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Latest revision as of 06:50, 12 June 2018

Wait, what
Date of Scene: 11 June 2018
Location: Metropolis
Synopsis: Nicky does something weird. Suzanne is befuddled. Much confusion and a few hamburgers are had by all.
Cast of Characters: Shoe, Sister Reinhardt

Shoe has posed:
It started with a nagging urge in the middle of the night and weird dreams, and grew all day. And now it was time to pay the silly, stupid cost of that fateful day, yet again.

And so it came to pass that a sort've groggy individual in a hoodie and pants disembarked from a bus, carrying a duffel bag, somehow managed to get onto the roof of an unremarkable museum, placed a set of speakers and a laptop down, and is... playing radio static at full volume off of the corner of the building.

Nicky fumes quietly, checking their watch. "..This... is... stupid."

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Where as Suzanne....at the street below the museum is just.....blinking a bit as she hears the static from the speakers. It was going to be one of those days, huh? She thought to herself as she chucked a rock onto the roof....hopefully hitting a speaker. "hey! There a reason why you're broadcasting static?"

Shoe has posed:
Nicky eeps and ducks as something comes flying up at them, then pokes their head over the edge of the roof. "...Yeah?" They make a vague shrugging gesture. "It's only nine minutes or so long.." and sighs in abject defeat. Downright humiliating.

At least the woman with the rocks is down there, and everything is up on the rock where it isn't likely to get hit directly. There's a corner of the building in the way after all. Eight minutes, fifty seconds left...

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne sighs a bit and goes to find an alternate way up. In this case, she actually finds a staircase that allows her to get to the roof, via a doorway. Once she closes the door.....and she closes it loudly, she looks over towards Nicky and tilts her head. "Static? really?" She says loudly for him to hear.

Shoe has posed:
Nicky sighs and slumps a bit, then faces you, slumping a bit. He makes an irritated face, "It's... well, yeah, it's basically static. I don't know what the point is, honest. I just don't want to be having screaming nightmares and God only knows what else again. Do you know how long it took to GET here?"

They just look sort've beaten down at your look. "And... no. I don't... know.. why. I just... have to."

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "So you're doing this because of nightmares?" Suzanne says as she walks over to the laptop. "Do you know the source of the nightmares? Or.....is it something else? are you able to make them out?" If Nicky doesn't stop her, she WILL turn the static off.

Shoe has posed:
Nicky steps in the way, protecting the laptop. "Yes! I have to let it run through! I don't know where they come from! And I don't know what the nightmares are like! They're just kind of.." He gestures vaguely, making a face. "..WEIRD. And.. BROKEN." He makes a pitiful face, "Please don't make me have to protect myself over stupid static? I really don't want to have to get in trouble over something like this?"

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "Protect yourself? From what?" Suzanne says as Nicky steps in front of her. "And broken? What is the static for?" She says as she walks around the setup to looks it over.

Shoe has posed:
Nicky sighs in exasperation. "I have to play the whole file. Here. Out loud. I don't know why! It's just a THING. Since the accident. It HAPPENS sometimes."

The setup, which Nicky keeps moving to keep you away from, is just a cheap laptop playing an audio file on some speakers from the computer store. Of static. At this point, there's about three minutes left, since it took a little bit for you to find the stairs.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "Well.....there's always the chance that it's harmless." Suzanne says softly. "and I do hope it is. Pray my faith in you isn't wasted." She says continuing to circle the set up.....and noting where all of the wires, are....if any...."

Shoe has posed:
Nicky droops. "Nothing bad ever happens when I have to do things like this. If I don't, it gets under my skin really bad. It's really really stupid stuff, and I don't know why I have to do them."

He keeps shuffling to protect the laptop, in a bit of a side facing fighting stance, and looks kind of miserable about the whole situation. "So, um.. Who are you?" He has to raise his voice a bit to be heard over the static.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
Suzanne Reinhardt says, "I'm just Suzanne. No one really special." Of course, she lies like a rug. Her stance, even when walking, shows that she's a very experienced fighter on her own. She may be watching Nicky, but she's also keeping an eye on the computer. She's seen some weird stuff happen in her time in Metropolis....."

