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Latest revision as of 03:49, 8 June 2018

Mutant Town Mismatches
Date of Scene: 07 June 2018
Location: Mutant Town
Synopsis: Tyler and Andrea go for a joyride through Mutant Town and pick a fight with Red Hood.
Cast of Characters: Red Hood, Twitch, Rage

Red Hood has posed:
Bushwick, Alphabet City, Mutant Town. It has many names, but it's very much like the slums of Gotham City. It's not a place of glamour, glitz, or the glint. It's the hard working men and women that want to make a living, and those that have felt the boot of oppression, or the shuttered window because of their appearance or ability. It is a place of hope and despair. Depression and hope.

Hope is what brings the college aged kid that quickly moves from the subway station to start to head down one of the sidewalks. He has a hoodie pulled up over his head to hide his mutation as he weaves in and out of the milling people on the sidewalk.

But it also is a place that the rich and powerful visit often - to find opprotuinity or press. Attention or assistance - it is those decisions that make Mutant Town; and in turne, the world, move.

Twitch has posed:
The rumble of a motorcycle can be heard approaching the area, driven smoothly by a young man in a black full face helmet. Riding behind him is a young woman in matching head gear. Tyler guides his bike down the street, matching the speed of traffic as he navigates, "I love this bike. I'm really glad my folks let me ride it." Looking around to maintain situational awareness he pulls to a stop at a stop sign, resting his feet on the ground while opposing traffic drives across the street.

Rage has posed:
Dressed down and with a helmet to cover her face, Andrea is incognito as much as a global celebrity can be. "Yeah, it rides prety smooth!" She says over the roar of the engine. "Fred's Diner is down the street, it's where I met up with Havok the other day. Maybe he'll be there as well, they also got great pie." She says as she hugs the young man about the waist to hold on during the ride.

Red Hood has posed:
Traffic is moving at a pretty brisk pace, allowing plenty of openings for those that take care to be able to jaywalk and cross the street safely. But only if they are paying attention to their surroundings. The young man steps out into the street just as the bike is bearing down on him. He apparently has ear-buds in, so he doesn't hear the roar of the engine, but at the last moment, he looks up.

His skin's completely black, dark as night. Just as it seems the pair on the bike is going to hit him, he suddenly expands, the bike and riders pass through, and the two are deposited in mid-speed at near the end of the street. It will take some swift handling of the bike to keep them from wiping out.

On a nearby rooftop, a figure watching smirks slightly. "There you are." he grunts as he lifts up his helmet to slip on with a hiss of a seal and Red Hood prepares to take flight.

Twitch has posed:
"Sweet! I wouldn't mind checking that out and grabbing a bite to eat," says Tyler loudly enough to be heard over the engine and other sounds of the street. That's when someone walks out in front of him. He attempts to turn but it's too late and suddenly finds himself... at the end of the street? The bike almost goes over as Tyler rapidly turns the handlebars, but he's able to adjust his weight and accelerate just enough that the bike straightens back up. Quickly, he pulls off to the curb and puts the vehicle in neutral, pulling off his helmet and looking around to try to figure out exactly what just happened. He asks his passenger, "You okay?" Then tries to find the person he nearly hit again.

Rage has posed:
As it appears they are about to hit someone, Andrea grabs on to Tyler tightly, yelling, "Look out! Oh my God!" She squeezes her eyes shut, embracing for impact before she finds them to be just fine. Once the bike is stabalized, she opens her eyes and nods her head to her friend, breathing heavily. "What happened? Did we just go through that guy?" She asks as she turns her head over her shoulder to try and get a look. "Hey, you okay?" She calls out to the man, lifting a hand. "Holy shit, I'm so sorry! You just came out of no where!"

Red Hood has posed:
The kid returns to his normal size, and turns his attention to the pair. "Yeh, I'm fine.. sorry about that." he all but mumbles as he's trying to step back away from the pair. That is until he sees the shadow descending upon them and he looks up. Fear fills his eyes quickly as he panics. "Shitshitshit.." and with that, he bolts towards a nearby alley, just as the red hooded figure sweeps past in mid-swing.

"No you don't!" the hooded figure calls out as he leaps into the alley in pursuit of the mutant. Dressed in all greys and blacks with a red hood? He might be pretty recognizable to those that keep an eye on the crime shows.

Twitch has posed:
As he starts looking over the kid he'd nearly flattened, Tyler nods his head slightly, "You sure you're..." And then the kid is running as someone pursues. Someone familiar. Tyler darts down the alley, trying to see what's going on as he calls out to Andrea, "Be careful! I'm going to figure out what's going on." The young man seems somewhat hesitant, but after a glance at Andrea he pushes himself forward.

