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|Profile=Sophia Crowley, a.k.a. Miss Moreau, is the leader of a gang of thieves and exotic animal smugglers in the slums of Gotham. Though born blind, in crippling poverty, and chased away from her orphanage due to abuse, the intelligent and quick witted young woman had a thirst for knowledge and a love for animals that would have her finding a magical tome in an abandoned Gotham library. Her inborn powers as a magician, along with the help of her Scarlet Tome, allow her to mutate and evolve animals she's tamed into exotic, unearthly beauties...and deadly, terrible weapons. Unendingly polite and respectful of even her enemies, she nevertheless is ruthless in her desire to rise to the top of Gotham's criminals and turn the city to a haven for the lost, damned, and evil.
|Profile=Sophia Crowley, a.k.a. Miss Moreau, is the leader of a gang of thieves and exotic animal smugglers in the slums of Gotham. Though born blind, in crippling poverty, and chased away from her orphanage due to abuse, the intelligent and quick witted young woman had a thirst for knowledge and a love for animals that would have her finding a magical tome in an abandoned Gotham library. Her inborn powers as a magician, along with the help of her Scarlet Tome, allow her to mutate and evolve animals she's tamed into exotic, unearthly beauties...and deadly, terrible weapons. Unendingly polite and respectful of even her enemies, she nevertheless is ruthless in her desire to rise to the top of Gotham's criminals and turn the city to a haven for the lost, damned, and evil.
|Description=A thin woman of roughly average size stands before you. Long brown hair cascades down her back to just above her waist. Her skin is pale, with a dainty nose, grey eyes, and a mouth lined with black lipstick. A scar mars her right cheek, reaching from chin to ear. <br><br>Her figure is modest, and made more so by her clothing. She wears a grey and white buttoned corset beneath a long dress, with ribbons tied at her elbows and white ruffles at the ends of her puffy sleeves. White gloves complete the ensemble. <br><br>From the waist down, her dress ends ankle-high, revealing more white ruffles and a large ribbon in black side-tied to her hips. The only splash of color is a scarlet book held within her waist ribbon. A cane, tipped white, is rarely out of her reach.
|Description=A thin woman of roughly average size stands before you. Long brown hair cascades down her back to just above her waist. Her skin is pale, with a dainty nose, grey eyes, and a mouth lined with black lipstick. A scar mars her right cheek, reaching from chin to ear.  
|History=Sophia Crowley grew up in the Gotham slums to a single mother. A complicated birth, she lived only long enough to give Sophia a name. Her mother had little, and what little she had was taken by the state for unpaid taxes, leaving Sophia in a run-down orphanage. Though bright, she would face abuse from the alcoholic headmaster, and constant teasing for her disability. By the age of ten, on the verge of a mental breakdown, she left. <br><br>Gotham, a dangerous place, would have claimed the young girl were it not for an act of altruism. The White Rose Gang, a small time cadre of thieves and exotic goods sellers, were just another outfit. Yet their leader had a quirk: a love for the lost and the abused. The White Rose Gang took in the young woman, taught her all that they could. For the first time, Sophia had a true family. <br><br>And she quickly became a valued member. An extremely intelligent young woman, every scrap of knowledge she absorbed hungrily, from mathematics, to all of the inns and outs of thievery, and even fencing to protect herself. By fourteen, she was planning all of the White Roses' heists. And they had grown rich from the genius young woman's natural talents. <br><br>But the gang's leader had grown old, and knew it was time to pass on leadership. And so in a final act, she gave Sophia a test: to take the gang, and steal the treasures found in an old, abandoned library in a rival gang's territory. <br><br>It all ended in a bloody battle, with half the Roses dead and Sophia herself cornered and outnumbered in the old library with only her guide dog. In a desperate gamble, she grabbed a book, a last ditch weapon against a murderous gangster. The Scarlet Tome spoke to her soul, and her Power long hidden awakened. Her loyal guide dog, barely more than a pup, became a nightmarish beast, spitting fire and devouring her enemies. <br><br>And so Sophia Crowley took up the name Miss Moreau, her Power and her skills leading the White Roses from simple thievery to masters of exotic, illegal animal sales. Eventually they would have the funds to buy the land where Sophia originally found the Scarlet Tome, the library transformed from abandoned building to a petting zoo of creatures most bizarre. So too has Moreau's research into her tome only made her arcane powers stronger, and their heists more lucrative. The White Roses are well funded, skilled, and above all, loyal to each other. Miss Moreau intends to use her loyal soldiers to gain rulership over Gotham, all for the sake of vengeance against the rich and the police that forget the poor and downtrodden, the insane and bloodthirsty in Gotham's dark heart.
