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Latest revision as of 02:54, 4 June 2018

Log 4441
Date of Scene: 12 May 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Gigas, Sister Reinhardt

Gigas has posed:
    Knowhere: What a wretched hive of scum and villainy. Or so the saying goes at least.

It certainly doesn't have much trouble living up to its reputation, as overused and stolen as that phrase may be and nowhere (hah) is this more apparent then in the sprawling market place that dominates multiple levels of the vast skull turned mining outpost and starport the size of a small planetoid.

It's business as usual down here with various goods and where being hawked, argued and fought over while different gambling halls, bars, taverns, strip clubs, and assorted fight clubs also see plenty action as well. If you can prove your toughness here in Knowhere, you're probably well on your way to -some- sort of reputation building after all. Although one must be careful since you never know who or what you might run into down in these depths.

One particular alien tough guy learns this the hard way. A loud sonic *BOOOOM* suddenly shatters the raucous noise of one part of the market place along with the sound of metal warping and the ground shaking violently. Suddenly an entire building front explodes outward as a massive body of some alien lizardman comes hurtling out of the depths of the station and spiraling violently into the ground of a large plaza, shattering most of it into a crater and sending bystanders flying from the shockwave. He's battered, bruised, broken but alive. Groaning loudly.

Certainly not 'quite' business as usual in this part of the market.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Strangely, in Knowhere, happens to be a Blue Lantern. In this one case, she happens to be looking about, in a bit of awe as it's completely new to her. Everyone there was 'alien' to her, and she actually made faces upon seeing some of the races....and few of them good.

Some Actually tried to lift things from her and....in attempting to do so, found that she wasn't carrying anything other than a ring. One tried to lift the ring from her, but was blasted backwards as soon as he touched the ring.

Almost the same time, the lizardman comes flying out of the building and screeches to a stop.....near the Blue Lantern. She looks at the lizardman, then to her ring. "Hmmm......" She says as she points her ring at the lizardman, and uses a blue soothing light to try and mend his wounds. "You have any data on this species? I've never seen it before." She says to her ring......and the ring beeps, as it's mending the lizardman's wounds just fine....

Gigas has posed:
    LIzard, draconic, saurian etc..these are just general approximations of its appearance as the ring grants details on the warrior race it belongs to, whose name is largely unpronounceable in English. Big, tough and prone to bio-engineering efforts, this particular one is built big and tough and likely a match for a number of Earth heroes who sport considerable superhuman strength. That coupled with his battered armor easily implies the figure is some sort of warrior. Its eyes fly back open as the healing occurs but it looks dazed and rattled and slowly struggles to get up while rattling some choice words in its native tongue.

A sudden blur of blue and a flash of crackling purple energy occurs as a massive figure hurtles up out of the hole, leading to the depths of Knowhere, through the ruined building, and then lands in the plaza where the Lantern and Draconic Warrior are. The impact is..not gentle. Another *TOOOM* resounds as the behemoth touches down, sending more by standers tumbling away like bowling pins and tilting a nearby building from the seismic force. The brute straightens up and squares his body with a big full toothed grin on his features. He'shuge. Some eleven or twelve feet of him and built so gigantically as to make Hulk look like Pee Wee Herman comparatively speaking. Massive on a ridiculous scale.

He says nothing but instead begins swaggering towards the battered lizard-warrior with footsteps that rock the area with each step, his massive stride like some sort of over pumped bodybuilder-jock. He pays no mind to the Blue Lantern just yet, and instead begins reaching for the lizard 'man' who cries out, "No, no! Wait a sec!"

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "So he does speak english...." The Blue Lantern says as she puts up a shield to block the debris from hitting her and the lizardman. Then she looks at the massive scale of the man coming towards them.......and how tiny his head is. She actually snerks a couple of times before actually openly laughs at the giant. "Good lord man......when I saw a giant, I expected your head to grow along with it...." She then shakes her head, but finishes mending the wounds of the lizardman. "You're really big when it comes to muscles, but.......yeah." She then makes a face as she starts to float up, and look at Gigas on a bit more of a level plane. "Also, is this destruction really necessary?"

Gigas has posed:
    Less 'English' and probably more some sort of universal translator at work. After all Knowhere has no use for 'English'. This is the edge of the galaxy after all. As to Suzanne's antics..

This causes the blue titan to raise an eyebrow slightly. He seems puzzled though if it's at the comment about his head or the query of the destruction remains to be seen.

