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(Storm and Rogue go to a Friends of Humanity meeting. Rogue is used as bait.)
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Latest revision as of 05:13, 22 July 2018

X-MEN - Machinations: Going to Church
Date of Scene: 21 July 2018
Location: Church
Synopsis: Storm and Rogue go to a Friends of Humanity meeting. Rogue is used as bait.
Cast of Characters: Donald Pierce, Storm, Rogue

Donald Pierce has posed:
The drive into Queens was about what one would expect. Thankfully given the time of day, most of the traffic was heading out of town, in the opposite direction Rogue and Storm came. The Blessed Mark Catholic Church comes into view on 74th Avenue. The front of the building has three doors set in arches of grey stone. Two grey stone pillars rise up the front, bracketing the doors, and the rest of the building is brown brick. The roof line from the front is a triangle, with a cross mounted on the peak. It has nicely kept grass along the sidewalk and the parking lot is surrounded by a low, black iron fence. Cars, vans and SUVs are pulling into the lot. It looks almost like a Sunday gathering was beginning. Instead of Sunday best, many of the people arriving are in casual clothes, or look like they have come straight from work. Black and red are notable colours, though not predominant enough to be a uniform. A sandwhich board is posted at the entrance to the driveway, helpfully informing you that the Friends of Humanity meeting was there. But you knew that much from this chapter's website.

Storm has posed:
A black Ford Mustang pulls into the driveway slowly, maneuvering behind other vehicles that are making their way into the church's parking lot. The driver is a Kenyan descendant dressed in all black, the exception being a red blouse and a head dress that covers a white Mohawk from being seen. Blue eyes find a parking spot a couple feet from the car in front her; Ororo takes it, parks, but leaves the engine on as she turns to face the passenger next to her.

"Testing, testing," Ororo says into a hidden communications unit in her ear. "Can you hear me, Rogue?" She looks passed Rogue with her peripheral vision, taking in the crowd that is making its way into the church. There are different types of people entering the building: African American, Caucasian, Asian, tall, short... they all are coming together to discuss one thing. How upsetting they will be if they find out the very topic of conversation is about to be standing amongst them - mutants.

"Ready to hear a sermon about how we should burn in hell?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue steps out of the black mustang as well, her hair is all finely combed and pulled back on her head into a braided ponytail that stretches down the length of her spine toward her waistline while the whites of her bangs are tied into two tiny braids that hang down on either sides of her face, she has on a black tanktop and a sheer black scarf pulled tight around her shoulders, her hands/arms are wearing long black dress gloves and she completes her black stylings with slim fit jeans and leather boots. Rogue's pale green eyes look around the gathering of people, the equaly ebon eyeliner around them making the pale green stand out even more.

"I got ya, sugha." Rogue quietly says back into the mic, having come to help Storm as per the senior X-Men's request to the teenaged Avenger who still affiliates herself as a X-Men at heart.

Rogue adjusts the sheer scarf over her otherwise bare shoulders and starts forward, walking casually.

Donald Pierce has posed:
Rogue and Storm fall in with the flow of people heading from the parking lot to the front doors. As they pass through the doors they are greeted by a pretty young woman in her20's wearing a black dress with a red name tag. Amy. She smiles pleasantly and offers Rogue and Storm each a leaflet.

Inside the church smells of wood polish and coffee. Some nearby tables in the foyer to the left are laid out with coffee urns, baked goods and more pamplets emblazoned with the Friends of Humanity logo. On the opposite of the foyer to the right are two tables manned by a pair of young men, also in their 20's, who seem to be selling books and DVDs. Their table is a veritable smorgasborg of material from the Who's Who of the anti-mutant movement.

Some people stand in small knots chatting and laughing, but most move through into the next room. Architecturally it is a hall church, with nave and side isles of the same height. The exterior walls are the same red brick on the side and grey stone pillars rise to the roof among the wooden pews. People make their way to various places in the pews, taking seats, shaking hands, chatting with people they know. Up front to the side of the dais a man who is probably the parish priest is standing talking with two men in suits and a woman in a pantsuit. All four seem to be in their late 30's or early 40's.

