to the quietly reserved young man Carrie knew.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
    Carrie lets Damian do his thing with the assistant, gathering up the information needed for future events, while wearing a rather proud beaming smile herself. When they're left alone again she turns to Damian with a quick laugh. "You were amazing, Damian. Thank you for the help! I can't believe I did that... Well, yes I can, but I know I come off as a bit rough around the edges." Too quick to anger even if it fades quickly.
    "And now I get to potentially have some of my own video choreography put up on the site. The Avengers site! To be honest I meant the Stark Industries one but holy cow I will take this!" Again she beams bright, hands coming together in a quick clap.
    "Okay Damian, I need a quick yes or no because I'm about to hug you but if you really don't want it let me know."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "I just, did what he would do. I didn't want that lady to get you in trouble." He meaning Damian's father, of course. The mere fact that someone is asking him if he can be hugged is a far cry from what usual people do. His eyes just widen slightly and he is hardly able to say anything. "Ye-?" is all he can muster. Chances are he wouldn't be angered. She's never really seen him angry. Probably the only one in his life that hasn't.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
    Carrie was just practically brimming over with excitement. The earlier tension of recalling her encounter with the ninjas is forgotten in light of the current events. As soon as the 'yes' comes out, partial though it is, she leans in to wrap her arms around him in the aforementioned hug. "You don't give yourself enough credit, Damian. That was all you! Thank you!" A little squeeze is given and then she releases him still smiling broadly. "Seriously, you're capable of way more than you think you are. I know it. I've seen it. You just need to stop living in your father's shadow so much. Be YOU, not a mini-him."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian hides a little as he is complimented upon, and hugged. Even if he wasn't acting, this kind of reinforcement was foreign to him.

  "I know I'm not him." He said easily. "I just get it from everyone. 'You look just like Bruce at your age, it's uncanny.' His eyes really were the only difference, almost an eerie shade of pale green, they pierced right through what they looked at. "All that Gotham Old Money, all they can see is Bruce." He looks a little off at that sentiment.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
    This serious turn is accepted quietly by Carrie who regards him from behind her glasses a long moment. A soft sigh breaks the silence along with a shake of her head. "That's because they're not really seeing you, Damian. See, old people... Older people..." Her lips purse together in a thin line as she rethinks her words. "No, that's a pretty broad generalization. There are certain people in this world that reach a plateau and once there they don't really contribute anything else to either the world or their lives. When they hit that, all they can do is look back on their memories of 'better times.' You see it a lot in the old district. Drunks unable to face their reality, wishfully reliving 'the good old days' because it's the best thing they can think of. They're unwilling to move on to the present, and future."
    "When was the last time any of those 'old money' folks did anything worthwhile? They just pat each other on the backs over and over again."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Carrie's words hit Damian as they are supposed to. "You're right. They haven't done much at all since back then." He chuckles softly, looking back at his teacher. "By the way, I didn't think you were trying to get more money from me. But I'm sure there's some extra funds in the Martha Wayne arts grant that could be used for this place. All someone would need to do is apply for the grant." It's not really a handout, just leading someone towards avenues that he knew well. "My grandmother...loved the theatre."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
    "Yeah, I learned that lesson a long time ago. My parents are like that." There's a little twitch to her features at mention of her parents. It wasn't a subject she brought up ever, after all. Even so it seemed suitable to share at the moment for his sake. Maybe a bit for hers as well. Thankfully the topic moves on leaving her an out from that touchy subject.
    "I didn't think you did, but I also wanted to make sure you knew. Even if it was unspoken before." Reaching out she gently pats his shoulder with a tip of her head toward the back of the theater. "I'll check it out. I don't really like handouts... I know it's not, but I've always just... Ugh, I'm being stubborn. It would help so many other students here as well," she agrees looking over the room.
    "For now though, let's call it a day, okay? I've actually got a class of my own to get to soon." At this time of day? Odd. "I'll make up for what we missed out on next time, I promise."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian slips his hands in his pockets. A small smile appearing on his face. "Sounds good to me, all that...kinda took it out of me." He offers, making a note to make sure should an application for said grant come through that it's on the top of the pile. "Good luck with finals, and try not to run into any more ninja."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
    Carrie gives a firm nod at that, fist raising up as if she were about to give a solemn vow. "If I do, I'll make sure to give them a good ass kicking." The remark is followed with a little snort of laughter at herself. "I'm sure I'll be fine. Take care, Damian."