"What is it you are talking about?" he rumbles curiously, deep voice sounding like a distant earthquake but likewise translated for her to understand by means of some hidden technology. Either way he seems confused, as if he can't fathom someone actually laughing at his appearance. Must be a first. His head is indeed proportioned smaller compared to the rest of his hulking physique visually but in reality it is simply a result of the proportions making him that much more massive as opposed to him having a small head. His neck is still several degrees bigger then her waist and his head that of a giants. That she finds it -funny- and not intimidating though, speaks to one of two things. She's either crazy or exceptionally powerful or some degree of both!

The behemoth considers this for a second but then continues his approach as she floats up to meet his head height. "Interesting!" he rumbles, "Are you this bounty hunters keeper?"

He declines to answer about the damage just yet but instead points a huge arm out towards the Lizard-Being.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "Bounty Hunter, huh?" The Blue Lantern looks at the lizard man, then back to the giant. "Didn't even know this was a bounty hunter. Honestly...who'd want to go after your bounty? Unless they had some way of nullifying your strength." No, the Blue Lantern isn't intimidated, but, at least, she's not laughing anymore. She actually floats around the towering muscle man. "So....what're you supposed to be anyways?" She does look towards the 'bounty hunter' briefly....as if to say 'RUN IDIOT!'

Gigas has posed:
    "Ooooh..lots of them try! I have a fewbounties on my head from different places but I make due!" responds the behemoth cheerfully. His attention is held by the floating Blue Lantern and he turns his head to follow her as she floats about him.

As his body begins to swivel to keep her in his sights, the bounty hunter indeed begins to pull to his feet and back away and then starts scrambling to put some distance between himself and the giant. At the same time he doesn't completely vacate the area as if considering taking advantage of the brutes distraction with Suzanne.

"What am I supposed to be?" asks the bruiser, sounding curious at the phrasing of the question, "Well..I suppose I'm only -supposed- to beme! What else should I be?"

He notes the lack of concern she has or attachment to his target and then reaches out a massive finger to try and poke at her to see if the blue field is tangible, "Who are you and why are you interfering in my retaliation against my attackers if you have nothing to do with them? You were healing that one, yes?"

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    The Blue field is, in fact, tangible. It gives a little, but the field doesn't allow the big blue guy to get through to the Blue Lantern. "because retaliation only goes so far. There's no need to break him when he's already surrendered. What's your name anyways? You look like something out of a fantasy novelist's worst nightmare.......except for the head.....or someone pumped you full of steroids and your body just stayed like this...."

Gigas has posed:
"I am called 'Gigas'." The name is translated as best it can. It sounds mildly distorted but ultimately can be made out as that. Once said, he wrinkles his nose, looking, for the first time, mildly annoyed but uncertain on where to begin.

"There is nothing wrong with my head. Steroids/ Hrmm.. No." He says, tone sounding vaguely perturbed and confused though it settles back down as he considers the next part.

"As to retaliation..? What you speak of makes no sense. They attacked, I retaliated and if I just let them run away..they will certainly attack me again. Why is it that I must measure my retaliation against them when they have made a failed attempt on my life?" He pokes at the field again, "Hmmwho or what are -you-?"

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "Or they might leave you alone because they underestimated how big you are. It looks like that one did." The Blue Lantern tilts her head as the field more forcefully pushes the poking finger away. "You've never heard of a Blue Lantern?"

Gigas has posed:
"Might, maybe, what ifs. It is hard to live life strictly on that, yes? Better to forge owns path then make things based on a maybe. It is better to be certain these ones do not bother me again versus risk them attempting again with more numbers and information that may help them. I should know. I am a bounty hunter at times myself!"

Even so, Gigas does not seem inclined to pursue. This blue woman infront of him seems more fascinating at the moment and as his finger is repelled again..he tries again! This time reaching out with his entire hand to try and grasp for her.

"-Blue- Lantern??" he rumbles in surprise while grinning, "..You come I -blue-? I have seen these Lanterns before but not Blue. Why blue?"

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "Yes, they come in blue." The Blue Lantern says to the giant man. And this time his hand his pushed away....and she flies out of his reach. "Stop that." She then shrugs. "But, I imagine I'll find out what you are and why they want to capture you elsewhere." And she begins to float away. "I'll see you around, Gigas. By the way....that lizardman that I mended the wounds of....is gone." She then waves and starts to fly her way out of the station.......