|Personality=Miss Moreau is, at first blush, a polite and upright young woman with a warm, even submissive demeanor. Even to her most hated rivals, she rarely uses harsh language or insults. She is more likely to tease, to laugh, and to provoke others into rage and losing their cool when confronting enemies. Amongst allies and friends, she is just as eccentric, given to dancing with and playing music for those she likes, or simply finds fascinating. She even has a kind streak to her, some of the last vestiges of a woman who would have been had she not been abused and fallen into a life of crime. <br><br>All of her dancing, her pseudo-nobility airs she puts on are all a mask for a deeply scarred, troubled, sick woman. A beastly anger hides inside of Moreau, unleashed in fits and bursts during her most stressful moments. Those who harm her gang members or children in her presence deeply incense the woman, and her vengeance is never small. Once made an enemy of Miss Moreau, she hunts them eagerly with her Power and her gang, only to kill, torture, or ruin the lives of that enemy. And in the case of great harm, often anyone associated with them. She considers superheroes to be her natural prey, and takes great pleasure in facing them. Politicians and the police she similarly considers enemies, but she is not above trying to bribe, buy, or blackmail them into her service. <br><br>Other criminals she views as rivals, to be fought or allied with as the need arises. As she sells her services to any buyer for nearly any task within her gang's capabilities, she is willing to work with villains ranging from the ordinary, even up to Gotham luminaries like the Joker or Penguin, should they pay her the right amount. <br><br>There is a kind streak lingering in her, mostly limited to children and the innocent downtrodden. She, and her gang alongside her, have occasionally saved such souls from other criminals, or from other disasters. So too has she discretely given money to various orphanages, and more than one abusive headmaster of an orphanage has died from odd animal bites, or simply disappeared. It's through this that perhaps Moreau and her crew might be saved from their own hungers.
Her figure is modest, and made more so by her clothing. She wears a grey and white buttoned corset beneath a long dress, with ribbons tied at her elbows and white ruffles at the ends of her puffy sleeves. White gloves complete the ensemble.  
|Abilities=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''ANIMAL SENSES'''</span><br>The Scarlet Tome enhances the senses of it's holder, and Miss Moreau is no exception. Her hearing is as good as a hawk's, and her sense of smell nearly as good as bloodhound.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''EVOLUTIONARY MAGE'''</span><br>Miss Moreau's greatest ability is her magic. Alongside the Scarlet Tome, she has the ability to control and accelerate the evolution of any non-human animal. Increasing their size, bloodthirst, hardened skin and fur to deflect bullets, turning simple pigeons into beautiful, creating living bombs from mere rats, vicious hellhounds from poodles, shining birds of paradise large enough to fly are all examples of her magic at work. Most animals are reluctant to harm her, and she is able to communicate with and magically summon any animal she has branded with her personal mark.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''MYSTIC SENSES'''</span><br>Like many attuned to magic, Moreau has the ability to sense magic. She cannot detect magic purposefully obscured or hidden, but overtly magical abilities are seen for what they are.
|Skills=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''ANIMAL HANDLING'''</span><br>Moreau is extremely skilled in animal handling, familiar with the care, breeding, and capturing of many types of animals.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''EXPERT HEIST PLANNER'''</span><br>When it comes to thievery, Miss Moreau can be considered a master of her craft. Her naturally high intellect and experience in stealing both through mundane means and through using her magic has made her gang very efficient, and it's she who always plans their missions. She may not personally be able to pick every lock, defeat every security system, but she knows how to utilize people who do in the best possible way that compliments each other and gets the job done swiftly.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''FENCING AND DANCING'''</span><br>Miss Moreau is an extremely skilled dancer and fencer. Graceful and swift in her dancing, nearly Olympian level in fencing, she combines both in a fighting style with swift flourishes and dazzling swordsmanship for when her magic is unneeded or she must physically defend herself.
