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(Ororo is teaching Andrea control... the hard way.)
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Latest revision as of 22:24, 5 July 2018

The Girl Who Cried Wolf
Date of Scene: 05 July 2018
Location: Danger Room
Synopsis: Ororo is teaching Andrea control... the hard way.
Cast of Characters: Storm, Rage

Storm has posed:
"And this, Andrea, is called the Danger Room."

The Danger Room is a magnificant sight, for those seeing it for the first time and even those select few who use it on a more frequent basis like Ororo does. As the two of them walk inside, Ororo looks around the dome room with a familiarity that years of training has accustomed her with.

"This room is not for the faint of heart, and it is very useful to help you learn more about your mutant gifts, especially control." Ororo pauses for a moment, taking in Andrea's reactions to everything that has been uncovered for her so far. "This is where I learned how to love my powers."

"It may look like nothing now but... well, you will see."

Rage has posed:
"You couldn't name it something less scary than the Danger Room? Why not the training room or ..." Andrea trails offs as she takes a look about the domed room. "So ... do we work out in here? Like the gym but with no equipment?" She is wearing a pair of sweat pants and a matching shirt, as well as holding a backpack over her shoulder that is stuffed full of clothes. "And I'm the first one to be down here? I bet Tyler is going to be so jealous." She trails off though her tone of voice doesn't show much in the way of joy of being here. She drops the bag at her feet with a thump.

Storm has posed:
Ororo smirks at Andrea's commentary. "It wouldn't be fun if it wasn't a little bit scary," she replies. Shaking her head, Ororo manuevers to a control panel hidden within the walls of the room. She proceeds to type in several access codes, and then presses the controls back into the wall.

"You are going to do a bit more than work out," Ororo began, "You are going to test your control. Danger Room: Activate scenerio R.A.G.E. one-zero-one."

At first, nothing happened. And then, suddenly, the entire domed area melts away and reveals a parking lot. A familiar sight for Andrea, no doubt, it is the same area where the Reavers attacked her, Mason, and Laura. Currently, they stand next to one of two dumpsters on the abandoned lot.

"You mentioned earlier today that you killed two of the Reavers, yes? That the wolf enjoyed it. That you enjoyed it. So, we're going to remold those feral senses." Ororo paused, taking in the scene around them.

Rage has posed:
Once the world comes around them, Andrea is startled and takes a few steps back, eyes widening. "Holy shit. Is .. how did you do this?" She asks as she whirls around, feeling her skin prick and goosebump. "I don't want to enjoy it." There is a bit of fear in her voice as she rubs at her arms with her hands quickly, as if trying to warm herself. "I don't want to kill anyone. I didn't want to."

Storm has posed:
Ororo steps forward, placing a hand on her shoulder for reassurance. "Remember, you are a strong, bright individual. Being scared of what you don't understand makes sense, but you have someone by your side to help you."

"So, what I want you to do is take charge of your emotions and get prepared," she began, pulling the backpack from around her shoulders. "You are going to face three obstacles: disarm, stun, and resist."

"Does this make sense so far?"

At that moment, a van screeches onto the scene and four inviduals exit. Three Reavers and someone with a cloak over its head.

Rage has posed:
The eyes of Andrea widen even more at the sight of the familiar van pulling up, folloewd by the three men climbing out of the car. She can feel her heart speed up, her skin start to burn, followed by a loud yelp of pain as she clutches her head, digging her nails into her scalp. There is the sound of loud, snapping bones as her body twitches, twists and contorts as she begins to bulk up and rich black fur sprouts across her. The clothing tears away after putting up a bit of reistance and the naked woman becomes an eight foot monster of razor claws and glowing gold eyes.

As she rises upwards, a rumbling howl rips forth of her chest, much like a lupine laugh as she bolts forward without hesitation, eyes locked upon the targets. ~DIE!~ The wolf howls loudly as she looks to send herself forward in a chest high tackle into the first Reaver.

Storm has posed:
Ororo watches as girl transforms into wolf, and she steps back to observe how Andrea handles the situation brought before her. Unfortunately, even before the lupine mutant darts towards the Reavers, the weather manipulator is brought aloft by the winds, at her behest, and flies between them. A bolt of electricity cracks from Ororo's hand and hits the concreate, sending smoke and debris in different directions.


Rage has posed:
The crash of lightning causes the large werewolf to jump back, swivel to the side, then bolt forward again in pursuit of her enemy. There is a viscious tackle of the first body as they hit the ground, and she becomes a whirlwind of claws as she tears into the chest. The beast snarls as she looks to fling guts and cybernetics to the side with each strike. Her jaws gape open wide, drooling in hot anticipation of the fight.

Storm has posed:
Ororo would be a liar if she said that she is not impressed with Andrea's lupine reflexes. The swift counteraction and level of attack is on par with the best feral mutants that she has experienced on the field of battle in the past. However, disappointment still set in Ororo's facial features in that moment, understanding that the beast is in control more than the person.

"Danger Room: Activate Precaution one-dash-two," Ororo commands, turning to face the lupine in its enraged form. This time, she does not intervene.

As Andrea's lupine form tears into the Reaver agent, in the blink of an eye, the Reaver turns into a sixteen year old with blonde hair and blue eyes. He screams in pain, his insides torn out, body bloodied, and tears falling down his once handsome face. Was this control?

