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|Synopsis=Jason is assaulted by something after the Lazarus Pit. Kitty and Tim assist in fighting it off
|Synopsis=Jason is assaulted by something after the Lazarus Pit. Kitty and Tim assist in fighting it off
|Cast of Characters=296, 68, 54
|Cast of Characters=296, 68, 54

Latest revision as of 01:55, 24 March 2019

All Blade: T-T-T-Timmy!
Date of Scene: 22 March 2019
Location: Los Pollos Hermanos restaurant in Gotham
Synopsis: Jason is assaulted by something after the Lazarus Pit. Kitty and Tim assist in fighting it off
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Red Hood, Red Robin
Tinyplot: All-Blade

Shadowcat has posed:
Evening comes to Gotham. Not just any evening, but the start of a weekend. Regular Joes head home from work, kissing the wife and picking up their kid, glad to have a few days of break from work. The younger crowd prepare are already kicking off their weekend at the bar or whatever their normal spot is.

And Jason and and Kitty are out to eat. She'd drove in from New York after finishing up work at JVD Fashion House. A quick shower to freshen up, and then Jason had indicated he wanted to take her out for dinner.

And so they end up out together for a night on the town. If there are plans for any of Jason's family or friends to meet up with them, the twenty-year-old brunette isn't aware of them yet. "So, it sounds like some Sentinels broke through the wall of Janet's penthouse and abducted her. But the Avengers were able to track her down and free her," Kitty is saying of her boss while she's still on the contract assignment. Though that is wrapping up and she'll be going to work at Stark Industries soon.

Red Hood has posed:
"Sentinels? But she's not a mutant. That doesn't make sense. I mean, I read the literature, I took the tour when I was a kid. She got her powers from her ex-husband, or something, right?" Jason asks as he places an order for a bucket of chicken and side dishes - a perfect little meal for two. Handed the cups for the drinks, and the number tag for their table, he's heading over to a booth to claim with her.

He's dressed down - he's wearing a tour shirt for Cheap Trick that certainetly wasn't made in 1984, well fitting blue jeans and tennis shoes along with a jacket against the remains of winter's embrace. "So where does this leave you until she's found? Are you going to be helping in searching for her?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake has just gotten back into town from singapor the previous night and Jason may not even know he is in town, but as the chicken joint is probably one that they have eat at before, and Tim is in the mood for chicken, this is where he ends up tonight. He is solo tonight, and has a laptop bag over his shoulder.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde is wearing a sweater and jeans, with a pair of heeled boots. Just a light jacket thrown over the top when outdoors, but more for when it cools off later in the night than being needed right now. Kitty takes the cups from Jason, going to fill them while he gets the booth.

She returns to him and takes a seat. "Well, if the rumor's right, they found her and rescued her," Kitty says. "I don't know for sure why they went for her. Though, they've had some tangles with them. So maybe it was to send a message?" Kitty suggests with a shrug.

She helps Jason distribute the food. "Oh I'm famished. That's one thing about working at a fashion house. All these models and even if they are healthy looking by model standards - I don't think Janet would use any other type - I still feel like they are -watching me- every time I eat something," Kitty says with a laugh and a shake of her head.

Red Hood has posed:
"So they kidnapped her and she was already found? Well, that doesn't make front page news. That's like.. page six stuff." Jason considers and then gives a nod of his head. "But maybe a message. Who knows about what? Proving that they're willing to hunt anyone in a cape? Pretty dumb move." he comments, before shrugging his shoulders.

Her next comment brings a grin, though. "Really? I should show up there one day with a couple of bags of the greasiest Big Belly burgers I can get, and see how many of them run like they were just exorcised." There's a wink at Kitty as he notices Tim. "Crap. When did he come home?"

And of course he's not about to invite Tim to the table. No. Nerdbird can sit all by his lonseome.

Jason can be a jerk sometimes.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks over and will give Jason an up nod, but seeing the other is with a lovely young lady, he does not give him much more attention. He is not the jerk unless it is to Damian. He will head to order something to eat and when getting it, he will sigh a moment, as the only free booth happens to be near the couple.