From the waist down, her dress ends ankle-high, revealing more white ruffles and a large ribbon in black side-tied to her hips. The only splash of color is a scarlet book held within her waist ribbon. A cane, tipped white, is rarely out of her reach.
|Resources=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''ABANDONED LIBRARY'''</span><br>An old, abandoned library that's been purchased by the gang and renovated. It acts as hideout, gathering place, and as a holding place for Moreau's most exotic and strange creatures that double as security alongside any White Roses staying there.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''ANTI-BALLISTIC VEST'''</span><br>Moreau's gothic fashion sense isn't just an eccentricity. Her heavy dress is made of a combination of special silks and Kevlar that can stop most small arms rounds, and protects her from stray bullets of larger firearms and some melee weapons.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''CONTACTS'''</span><br>Moreau and the White Roses have several useful contacts: bought cops, bribed politicians, and a multitude of rich clients and fences that assist them in moving their stolen goods and exotic animals, as well as supplying them with arms and the means of obtaining animals.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''SCARLET TOME'''</span><br>A magical, ancient grimoire of unknown origin. It acts as a focus for Moreau's magic, without it she would be unable to use her powers. The writing for each spell in the book is in braille, and the book itself can erase or change spells by itself through the commands of it's user. Though not indestructible, it's very resistant to damage through physical and mystical means.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''WHITE ROSE GANG'''</span><br>As it's leader, Miss Moreau has access to all members of the White Rose Gang. A group of diehard, loyal men and women with a violent streak, the average member is skilled in theft, murder, and marksmanship. Specialists in the gang include hackers, anti-security experts, as well as money laundering and other such aspects of a well-funded gang of thieves.
|History=Sophia Crowley grew up in the Gotham slums to a single mother. A complicated birth, she lived only long enough to give Sophia a name. Her mother had little, and what little she had was taken by the state for unpaid taxes, leaving Sophia in a run-down orphanage. Though bright, she would face abuse from the alcoholic headmaster, and constant teasing for her disability. By the age of ten, on the verge of a mental breakdown, she left. <br><br>Gotham, a dangerous place, would have claimed the young girl were it not for an act of altruism. The White Rose Gang, a small time cadre of thieves and exotic goods sellers, were just another outfit. Yet their leader had a quirk: a love for the lost and the abused. The White Rose Gang took in the young woman, taught her all that they could. For the first time, Sophia had a true family.  
|Weaknesses=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''BLIND'''</span><br>Naturally born without sight, Miss Moreau has several difficulties. On the more mundane side, she has to rely on her sense of smell, hearing, and touch when it comes to locating objects and people. A loose brick on the roadside is a danger to her even with her magic, and thus she is rarely without either a Branded animal at her side, or a member of the White Roses to compensate for her disability. In combat, she is even more so tied to her ability to communicate with her animals and the support of her gang. Should she be deprived of her hearing and smell in any way, she would be entirely reliant on her animals and gang members to protect her. The more she loses senses, the more vulnerable she is.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''CHILDREN'''</span><br>Moreau and her Gang have a soft spot for children, refusing to take any job that would harm them, or work with anyone that harms them in their presence. This leaves them vulnerable to manipulation, and at times can cause them to take actions unusual for a vicious gang that border on heroism.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''ENHANCED SENSES'''</span><br>Moreau's enhanced senses are a double edged sword. She is particularly vulnerable to loud sounds such as flashbangs, and her sense of smell makes her weak to anything spread through smell such as gasses or pheromones.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''SCARLET TOME RESTRICTIONS'''</span><br>Though broad in it's domain, Moreau's magic requires the use of the Scarlet Tome in very specific ways. In order to use her magic or have access to her animal senses, Moreau must hold the Tome in her hand, open to the page of a spell she's currently using. Should the book be closed or should she drop the book, any animal summoned returns to where she summoned it from. Any animal she wishes to summon she must brand with her personal magic mark, create a new spell in her book, and then speak aloud an incantation that includes the name of the creature she's given it, or she hasn't given one, it's scientific name. She can only summon one type of animal at a time, though can summon multiples of animals up to the size of a normal house dog at once. Currently, she can only increase the size of any given animal up to the rough size of a single story building. Creatures of that size require her full concentration to keep summoned. Should she lose consciousness, all creatures return to their point of origin.
