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Latest revision as of 05:53, 9 July 2018

Where Everybody Knows Your Name
Date of Scene: 16 May 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Elektra invites Darcy Lewis to meet her at Josie's.. on the off chance Matt Murdock might show up. He does. Pizza and beer are had.
Cast of Characters: Elektra, Darcy Lewis, Daredevil

Elektra has posed:
So. Elektra and Matt were.. well.. things were complicated. Not that they'd ever been simple between the pair, but since the attack on Claire and Matt, it was clear that for all involved it was best if the two avoided one another. Only.. Only Elektra still wanted Matt. And while she knew she couldn't have him, she could do something equally as stupid as show up at Josie's, and worse, invite Darcy Lewis to come for a casual drink and some 'za and wings..

Would could possibly go wrong?

Darcy Lewis has posed:
What could possibly go wrong? How much time do we have and how much beer are we going to allow Darcy to have?

Havng gotten the invitation, Darcy heads over after work, meaning she's in her pencil skirt and white blouse and high heels and red lips. Into Josie's she walks, eyes scanning for her 'date', and when she spots Elektra, Darcy heads over.

"Hello, gorgeous. Long time no see," Darcy greets, leaning over for a kiss on the cheek and a hug.

Elektra has posed:
Elektra's features light up when Darcy walks in. Dark eyes watching the woman cross the bar floor to the table (yes, THAT table) where she sits, a pitcher of beer in front of her, as well as a single shot of scotch.

The kiss is welcomed, as is the hug.

"I wondered if you'd come. I ordered food and drinks. I do hope you don't mind?"

She gestures with her chin at the spot across the table from herself.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Do I mind coming when you call? Hell no. You're worth coming for," Darcy quips, eye giving a light wink as she sinks into a chair, setting her purse on the chair near her, and then reaching to pour herself a mug from the pitcher on the table.

Daredevil has posed:
It was a long day at the office, and while Foggy and Karen had other plans, Matt headed down to Josie's for a drink before heading home and getting ready for his other job. It wasn't like he didn't have booze at home but he wanted the buzz of the people around him for a bit.

Matt's mind is on other things until he makes his way through the door, cane leading the way, and E's smell hits him. "Damn it," he mutters, his senses taking in Elektra and her company.

"Hey Murdock, you're letting the stink out," Josie calls from the bar.

Couldn't turn around now, so onward he goes, playing the role of the blind man and giving the two as much privacy as he can on the way to the bar. "Whiskey, neat," he orders with a tight smile for Josie.

Elektra has posed:
Enter Matthew Murdock.

Elektra tenses, her fingers taking on a cast of pale where she grips her beer, before relaxing. It's subtle, but it might be enough for Darcy to notice.

"Well, I've been neglecting you for my other duties. Which reminds me, I wanted to talk to you about a possible job. No worries, I've no intention of poaching you from your precious SHIELD." If only because Elektra wasn't sure that she wanted to find out just how good Melinda May actually was - especially now that she'd seen the other woman's Index File. "But as something supplemantary, perhaps? I could use someone good with administration for the Hugo Building as it finishes its setup. And after that, for the Foundation itself. Advisory if you'd prefer."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Just barely enough. Darcy notes the tension and forced relaxation.

"I feel so neglected," Darcy laments into a swig of the beer on offer. Her head tilts as Elektra starts in on her offer, red lips pursing faintly.

"Hmm... Sure. weekends and most evenings are free. I don't mind. I could use the extra cash to dent my debit," Darcy reasons before she leans forward, elbows on the table taking her weight.

"On one condition: You tell me who walked in that made you Ex-up on me, so I can go kick his..her... its ass."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt smiles faintly when he overhears Darcy's remark. He doesn't move to give away the game, but he does have his drink in his hand rather than on the bar, in case he might be summoned over. Or the night might otherwise get interesting.

Elektra has posed:
Elektra gives a small, apologetic smile to Darcy. "I'd almost pay good money to see that, you know. He ight just be enough of a masochist about the matter to let you, too."

She considers. First her companion; and then Matt. Back to Darcy, "It's a long and complicated story. Are you sure you want to hear the tale? Or we could just invite him over and you can give him the third degree yourself."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Ooh.. masochists. Sometimes fun. Mostly, just a lot of hard work. Had a girlfriend that went BDSM after we broke up... She had a masochist GF... The numbers of times I got to listen to rants about how hard it is to make sure you don't over do it and actually HURT someone while they are crying for more... well, I've lost count. But, if he is, I know just how to handle him," Darcy rambles up to another swig of her beer.