The pamphlet has several invitations to visit the Friends of Humanity website and sign up. There are Bible verses and exhoratations to be watchful for the mutant among you. On the inside right page is the itinerary. There is to be an initial talk given by The Reverend Edward Wright, followed by two guest speakers. Dr. Ellie Wozniak of New York University's Social Sciences Department, and Mr. Chet Batterfield.

In just a few minutes the meeting will start.

Storm has posed:
Turning the vehicle off and pocketing the keys, Ororo exits and walks around to stand next to Rogue. While she doesn't look overly cautious of her surroundings, the leader of the X-Men is very cautious indeed; she scans the area around them without seeming obvious, as they walk closer to the entrance of the church. A designer hand fan - particularly labeled 'God Hates Muties' - is in one hand, wafting it to form a breeze in the summer heat.

"God, bless you," Ororo says pleasantly to Amy, taking a leaflet.

Ororo finds her way towards the table with several books and DVDs, eyeing the materials with a combination of distaste and rage. Her facial expressions, however, remain courteous and even intrigued by what she is looking at. When one of the teenagers asked Ororo if he could help her with anything, she politely declines and continues to move through to the next room.

"They really don't like us," Ororo whispers into the comm unit, finally taking a look at the leaflet in her free hand. She skims the left page quickly, walking into the room and settling for a pew towards the back. Her eyes squint when she gets the itinerary on the right page, and on it is the name of the suspect they are here to question. "And, it seems our guy is a guest speaker tonight. Check out the itinerary."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue gives a glance to Ororo on their way inside, but looks back to this Amy-person when the leaflet is given. She accepts it in her left gloved hand and then turns it over, investigates either side of it before she just continues on her way. "Clearly." Rogue mutters back. "Which is sad, cause we're so great." She says with a bit of dry humor as per her style, giving a small grin over to Storm as well before she walks over to the table with all the stuff on it also. She picks up a canvas bag, unfolds it and starts to load it up with stuff, cause its free right? Rogue fills it fully of 'study material' and then shuffles after Storm to keep up with her.

When Ororo setltes in at the pew, Rogue is right there with her, she leans over to speak to her. "I haven't been in a church in ages, feels like I'm gonna catch fire any second for all'a my sins I've been rackin' up." And she cannot help but give another quick grin before she sends her green eyes to the far front of the room.

Donald Pierce has posed:
On their way through to the pews, both women catch appreciative glacnes from some of the men. But always the men, never women. Where one prejudice is, others follow, and mutants are not the only unwelcome group here.

Finally, a woman in her 40's in a red summer dress steps up to the microphone on the dais. "Please take your seats, everyone."

The last people from the foyer file in and take seats.

The woman introduces the parish priest, Reverend White. He is no older than his mid-forties, slim and dressed in the expected black. The reverand has an easy smile and confidence, no doubt from years spent talking in front of people. And his voice is a pleasant baritone. He starts with a simple question. Why does God hate mutants?

From that question, Reverend White tells the tale of the Nephilim, quoting from Genesis and Ezekiel. He tells how these fallen angels took human wives for themselves, who bore them children that were larger, stronger and faster than humans. He tells how God hated these creatures and wiped them out with the Great Flood. But now in these times, as a sign of how far the world has fallen from God, the nephilim return. But this time they are men bearing the X gene, passing it to their children, who are born mutants. He expounds in such reasonable tones, sincerity and authority that he is compelling. He tells stories of the evils done by mutants as examples showing they were truly forsaken by God and had to be opposed.

When the reverend finishes there is a great deal of clapping for him. The woman in the red dress returns to the dais and introduces the next speaker, Dr. Wozniak. Dr. Wozniak introduces herself and explains she is a sociologist who studies tribal power relations in modern contexts. She explains her theory of social peace; a balance of power and force that forces all sides to treat each other well. Then Dr. Wozniak talks about the 'mutant tribe'. A tribe of extremely powerful beings. And as their number grow, the beings in this tribe will chafe under the rules and strictures of the dominant culture. They will test, demand new rights, and eventually, overthrow. And humans will be as neanderthals before them. Her view is dark and dystopian and couched in scientific sounding inevitability. She too gets loud applause, but the room is more somber now as they contemplate the threat.

Storm has posed:
After investigating the leaflet, Ororo leans her ear slightly in Rogue's direction to hear her voice more clearly. Internally, she grins. "I have no doubt in my mind that most everyone in this room would catch on fire, if their God has anything to say about it." Everyone has a rock to throw at a glass house apparently. Ororo would say she is an exception, but she has a past too.

