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Latest revision as of 03:01, 4 June 2018

Tales from the Sanctum, Volume 1.2
Date of Scene: 14 May 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Doctor Strange, Wonder Woman

Doctor Strange has posed:
Captain's Log, Stardate 43152.5. We are cautiously entering the Delta Thrice star system approximately 72 hours after intercepting a distress call from the Federation colony of Ulysses Prime. The fourth planet of this quadrant. The distorted transmission reported the colony was under attack from an unidenfitied spacecraft. Our mission is first and foremost a rescue mission for the remaining deployed personnel and, if necessary a confrontation with a hostile force.

Upon the Bridge of the Star Trek Enterprise...
"Shields up, maximum strength." A tall heavy chested man in a red uniform commands, a goatee and dark hair, one leg thrown up on to the chair before him.
"Shields up. Sensors indicat various armed space vehicles operating in the Thrice system." A strange dark skinned man comments, his face rigded, high forehead in a red uniform.
"They may be cloaked or shielded. Mister Wong, bring us in clear of the planet's four moons." A bald man, sitting in a chair center of the 'bridge' orders, he looks strikingly like some universes versions of Professor X.
"... what?" Wong in a yellow and black uniform questions, "Do what?"
"Wong, focus." Command the goatee officer, pushing Wong aside to begin pushing display consoles.

"Strange and Prince, get to the transponder room immediately."

"Oh. Wow." Doctor Strange in a blue on black uniform says quietly. "I'm a Federation Science Officer... " The straight backed Sorcerer looks down at himself. "Fetching I must say."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana is seated next to one of the consoles in the back of the bridge area. When she hears her last name spoken she turns around in the swivel chair... She's wearing a red skirted uniform that does not leave much to the imagination and rides up her thighs quite far. Her eyes look around the room and though its familiar she hadn't ever watched Star Trek... she just knew of it.

When Strange speaks, she looks over to him and smiles. "Well this is unusual." Diana says in that Greek accented voice of hers. She then looks down at herself and gawks! "What on Earth..."

The Princess moves to rise up from her chair and her hands move down her uniform to graze over the fabric that doesn't go much further past her waist than her armor she'd previously been wearing, but still... her armor was tradition and form of her people. this? This is just...

"Fetching is not the world, I would use."

Doctor Strange has posed:
Strange grins openly at Diana in the skirt, "You're right. That word belongs to you entirely right now."

Riker clears his throat and pushes himself between both of them, "Prince, do come back safely. I have plans for you and I this weekend."
The Doctor inches his brows up and clears his throat, "Excuse me... "
"Doctor, take care her for me would you." He says back to the man without looking at him, Riker's eyes intent on the Amazon.
"Excuse me again, jac--- " Strange catches himself, a finger rising up to hook the uniforms tight neck and tug out, "The transponder room. Let us." He turns sharply and pauses, waving back where his cloak should be. It feels odd it is not there.
"Doctor?" Wong questions with a frown. "We should not separate."
Picard lets out a loud noise and adjusts in the Captain's seat, "What is going on? Lives are at stake and orders have been given. Prince, Strange, go now! Commander Riker, must you?"
"My apologies, Captain, La Forge, join the Doctor and Prince. Do not engage unless you abosuletely must."

The door 'hiss' boop noise indicates Strange is already striding down the hallway, marveling at the inside of the starship.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana is just now looking up at Stephen and she's smirking at himk while tilting her head to the side. She can tell he's amused by her attire and she's just shaking her head at his response. But then Riker is on her like the horndog that he is and she is raising her dark eyebrows up at the bearded man who's quite tall. "Wh--.." She looks around then, before she's able to reply she sees Stephen making for a space door and then the bald man is telling them to go? "He's the.. Captain?" Diana asks, sounding confused and looking confused too!

But she turns, glances back to Riker for a second before she flashes him a smile and then proceeds on after Stephen.

Once they're separated and semi-alone together Diana looks over at him. "This is Star Wars, yes?" She says at the Doctor. "How do we get out of here, Stephen." She doesn't sound too eager, cause part of her is enjoying this... but yes, this could be bad. "Are we really in space?" She asks, changing subjects rapidly it would seem while her eyes look around.