"Call him over. I love playing with exboyfriends," she grins mischeviously.

This is going to end well, no?

Elektra has posed:
Elektra laughs, the sound a light trill between the women, that carries over to Matt. "Wrong kind of masochist. More the Catholic guilt sort. But don't say I didn't warn you."

She lifts her voice, even though she knows full well he can hear everything going on at their table. "Matthew, darling. Fancy meeting you here. Do come join us. I have someone who'd like to meet you." Intimating highly, for those listening in elsewhere in the bar, that Darcy is not only single, but thinks Matt is cute.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt smiles turning in the direction of Elektra's voice, "Elektra, hi," he says, snagging his cane from where it leans against the bar and making his way over to their table with it's aide. "What a surprise, and you said you had someone who wanted to meet me?" he leans his chest and extends his hand towards the table in general. "Hi, Matthew Murdock, pleased to meet you."

Elektra has posed:
Elektra's lips purse together, unable to say much over Matt's overacting theatrics - she'd started it, after all. "Matt Murdock, this is Darcy Lewis. Darcy, Matt. Darcy works for SHIELD. Matthew is a lawyer. Go."

If he wants to play that game, she can too... even if she started it.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Fuck. Catholic? Damn..." Darcy pauses a momentas if thinking things through.

"Guilt really ruins the blowjob, yeah know? Damn... Well, fuck it. In for a penny, all that shit. Let's do this. Fucker made you uneasy," she resolves, turning to track the person Elektra calls over to their table.
The first thing that Darcy notes as Matt draws near is that he is blind. Which means that everything else about him has to be better than average. Darcy's lips curl up, greene yes glinting.

"Hi there, handsome," she says reaching out to take his hand. Her grip is firm but not overly strong. Her nails are that functional length midway between long and short. Minimal perfume comes only from her deodorant, body wash, shampoo, and lotion. The rest is that natural sort of smell a woman has, and a bit of hardwork sweat. It was PT day and she has noped pantyhose for life.

"A lawyer? Hot as fuck most of the time. Extra right now, since there's a view involved. Have a seat. Ram's promised me pizza. Right, gorgeous?" Darcy with the ramble that ends on Elektra, beer being swigged again. A brow is quirked in that unspoken girl language: How badly do I fuck with him?

Elektra has posed:
"So Catholic I'm surprised he doesn't apologize after sex," Elektra murmurs. "I'm quite certain he confesses the fact, if not the sordid details."

There's a negligent rise and fall of her shoulders. "If you make it to blowjob with Matthew, I'd be surprised." She's ever so slightly amused. "Try not to hurt him too badly, though." Her gaze falls over him as hhe crosses the distance from bar to the table. "I've cared deeply for him."

More like she's fathoms deep in love with the man. Love might not be enough to see them past their differences in morality, but it's enough that she'll spurn his attentions if it means keeping him alive. Painful as the process has been. And while Darcy is appraising him, Elektra is drinking in all the things she can't have and wondering at what point regret turns into a mortal wound.

Daredevil has posed:
The Catholic crack earns a snort from Matt as he makes his way over. He wasn't guilty about that sort of thing, which did make him a cafeteria Catholic of sorts, but still the idea made him smirk. Elektra's words though wash it away. They sounded so final.

The impression his senses give him of Darcy seem to be confirmed by the handshake, reasonably athletic, not overly fancy with the lack of perfumes and such, he could see why she'd be hanging around with Elektra.

He sits with a self-effacing smile on his lips, "Handsome I've heard, not sure about hot as fuck," he says with a dollop of false modesty. "Pretty much what I've got to go on for that sort of thing."

Though the smile becomes somewhat curious as he says, "Pizza's great, and Ram?" the last gets a raised eyebrow trying to keep things light while his studies drink in Elektra in turn.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy's eyes slide to Elektra as Matt is spoken of. It's noted how final that sounded, how much that is like a girl giving another her blessing to get with an ex: ..but if you hurt him..

Hell hath no fury...

With Matt at the table and asking about the nickname, Darcy smiles angelically, which of course Matt can't see. All he can hear is the false angel-tones overlaying pure unadulterated mischeif and amusement.

