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Latest revision as of 17:13, 9 June 2018

Aftermath of the Reaver attack
Date of Scene: 08 June 2018
Location: Xavier's School
Synopsis: The aftermath of the Reaver scene, Andrea is healed, but how? Mason discovers Xavier's and Tyler shows why he's a great guy. Rogue drops by also.
Cast of Characters: Rage, Twitch, Rogue, Mason Steele

Rage has posed:
The race back to the school was as hectic as the battle from earlier in the coffee shop. Speed had arrived first to alert any of the staff that may be about as the white BMW carrying Mason behind the wheel and Andrea in the backseat pulls up to the garage. One of the medical staff on duty quickly rushed out to help carry the popstar in, her body covered in blood and wearing one of Mason's shirts and a pair of shredded jeans that is being held to her for modesty. As she is ushered into a gown, she starts to clean herself off with a wet rag as she is set up on a medical bed to begin testing to ensure she is okay.

The news by now is chaos as rumors, cell phone footage and media are blitzing the airwaves of the recent Friends of Humanity attack in which Andrea was once more the target of assassination. Hazy cell phone from across the street to the broken window catches bits and pieces of the Reaver's attack, followed by glimpses of what may be a large black furred animal in combat.

Twitch has posed:
Classes are finished. Dinner has been consumed. It is now time for Tyler to head off to the gym where he trains and sometimes works part time. Or it would be if he hadn't just been in the garage preparing his bike for a ride into the city and witnessed Andrea's car pulling in in a hurry. He doesn't hesitate to follow the people heading into the school's Wellness Office when he gets a look at his blood covered friend.

"Andrea?" he asks as he makes his way inside, looking around at everything and everyone closely as though concerned that he'll be told to stop or leave. "Are you okay?" The boy is very concerned, based on his tone and the expression on his face. A buzz from his pocket signals him getting a text. He pulls out a phone, a cheap looking burner, and glances down at it, shaking his head and muttering, "Crap." Before putting it away he punches in a message and sends it off.

Rage has posed:
With her bare back turned to the door a large scar is seen on her back, as if her skin was welded shut. At least her hospital gown and shorts gives her a bit of modesty that she changed into. The clothing she came in with are a bloody mess in one of the medical waste cans. After a nurse gives her some quick assurances, she slips past Tyler and into the hallway to fetch Dr.McCoy, or at least look for a way to contact the big furry blue beast. Turning at the sound of his voice, Andrea's eyes widen. "Tyler." She breathes out, wiping at her face to brush some tears away. "I.. I'm okay... I think .. "

Rogue has posed:
Rogue was visiting the mansion today because she needed to speak with Jean or the Professor... Hank or Storm... anyone in the upper management levels. She'd come across something that needed their attention and she needed their advice on it.

Rogue's fancy green car is parked outside and the 19 year old steps out and up to the front door. She passes on inside and her eyes are looking around at the interior of the school while she feels an odd sensation. She hasn't been here in 7 or 8 months, so its a bit of a homecoming.

After wandering through the foyer she finds herself near to the Wellness Office enough to over hear the commotion within it.

Rogue approaches, her hair tied back into a ponytail with the white bangs framing her face on either side. She has on a light black leather jacket and a tanktop beneath it with blue jeans and leather boots... gloves on her hands.

"What... the hell is goin' on in here?" Rogue asks anyone who'll answer.

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason backed off significantly once Andrea was dropped off. He didn't move past the foyer. He didn't ask to talk to anyone. He just...stayed there. He looks at the nice mansion, and sits nervously, without a shirt, in one of the seats at the front. There's splattered blood on his arms and hands, he looks at them, and for once in his life, he has nothing to say.

Twitch has posed:
Upon hearing Andrea's words the young man moves closer to her, reaching to touch her gently on the shoulder and say, "I saw them carrying you in and I was so worried..." Yeah, he's still wearing that same disturbed expression. "I've got someone looking for the guys who did this. They find them and the cops are going to come down so hard they won't know what hit them." Rogue's words get his attention and snap him back from wherever he'd been, "Someone got jumped by some anti-mutant psychos." Looking the newcomer over for a second he adds, just in case she's faculty instead of a student, "She's a friend of mine, I'm just checking to see if she's okay."

That's when Tyler notices Mason sitting by himself, looking lost. He peels off his jacket and calls out, "Mason." Should his friend look over he'll toss the jacket to him with impeccable accuracy, "Here you go, man. You okay? Did they hurt you, too?"

