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Latest revision as of 02:38, 4 June 2018

A 'War' Applicant
Date of Scene: 10 May 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Ares asks about joining the Avengers. Tony is skeptical.
Cast of Characters: Iron Man, Ares

Iron Man has posed:
    The contact was bounced all over the place, as always happens with trying to get a meeting with Tony Stark. Straightforward is really not the word. It got rescheduled twice, though the assistants that called are extremely apologetic about the whole thing, and give plenty of warning. But it appears this appointment might actually hold!
    When Ares arrives at the Avengers mansion for it and checks in at the guards at the gate, he's found immediately by a gorgeous assistant. She has long, wavy dark brown hair and eyes. Her blouse is low cut but professional. "I'm Chloe, Mr. Stark's assistant. Welcome, sir. Please follow me," she says, pressing her hands together, all smiles.
    She will lead him to one of the meeting rooms on the first floor of the mansion, but won't rush him, she'll give a tiny bit of a tour of the foyer and entry, before leading into a room with relaxed yet expensive seating, a sitting room. "Mr. Stark should here shortly. Can I get you anything? A refreshment? Or answer any questions?" Chloe asks.

Ares has posed:
     It generally isn't wise to have something as petty as scheduling difficulties with the God of War, but Ares saw it as a test of patience. the attitude and demeanor of the assistants and desk workers made the whole thing just that much easier. So when the day finally arrives that the meeting will actually happen? He holds his breath as if prepared that it'll just get canceled or rescheduled again.

     That said, Ares seems to teleport to the door of the Avengers Mansion, knocking on it before entering and checking in with the guards. He wears a black trench coat with black cargo pants, combat boots, fingerless gloves, and a black shirt. Yes, his color is black. He's the God of War. Though he does have a small liking for red...

     Anywho, he gives the assistant who comes to greet him a friendly look and he nods. "Nice to meet you. Lead the way." he figures she probably already knows who he is so there's no point in introducing himself. After the tour (which he took his time on) and Entering the meeting room, Ares puts his hands in his pockets and nods lightly to the assistant. "No questions. A water, please?"

Iron Man has posed:
    "Absolutely," Chloe agrees helpfully. Stark's staff has been consistently very good at attentiveness and service. "I'll be right back, please be comfortable." The young woman exits the meeting room, gently closing the doors after her, to fetch the water for him. The room itself has a small library to the side, overlooks out into the manicured yard and garden. There are a few tech screens on the walls, but they blend in relatively well.
    Chloe returns after a few minutes, opening the door and stepping aside, as Tony Stark is right on her heels. She stays to the side to wait while Tony greets the guest. "Mr. Aaron, correct?" Tony asks, all charisma and relaxed manner. He isn't a god, but he commands a room when he enters, in his own way, particularly within one of his own buildings, such as the Avenger mansion. "Logan's given me the quick overview. Always glad to network with more people that like the world in one piece," Tony says, amiable, crossing to offer a handshake. He's dressed sleekly for business, in an expensive suit, dash of color at his tie, of green. His eyes are sharp and intelligent, reviewing.

Ares has posed:
     Ares remains standing, despite most likely having a nice place to sit. He preferred it that way to be honest....some habits just die hard. Though when the woman enters, he turns his head towards her only to find Tony Stark well on her heels to greet him. Well, at least he knows to pick his moments. "That's me." John says as he straightens himself up and turns to face the Iron Man. "Tony." he extends a hand to him to shake the hand that was offered. "Nice to meet you."

"Yeah? Well, I figure it was about time. Shall we sit or do you prefer to stand?" Unlike Tony, Ares's eyes are more cold and dark, a silent rage behind them that is very carefully contained. Ares has the eyes of a warrior. Regardless, he does nod. "Thanks for seeing me."

Iron Man has posed:
    "Whichever you'd like," Tony answers the question about sitting or standing, with a disinterested flare of hand in the direction of the chairs: but it really doesn't matter to him. Tony ends up leaning back against the edge of the desk to the side, as he's sensed Ares' preference of standing. Chloe steps forward between the men to hand over the drink of water to Ares, and then gives Tony a questioning look. Tony gives her a brief shake of head in silent reply, and she nods and leaves them, closing the door quietly after her.
    "You're welcome. So. I suspect directness may be your thing - if not, well, it's mine, and our time is limited, so I'll just dive on in," Tony says, as if they were discussing how overcast it is outside. "My understanding was that ... you create war. As in, that's your fame, like Thor creates lightning. Is that close to accurate?"