Shadowcat has posed:
"Yes, she was gone a few days," Kitty says, "Before the news came that she was going to be ok." She holds up her hands as if not having gotten details yet. "I sent her a picture of me in the painting et up, before I realized what was going on," Kitty says. That was her costume she wore to Purim at the Jewish temple with her mother, Lorna and Magneto the night before.

Kitty laughs at the mention of the burgers. "Oh, be good. Janet is such a darling. I love her so. Don't want to make waves. And I'll be going back and helping out there from time to time even after I start at Stark," she says.

The comment about Tim's appearance causes Kitty to glance over towards Tim. She looks back to Jason, head tilting a bit. "Everything ok?" she asks in a really soft voice. Is this one of -those- kind of 'crap' moments, or just a regular person one. "Not a friend?" she asks.

Red Hood has posed:
"You mean the party I didn't get to go to?" Jason asks, and gets a smirk. "Man, think you know a girl, and she doesn't even invite you to a party. Tsk." Yes, he knows what it is - and yes, he's giving Kitty a hard time about it. At the mention of the other guy. "Totally not a friend. Much worse." comes the response from Jason, before he blows out a breath and he seems to slump a little. "God, he looks pathetic when he's trying to be nosey."

"Come on, Tim. Meet my girlfriend. Kitty, this is Tim Drake - the other brother. The one we don't talk about. Because he's special." There's a tease to his voice as he waits for Tim to joing them as he moves around to sit next to Kitty. "Tim, this Kitty Pryde, my apparently Wayne approved girlfriend." Code for she knows about Bruce and him, but possibly not about Tim.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake 's brow will raise a moment, but does nod in greeting as Jason moves, he will move to sit joining them. He sets the laptop down beside him, and food to the side, so he can offer a hand to Kitty, and says "A pleasure to meet you, blink twice if he is holding you against your will." He will offer a smile telling he is joking giving Jason a bit of brotherly grief back.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde hears the grumbling from Jason and gives him The Look. Though it turns playful at the end. "It went very well actually, I think," Kitty says. "Thank you for getting the hotel rooms for all of us. And for taking care of me while I was... ah... still feeling the holy spirit," she tells Jason.

As Jason clarifies Tim's connection to him, Kitty's eyebrows go up. "The other brother. How many more other brothers -are- there?" she asks Jason. But only for a moment as she turns her attention to Tim. "Tim? Really nice to meet you," she offers him back, shaking his hand.

Kitty laughs at the distress signal and blinks as rapidly as she can for a few seconds. "No, actually, I'm here by choice," she admits, and using the hand she'd just shook with to slide over to lace fingers with Jason to show that. "Nice to finally meet you," Kitty says.

Red Hood has posed:
"Holy spirit." Jason makes with the air quotes. "And I didn't even get a baptismal." Jason responds before Tim comes over. And he blinks twice, just for the hell of it. There's a smirk that's offered with it though as he squeezes Kitty's hand. "Lesse. Dick, the narcissist. Damian, the brat. And this is Tim. I'll let you decide which one he is." As they talk, a girl in a yellow worker's out with the apron and chicken hat comes over. She doesn't look anymore than sixteen as she sets down a small tray of pies.

"You forgot these with the purchase of your meal." She says with a winning smile, before she turns to Jason. "Oh, and one more thing." She suddenly shoves her hand forward, and it disappears into Jason's chest in a swirl of black smoke. "Why has the All-Caste broken our truce?" she asks, her voice pitched suddenly darker and more forboding.

Jason lets out a small curse and a hrk. "...that's a perfectly good lung you have your hand on." he manages with a coughing wheeze of breath.

"You will tell me what I know, or I'll find out after I devour your liver."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will start to say something but at the woman putting her hand inside Jason, he does not say anything instead he will hit the edge of the tray holding the pies, aiming to send them into the woman's face and have her back off, hopefully not pulling Jason's lung with her. He moves to stand reaching into his bag to pull something out as he does.

Shadowcat has posed:
"Ok, I know 'holy spirit' is more associated with the other religion, but baptisms? Really Jason?" the Jewish young woman asks with a laugh and a shake of her head at Jason.