As the sermon begins, Ororo pays close attention to the thought processes of the speakers. Both proved themselves intelligent, confident people, if not misguided by the principles of not actually being a mutant. She related more with the second speaker than the first - the connection with Magneto flowing all too easily in her experiences - but she false claps to both speakers when they finish. As the room grows more concerned after the second speaker concludes, Ororo gives Rogue a small glance to make sure she is alright.

"I believe Mr. Batterfield is next," Ororo offers, growing curious of the man.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue was never one for church. Her aunt had tried to get her to go, tried to get her into a pretty little dress and go to Sunday School and everything... but the little girl that had been all those years ago in Mississippi refused, rampaged against it even. Sure she'd gone a few times, enough to realize that she loathed every second of it. The pews were horribly uncomfortable and when she asked why, she was told 'on purpose'. The collection plates that got passed out for money offerings felt weird and awkward to her. The other kids they were all like zombies, embracing the stories and fanciful concepts of the religion and to little-Rogue? She hated it, thought it was the worst. So like with many things...

Rogue rebelled.

Now, all these years later, here she is inside a church again and yet again she's squirming on her butt on the pew cause its just... damned uncomfortable. She huffs outs a slight sigh and lets her eyes wander around, to any of the men who're looking back at her, she gives them a charming and true Southern Belle smile, the kinda smile that could melt ice in a tall glass of sweet tea.

She did her best to pay attention to the people up front talking, but that really isn't Rogue's kinda thing neither... no, she's the tank. She knows her role and its to flatten this whole place if Storm gives her the order to do so.

When Storm looks over to her to see if she's okay, Rogue just grins back at her. "Batter up?" She responds to the Batterfield's turn, cause she's just that kinda bad humor!

Donald Pierce has posed:
The woman in the red dress introduces Mr. Chet Batterfield next. Batterfield is in his 30's, tall, and easily 6'4", with a lean swimmer's build. His features are strong and well defined. He has bright blue eyes under dark brown hair kept parted to one side. His suit is stylish hipster, three-piece affair in navy blue. He is very handsome. Perhaps not as stunning as the firefighter Rogue ran into at the chemical plant, but definitely handsome and aware of it.

Where the first speaker told of what the threat was, and the second that the threat was coming, Batterfield spoke of what to do. Building on the previous two speeches he talked about the importance of joining local chapters of Friends of Humanity. He talked about the powerful duty to mankind everyone had to support the cause, financially and with their time. Batterfield talked about how to form small groups, how to approach your neighbours to warn them of the threat and how to deal with the arguments people often use against Friends of Humanity's positions. Finally, Batterfield referenced the shadow war going on against murdering mutant vigilantes and some of the most ardent protectors in the Friends of Humanity. He exhorts those present to call their senators, attend rallies, refuse business to mutants and if necessary, to fight back. All for the protection of humanity.

There is more clapping when Batterfield finishes and the woman in the red dress thanks everyone for coming. People start to stand up and talk to one another, or go to congregate in the foyer where the coffee and food is. Some go up front wanting thank the speakers or shake their hands.

Storm has posed:
As she had done with the previous two speakers, Ororo listens to the last with bated breath. Despite the many wrong things being preached - keying in, especially, on the fear and hatred of people that live peacefully among them - she maintains, keeping up the rouse and clapping when he finishes. Ororo even goes farther by giving him a standing ovation. As the room begins to clear, the hand fan she brought in opens and creates a small breeze against her features. It cools her raging temperament that she keeps under control.

"Come on," Ororo says to Rogue. "Let's go meet your biggest inspiration."

Ororo allows the words to set in for her partner before she finally smiles in the Southern woman's direction. Gauging Mr. Batterfield's age, it seems perfectly aligned for him and Rogue to meet. Without wasting more time, Ororo extends a free hand and grabs Rogue by a gloved hand, hoping to pull her up from the pew. And if/when she does, they make a path straight for the man. Waiting in line, as two others would like to meet him as well, Ororo turns to Rogue. "We need to get as much information from him about the incident as we can," she says in a whisper to the Southern woman.