Ares has posed:
     "Standing it is." Ares decides rather casually as he stands up straight, not preferring to lean against anything as his eyes stay locked onto Stark like he was about to fire a ballistic missile at him. Though his small smile is otherwise friendly. The Assistant is given a nod as she gives him the water. "Thanks." He says in response, sipping at it as they are left alone and Tony begins to ask his questions.

     After swallowing his water, Ares seems to chuckle a bit. "Create war? I -am- war. But I do not create war, not anymore...men and women do that all by themselves. Conflict in their hearts in their deeds. War for greed and pride, for necessity and survival. Human nature, at it were. But yes, my fame is war."

Iron Man has posed:
    "I'm not really the biggest fan of war; not anymore," Tony says, with a smile that doesn't quite hide a sadder place in his eyes. It is public knowledge Tony certainly went through some hell, and isn't making weapons of mass destruction anymore, though details aren't as open in general.

    "So you are War. Conflict. Ooookay. We certainly run into that fairly often. I'd like to understand a /bit/ better about why war would be a good impact on our team here. Often we're tasked to /limit/ war as much as possible." Tony flashes a grin. "A god of conflict sounds like a ton of arguments in my future. But maybe you're here just to fight on our side, when conflict comes up? Get me on your same page," Tony encourages.

Ares has posed:
     Ares looks at Tony. "Oh yes, I was aware of you're dabbling. Though it does make me happy to hear that you've changed your path, so to speak. War is terrible, and the pain it inflicts on others is overwhelming." Even -Ares- feels regret and guilt over what he's done in that field. "That makes two of us. You should meet Athena, you'd earn her respect fairly quickly, I imagine." He chuckles lightly to himself.

     "I am aware of what the Avengers attempt to do. and that's exactly what I'm here to do. I want to make the world a better place for my son to grow up in...and let him know that not all gods are cruel." he shrugs then. "Don't expect me to be useful at peace talks...you'd want my sister for that. but I'll be extra muscle if need be." He says in a straight voice. "Besides...no harm in adding another God to your group of heroes."

Iron Man has posed:
    "There could be GREAT harm in inviting the wrong god. I'm not laying out a welcome mat for Loki, for example, unless there were a trapdoor under it," Tony says, rolling his eyes. "As for your sister: well, she's not here, sadly. You are. So we'll focus on you. Unless you want to bring her around. I have special spots in my schedule available for goddesses," Tony jokes lightly. "Or, well, I did. My girlfriend may have eliminated those." Tony adds a smile, but returns quickly back to topic with a snap of fingers.

"At any rate, I'd say I'd like to see what you can do, if you're up to following me or Cap leading in a situation: and call on you the next time we need more muscle. This isn't personal, but I can't have another loose cannon Hulk around making a tense situation a thousand times more complicated."
    Tony taps his fingers on the desk edge. His smile is vague. "I'm skeptical, God of War, but Logan and Black Widow gave you good review. I'm not going to be the hypocrite that doesn't think people can be more than just one thing. If we gel after a few trials, we'll bring you in."

Ares has posed:
     Ares then laughs, apparently the 'no harm in having another god' thing was more of a test of standard competence. "Then it appears you are not the fools that your enemies make you out to be, Stark." he smiles softly then apparently in approval of Tony's 'stick to business' attitude. "Heh...you stand no chance." he speaks on the matter of his sister. He would know. She's still very against romantic relationships

"Hmm...this is a fiar arrangement. Though I'm no mindless beast like the Hulk, I respect you're judgement...it's wise. I would do the same. Take that as a compliment." he pats Tony on the shoulder then as a portal is opened to who knows where. Clearly a magic one. "It was good speaking to you Stark. I assume you already know where to find me." Because he knows that Stark is an extremely intelligent man and likely had tabs on him if Black Widow also seems to speak in favor of him.

Iron Man has posed:
    "To make it easier, here," Tony says, opening a drawer on the desk he's leaning on, snaring a tech comm unit, and tosses it evenly towards Ares. "No need to tell me to take things as compliments. I /always/ do," Tony assures the war god.

    "Please open magic portals in the yard from here on out though. The inner security flips out, and it's a hassle to reset it," Tony says. He waves a bit as Ares leaves, amused, though his thoughts and emotions aren't on his sleeve. They'll just have to see how it goes.