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Infinite Ninjas.
Date of Scene: 08 May 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Stardust, Amarok

Stardust has posed:
Dan and Colette are both at the Tower. It's a bit of a rarity for either of them lately, for their own diverse reasons, but neither of them has been around as much as usual, lately. When Colette is around, she's almost always hiding away in the Danger Room, working on connecting it up to a Playstation or modifying training routines in mystifying ways.

It is that latter activity that Colette is up to today, and she decides she could use a little help. Or at least so the message to Dan indicates. 'Hey Wolfie, I'm working on something in the Danger Room I could use your help with if you have a few minutes. Thanks."

Arriving in the Danger Room will show signs of a new training routine in the early stages. There's scenery, of a sort. It's all cuboid blocks of glowing blue, force-walls without any kind of real world holographic image projected over them yet, scattered around apparently at random. Standing in the middle are a dozen or so ninjas, frozen in attack postures. Colette is walking around the ninja mob, studying their positions.

Amarok has posed:
'Wolfie' arrives as requested, the hissing 'KA-SHUNK' of the door into the Danger Room announcing his presence. His LED eyes quickly come to rest Colette, and after a few brief moments of paranoidly corner checking, he begins making his way over, ".....What do you need?" He asks in his trademark monotone once he's in range.

Stardust has posed:
Colette steps away from the frozen ninjas and approaches Dan with a cheery wave. "Heya. Thought you could give me some advice on ninjas," she explains. "Basically I've been using the ninjas out of Robin's Mountaintop Ninja Battle. But I'm not really satisfied with that. I mean you put them in a different environment, and they fight the same. Doesn't seem right. Suppose their in a more enclosed space, less in the way of natural cover, but more in the way of shadowy corners? They'll have a different approach, right?" She moves over to the control console and starts tapping away. "You any good at this thing? The enemy behavior stuff is kinda hard. I think I can figure it out, but I don't have much experience with the whole ninja thing, beyond beating them up. But you know, with this whole X-face stuff, seems like a good idea to level up the holo-ninjas... ninj."

Amarok has posed:
The Wolf stares blankly at Colette for a few moments, then walks over to the console, brushing Colette aside to get room. Thirty seconds later, the ninjas Colette was using phase out, and are replaced by similiar looking ninjas, perhaps slightly bulkier, "....These are from a personal program I've been toying with....Make sure the safeties are on, or they'll kill you if you drop your guard." He says in his standard bored sounding voice before turning to Colette, "....Need anything else?"

Stardust has posed:
Colette steps aside to let Dan work, peering over his shoulder. "Hmm. Didn't know you were good with computer stuff. Normally I'd as Rainman or Cy or Damian for technical stuff, good to know. I was looking more for..." she waves her arms around demonstrably. "Specialist ninja stuff."

She walks over to the group of now-bulkier frozen ninjas, circling them and studying them closely. "So, better for more indoorsy, urban-y stuff than Damian's mountain ninjas, you think? Thanks." She pokes at one of them with the toe of her foot. "I'm more of the kind of punch things hard and hope type. But it's something to learn, right? As I know I'm gonna have to do a ninja battle at some point soon. Not all of us are experts at ninja stuff." She turns her head and looks at Dan curiously. "I know very little about your history. Which is probably as you intend and all that. How long have you been with the Titans, Wolfie? You joined before me, but honestly I have no idea how much longer. I should probably read through the old files some time or something. Were you a member the last time X-Face was doing some Titan-bothering?"

Amarok has posed:
The Wolf monotonaly grunts out, "I'm not." He leans back against the wall next to the console and looks the ninjas over, "They're designed around....Well, it's best if you find out for yourself. Preparing for a foe can insure victory, but it hardly makes for good training if you already know how to beat them...." He pauses for a bit, ".....Things were quiet for a long time after I joined....This is the first I've seen of any direct antagonism......."

Stardust has posed:
Colette heads back to the console and taps in a few instructions. The ninja grouping vanishes and is replaced by three ninjas standing in a triangle out in the open. She walks back over, weaving in and out of the trio, studying their ready stances closely. "Hmm. I figured you'd have been around for it, but as I said, never got around to studying the history." She stops in the middle of the group and turns to look at Dan again. "Where does your not killing thing come from, Wolfy?"

  Even by Colette standards that's a bit out of the blue.

"Simulation on." No sooner has Colette said the words but the two ninjas on point grab her arms, while the third slashes his katana across her throat. "Woah! These guys are fast. I was expecting them to go for cover first." She twists both arms, breaking the ninja's grips and grabbing their arms in turn. As the ninja swordsman attempts to run her through the gut, she swings the other two up, crashing their heads together and letting them drop "Strong, too". She smacks the palms of her hands on either side of the blade that's pressed to her stomach, locking it in place. The swordsman wastes no time fighting over the sword and dagger instead. She steps into him, allowing him to attempt to plunge the knife into her neck to get under his guard as she places one hand behind his neck and the other under his chin. There's a snapping noise, and he derezzes. "Nice work, Wolfy. I like these ones." The other two are scrambling to their feet, one struggling, the other more sprightly. She goes for that one first, plunging the katana through his chest, then leaps (no, it must be flies) over the lurching challenge of the final ninja, hovering a moment above him before plunging down to crush a holographic head underfoot. Hopefully she's not that brutal with non holographic enemies.