Rage has posed:
Climbing off the bike, Andrea tugs the helmet off to reveal her familiar face, letting her dark hair cascade to her shoulders. Sliding off the bike, she gives a visible frown. ".. Be careful and you leave me out here by myself?" She says as she moves forward to join him, giving a roll of her shoulders. "May as well paint a target on me." She is muttering under her breath as her eyes track the rooftops.

Red Hood has posed:
The kid disappears down into the alley and finding it a dead-end, turns around towards the figure that chased him. "I-I didn't do anything!"

"Wrong answer." Red Hood responds as he lands on a nearby fire escape. He's keeping his distance from the young man, but he already has one of his pistols out. "I want to know exactly where they were telling you to send them to. The details, the times, locations. All of it. And I might let you limp out of here in return."

He may not have noticed Tyler or Andrea's entrance to the alley yet, his attention focused on the young man in turn.

The boy spreads his hands. "I don't know what you're talking about! Just mindin my own business!" Is he telling the truth, or trying to sell a story, it's hard to tell.

Twitch has posed:
Down the alley, able to see and hear what's going on. He finds himself looking between the vigilante and the mutant, trying to keep aware of both men as he figures out what's going on. Moving as quietly as he can he gets a little bit closer to make sure that he doesn't miss anything.

Tyler's got an expression on his face of indecision as he once more looks around. It would be obvious to any onlookers that he's unsure of what he's doing here.

Red Hood has posed:
"I ain't in the mood for the dog and pony show or the waterworks. I want the information and I want it now." And that's when the Hood realizes he's not alone. Turning his head slightly to look at the pair entering the alley and there's a grunt of dismissal. "Get back on your bike and get back oon your date. This ain't your fight." Even if it is their turf.

When the blonde takes out her phone to take a picture, the hooded vigilante is torn between frying her phone or, "I don't do autographs." Does he recognize the brunette popstar? Perhaps.

Twitch has posed:
"We don't want any trouble, but you shouldn't hurt that guy," says Tyler, his brows furrowed in concern. "If he did something wrong turn him over to the cops, I'll wait with him to make sure he doesn't get away if you don't want to deal with them yourself." The youngster is totally out of his element and based on the way he's breathing heavily is likely frightened as well.

Red Hood has posed:
There's a snort from the vigilante. "Doesn't that sound nice?" he turns and asks the scared guy at the end of the alley. "What do you think, want to talk to the nice kids?" There's a grunt before the Hood shakes his head. "Disillusioned youth, all pop stars, mall runs and food court giggles." So eighties. "I bet the biggest drama they have is who is dating who and who was caught snogging in the hallway."

"As for this guy here? He's the link between the Black Mask and a theft from several Army bases and other armories." he gives a small grunt. "Open a hole, go where he's told to send you, and there you are. All he needs is a map and a picture of the inside. Don't you?"

The guy is all wobbly and pleading - he has an audience now - one that may try to save him from a long chat with the vigilante. "I don't know what you're talkin' about! I don't use my powers to do bad things! I'm just trying to make a living! I helped these two just now!"

"Then why don't you tell them how come you have brand new clothes, the latest earbuds and shoes that cost more than the monthly rent in this burb?"

Twitch has posed:
"I wish that was all I had to worry about," Tyler says softly after hearing the vigilante's words, perhaps just loud enough to be heard. Then his expression grows serious and some of his fear starts to fade, "He's been robbing Army bases for the Black Mask?" The youth steps forward a bit and shakes his head at the trapped mutant, "If I were you I'd start telling him everything." Almost angrily he says, "And you helped yourself when you walked in front of my bike without looking."

Rage has posed:
Giving a frown on her face, Andrea looks conflicted. She steps forward, a low rumble echoing in her throat now as she gives a motion to Tyler, waving him off. "I don't know who the Black Mask is and I don't care, but what I do know is that he has a gun and it takes me at least five minutes to do what I need to do to save your life." She says to the young mutant as she steps closer to him. "So, how about this. You tell him what he wants to know, because as long as I'm here, he won't hurt you. Because if he does, then like I said, he himself has only five minutes." She turns her eyes slowly towards the Hood, lifting her brow upwards. "Before I let her out, and you don't want me to let her out." Taking in a deep breath, she says to him, "And in return for your cooperation, you walk and I will help you get out of here if you need to. Plane ticket or whatever, fake ID. Where you don't have to ever work for the Hand or whoever, ever again. We got a deal?"