"Right away, Mistress. Because Ram's too stunning to be a 'Miss', and I can totes picture her in tight leather," is the explanation said as Darcy takes another swig of beer, smiling as she studies the pair. Beer set down, Darcy leans on the table to peer Matt dead in the sunglasses.

"Shame you haven't heard it before. Here. Lemme make it clear for you: Hot as fuck." Each word of that is clearly inunciated.

Daredevil has posed:
Even with his sense fixed on Elektra, Darcy is hard to miss. Especially when she conjures up the image of Elektra in leather. "Ah," he says, and yes, he actually blushes a little. Something, he tries to and fails to cover with a quick sip of his whiskey. It's hard to pretend Darcy's not leaning right into his face, but he manages not to really flinch until she speaks, moving back in his seat, looking surprised, an expression that breaks into a smile. "Well, that was certainly memorable," he says with chuckling softly. "Thanks," he says, before asking, "So, where'd you two meet?" he asks the pair.

Elektra has posed:
Darcy's words to Matt, in particular those about her thoughts on what Elektra should be wearing, cause amusement to flitter across Elektra's features before she buries them behind a sip of her beer. Though Matt's blush is not missed.

When he sits, she nods at him, "Matthew." Arching a brow at the blush, as much as if to offer challenge. She lets Darcy give the story, if only because it absolves her of any participation, or further need to interact with Matt or betray herself. As it is, watching him light and loose at their table, falling for Darcy's flirtations.. it's nothing so much as a sucker punch to the gut. Worse, she's regretting her off-hand quip about blowjobs.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
He blushed. Darcy smiles, eyes flicking to Elektra. Darcy can see it, the feeling of the sucker punch. In the world of skates and microminis, this is something that happens sometimes. Darcy turns her eyes back to Matt.

"Glad you thought so. Any time you need your memory jogged, just let me know. I'd offer you my number, but I'm not sure I know how to give you my number... I'd have to play with your phone or something," Darcy rambles as she settles back into her seat, another swig taken to finish the mug.

"Coffee shop. I was on break frow work. She was at my table. And she's gorgeous. So, I took the ready made excuse of 'my usual seat' in order to talk to her. Then she mentioned most people tend to say 'Right away, Miss' to her... I like Mistress more than Miss, so I gave her an upgrade," Darcy rambles, before bouncing in her seat and turning her attention to Elektra once more.

"OH! I can't believe I forgot to send them.. but the shinies are so fucking amazing looking. I took some topless for you to see, but I just kept getting like all distracted. Work's been stupid. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to track people down off Reddit! Anyway, I can send them now, if you want," she says to Elektra before turning back to Matt and with the tone of someone not wanting to seem rude she adds:

"I'd offer to let you 'see' them too, but I really can't afford to get arrested for public indecensy right now. We'd have to go somewhere a bit more private first."

Daredevil has posed:
A genuine smile is thrown Elektra's way, "Shh," he teases about her reaction to the blush. He has another sip of his whiskey, but his attention remains fixed on her, something evident from his body language.

The question about his phone gives Matt a moment of deer in headlights on one hand E had given Darcy the greenlight, but on the other, he wasn't sure where he was at with all of this. "Yeah, it sort of talks," he says. "I can grab it from you later," he offers.

He settles back into his seat then listening to the story, drink in hand, nursing more than sipping. "Hm," he says. "I could see how Elektra might like that," he remarks about the form of address, a small teasing smile forming on his lips.

At the talk of the shinies his expression goes from confusion to realization, before chuckling a little, "Don't let me hold you two up, you were good enough to let me join you," he says about then seeking a moment to view those shinies.

Elektra has posed:
Elektra nods at Matt, over her beer. Her eyes meet his and betray her. And just as quickly, shutter to hide her reaction to him... or so she thinks.

"Oh, the back alley was for you, Matthew. I do believe she was suggesting that you be given the less polaroid version of looking at her gift."

An arch of brow to Darcy. "Yes? And I'm glad you like them. Consider them a thank-you and a memory of a happy day. You will be coming to the Foundation opening, so you can see what has been accomplished since that day."

She explains to Matthew, "We signed the last of the contracts that day. There was a holdout - across the country, actually. Trying to keep the various lawyer teams from crossing paths so that I could make the deals on the properties to bring the Foundation to fruition was a bit of a juggling act."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy spots the exchanged looks, but seems to ignore them for the moment as she giggles over Matt's misunderstanding.