Doctor Strange has posed:
"Breathtaking." Riker remarks quietly while Diana slips away from him and he goes back to professional and commander mode.

The exhale from Strange is a touch exaggerated as she draws up next to him, "I am not a jealous man, I will tell you this now but... " He stops what hes saying as if he realizes he has just said it, "This is Star Trek. Phasers, Klingons and lots of nerdy fictional space science. Star Wars is the one with lightsabers, the Force and villains in all black with phallic helmets."

"We are in space in this reality, yes." The doctor touches a woman with very large ears and a bumpy head who is passing, she actually hisss at him and recoils, "Sorry, sir. Habit."
"That is all right, ensign. Mind telling me how to get to the transponder room?"
The woman frowns, a the loops and ringlets off her ears jingle and she looks at Diana as if asking if shes serious, "Yes... sir. I'll take you." She turns and briskly walks to a tube opening elevator, motions them in and says very slowly. "Just. Say. Transponder. Room... "
Smile flash, sharp teeth. "Is that all, sir? I feel like I am being hazed.. "

"You are, you passed with flying colors. Thank you." Stephen motions Di in.

"Well as the story goes, no one escapes this, there are people still stuck in the television, places, cast, ghosts, most die when they end up in a horrible place. We could very well die here but I believe most of those who have been 'in' are not special cases like us and likely not magic. I have a theory on how to escape it just requires... the channel changes again..."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana quietly speaks as he explains. "The Force..." She seems like she is thinking back on the day she first saw Star Wars back in the late 70s when everyone was just gushing about how amazing it was. She'd like it, she'd liked the 'walking carpet' characater the most though.

"Right, I get it now." She says nodding to Stephen once and with confidence, her hands smoothing her skirt out again on either of her thighs.

Diana gives a smile to the woman that the Doctor flags down to help them and she follows along with her. "Thank you ever so much!" Diana tells the woman who was just hazed by them? She glances over to Stephen again with another somewhat confused look.

"But Stephen." She says. "There is no one else in your house, and you have it so covered in your magical wards and shields that it is designed to keep people out. How can the channel be changed if we are all stuck in here now?"

Her eyes look up and around at the inside of the elevator they're inside of. "This place is so... nineties. I love it."

Doctor Strange has posed:
"The 90s were horrible, Diana." Strange says, "I guess there were much worse eras I suppose. I do my best not to think back as best I can."

A look around the lift and he considers quietly, "Yet the channels are still changing. That says to me that the thing is busted or there is something driving it. Perhaps we are form of entertainment."

A pause in what he is saying and he watches Diana smooth the skirt out, "I was never as huge a Trekkie as much of my friends or even colleagues growing up but I now understand much of the appeal. I suppose I am also understating. I know enough."

The door opens to reveal a hallway and a rounded room with glowing pads on the ground, a handful of men and a woman wait there. Two in red shirts, one a dark man with strange visors and a yellowish skinned man who looks quite.. plastic. "La Forge, Data." Strange greets.
"Doctor Strange, Prince." Jordie greets. "We are ready."

"Good. Uh... engage?" Stephen says and gets a confused look from La Forge.
Data in his 'mechanical posture and stiff mannerisms steps beside Diana, she gets several analytical up down stares from him. "Lieutenant." He greets politely while they all start to stand upon glowing 'pads'.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana glances down at herself when she feels him eyeballing her again and she then sighs and looks back up at him. "It is just a dress. It is not like it is the most revealing thing in the world. I have worn many dresses of similar shape and make... perhaps with better material though... this one is itchy." She shuffles a bit in it before her blue eyes look over at him again. "You look dashing in yours though." She tells him, showing a subdued smile as she's trying to remain professional.

"I liked the nineties... for the most part. I visited many places in the United States--" She cuts herself off when the door opens and the other crewmen appear. Diana looks at each of their faces and nods when they say her name.

When Data looks her over she offers him a smile. "Hello, Dat-a." She says his name in that pronunciation that most others don't, but its her accent to blame!