Shoe has posed:
Nicky nods and watches back. "Oh.. Hi Suzanne. I don't feel all that special, either. Are you police or something?" He blinks at you and tilts his head, smiling a little. "What's good around here? I'm probably going to want to get a bite to eat after this, and this isn't my part of town... Nothing too expensive, though. I'm kind of poor."

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "Provided this isn't a trick of some sort, I'll think about it." Suzanne smirks a bit. "What's your name then? provided you have one." She says as she finishes her walk, and stands behind the speakers. "And...what gets under your skin?"

Shoe has posed:
Nicky ohs, "I'm Nicky. It's nice to meet you.." Small embarrassed effeminate wave, sheepish smile. Because this whole situation is oh so incredibly awkward. Keeps moving to keep you away from the laptop. Too much risk you will break it.

Abruptly, the static stops. End of file. He lets out a deep breath in relief. "Oh, thank GOD that's over." Breathes in a sigh and revels in the silence, then turns away to go pack the laptop up. "I really am sorry if I upset anybody.."

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "Be glad I was the only who showed up." Suzanne says softly as Nicky breaks the equipment down. "imagine if Superman decided to stop by and tell you to take it down. You can't exactly say no to him, can you? Or the green lantern?" She says turning back towards the door.

Shoe has posed:
Nicky sighs. "Well, I CAN. I just can't really do much if he decided he didn't like that answer." They shove the speakers in the bag and walk after you, since that seems more comfortable and socially acceptable than the way they got up there to begin with.

"So, uh, is there anywhere good to eat around here?"

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "depends upon where you want to eat." Suzanne says as she walks through the stairs, and then through the museum. There were apparently police downstairs, but Suzanne walked right by them and onto the sidewalk. "It's a huge city, and it's easy to get lost, but it's a rather well structured city." She says taking out her phone and looking up a map. "You look like you haven't eaten in a while."

Shoe has posed:
Nicky nods.. "Yeah, I had to make that file, and then get on buses and things and sometimes run to get HERE from miles and miles away, and.. yeah, I missed a meal or two." He carefully scuffs at the ground, and looks back at the police with mild confusion. "At this point, I think I just want food that won't make me sick later."

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "Well....looks like we'll just have to try food then. Why would food make you sick?" Suzanne says as they actually turn into a burger king type of place. "all righty. here's a place with a bit of food." She says as she waits in line....

Shoe has posed:
Nicky shrugs, "Well, if it's really really BAD food, you know." Ooh. Burgers. Drool. Want. When was the last time they ate? Oh yeah, longer than it should have been, and then it was a starving artist meal. Mesmerized by the menu.

"One of the number fours looks good..." And lots of other things, but stomach is only so big...

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
Suzanne Reinhardt chuckles a bit. "If it's really bad food, yeah...it'd make anyone sick." She says as she steps up and looks at the menu. "Just a number four, huh? all righty." Then they get tot he counter. "For here. A number four for my friend, two double bacon cheeseburgers a large fry, and a medium soda." She says with a shrug. "Gotta watch my figure, after all."

Shoe has posed:
Nicky nods. "Oh, yeah, I know how that is. Can't be taken seriously with too much meat on our bones, right? Guys suck sometimes." They roll their eyes a little.

"But seriously, thank you so much, Suzanne. I'm really trying not to get punched in the face by every cape in the city, and this.. thing.. makes it kind of hard. ohmygod food." They kind of try to mix dainty and hasty eating, gobbling the burger down.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne for herself, eats the burgers rather slowly. It seems she's used to eating this much. "Well.....if you could figure out why you're doing this stuff, it'd be less likely you'd get punched in the face. But...that's neither here nor there. eat up. At least, in metropolis, you can find someplace to stay....and even a job." She then winks to Nicky. "One thing at a time."