Kitty looks back to Tim, giving him a smile that is extra friendly to make up for the behavior of his brother. "Well, I imagine the nice one," Kitty says as she apparently gets to choose Tim's title.

The arrival of the woman with the pies gets a smile back from Kitty to match the girl's winning one given to the booth. "Oh, thank you, we didn't-" Kitty says before breaking off quickly as she sees the woman reach into Jason's chest.

Though she doesn't look any different, Kitty's instantly phases herself, a trained self-defense reaction to trouble or being surprised. As soon as the startlement passes, Kitty reaches over to Jason. "Get your hands off my boyfriend's lung," she declares in a firm tone as she phases Jason as well.

Red Hood has posed:
The phasing doesn't seem to affect the girl - or Jason for that matter - it's as if she, with her hand, is as incorporeal as Kitty is. Though Tim's throwing of the tray into the woman's face causes her to take a step back. "Foolish children." she murmurs, and Jason uses Kitty's making him intangible to get through the table, holding onto her arm as he makes a grab for Tim - just to find his hand passes uselessly through. "We need to get outside, NOW!"

Is that just a smidge of fear along with command in Jason's voice? Yes. Yes it is.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks up to one of the mirrored surfaces that are always in restaurants to see Kitty, and Jason heading through the booth without having to take his eyes from the attacker. He will grab his bag with the hand that is free, and will toss a small disk, at the ceiling above them. He aims for one of the sprinkler heads with the smoke disk he had planned on hitting the woman with. " Hey is that Kevin Smith." He will shout trying to get the majority of the people to look away from them, and the smoke to give them cover for a retreat.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty keeps a tight hold of Jason, moving as he does. No way she's risking letting go of him until he is both safe, and definitely not phased through any solid objects. As they reach Tim, Kitty's free hand reaches over to him. She grabs Tim and he phases as well, able to pass through any solid matter.

"This way," Kitty says, pulling them towards, and hopefully through the nearest wall and towards the parking log, so their attacker will hopefully have to use a door elsewhere if she is able to tell where they went at all with Tim's distraction.

Assuming they make it outside, she'll let up her grip to where Jason or Tim can pull away if they wish. If Jason indicates she should unphase them, she will, as well.

Red Hood has posed:
The disk that hits the sprinklers sets them off, causing a combonation of smoke and water to start to fall from the ceiling. Denied her prize of Jason for a moment, the woman roars in anger. Kitty gets the three of them outside, and Jason immediately tries to pull himself away. "We need to find something copper, and we need to find it quick."

Of course they took Kitty's Avalon tonight - he hasn't hd a chance to stash a bug out bag in there yet. Or a spare gun. Or anything. So he makes due with the only weapon that he does have - one that he had planned on showing Kitty tonight.

The anctient copper blade is pulled from inside his jacket. Just barely long enough to be a short sword, the weapon looks very very old, and a lot like a weapon Jason should not be using to be honest. "Why have the Untitled come here?" he asks noone in paticular.

The window shatters of the restaurant as the girl comes leaping out. As she rolls along the ground, she pushes herself to her feet. Where the glass cut through her, shadows seem to be seeping from her wounds - like dark, thick, black smoke. "You are all that is left of the All-Caste? Pathetic."

"What do you mean all that is left?"

"She has not told you yet, has she. Ducra is dead. As is the rest. The Pit shall be ours."

Jason shudders. Visible anger rises from him. "You're lying." he growls. "This is some kind of trick."

It is not trick, boy. See for yourself." Conjuring up an image in a puddle of water, Jason and the others can see the withered old figure of a woman, curled on her side in a pool of blood.

Jason lunges. The blade strikes out, hitting the side of the girl, opening her out and more shadows bleed out. "Is that all you have, boy?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake sighs and frowns as the woman mentions a pit. "Joy he will reach back into his laptop back, and as his hand is coming out an extending bo staff is telescoping out of his hand. He will move in as well, moving low to bring the staff at the woman's legs and asks "League?" to the other young man. While Tim's movements are different than Jasons, Kitty may see both are built from the same begingings.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde leaves Jason and Tim as they moves away and phase back to normal. She looks about quick, gauging how high up the electrical wires are. That's a lot of wire, probably not copper in those. But maybe in the restaurant?