Rage has posed:
There is a look of glee upon the monster's face as the claws wrap about the throat of the Reaver and hauls it up against the wall in an attempt to throttle the last breath out of his throat. Pulling her claws back, she looks ready to give the final swing, but as the world melts around them and she find herself holding Mason instead, her gold eyes flicker to that of a more natural brown and she drops him. Taking a few quick steps back, she howls out painfully as she sinks own to her knees. ~NO.... Oh God, No ... p.. please... s... someone help!~ Of course, no one can understand her in this ancient tongue. ~Mason. Hold on ... oh God....~ There is a visible shudder of the girl's body as she forces herself to yank free of the wolf's reign upon her and she shifts down into her human form, naked and covered in blood. She scoots in closer, brushing her fingers through the boy's hair as she pushes her forhead against his, openly sobbing now uncontrollably as her entire body wracks with a full blown panic attack.

Storm has posed:
A form of silence falls over the scene as the revelation hits Andrea, reverting back to human form. Ororo grabs the clothing inside of the backpack in that moment and starts walking in the downed student's direction. The girl's sobbing echoes through the parking lot, easily covering the steps of Ororo's boots as she stands inches away from her.

"The biggest issue we all have with control is that we think it is easy," Ororo begins, getting down to the same level as Andrea. "But it takes fear -- the fear of losing someone we love, especially -- for us to understand how important it truly is. Danger, end simulation."

Ororo offers the clothes to Andrea.

"People fear what they don't understand, so they hate us. But what happens when your own teammates fear you... knowing that with a single thought, an angry one at that, that you could destroy an entire town with a hurricane, or a blizzard, or a lightning strike? This is why we learn control."

Rage has posed:
As Mason slips out of her hands once the simulation is over, Andrea slumps forward against the wall, continuing to sob as she pushes her face into the cold metal wall. The blood from her body disappears as well, leaving her naked and trembling. Despite Ororo's words, she is having trouble breathing as they come in quick, shaky sputters. "Mm.. Maa... s..." She barely gets out as she shoves her trembling hands against her face. It's as if the entire world is gone and she is left to her crippling emotions. Slumping down to the ground, she curls herself up, sputtering out wetly in her throat as she mumbles his name a few times.

Storm has posed:
Ororo allows Andrea to shed her tears, but, she does not want her to do so in the nude. Ororo drops a pair of shorts and socks on the ground, as she opens a t-shirt and places it over Andrea's head. She attempts to manuever the student's left arm into the shirt, and if that works, she works on the right arm. Finally, she pulls the shirt down to its full length on Andrea's body.

In that moment, Ororo drops to the ground fully and pulls Andrea into an embrace. "If you learn from this and develop, your team will follow you. And you can truly help each of them to be better than they are. But a leader -- a good leader -- must be confident in their own abilities before they can showcase the potential in others." Ororo sighs, "I learned that the hard way."

Rage has posed:
The moment Ororo touches her, Andrea jolts away from her, staring at her as tears leak down her face. She slips into the clothes after a moment, pulling them on with a mute expression. She gives a slight nod at the words, then pushes herself up to her feet as she stares down at her hands again to make sure the blood is not there. Wiping at her cheek, she breathes out heavily. "Next time, maybe start with some woods and have me chase a rabbit or something." She slumps against the wall, staring up at the ceiling.

Storm has posed:
"You needed to experience that," Ororo says, standing back to her full height.

"No matter how angry, or frustrated, or sad you are, because you saw it -- because in your mind you felt it, as if that person died by your hands. You needed to feel that pain." Ororo's voice is strong but still fills with a brewing concern for the student, one that she will be able to hear.

"Rabbits aren't going to help you, Andrea -- that is going to help you. You will never forget this experience, and I hope it fuels your passion to get better with your gifts the same way you help and encourage others."

Rage has posed:
"I love Mason." Andrea trembles out to her. "I don't know how I can ever look at him again.. after... what just happened. He's already scared of me." She says in a heart broken tone in her voice. "And it's all I've been thinking about lately, and now this happened." She gives another wet sniff as she tugs on a fresh pair of shoes. "But, I get it. I know why you did it. It's going to hurt me for awhile." She glances down at her hands for a moment. "I think better when I'm as a wolf, but when I'm the beast, it's like I'm no longer driving."

Storm has posed:
"What do you mean?" Ororo responds quickly. "You look at him the same way you always have, except with more confidence and conviction, child!"

When Andrea looks down at her hands, Ororo decides to invade her space, grabbing her hands and pulling her gently towards. "YOU are in control of your destiny. You might not have known it before, but you know it now. If you weren't, you would not be reflecting right now, and those other two cyborgs would have been ripped to shreds before I deactivated the simulation."

Releasing the girl's hands, Ororo starts for the exit of the Danger Room. She picks up the backpack that is right in front of it, before turning around to face the student. "Don't leave out of this room without saying three phrases: I think I can do it. I know I can do it. I will do it."

Rage has posed:
Blinking as her hands are grabbed, Andrea tears herelf out of her misery and straightens up. She sucks in a deep breath, then lets it out slowly. She gives a nod of her head, then steps forward to give her a firm hug, followed by another sniff. Upon letting her go and watching her walk away, she clears her throat.

"I think I can do it."
"I know I can do it."
"I /will/ do it."

As she speaks, the words are with firm conviction, straightening up and looking resolute.