"Yes. Hell, you can both go and get a feel for them. I'm not shy. My tits are fantastic and the shinies make them look beyond amazing," she adds, smiling to Elektra.

"Oh! You got it up and going? That's wonderful. I've been thinking about your offer. The answer is Yes."

Elektra has posed:
"Wonderful," Elekta murmurs to Darcy. "You have my number. And I'll tell then to expect your call. As well as make certain you get a tour when you come to the Opening."

Daredevil has posed:
The meeting of their eyes goes unnoticed by Matt, but Elektra's reaction to that meeting doesn't it takes a second, then, he turns away, the red creeping back into his cheeks again.

He looks up when Elektra corrects him, "Sorry, what? Oh!," he says chuckling lightly. "I thought she was offering you, I mean you apparently bought the things," he smiles.

Darcy's offer is met with a gentle shake of his head. "Thank you, no, I'm sure they're great but that stuff tends to be lost on me, touch or otherwise. If Elektra wants a look though, like I said, be my guest."

He takes a breath shaking his head at it all. Definitely not what he expected when he walked in here.

"And I can imagine," Matt says of the Hugo Building and all that must have been involved it getting it made. "I did some work smaller projects like that and it was a mess," he says, before asking, "Have you set a date for the opening?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy nods to Elektra, smiling warmly as she moves to refill her beer.

"Just let me know if there's a dress code or something for that event. I'd hate to show up naked if it was black-tie, ya know?" There's the mischief again, dancing in her voice and on her smirk.

"Oh. You're gay? That's cool too. Sorry for hitting on you? Wow, that's got to be even more awkward with the Catholic thing..." Darcy turns to Elektra mid-ramble. "And the blowjob thing. Wait..." She pauses, points between the two...

"Bi? Indecisive? Tell me you didn't switch teams post-Ram. That's just... I mean.. Look at.. um shit. ...feel at her?! She's hot and thoughtful and generous and who wouldn't want to tap all of that AND put a ring on it?!"

Elektra has posed:
"Actually," Elektra says quietly, "The dress code is casual. We're going to have a carnival. The project isn't for those who can afford black tie affairs, so we're not having a black tie affair. Instead, it's catering to the people the project is for. It's going to be a carnival."

She settles back, letting that sink in, watching both Darcy and Matt for their reactions. Only to be distracted by Darcy's continued commentary on Matt. "Oh, I think I can unequivocably say Matthew doesn't bat for the other team. Unless he's changed his mind since I last.." A pause. "..spent time with him." The rest gets a soft chuckle of a sigh. "Matthew isn't the marrying type, Darcy. Well, more to the point, I wasn't the woman for him."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt does look surprised at the notion of it being a carnival. "Really?" he asks, more surprised than put out by it, indeed his lips curl at the thought.

As to the notion he's gay, Matt chuckles and shakes his head, "What Elektra said," he says. "Not gay, just Catholic," that's offered with a small smile. "The Church has a thing against feeling people up in alleys, even if you're blind."

The talk of letting Elektra go, draws a frown out of Matt, an expression of deep regret. "Yeah, not really the marrying type. It's not her fault."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy eyes them both at this. Sure, she's pleased as punch that its a carnival (and her smile was beaming), but the idea that these beautiful people, still seeming to care so much for each other are NOT hooking up is just... annoying!

"Well. I think you two are dumb as fuck about that, but whatever. Not my pity party," she retorts, drinking a bit more beer before looking that way for the pizza. It was ordered wasn't it?

Elektra has posed:
"Dumb as fuck," Elektra repeats Darcy's phrasing. "Perhaps. Though there are always reasons." The word 'fuck' doesn't lay lightly upon her tongue. It isn't that she sounds like the word is foreign so much as she bears the impression that there are so many other words she could (and does) use to convey the same as that one four letter expletive.

"Sometimes the things you want aren't what you need. Consider it a case of irreconcilable differences." There is nothing of mirth or amusement to her tones. And for her usual, controlled self, there is entirely too much regret conveyed in both her words and her expression. "It was good though, while it lasted."

She moves on, then, picking up her beer, and acting like she hadn't just been speaking of the loss of the love of her life. "Yes. A carnival. I've just finished making the arrangements for the features, and the performers. I expect the building's residents to enjoy themselves. And for those who helped make it happen, whether by support, or by physically working on the building, to see what their efforts have wrought, and how it is appreciated."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt blinks, he didn't often hear Elektra curse, he cocks his head, "Maybe," he allows in an echo of Elektra's judgment, thoroughly non-committal.

