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(Ororo and Andrea reflect in the gardens; Alex returns!)
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Revision as of 16:57, 5 July 2018

The day after fireworks.
Date of Scene: 05 July 2018
Location: Student Gardens
Synopsis: Ororo and Andrea find themselves in the garden in the morning; reflection ensues; Alex returns!
Cast of Characters: Rage, Storm, Havok

Rage has posed:
It is the day after the big night of explosions and Andrea is currently sitting out in the garden, strumming on a guitar as she looks out across the colorful arrangements of flowers and vegetables. She is wearing a pair of designer shorts with heavy destroy and a simple t-shirt with some type of current band logo upon it. Earlier she spent some time watering the plants and tugging out a few weeds to pass the time, leaving a pair fo dirty gloves and some tools next to her.

Storm has posed:
A gentle breeze collects around the area, and then it intensifies, causing dirt and debris to spray in different directions. And then, it was gone. Black tennis shoes touch down on the earth of the gardens as Ororo Munroe lands from the heavens. Her body is consumed with sweat and her damp sweats and athletic top prove that fact. She looks around the area and surveys the plants, vegetables, and the like, smiling at the greenery with delight. While looking around, she catches sight of a familiar face, approaching curiously.

"Good morning!" Ororo greets, placing her white strands of hair into a ponytail. "You're up fairly early, Andrea. I hope I am not interrupting."

Rage has posed:
Watching Storm float down from the sky to touch down near by, Andrea gives a nod of her head as she shifts her guitar to the side of her hip. "I'm always up early." She says softly. "I work out in the mornings and then try to find some type of chore to keep me busy before I start the day." She says in a soft, subdued tone to her voice as she works the instrument's loop off her neck and shoulder, placing it down. "It's just better than putzing about my condo in the city by myself."

Storm has posed:
"That's a great quality to have," Ororo compliments.

Over the years, she has learned to start her day earlier than usual, get some things done, and attack the world afterwards. For example, Ororo has already finished a load of laundry, been on a run, and has recently finished a flight session to calm her mind.

As she closes the distance between them, Ororo takes notice of a plant that is wilting and dry. With a thought, a small cloud forms over it and starts to release droplets of water on top of it.

"I've been wanting to give you a compliment, but I felt yesterday may have been... a lot for you, considering we don't know each other well enough." Ororo pauses for a moment, pulling the wilting leaves from the potted plant, and then turns her head in Andrea's direction. "I spoke with Erika this morning. She told me some really good things you've done for her."

Rage has posed:
"Oh. Um... Erika is a nice girl, yeah. I can tell she has a big heart." Andrea says as she folds her hands across her lap, staring down at her dirty sneakers. "I set up a mutant crisis suicide hotline through my charity the Starlight Foundation and a lot of the more major concerns gets filtered to me where I feel like I can take a personal hand in trying to help out. A lot of these young kids react better to a celebrity, or a familiar face they can identify with, so I personally fly out to visit those kids to talk to them, just try and let them know that people do care and that they have friends. Erika was one of those who called the line. So was Josh. I convinced him to not jump off a bridge and end his life after a very bad day."

Storm has posed:
"Exactly," Ororo confirms. "Those are valuable qualities that make you an impressive person in my eyes and the eyes of others."

She picks up the plant and moves to sit next to Andrea, the cloud following her as she places it directly in front of them. The droplets of water continue to flow slowly. A glance goes up to the sky and Ororo releases a breath.

"Not only are you an impressive person, Andrea, but you are a good person," she begins, "but I can't help but feel like something is worrying you."

Rage has posed:
There is a shrug of Andrea's shoulders. "I don't know.. I guess .. I don't know who I am anymore. My mutant power is that I turn into a large monster. Werewolf. Not like the cheesy movies kind, but a full blown nightmare and the wolf inside of me takes over and I sorta sit backseat to her. Every time I use my powers, I feel myself slipping away little by little and I find it hard to come back from it." She grows quiet for a few moments, followed by a small sniff.

"Two days ago I killed two people. I ripped them to pieces. Yanked the head off one of them. It was the Reavers. They attacked us, trapped us in an alley and they were going to kill us. I felt that I had no choice.. it was us or them... and I let her take control... and... and she reveled in it." There is a swallow from the girl's throat. "And so did I."

Tapping her foot against the ground, she says, "And I scared my friend who saw it happen. He's scared of me now..and now others on the team feel like I won't be a good leader for a number of other reasons. I don't even know if I want to be on the New Mutants anymore.. I don't even want to be me anymore."

Havok has posed:
Perhaps he was reminising while walking through the halls and fields of Xavier's School for the Gifted Youngsters. Maybe he was lost, since it's been so long since he's been here or maybe it's because he's still thinking he's in the other reality that he lost himself in nearly a year ago. Either way, Alex Summers is seen entering the garden while wearing his black boots, black cargo pants, and black uniform top with the white concentric rings on his chest that glow brightly. He wears no head gear and his thick blonde hair was brushed perhaps 8 hours ago. Then again, it's still somewhat dishelveled.

    The whole time he was approaching, he heard the familiar voice of Andrea and listened to her words of reflection. When she finishes her moment of self loathing, Alex notes, "Sounds like you're in the right place. Because; we've all been there at one point in our lives."