Kitty darts forward, running through the wall and disappearing. She's gone long enough to miss the first blow delivered by Jason, and Tim preparing to fight. But then Kitty rushes back out. She has three lengths of copper pipe in hand, each long enough to make an effective fighting stick. She rejoins the others, moving between Jason and Tim and offering one of the pipes to each. "Copper pipe," she says.

Red Hood has posed:
The woman dodges the sweep attempt by Jason, suprisingly nimble and quick for one that appears as young as she does. "This is not one of your muggers. You are dealing with something older than death itself."

For once, Jason's /not/ talking. There's none of his usual quips, none of the snark that usually comes when he's on the attack. Instead, he strikes at the girl again as she leaps up to the top of the chicken sign and stands here. "I should finish you and your friends where you stand, boy. But now is not the time." With that, she leaps towards the three - but as she's about to collide with them, she disappears into wisp of smoke that curls through them and disappears into the night, only leaving her laughter behind.

"No. Not the League." Jason says as he lowers his weapon, glancing towards Kitty and Tim. "Something worse. I need to leave town." he says finally. "There's something I have to attend to."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake frowns going to a guard posistion to wardof the jumping as she turns to smoke, he will swirl his staff around trying to keep the smoke dispersed, and says "Ok, what we need to do and where we going?" He may not agree with Jason all hte time, but he does have his back.

Shadowcat has posed:
Rather than striking at the woman as she leaps towards the trio, Kitty reaches to either side, phasing Jason and Tim intending for the woman to pass through them without harming them. Well. She does. Just not in the way Kitty intended. She lets go of them as she whirls about looking to make sure the creature won't materialize behind them.

As Kitty hears Jason saying he has to leave town, she glances over to him. "We can pick up Lockheed on the way," Kitty tells him, her eyes staring into his as if daring him to tell her differently. She looks back over to Tim then, nodding affirmatively at his willingness to go as well.

Red Hood has posed:
"Neither of you are going." Jason says, firmly. "This is personal." Even Kitty is turned away. "And you just got back from Singapore." he points out to Tim. "Someone's going to fill in with both me and Damian out of the picture for the next bit." There's a firm shake of his head, as he turns to put the blade away. "I'll get my gear together. There's a favor I need to call in."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake mutters a moment, and does not seem to like the idea, but nods his head a bit to this. HE dos not tell Jason that Bruce maybe heading out of town to find Damien. "You find yourself getting in over your head, you put the word out and the Calvery is coming in hard and fast." He will tell the other.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde has a rather firmly set expression on her face. She doesn't reply to Jason's refusal to take her other than to fume quietly for now. Instead she keeps a look about the area, checking to make sure that woman isn't coming back to finish what she started. Kitty stays close by to Jason. Enough so that it isn't a wonder she doesn't just keep her hand resting on him.

"Tim, sorry we didn't meet under better circumstances," she tells him. She glances back at the wall of the restaurant that they ran through. "If you'd like, I'd be willing to talk another time. If, you know? Questions?" She shrugs.

Red Hood has posed:
"Thanks for the assist, Tim. But yeah. You know." Jason gives a shrug of his shoulders. "I'd say keep a light on, but that's lame." He glances towards Kitty. "So, going to fume at me all night, or at least give me a ride home before we have the great big argument over shadow people and all that?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will nod to Kitty, as he collapses hsi staff and puts it back into his back. Will do, make sure he gives ya my number before he leave, and send me a text." He looks over to Jason and says "And if ya run into Damian let me know, Bruce needs to find him."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde glances back towards the chicken place. "I wish I'd had time to shut the water off first," she comments, wincing. Hopefully they know where the valve is for that.

Kitty makes sure Tim hangs onto the copper pipe, just in case the woman tries anything after they part. "I'll be sure to get it," Kitty agrees to Tim. She waves to him and then turns back to Jason, motioning towards the car and heading over to it. "No no. We'll talk as we drive," she tells him. She doesn't look upset. She just gives Jason a great big smile.

Uh oh.