Red Hood has posed:
"Oh //come on//." The roll of his eyes in his helmet is probably totally audible. "Are you going to ask him next to hug it out and offer him a full scholarship to the school of his choice? Why? Because he's disadvantaged? Powered? Don't make them an automatic sob story." There's a snort. "I've had about enough of this!"

His gun is moving back towards the kid, "This isn't Doctor Feel, kids. This is life. This waste of space has been helping the Mask, and I'm gonna make sure he ain't doing it again."

The young man gives the pair a pleading look. Surely they won't let the big bad vigilante hurt him, right?

Twitch has posed:
"Just tell the guy what he wants to know and we'll try to get you out of this, okay?" Tyler tells the mutant. "If you don't talk then he can probably hurt you real bad before anybody can do anything to stop him." Looking towards the hooded vigilante the young man says, "He won't be helping any more crooks if he's not where they can get to him, right? So just let him tell you what you want to know and then we'll handle getting this guy out of here." There's still some fear in his expression, especially when he talks to the Red Hood, but he's doing his damnedest to stay cool.

Rage has posed:
"Hey, Red Bucket. Put the fucking gun away, /now/. You don't want to get me excited. I'm telling you this for your own safety." Andrea says as she curls her fingers up tightly. "You're not a cop, so technically he doesn't have to tell you anything, and you're in /mutant/ town. Which means you're in my people's neighborhood and after what this place just went through, I'll be damned if some poser in a cheap knock off costume is going to come in here, shooting off guns and trying to strong arm my people. Right now you haven't offered any proof of /your/ claims and he's scared shitless. I'm not going to ask you again." She says as her voice starts to rumble out deeper, her body giving a visible twitch as the hair along her arms starts to stand up. She gives a glance to the mutant and says, "If you got something to say, say it /now/. For your own safety as well. That way no one gets hurt here."

Red Hood has posed:
"Oooh. I'm in Mutant Town and the Popstar is the law. Yeah. Real fucking quaint there." Red Hood grunts. "Fuck it. Had enough of this." He fires, the first grapple slamming into the wall next to the kid before he swings down and reaches to grab him. "Nuh-uh, no portals for you!" he snaps as he presses him to the wall. "I've had enough of the Mutant Town Drama Club. NOW TALK!" the roar is enough as the kid finally starts to spill his guts.

"I did it! I did all of it! They asked me to send them there, and in return they promised not to hurt me!" He certainetly sounds like he's telling the truth, but who can tell what's real and what's false claims to turn the mutants against him.

"Where's //his// base?!" Jason demands, his helmet nearly pressing the kid's head into the wall.

"I-I don't know! I only had a picture! Really! I don't!"

Twitch has posed:
"Oh crap..." says Tyler softly when Andrea goes off on the gun toting vigilante, wincing slightly until he hears the grapple gun fire and his turns in a lightning fast twitch towards it. The young man's body is already responding to the sound, ducking low and darting towards the confrontation in an impressive burst of speed. Based on the wide eyed expression of surprise on his face Tyler may not have intended to do that, but he's nonetheless closing the distance between himself and where the Red Hood has the mutant criminal pinned against the wall. "Oh shit!" he exclaims, trying his best to stop himself before he's right up on the pair.

Rage has posed:
The sound of the gun going off causes Andrea to give a visible shriek, followed by a loud snarl as her body gives a visible twitch and a crack. "I... told... you..." She grunts out, the words becoming gravely and throaty. "Don't .. get .. me ... eexccirrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..." Her entire body gives a spasm as she sinks down to her knees, clutching at her head and face as her fingers tighten. Black fur sprouts along her bulking body as her clothes shred and split. Her face contorts and her eyes turn from a dark chocolate brown to a gleaming gold. "Rrrrr.... uuuuuuun!"

Red Hood has posed:
The shriek causes Jason to turn to notice Andrea's transformation. "You brought milkbones, right?" he starts to ask Tyler, just as the young man rushes and slams into him, causing the vigilante to bounce backwards and collide with the wall as he gives a grunt of pain. Of course this also causes him to release the portal wielding young man.

The mutant moves to pull away quickly as the two mutants are clearly assisting him, right?

Twitch has posed:
"Sorry! I'm sorry!" Tyler tells the hooded figure after bouncing him off of the wall. But there are other pressing matters, like Andrea suddenly wolfing out. He reaches out towards the arm of the mutant, trying to quickly put him in a wrist lock to gain control of him, "Come with me." Moving quickly to get both himself and the other young mutant out of the alley he turns his head rapidly, trying to keep aware of what's going on with Andrea and the Red Hood as well as to assess the possibility of escaping. "Oh god! Oh god!"