She takes one step closer as he finishes with one person and goes to the next.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue certainly had spent plenty of time day dreaming about that Firefighter! But alas, he'd been married... gosh darnit! All the good ones are!

She did look to Batterfield to stare at him as he was indeed a fancy man himself, but she wasn't so daft as to accept a man's looks over the content of his heart and she knew damn well she was surrounded by a church full of dark hearts.

When it all came to a close and they were finally able to stand up from those damn unyielding pews, Rogue was grateful to do so. "Not exactly the speech from Independence Day, but it certainly seems to have worked on this crowd." Rogue mutters at a level that only Ororo can hear because of their communicators.

When Storm grabs her hand, she follows after her. "How're we gonna do that?" She asks then, but as they get closer to Batterfield she angles to get his attention and afford him one of her smiles as well. He may be in his 30s and she just midway through her 19th year, but hey, she's an expert and encourageable flirt, so look out men of the world! Rogue glances over to Storm then. "I hope you got good questions ready, cause I got nothin'."

Donald Pierce has posed:
The line to Batterfield is made up of mainly younger men, uniformly dressed in black. Batterfield seems almost to be holding court. He passes his card to a few of the people who come to meet him. Finally, Storm and Rogue come up to the front of the line. Batterfield smiles as they approach, obviously intrigued. "What can I do for you, ladies?"

Storm has posed:
"Talk about defending oneself against mutants on a personal level. How to get more involved. Ask him about his particular chapter in the city." Thoughts flow into words easily, whispering all of it to Rogue on the fly. Ororo has her own questions for the man, the kind focusing more on events from last week that killed over a dozen innocent lives. "If you can, get him alone."

Turning as his words reach her ears, Ororo smiles brightly towards the man and extends her hand in greeting. "What an amazing sermon, Mr. Batterfield," she says, shaking his hand with interest. "We drove an hour to hear the truth, the word of God, and you spoke it so eloquently and passionately."

"Please, meet my adopted daughter, Annalise," she says, moving to the side so the man can get a better view of Rogue. "She's had several bad experiences with terrible mutants, and has a few private questions for you. Do you have a moment to speak with her? Please. A man of your anointing must bless this child and give her your wisdom in her time of trouble."

Ororo lays it on thick, and if it weren't for her Kenyan accent, the interaction would have been perceived as more than a culture difference.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue smirks a little at Ororo. "I'll do my best... he's a preache'ah though, he's probably inta the othe'ah gende'ah." When Rogue is being particularly sassy her southern accent shines through even thicker, such as when she says that bit with a grin to punctuate it. But then its their turn to speak with him and she's there with a sweet smile and a steady locked-stare on his face.

After Ororo speaks of her unfortunate run-ins with Mutants, Rogue lifts her gloved hands-and-forearms up and wiggles her fingers a little. "The monsters left me with burns and... and... pain." Rogue says in a played-up measure of her poor Belle flavored accent. She furrows her dark eyebrows and glances down submissively for a moment before she adjusts the sheer black scarf around her bare shoulders. "I love your serman, Miste'ah Batterfield... and this place." Rogue's green eyes wander around. "Its stunnin' t'be sure..." She looks back onto him and smiles more warmly. "I'd love t'get the full tour of it, if'n ya ever find a chance t'give such'a thing. I'm sure you're stupid busy all the time though." She draws in a melodramatic breath and releases it heavily.

Donald Pierce has posed:
Batterfield takes Storm's hand with a self-assured, even arrogant smile. He listens, nodding his head and then laughs a little.

"Oh I'm no preacher, miss, I'm a lawyer. Batterfield of Brady and Batterfield?" he says. Apparently that should mean something. He hands Storm a card.

He baldly gives Storm and Rogue a once over and he looks soooo concerned for poor Rogue. "That's awful. What you need is a good lawyer to make them pay," he says. He glances over at Reverend Wright and then gives Rogue a lopsided grin. "You know, the reverend is busy, but I know this place pretty well. Why don't I show you around and you can tell me what happened. I /always/ have time for victims of mutants." He offers Rogue his arm.

Storm has posed:
"Oh," Ororo responds, accepting the offered card.

She gives it a once-over before pulling out her cell phone and taking a picture of both sides. The pictures are sent to members of the X-Men that are adept at digging up information. Ororo places both the card and her phone into her pockets just the lawyer offers his arm to Rogue. She back pedals a couple steps, allowing the two of them to begin the tour.