He ruminates on Elektra's words, 'sometimes the things you want aren't what you need' he didn't quite believe that applied to him. Deep down, past the bullshit, he still felt he needed her, maybe that was what kept him coming back. He smiles, sadly, "Yes, it was," he says attention drifting back to Elektra for a moment, his head turning with it.

And just like that he's shifting gears, "Looks like the pizza's coming," he says as a waitress makes their way over with it. "And the carnival sounds fun, not that there was any doubt, but I'll be there."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy's gaze slides between the two.

"Mm-hmm," she murmurs softly, faintly, to herself. Perhaps Elektra heard her? Darcy's not sure. Darcy doesn't care. For sure Matt heard her, but Darcy doesn't know that. Because it's a secret!

On to the next thing....

"Fuck. Finally. I'm stupid hungry and getting tipsy from one fucking mug. Shit, man. Office work killed my tolerance. Yes. Right. Carnival. Sounds dope. I'm in," Darcy says, sitting back to make room for the pie. She glances at matt, grinning a grin she's sure he can't see. Her tone broadcasts it for her.


Elektra has posed:
Elektra doesn't push her point. It's not really an argument she can make without greater explanation than perhaps Darcy needs to know. That and the whole thing is a painful topic of conversation.

The arrival of pizza absolves her of needing to delve further, Elektra reaching for a slice.

"I thought it a small stroke of brilliance, the carnival. And it might allow some of our more.." She gives a glimmer of a grin as she says this, "..upstanding members of society a chance to let loose and see how the other half lives."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt pretends to miss the smile, busying himself with sorting out where his plate was and all the rest of the things his Act required of him. "Would someone mind serving me a slice?" he asks them.

"That would be interesting but from what I hear about some of the upper crust like Stark and Wayne they don't need help cutting loose," he smiles at that. "But it's a good idea, bring people together by having fun. Certainly beats a stuffy cocktail party."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Without batting an eyelash, as Matt is feeling for his place setting, Darcy collects the spatula and places a slice neatly on his plate.

"Provech," she says, Americanizing and slanging a spanish saying about people enjoying their food. Task done, she serves herself, coats the thing with a layer of grate cheese and a few flakes. Healthy-girl bite is taken.

"Totes beats cocktail parties. Way boring until it's Festivus and you can tlak the hostess into an Airing of Grievances," she says around a mouthful.

Elektra has posed:
"Festivus?" Elektra queries with a lift of brow. "I will probably regret asking, but what is Festivus?"

She allows her question to hide her amusement over Darcy helping Matt to a slice he is perfectly capable of getting on his own. "I usually give him clock hands and let him fend for himself. He'll play you, Darcy, if you let him." A subtle warning? But to whom?

"I thought it would be a change of pace. I certainly wasn't interested in another black tie affair." And, indeed, Matt should remember how boring she found those.

Daredevil has posed:
"Thanks," Matt says with a smile as he hears the pizza hit his plate. "What'd you guys order anyhow?" he asks, he knew from the smell but the devil was in the details.

The Festivus question gets a slight smirk from Matt. He lost his sight in 2007, like most Americans he'd seen some Seinfeld. "I'll let you field that one," he says to Darcy.

"And I object to that characterization," he says, "I am an officer of the court, I'd never play anyone." There is a wry smile with that remark.

"Yeah, they're dull, and so many fancy cars, that sort of thing can lead to trouble," he says with a private smile for Elektra before he takes a sip of his drink.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Pizza, dude. She ordered pizza," Darcy quips of the blind man's question of hte menu. Another healthy bite is taken into Elektra's question and Darcy makes quick work of that bite so she can take Matt u pon his offer to field the question.

"There's Christmas, Chanhakkah, and Kwanzaa for them and Festiv-us for the rest-of-us," she says it to make it rhyme plain as day.

"Airing of Grievences, Games of Athletic Prowess, continuning on until a guest challenges the host and defeats said host in a wrestling match. A good Festivus Guest will coordinate with the Host before hand on the sly, and then watch the party goers, movin to end the night when fun has been had and people are just starting to grow weary." Another bite washed down by beer.

"And fancy cars have the best hoods to fuck on. Inside, not so much. I like Chevy trucks for that..." As if talking about the weather.