And she quickly became a valued member. An extremely intelligent young woman, every scrap of knowledge she absorbed hungrily, from mathematics, to all of the inns and outs of thievery, and even fencing to protect herself. By fourteen, she was planning all of the White Roses' heists. And they had grown rich from the genius young woman's natural talents. <br><br>But the gang's leader had grown old, and knew it was time to pass on leadership. And so in a final act, she gave Sophia a test: to take the gang, and steal the treasures found in an old, abandoned library in a rival gang's territory.  
It all ended in a bloody battle, with half the Roses dead and Sophia herself cornered and outnumbered in the old library with only her guide dog. In a desperate gamble, she grabbed a book, a last ditch weapon against a murderous gangster. The Scarlet Tome spoke to her soul, and her Power long hidden awakened. Her loyal guide dog, barely more than a pup, became a nightmarish beast, spitting fire and devouring her enemies.  
And so Sophia Crowley took up the name Miss Moreau, her Power and her skills leading the White Roses from simple thievery to masters of exotic, illegal animal sales. Eventually they would have the funds to buy the land where Sophia originally found the Scarlet Tome, the library transformed from abandoned building to a petting zoo of creatures most bizarre. So too has Moreau's research into her tome only made her arcane powers stronger, and their heists more lucrative. The White Roses are well funded, skilled, and above all, loyal to each other. Miss Moreau intends to use her loyal soldiers to gain rulership over Gotham, all for the sake of vengeance against the rich and the police that forget the poor and downtrodden, the insane and bloodthirsty in Gotham's dark heart.
|Personality=Miss Moreau is, at first blush, a polite and upright young woman with a warm, even submissive demeanor. Even to her most hated rivals, she rarely uses harsh language or insults. She is more likely to tease, to laugh, and to provoke others into rage and losing their cool when confronting enemies. Amongst allies and friends, she is just as eccentric, given to dancing with and playing music for those she likes, or simply finds fascinating. She even has a kind streak to her, some of the last vestiges of a woman who would have been had she not been abused and fallen into a life of crime.  
All of her dancing, her pseudo-nobility airs she puts on are all a mask for a deeply scarred, troubled, sick woman. A beastly anger hides inside of Moreau, unleashed in fits and bursts during her most stressful moments. Those who harm her gang members or children in her presence deeply incense the woman, and her vengeance is never small. Once made an enemy of Miss Moreau, she hunts them eagerly with her Power and her gang, only to kill, torture, or ruin the lives of that enemy. And in the case of great harm, often anyone associated with them. She considers superheroes to be her natural prey, and takes great pleasure in facing them. Politicians and the police she similarly considers enemies, but she is not above trying to bribe, buy, or blackmail them into her service.  
Other criminals she views as rivals, to be fought or allied with as the need arises. As she sells her services to any buyer for nearly any task within her gang's capabilities, she is willing to work with villains ranging from the ordinary, even up to Gotham luminaries like the Joker or Penguin, should they pay her the right amount. <br><br>There is a kind streak lingering in her, mostly limited to children and the innocent downtrodden. She, and her gang alongside her, have occasionally saved such souls from other criminals, or from other disasters. So too has she discretely given money to various orphanages, and more than one abusive headmaster of an orphanage has died from odd animal bites, or simply disappeared. It's through this that perhaps Moreau and her crew might be saved from their own hungers.
|Abilities=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''ANIMAL SENSES'''</span>
The Scarlet Tome enhances the senses of it's holder, and Miss Moreau is no exception. Her hearing is as good as a hawk's, and her sense of smell nearly as good as bloodhound.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''EVOLUTIONARY MAGE'''</span>
Miss Moreau's greatest ability is her magic. Alongside the Scarlet Tome, she has the ability to control and accelerate the evolution of any non-human animal. Increasing their size, bloodthirst, hardened skin and fur to deflect bullets, turning simple pigeons into beautiful, creating living bombs from mere rats, vicious hellhounds from poodles, shining birds of paradise large enough to fly are all examples of her magic at work. Most animals are reluctant to harm her, and she is able to communicate with and magically summon any animal she has branded with her personal mark.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''MYSTIC SENSES'''</span>
Like many attuned to magic, Moreau has the ability to sense magic. She cannot detect magic purposefully obscured or hidden, but overtly magical abilities are seen for what they are.