Rage has posed:
A loud howl rips through the alley as the mutant popstar tears through her clothes to shift upwards into all seven feet of a muscular brick wall of fur, teeth and claws. She shoots up to her feet, towering over those in the alley and blurs forward on a tear towards the Hood, saliva dripping from her gaped maw. It doesn't seem anybody is home now as she locks on her target instinctively, swinging back a muscled arm to launch it forward in an attempt to tackle and gut him.

Red Hood has posed:
"Shit, and me without a proper muzzle." Jason grunts. Though he wants to go after Tyler and the mutant, the Hood has bigger issues. Fluffier issues. And with absolutely no table manners. What's that old addage? He finds himself thinking about it as he uses the wall as leverage to leaps over Andrea in order to get some room between himself and the wolf-woman.

Oh right! That was the saying. If you can't handle me at my worse, you don't deserve my best.

Twitch has posed:
Guiding the mutant to the end of the alley, twisting the man's wrist a little to make sure that he keeps up, Tyler shakes his head and says, "Listen, my brother's with the police. Tell me what you know about the Mask's stuff and I'll make sure that something gets done about them so they can't threaten you any more." He's definitely not letting go of the man by any means, "And talk fast, man. I need to go back and make sure she doesn't hurt anybody!"

Rage has posed:
With a whirl of speed and muscle, Andrea snags Red Hood in mid air by the leg as he goes to leap over her, slamming him to the ground as if one would snap a whip. Her other paw surges down to slam into his shoulder, digging claws into body armor as she roars into his face. The thick mane fur about her neck bristles aggressively as her eyes glow in feral rage. Every muscle is taut against her pelt, strained and trembling.

Red Hood has posed:
There's a sharp whoof of breath as Jason is slammed into the ground, folding his arms so he takes the brunt of the blow to his shoulder. He'll be feeling that one in the morning. As she leans over her prey, the man beneath the helmet gives a grunt and then uses his desperation tactic. Because he knows his shoulder's dislocated and trying to fighting this wolf-woman is a losing proposition.

So he uses his anti-Batman attack, of firing off the massive tazer built into his chest armor, the bright red Bat symbol in the middle of his chest glowing bright blue for a moment before releasing all 100,000 volts into the wolf-star.

Twitch has posed:
When the crackling of the tazer and it's bright blue light reach him Tyler's face twitches in that direction and he instinctively pushes the mutant away so he's got room to maneuver. "Don't go anywhere," he tells the man, not sounding particularly hopeful that he'll obey him. Then it's back into the alley to get a closer look, to make sure that everyone there is as unharmed as they can be. His footsteps thud on the ground as he moves towards the confrontation and he whispers, "Don't anybody be hurt. Don't be hurt."

Rage has posed:
Zolt! As the tazer blasts it's way into the chest of the large Garou, her claws dig harder into the armor about his shoulder. Her howl erupts from her in a pained cry, standing her ground for a few moments before she flies backwards, head over paws. The armor that was beneath her claws tears away, possibly cutting whatever was beneath it as she crashes into the ground with a spastic twitch with electrical currents coursing through her body.

Red Hood has posed:
"Down, girl." Jason's voice is pained, grunted. Andrea got some good chunks of the advanced armor plate of the suit. Using his good arm to push himself to his feet, he gives a glance towards Tyler. "Smells like cooked dog... sorry about your girlfriend." he manages, before pulling out his grapple gun. Time for him to go. Damn meddling kids.

And if anyone was expecting Portal to wait? Oh, that's just precious.

Twitch has posed:
Seeing Andrea's wolf form a safe distance away from the Red Hood, Tyler is at a loss for what to do for a few seconds before the vigilante gets up. "I'll make sure she's okay. Sorry for interrupting your thing." There's sincerity in his voice, like he means what he says. Then it's time to check on Andrea. Tyler approaches the wolf woman, keeping his distance for the time being as he watches her lay on the ground, concern etched on his features. Wringing his hands he stands by, staring, thinking, wondering what he might be able to do.

Rage has posed:
The werewolf gives a few more twitches, howling in pain before she rolls to her side. Clutching at her head, her body begins to shrink, the fur falling away from her body in a pile before fading away into dust. Naked now, with her clothing shredded a bit aways, she moans out painfully. "H.. Hurrrrrts." She weeps out, shivering.