While the two of them interact, Ororo blinks and her vision shifts to perceive the world around her as energy. It isn't x-ray vision, but it is helpful when she is scanning her vicinity for oddities. Ororo follows behind the couple.

Rogue has posed:
"A lawyer?" Rogue says with a grin. "Oh, well then. Would ya help me sue them inta the dirt?" She ask as she takes the offered arm and then looks over to Storm. "See, I told ya this was a great place t'come tonight, Mothe'ah." She says coyly to her partner. Its then that Rogue looks back to Batterfield and moves to walk along with him.

"Ya know, before all'a this happened t'me, I just wanted t'live a normal life and be a peaceful and happy kinda person... Worryin' about the simple things in life, like love and boys. But when I got burned by a mutant just for being close t'him? Now? Now I want revenge." She says with a slight dramatic sigh again before she glances around.

"I hope that ya'll can teach me what I need t'be as good'a member as I can be." She bumps her sheer black shawl covered shoulder lightly againts the side of Batterfield's arm, her skin beneath it is visible, but thankfully covered up so as to keep her from harming anyone less they touch her face at the moment, really.

Donald Pierce has posed:
"Oh we can hurt them, Annalise, more than you know," he promises with a smile. He smirks just slightly when she bumps him, a vaguely predatory expression. When he gets her away from earshot of others he seems to mulling something over. "You know, we're a top firm, our rates are really high... Maybe too high for you. But... I could take you on as a pro-bono client... It would have to be after hours," he says off-handedly. "But I can answer all your questions about Friends of Humanity. I'm /very/ well connected."

Storm has posed:
Luckily, Ororo is not close enough to Mr. Batterfield to hear the subtle hints in his tone towards her 'adopted daughter'. If so, she would have been disgusted by the thought of a man with such hate in his heart being courted. Ororo is in her own world currently, investigating the area for anything suspicious, despite their mission target being right in front of them. Extra credit investigating him and the Friends of Humanity would not hurt.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is all too used to men acting like this man, and to be fair she was encouraging it out of him, coaxing it out him by using her looks and charm... Of course he was giving it a little EASIER than others have whenever she's tried this tactic which made her stomach turn a bit on the inside, but hey... in Rogue's eyes, men are dogs through and through, some are just dogs worth having around more than others!

"After hours is fine with me." Rogue replies to the man, fully expecting him to get handsy any second which will be his mistake if he does, but hell, she'll gain some memories out of him if he does it and maybe they'll be some she and Stormy can use.

Rogue's eyes glance around once they're a bit further away from the others. "I just go t'community college durin' the day and then go back home t'my new mom's place. But she spends mosta her time with her boyfriend, hidin' in their bedroom making wild kingdom noises." Rogue rolls her eyes like it disgusts her. "I'm stuck out in the resta the trailer all by myself, makin' dinner and waitin' for them to pop their heads out. So if you give me an excuse t'get the hell outta there..." She flashes him a big grin. "Color me appreciative." She tells the older man.

Donald Pierce has posed:
Batterfield smiles. "Good, good. Then come by my place tomorrow, I'll interview you and we can talk, say, six o'clock."
He pulls out one of his cards and a pen, and scrawls an address across the back. "It'll be much better than staying home. I promise."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue looks up at the man's eyes and she smiles as he gives her a card. Her eyes drop down to it and she turns it over in her gloved fingers between either of her raised up hands, scanning the lettering on the surface of the little slip. "Sounds fantastic." Rogue says then before she looks up at him and reaches up to place her right hand on his chest. "You're a kind and carin' soul." She tells him, her voice laced with dramatic sincerity. Her head gentley shakes from right to left. "Its men like you that're gonna keep this world safe and secure for the resta us, who're hopin' just t'live our lives without the fear'a bein' harmed by those wretched monster mutants." She'll let her hand slide down his chest. "Six sharp." She says then before she turns and starts back toward where Ororo is.

Once she gets to Storm's location the card is shown and she shows a faint lopsided smirk. "I need a shower." She tells her friend.

Storm has posed:
Ororo grins, turning from the man and starting for the outside of the church. "I don't know whether I should be proud or ashamed of you, daughter. Either way, good work." They both walk to the car and drive back to the mansion.