Rage has posed:
Giving a shake of her head, Andrea brushes her cheek again as she leans in against Tyler for a hug. "No .. you will get the cops killed. They were .. monsters. They were like .. robots.. with blades coming out of their arms and chests and hands. I.." She hiccups softly. "I killed one. I think. She attacked Mason and I.. I lost it.. I shifted in the coffee shop and I torn her guts out and it was just all .. /stuff/.. like wires and metal. They kept screaming about wanting to kill me and all mutants." Her eyes move over to Rogue, recognizing her from Tony's party. "Hey." She gives a loud sniff. "It's good to see you again. Um.. it's all over the news now I'm sure.." She says. ".. I .. um.. I think I died.. this guy.. he had so much hate in his eyes, he took a sword and he .." She pats herself down, then brushes the gown away to reveal her stomach where the same wound on her back is. "It went in and out of me.. and there was this guy.. he touched me.. he was with them.. but he touched me and ... and he woke me up... and I was alive again."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's eyes drift over to the shirtless Mason in the chair in the hallway with blood on his body and then she looks over to Tyler who's offering some insigh as to whats going on. Rogue assumes that these three are all students here at the school. "I see..." She quietly says to Tyler's words and then looks over to Mason and motions him toward the Wellness Office. "Get in there and sit down on the benches." Rogue says to him. "Ya don't need t'be out here with blood all over ya, there's little kids in this place and that'll freak'em the hell out."

Rogue herself is walking into the Office now and over to the desk where the Nurse is generally stationed, but for whatever reason isn't here right now. She listens to Andrea's words and glances over to her as she explains more. "That sounds, pretty... damn heavy." Rogue says to Andrea in her thickly accented southern flavored voice. She's gathering up some medical bags and such to get some supplies for everyone. "We gotta get ya'll cleaned up and then I'll go find Storm or Jean or someone t'help out in here."

Rage has posed:
"Hey, Marie. That's Mason Steele. Um.. the popstar. He drove me here in my car. He may need a ride back since he left his car at the coffee shop and it's a Ferrari." Andrea says with a sheepish smile on her face. "He was really brave back there." She gives a low grunt an shifts herself on to the bed proper, holding on to her side as she sucks in a deep breath.

Twitch has posed:
"It's okay," Tyler says to Andrea before he puts his arms around her and draws her close to him. "You were protecting yourself." He speaks softly, trying to be as comforting as he can, rubbing her back, "It's okay." Words seem to be difficult for the young man at this time as he starts to grow emotional. Rather than let sadness and worry overcome him he shakes his head a little and runs his hands over his face, rubbing at his eyes with the palms of his hands. "I'm so sorry that happened to you. But you're okay now." He looks at the scar on the young woman's torso as he thinks, "Someone's gotta try to find the guy that patched you up." Then he looks around to see who might be listening, "He might be in trouble if he's a meta."

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason glances up, "Yeah, okay," he says quietly,. He stands to his feet, and glances down again. "Is a towel or something I could borrow?" he asks. He starts to walk back to the wellness center, comes into the doorway, and he just stands there, watching her and Tyler. He feels awkward right now, out of place. He just watches for now.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue listens to the others while she prepares some cleaning wipes out of a package for this very person. "Popstars huh?" Rogue says then as she glances over at them all. "Well thats pretty cool." She already knew Andrea was a singer, she'd seen her perform at Tony's party. Rogue steps over to Mason then when he finds a seat. "So this isn't your blood right?" She asks as she goes to help clean the teen up with the wipes... good thing is, Rogue's already got gloves on. "I can give anyone who needs it a ride back t'where they need t'go, but ya'll are gonna have to hang around for a bit and answer some questions when the faculty is gonna ask them. I don't work here. I was a student here last year, but I graduated."

Rage has posed:
"It's my blood he has on him." Andrea says to Rogue. "He wasn't hurt, no. Really, I think only I was." She says after returning Tyler's hug tightly. When they let go, she reaches out to slide her hand into his, fingers tangling for a moment before letting him go. "I should call my parents and let them know what happened. They're in California. Mom is going to freak out so hard." She looks over to Mason as well for a moment, then calls over. "Hey, you okay?" She asks as she bites on her bottom lip.

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason takes the wipes, and shakes his head. "No, it's not mine," he agrees. He takes the wipes, and starts cleaning the blood off. "I'm okay," he says, "That was a lot of blood," he says, his voice a little shakey. "I never knew people had that much blood in them." His demeanor is almost mousish.