"What are we doing again?" Diana then asks, not really caring if the other crewmen think its an odd question or not. Her eyes look down at their feet though when the glowing starts. "That looks ominous..."

Doctor Strange has posed:
"You have to understand it is not 'just' a dress, Diana." Strange explains, "A uniform, there is cultural and nostalgi.. " The man stops himself as they join the small group, immediately he looks at the man and woman in the red shirts with a sympathetic smile.
"You're both very brave individuals."
Leaning in to whisper to the Amazon, "Also very dead."

"I am still checking various databases and attempting to find your accents origins again. It is quite vexing. I must admit." He is cut off in his speaking as they all begin to glimmer and glow, teleporting from the Enterprise to the planet of Ganos.

Windy and warm, arid, those blazing gusts actually more than just warm, they are incredibly hot. Uncomfortable for the humans of the team. The sky is hellish orange and the earthen rocks they stand upon a black-purple. Data doesn't look affected in the least. Stepping forward boldly to begin traversing down a rocky cliffside.
"It is this way." He announces. "Hydration capsules, make sure to dispense them in the next four minutes and thirty two seconds, Doctor Strange."

"I think I just got a tan.. " Strange murmurs, his eyes blinking dryness away, lips immediatly flaking. "Vishanti it is scorching here."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana looks over to the Doctor when he says that morbid line about them being dead. She doesn't fully understand what he means by that either, but she cannot ask cause they're sort've embroiled in all of this now.

Her eyes go back to Data and she gives the man a faint smile. "It is Greek with... well, its complicated." She grins then, knowing full well not to confuse the poor pale white man (she doesn't know he's an android) with words like Themyscira.

When they are transported to the planet, Diana softly exhales. "Amazing..." She says then, glancing around at their new setting. "Humid though... Suddenly glad I have this ridiculous outfit." Diana does a full turn around circle before she's facing the original direction. "Hydration capsule?" She asks then. "What is that? I do not think I have one." Her eyes go over to Stephen. "Do you have one? It sounds important."

Doctor Strange has posed:
"I... " Strange pats himself down and pulls out a blocky looking device with a top to it, he turns it one way then the other before pushing his thumb to it. It 'springs' open and reveals various capsules, "Oh boy." He says quietly.
"Lets just... follow the android." He remarks and begins to work his way down the treacherous slope, until they reach the bottom. It is flat now. Smooth and they'll realize they stand upon something, metal and under them. Data is walkinga cross it towards a single upright box that has an ajar door, blaster smudges along it and smoke coming from inside, a red light flashing on and off as alarms can be heard by just Diana below. The colony station underground.

La Forge comes up behind them with his tricorder held up aiming it towards the horizon line then around them, "It appears the attackers approached from the east with three shuttles, they are below now. Its too thick of plating to get a proper reading." He wipes sweat off his brow.
"I will go in first. It looks like it may be quiet a drop. " Data informs them as he looks in to the doorway down, "They apparently disabled the turbolift. That is not a good sign."
La Forge moves over and looks in as well, "I don't think you can make that leap, Data. Even for you that may cause serious injury."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana trails after Stephen, trying to keep her footing in this outfit while doing so. "How does one be a Space Woman while wearing something like this." She utters in her husky voice, sounding more than a little annoyed by it, but she keeps up. "He's an android?" She asks the back of Doctor STrange's head, her eyes then looking over to Data. "How interesting..."

But as the group makes their way to where there was a fight, Diana's eyes narrow at the telltale signs of it. "There are alarms going off." She says to the others with her and she moves to where Data and LaForge are. "They shut off the elevator?" She asks, dipping her shoulder between the two men so she can look at this distant fall.

"I can do it." Diana says to them then, and this surely shocks and stuns both of the Crewmen, but what comes next definitely will.

Diana steps between them and drops into the elevator shaft, and neither of them could actually stop her if they do try!