"They don't really take into account superpowers, though. That's going to be the real challenge with X-Face, isn't it? He's not going to just do a straight ninj. So what was I... oh yeah, the killing thing. I mean you've said before that you've killed people in the past, but you've stopped. What happened?"

Amarok has posed:
The Wolf holds his gaze silently on Colette for just long enough to make it awkward, before shrugging ever so slightly, "....What can I say? I get squeamish....Always have........And I dont wanna talk about." His usually emotionless tone has a slight firmness to it at the end. He glances over at the disintegrating holograms, "....They're designed for fighting me....And they're not finished yet....But they should do for what you need them for...."

Stardust has posed:
Colette nods her head, walking back to join Dan. "Yep. Definite ninja on ninja thing. I'd be so dead right now if I didn't have superpowers. Mind you, real ninjas do the same thing, so no criticism there. I had this one ninja throwing those death star thingies at me. Like after the first three, you'd think he'd have learned. But nooo, out comes number four. I had to berate him for that. His ninja buddies looked so embarrassed. Be nice if X-face made the same mistake, but we both know that ain't gonna happen." She glances back over to where the fight took place. "Thanks though, I can definitely work with those.

She looks back, studying Dan for just about the same awkward amount of time he'd used. " Squeamish, huh? Interesting wording for someone who's always turning up at the Tower covered in other people's blood. Still, there's lots you don't wanna talk about. It's not healthy. But you'll be you. Come to think about it, not wanting to talk is pretty much a Titan's theme. What a messed up bunch we are."

Amarok has posed:
"Shuriken. They're more for distraction than attack." The Wolf grunts out in his standard direct manner. He turns his head slightly to Colette, "....There's a difference between being dead, and being maimed....And my health is fine so long as I can still stand." He looks back forward, ".......Raven is hiding something. She wont admit it, but she's on edge, combative. I cant get anything out of her, she just teleports away when I try to press her....If nothing else, be ready for when whatever she's hiding decides to erupt...."

Stardust has posed:
"Shuriken! That's it." Colette fingersnaps at Dan. "You ninjas and all your terminology. I just go with death star, long stabby thing, short stabby thing, even shorter stabby thing with little handles on the side for people to grab, and... what's that thing with two sticks tied together? Oh yeah, matchwood. Want a drink?" She heads over to the console and pulls a couple of bottles of water out of her backpack, offering one to Dan. "I didn't bring a straw, but you probably have a ninja trick for that too."

She downs half the bottle, then wipes her mouth with the back of her hand, and looks serious for a moment. "Yeah. Raven's hiding stuff. But then, so are you, Vorpal and Robin. So she's got good company, I guess. Hell, even I have my secrets, and I'm a blabbermouth. Like I said, messed up bunch."

Amarok has posed:
The Wolf silently waves off the drink, "....I'd tell you each one's actual name and use....But I suspect you'd forget before I finished talking...." He pauses briefly, shakes his head disapprovingly, and then continues, "I dont care that she's hiding things. I care that what she's hiding has her agitated, and yet she's still hiding it." His tone has shifted subtly to one of stern disapproving.

Stardust has posed:
"Everyone gets to keep their secrets," Colette agrees. "So long as they don't impact on the rest of the team. Then I have a problem. Privacy, yeah, we all deserve some of that. Holding things back from your team-mates though? Mmm. That's kind of an ass move. Not healthy when a team starts doing that. Kind of not a team any more, hmm?" She takes another swig of her drink. "I mean agitated? Well you too, Wolfie-lad. Your mask doesn't hide that." Another swig. "Still, I guess if I'm going on about honesty, daito, shoto, sai and nunchaku, but honestly that's less fun."

Amarok has posed:
There's a moment of silence as the Wolf stares off into space, until suddenly his gaze snaps back to Colette, "I'm always agitated. It comes from not sleeping." He looks back away, and just before a comment can be made about his remark, he quips out, "And my name is not 'Wolfie'. Please stop calling me that."

Stardust has posed:
"You tried sleeping pills? Or maybe a nice warm cup of chamomile tea before bed. Maybe counting sheep. Or tameshigiri strokes, that might calm you down more. Lack of sleep ain't good for you, you know." She finishes off her bottle. "Or you could try howling at the moon. I know it's not your name, it's your nickname. But hey..." she holds her hands up, placatingly. "If you don't like it, it doesn't have to be. I'll call you Moon Moon instead. I'm hungry. Want some pizza?"

Amarok has posed:
The Wolf slowly turns back towards Colette, ".....One. I dont sleep out of choice. Once you've seen what I have, sleep becomes your enemy. Two. Neither are broken ribs, and you dont see me whining about those either. Three.....That's dumb. Four.......Yes." He says in as dull a monotone as is humanly possible, if not moreso. He pushes lightly off the wall and gestures towards the door, "....I'm told it's polite to let women go through doors first....So, after you?"

Stardust has posed:
Colette says, "You can lean on him too if you like, Lyssa."