Storm has posed:
Ororo listens intently, as any good instructor would, knowing and seeing the same and fear the weather manipulator went through herself. Hell, nearly everyone on the X-Men roster has gone through some self-crisis that went wrong. But, in the end, they all were better for it.

How do you tell that to a teenage popstar?

Luckily, Ororo does not have to, and she looks up to a familiar face that causes her own to form a brilliant smile. "Alex? By the Great Goddess," she replied, squeezing Andrea's shoulder firmly before rising to meet the man in an embrace. "What are you doing here?" It is a great ponder.

"No matter! Alex, meet Andrea. Andrea, this is Mr. Summers' brother."

Rage has posed:
"Oh. Hello, Alex." Andrea says as she glances upwards towards him, peeking out from behind her brown bangs. "I've met him before. He saved my life when the Friends of Humanity attacked me at my charity concert in Central Park. He was my date to Tony Stark's birthday party as a thank you." Pushing herself out of her chair to her feet, she gives a light tap of her shoe against the ground as if to re-settle her foot into it.

Havok has posed:
Warmer than the average bear, Alex is fully charged with his fiery plasma that rages within his form. The embrace of Ororo is strong and returned in kind. Their separation occurs. He's about to answer the question presented by Ororo when she disregards its measure. He is then directed toward Andrea. He smiles, "Oh, we've met. Hey there Andi. Glad to see you made it to Xaviers."

Storm has posed:
"Oh. I guess I need to get out of the mansion more," Ororo responds jokingly.

Taking in Alex's warm embrace is soothing, comforting, definitely what Ororo needs this morning. "First, Sean returns for a semester, and now you just appear out of thin air. Do the others know you are here?"

Rage has posed:
As she listens to the pair, Andrea slides her phone out of her pocket to take a peek at the screen, then slips it back in. She rocks on her feet for a bit, keeping her ankles loose. She gives a quick nod to Alex, shifting her jaw a bit in thought. "Yeah, glad to be here."

Havok has posed:
Answering Ororo's statement/revealation and questions first, Alex is openly surprised as well as pleased regarding the news of Sean, "Sean... no way. That's excellent. But no... I've been in Genosha for a few weeks. I helped some people migrate from Mutant Town down there."

Notably, Alex has been living in Mutant Town over the last year. In fact, the last time he and Ororo encountered one another, he was just returning from the alternate reality where he spent 6 years living another life. Since then, out of pocket and really avoiding the school and all its students and drama. He really missed the other reality and it took him a while to get over losing it.

Alex then glances to Andrea and says, "Oh, and I totally didn't mean to be rude, Andi. In saying that you're in the right place, it just means that we've all gone through what you're describing in some way or another. Especially Feral and Wolfsbane - Maria and Rahne, respectively. You'll really relate to them and find a common ground with their stories. Oh, and definitely Hank - there was a time when he went all Beastial on us. It was not a pretty sight. My best recommendation - and I'm guessing that Ororo and Jean will tell you the same - stay on property. Avoid going out in public until you get a better handle on your abilities. The Reavers aren't something you should be confronting. That's something the X-Men need to sort out."

Alex gives pause, realizing he's sounding like Scott now and he decides he's spoken too much.

Storm has posed:
"You sound just like Scott," Ororo replied, nodding in agreement with everything Alex mentioned to Andrea. "Are you okay, too?"

Ororo's smile is wide. The clouds begin to part and the sun's rays shine brilliantly upon the garden area and those within it. Blue eyes find the potted plant she nurtured on the ground, the small cloud above it having dispersed like its bretheren above, the weather manipulator picks the pot up and places it back where it was before.

"Actually, I think Fate called you here on purpose," Ororo began. "Please, you two catch up. I must run inside for a bit. Andrea, if you are still up for it, I would love to chat with you later, yes?"

Rage has posed:
"I have a handle on my powers. I've had them for almost three years now. I just choose to use them sparingly. The Reavers tracked us down though and I don't know how. We always use a different car when we go out. Different plates. Laura said they were following us for a few miles, then they blocked us into an alley. We weren't looking for trouble, we just wanted to get chinese and enjoy a nice holiday." Andrea says with a sigh. "I'd rather the X-Men take on those types of things. Though until the other day, we had no clue the X-Men were even here. Everyone has kept it a big secret from us and only a handful of us know now.. at least those of us hand picked to be in the New Mutants project, and.. I have concerns about that as well. The students now /want/ to be X-Men. It's all they talk about, putting on masks and going out and fighting bad guys, and ... they don't.. get it .. that they are kids.. and they're playing with their lives."

Andrea takes another deep sigh in her throat. "I wanted the New Mutants to be a group of students that can work together, maybe do community service, learn how to defend ourselves if need be .. but now they're talking about giving us uniforms and selecting a team leader, which, from what I found out the other night is obviously not me .. " She trails off. "It just feels more like an army is being put together. It's not what I signed up for when I enrolled here. I want to be a symbol of hope and unity, to use my status to lift the spirits up of young mutants, to help them feel better about themselves, to be there to talk to them, show that they got someone on their side with a voice of millions to listen to on their behalf. I don't .. I don't know.. want to fight bad guys.. at least not go looking for them. Self-defense is different.."

As Storm looks to make her leave, the popstar gives a glance over to her and lets out a soft breath. "Oh. Okay. It was nice to meet you Miss Munroe. I'll be around .. you know ... here."