Twitch has posed:
"Mason's a good guy," says Tyler to Rogue as he looks between the pair, watching them for a moment before he returns his attention to Andrea and giving her hand a squeeze before they separate. "You need to borrow my phone?" he asks her as he pulls it out of his pocket. It's not the same one as before, in case anyone was paying attention. With a swipe of his thumb he unlocks it and offers it over. Tyler then finds himself a seat near Andrea and plops down heavily in it, burying his face in his hands for a second before he looks up.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue sets up a tray of items for the Nurse and she takes a step back then. "Alright. I gotta go find someone in charge'a this place. I'll send them your way once I do." She looks to Andrea. "Hope you're okay..." She says to the girl, offering a smile as she makes for the door. "And ya'll come ge tme if ya need a ride anywhere." And with that the girl with the white bangs steps for the exit of the Office and toward the hallway.

Rage has posed:
"Werewolves have a lot of blood in them, Mason." Andrea says as she gives an awkward chuckle, though it is obvious she is putting on a brave face. "Um... I can regenerate pretty quickly also.. but .. something that guy did. I feel fine." She says as she pats herself down. "I'm sore... I mean I hurt.. but I don't .. feel like I'm going to die here." She furrows her brows.

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason gives a frown with his eyes and a stare at Andrea. "Not just your blood," he responds. "I...I can't really quantify what I just saw." He walks into the room, and slowly wipes some more of the blood off, he looks at his legs, and puts one foot up on a chair. His sandals are bloody, his shins are bloody from sitting in the pool that was Andrea's blood, now dried to his skin.

Twitch has posed:
When he sees Mason noticing how bloody his legs are, Tyler moves to grab a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. He offers it to the other young man and says, "This stuff will get the blood off of you. It also works pretty good on clothes." He sounds as if he's speaking from experience. "I feel bad about not being there to protect you guys," he sounds genuinely sad about that. "If I'd been there..." The youth lets out a deep sigh and shakes his head rapidly from side to side.

Rage has posed:
"If you'd been there, you'd be another target. Lucky for us, Tommy and Billy were there. Tommy nearly cleared the room by himself and his brother was doing some kinda crazy .. magic stuff? It was amazing." Andrea slips off the bed to her bare feet as she rubs the back of her neck. ".. I killed someone." She says after a few moments of thought, chewing on her bottom lip. "But I don't know if .. she was even really alive. She was part machine.. but I killed her."

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason nods, "I guess... I'm glad that's not an every day event. They tried to kill you, Andy, I don't think you did something wrong." He takes the hydrogen peroxide, "Thanks," he offers to Tyler, putting some on his legs and watching it fizz up as he wipes it away. "Why? I mean...I understand why people are afraid of mutants, but... how do people become that twisted that they would hunt someone down? Lie in wait? How did they know you would even be there?"

Twitch has posed:
"I'm not worried about being a target. I can dodge bullets," Tyler tells Andrea seriously as he watches her. "I'm glad those guys were there, then. It sounds like it was really rough." And then he frowns deeply, "It's okay, Andrea. Mason is right. If you killed someone then one, it was the wolf, not you, and two, it was self defense. And you said it yourself, she was a robot or something, so you really didn't have any choice." His gaze travels go Mason, "Some people are just evil. I hope they end up in jail before they can hurt someone else." He pauses, "Though I'm concerned about the healer guy. If he was one of them and he helped Andrea then they're going to put a bullet in him and dump him in the river."

Rage has posed:
"What is the difference between me and the wolf? You think a court of law is gonna care? No, they're gonna say the rabid mutant killed someone." Andrea sighs and heads over to her backpack that was brought in. "These people were evil, the kind that you don't throw in jail. They were producing weapons out of their hands and arms, like Terminators. It was insane." Giving a glance out the door, she nudges it shut, then disrobes as she pulls her clothes out of the bag to start dressing. It doesn't seem that the nudity in front of them bothers her. She tugs her undies on, then a pair of workout shorts, followed by a sweater. "We should tell the teachers about it." She purses her lipss. "Just in case other mutants get targeted."

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason arches his brow as Andrea chooses to disrobe and rerobe in front of Tyler, his eyes shifting to him briefly as she does to take account of his response. "Teachers? They gonna put the place on lockdown or something?" he asks. He stands up. "I...I probably should leave, you know, if that's happening."