Doctor Strange has posed:
"He is, yes." Strange explains, "One of my favorite characters in the show also. The actor did an amazing job." The pace of Di is matched he walks up behind her and peers at the shaft.
La Forge looks at the tall woman, "Absolutely not. You cannot be serious... "
Data stares. "That is a joke in poor humor, am I understanding correctly? My humor implant is still insuffcient it appears."
"Oh she is serious." Strange says as she brushes past and is descending to land in the smokey red on and off flashing hallways below a loud THUD echoing up on impact.

"Lord man, stop shouting. Shes fine. Give it a moment... "

Strange starts to tinker with that device eariler, trying to figure out what is what just incase.

Diana can hear voices, shouts and fighting down the hallway, even in the dim smoky length of it, bodies of Federation colonists litter the floor, all dead. It is incredibly dark when the red lights dim down but when they fire back on, she can see again. She will also like Doctor Strange learn her garments, mystical as they were are no longer present, she has no lasso, no bracers, no shield, no sword.

Unknown to all three of the cursed TVLand travelers their gear sits neatly in a pile at the sanctorm. Spit out by the TV. Stranges cape is acting like a giant broom, sweeping sand off the television, trying to get it out of its hidden abode underneath. its like it defensively buried iself under a ton just to keep outside forces from stopping it's fun. Capey don't play that game.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana doesn't need her gear to remain deadly... sure she relied heavily on it, maybe too heavily, but she can still play off of all her strengths without the gear.

"I am fine!" Diana shouts up the lift shaft and her eyes lower back down then. She starts to walk forward to see all the bodies in front of her and it makes her show a face of great displeasure. "What happened here..." She quietly says as she crouches down in a kneel (since the boys aren't here thats much easier to do with this awful skirt on, haha, for being left behind!).

Diana gathers up one of the computer things and one of the laser weapons. She then rises back up and stares at the weapon for a second before she lowers it to her side on her left and then looks at the computer thing, trying to figure out how it works.

Diana starts foward into the dim red emergency lit hallways, looking about.

Doctor Strange has posed:
The computer thing. The phaser... Diana turns it around, moves it and it goes off with a blast in to her face. It packs a punch. Its about like being kicked in the head by a minotaur. Something she is familiar with but not enough that it would kill her. At least now she knows which side is the shooty one.

Strange pops-clicks and snapping noises can be heard around the corner, "please no, NOOoooooooo!"

Rounding the corner she'll see it, red flash, darkness, red flash, illuminated... a man on the ground clutching his chest, screaming and writhing. To his left and right large creatures about the size of a horse each are hunched, long segmented bodies with spiny legs coming out of each flank, their bodies are rounded and blunt towards the front where four eyes are visible, wide mouths that look human, inside are sharp teeth. Four arms not spines like their legs exist behind the 'head' segment, the part lifted off the ground. That big larva like body tapers off in to a scorpion like pointy stinger.
Worms on stilts with four humanoid arms, ugly faces and spiky tails...
They are using a laser to carve the man on the ground open where tiny little larvae miniatures of them pool out in a flood, spilling on to the floor. Birth... and death...
The pop-click noises continue as they talk to one another. No more screaming man on the ground at least.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana takes the phaser blast to her forehead and it makes her wince at the kick of it and then she turns the weapon around and just sighs. "Stupid space guns..." she mutters then before she can hear the noises around the corner and she starts in that direction.

When she rounds said hallway and can see the horror element of it all she narrows her eyes and just stands there... red emergency light gently illuminating her in her starfleet uniform as she looks down at the creatures doing their awful deeds.

"Foul creatures." Diana mutters and she raises the phaser weapon up, aims at one of them and pulls the trigger causing it to shoot its beam weapon down into the darkness at them! She may not have HER weapons but she has a fancy new gun at the very least!

Doctor Strange has posed:
The phaser fire bolts off and hits the nearest one sending it in a sidestagger. It snarl-snaps and its human like mouth SPLITS open to show mandibles, four that are covered in teeth. It scampers quickly over and picks up those larvae things off the ground, clutching them to its chest and begins to race the opposite side of the room, disappearing down another hallway.

The other thing turns on Di, does the same freaky his and then races towards her, fast, those six legs on the ground make it move quick, it also elongates when it runs, it looks like a bullet. It comes up high, all arms wide and that tail reaches over its bulbous gross body to stab at Diana with the likely poisoned tip.