Twitch has posed:
"They were evil and weapons were coming out of them, it's going to be clear cut self defense," Tyler says seriously, though his expression shows that he's very concerned. When Andrea says they aren't the kind of people that get thrown in jail his frown deepens, "Then they'll get what's coming to them. I think I know somebody who can help get them off the streets if they can be found." As the clothes come off Tyler finds himself watching for a second unintentionally before finding something else to look at in the other direction. "You can find that chick to give you a lift, I guess. Unless you'd rather me give you a ride on the Harley."

Rage has posed:
"I don't think they'd lock the place down. This is sorta a secret from the outside world. I'd get in trouble if I even told you, so hopefully Rogue keeps it quiet. She's an ally of the Avengers. I got to meet her at Tony's party and hung out with her and Havok. They knew each other." Andrea straightens out her shirt, then gives a stretch of her body to pop a few joints. "You don't gotta go if you don't want, but .. I don't blame you if you want to. I know this is a.. lot.. " She chews on her bottom lip for a few moments. "I don't think I'm going to sleep tonight. I'm trying not to freak out, but I'm only being brave because you two are here."

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason chews the inside of his lip, looking back at Andrea. "Well..." Mason said. "You didn't, that fast guy did. And it was a little bit of an emergency. I don't want to be intruding. I know this place isn't really meant for me to be here. It's for your kind, you know?" The statement seems weak, and isn't said with much conviction.

Twitch has posed:
"If you need to freak out, you freak out," Tyler says softly to Andrea, risking a glance to see if shes' dressed yet. Seeing that she is he turns his attention more fully to her, "You went through something really tough today that you shouldn't have had to deal with." Then he looks towards Mason and shrugs, "It might be best for you to take off, then. I don't want you getting in trouble with the staff here." He moves over to approach Mason and asks, "Before that, though, do you need a hug or anything? You saw some shit today and I don't want you to think you're alone. If you ever need to talk or to get out some aggression in the ring or on a heavy bag I'm there for you, man."

Rage has posed:
"I don't know if I can freak out. I figure I should but .. I don't know. I'm just .. " Andrea shakes her head as she lets out a sigh. "Maybe it will settle in later, I'm probably still in some state of denial or shock." She gives a glance to Mason, staring at him for a long moment. She opens her mouth, then closes it. "We don't have a kind." She says as she lets out a sigh, then reaches for the door to nudge it back open. Before she leans, she leans in and presses her lips against the corner of Mason's mouth. ".. Thank you by the way. When you're ready, you know you can tell me." She just leaves it at that as her nose brushes his ear, following her whisper. "You can drive him home, Ty. Go have a guy night.. I don't know.. I'm going to take a bath."

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason seems to hesitate, and doesn't ask what she means as Andrea makes her statement. He glances back at Tyler, then looks back to Andrea. "Okay," he says. "Rest well, Andrea, I'll see you later." He looks back at Tyler, an awkward expression on his face. "So, Harley, huh?" he says, trying to switch the conversation back. "Oh, shit. I left my car at the coffee shop." He knits his brow. "It's gotta be crawling with cops by now."

Twitch has posed:
"You do what you need to, Andrea," says Tyler as he gives a tight, little smile. "Nobody'll blame you if you gotta get your feelings out somehow, though. And if you need to I can take you to the gym, too. Punching stuff does wonders when you're hurting. Actually, I'll bet there's a nice gym here, but I haven't found it yet." Then he looks over at Mason and nods, "Yeah, it was my grandfather's. It's a classic 1991 Fatboy. Only has like sixty thousand miles on it. He left it to my family when he died and my mom and dad don't ride so I get to use it, especially now that I go to school way out here." His chin lifts, "We'll get you to your car first, if you want, so you can try to clear stuff up with them. I'll help you get that stuff sorted out. My brother's a police dispatcher so he'll know what to do."

Rage has posed:
"I think I'm going for a run on all fours. Just try and find me later. Sometimes I need help coming back." Andrea says as she gives a glance over at them, followed by a sigh. Her eyes look from Mason to Tyler as if she was evaluating something, then steps out into the hallway to head to the girl's dorms.

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason looks back. "She's gonna be okay," he decides with a nod of his head, as if convincing himself. "I mean, she's tough inside." He looks back at Tyler. "That's gonna just get more awkward, I can feel it. Guess we should get going."

Twitch has posed:
"Alright, Andrea. I'll come find you in a few hours. Should I bring you anything special?" Maybe a raw steak? Tyler then looks over to Mason and nods, "Alright, man. Let's get out of here. Just don't let my parents know I let you ride bitch. I'm not supposed to have anybody else on the bike."