"Run!" Someone to Diana's left yells at her, a man, two women and two children squeeze along the wall, around the Amazon and back the way she had come in. "It will kill you." The fellow insists, "RUN!" He says again.
To them... Shes just a gorgeous brunette in a uniformed miniskirt with a phaser against a nightmarish space slug.

Wonder Woman has posed:
To Diana, this nightmarish space slug is no threat... its not even close to such. When it charges at her and it lunges she can see it all as though it were in slow-motion. Her eyes just stare right at the thing and when it soars at her she just side steps away from it and watches as it zips past her and slams into a corridor wall.

Diana looks over to the man who just shouted at her and she stares at them all, scared and terrorized by these things? That upsets Diana, even if these people are not real... they're 'real enough'.

Her phaser holding hand comes up and she aims down the sights at the slug that had just leapt at her, and then she squeezes the trigger on it again. The Princess of Themyscira was not one for guns normally, but this was not a normal situation... this was Space Trek and on Space Trek the rules are different... or something.

Diana's phaser comes to life either way and shoots another deadly laser beam at the slug-thing!

Doctor Strange has posed:
Those colonists race out of the immediate area, Diana barring the things path to chase them and it swivels left and right like a serpent before she shoots and it somehow evades, all four of it's arms then come down, clawed sickly clamly hands grab her wrists and shoulders. It asserts its full strength and Diana feels... a snug pressure but nothing that would so much as make her bend. Immediately she knows she is far stronger than this thing. It as well suddenly understands this too.
All four of it's eyes go round in surprise and a questionative, "Kek?" escape it's mouth.

There is a beep-do-beep and Strange's voice can be heard from the Federation logo on her uniformed chest, "We have managed to secure a cable and are pulling people up. They are saying no one is alive down there anymore. You can come up now, Princess... uhm, Lieutenant Prince.'

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana has no idea how to work the comm badge, but she can hear the voice clear as day all around her so she assumes he's patched his voice into some kind of base comm... "Understood." She replies, figuring he can hear her.

Meanwhile, she's literally reaching up and holding onto this thing that just uttered that single 'word' at her. "Can you understand me?" Diana asks the creature, lifting it up now by her gripping right hand, staring right at its eyes. She stares at it with an intense glare. "What you did here, I have every right to crush your head in my hands because of it... These people did not deserve this fate that you have placed upon them."

Diana glances over toward the elevator shaft, hoping to see the family either going up, or already gone up.

Doctor Strange has posed:
The thing with obvious understanding releases it's grip though its tail hovers, blade lashing back and forth like some waiting feline ready to strike. "Kekshhkek."
The thing points one bladed foot back towards the corpse where inside of it are eggs, opened now. It then waves that same thing around, at the others, more bodies, all open with broken eggs inside.

It slowly starts to back up with hands in the air, tail lowering in a non-threatening drop it is almost bowing to her in its slow walk away...
A small victory...

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana takes in these sights and then just releases her grasp on the creature. She releases a sigh and just turns to leave. Her black leather boots touch on the deck of this underground base lightly. "They will decide your fates." She says then, knowing full well that she's an outsider here and shouldn't be toying with things she may not fully understand. Those who were still alive were at least safe now.

The princess goes back to the elevator shaft and she looks upward, her ponytail dangling behind her head as she does a small step around and then starts up the shaft herself, not needing the use of a line or a rope, so when she emerges, she'll likely have a lot of questions to potentially answer to the confused Starfleet personel!

Doctor Strange has posed:
Strange smiles largely at Di as she reappears with them, no one else is smiling but then, this is an entirely different scenario for them. "We're about to be beamed up." He extends a small blue capsule her way, "Look what I accomplished. I learned which is the right one." A wink and he puts it in her lips without awaiting her response or a word.
"Trust me, I'm a doctor." All he says before they begin to glow yellow.

One of those children being held by a Colonist is staring openly at Diana, eyes glassy and wide but the look in them is awe, hope, adoration. She is Wonder Woman to that child, even without the costume, the reputation or the nickname... a hero.