|Skills=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''ANIMAL HANDLING'''</span>
Moreau is extremely skilled in animal handling, familiar with the care, breeding, and capturing of many types of animals.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''EXPERT HEIST PLANNER'''</span>
When it comes to thievery, Miss Moreau can be considered a master of her craft. Her naturally high intellect and experience in stealing both through mundane means and through using her magic has made her gang very efficient, and it's she who always plans their missions. She may not personally be able to pick every lock, defeat every security system, but she knows how to utilize people who do in the best possible way that compliments each other and gets the job done swiftly.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''FENCING AND DANCING'''</span>
Miss Moreau is an extremely skilled dancer and fencer. Graceful and swift in her dancing, nearly Olympian level in fencing, she combines both in a fighting style with swift flourishes and dazzling swordsmanship for when her magic is unneeded or she must physically defend herself.
|Resources=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''ABANDONED LIBRARY'''</span>
An old, abandoned library that's been purchased by the gang and renovated. It acts as hideout, gathering place, and as a holding place for Moreau's most exotic and strange creatures that double as security alongside any White Roses staying there.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''ANTI-BALLISTIC VEST'''</span>
Moreau's gothic fashion sense isn't just an eccentricity. Her heavy dress is made of a combination of special silks and Kevlar that can stop most small arms rounds, and protects her from stray bullets of larger firearms and some melee weapons.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''CONTACTS'''</span>
Moreau and the White Roses have several useful contacts: bought cops, bribed politicians, and a multitude of rich clients and fences that assist them in moving their stolen goods and exotic animals, as well as supplying them with arms and the means of obtaining animals.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''SCARLET TOME'''</span>
A magical, ancient grimoire of unknown origin. It acts as a focus for Moreau's magic, without it she would be unable to use her powers. The writing for each spell in the book is in braille, and the book itself can erase or change spells by itself through the commands of it's user. Though not indestructible, it's very resistant to damage through physical and mystical means.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''WHITE ROSE GANG'''</span>
As it's leader, Miss Moreau has access to all members of the White Rose Gang. A group of diehard, loyal men and women with a violent streak, the average member is skilled in theft, murder, and marksmanship. Specialists in the gang include hackers, anti-security experts, as well as money laundering and other such aspects of a well-funded gang of thieves.
|Weaknesses=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''BLIND'''</span>
Naturally born without sight, Miss Moreau has several difficulties. On the more mundane side, she has to rely on her sense of smell, hearing, and touch when it comes to locating objects and people. A loose brick on the roadside is a danger to her even with her magic, and thus she is rarely without either a Branded animal at her side, or a member of the White Roses to compensate for her disability. In combat, she is even more so tied to her ability to communicate with her animals and the support of her gang. Should she be deprived of her hearing and smell in any way, she would be entirely reliant on her animals and gang members to protect her. The more she loses senses, the more vulnerable she is.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''CHILDREN'''</span>
Moreau and her Gang have a soft spot for children, refusing to take any job that would harm them, or work with anyone that harms them in their presence. This leaves them vulnerable to manipulation, and at times can cause them to take actions unusual for a vicious gang that border on heroism.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''ENHANCED SENSES'''</span>
Moreau's enhanced senses are a double edged sword. She is particularly vulnerable to loud sounds such as flashbangs, and her sense of smell makes her weak to anything spread through smell such as gasses or pheromones.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''SCARLET TOME RESTRICTIONS'''</span>
Though broad in it's domain, Moreau's magic requires the use of the Scarlet Tome in very specific ways. In order to use her magic or have access to her animal senses, Moreau must hold the Tome in her hand, open to the page of a spell she's currently using. Should the book be closed or should she drop the book, any animal summoned returns to where she summoned it from. Any animal she wishes to summon she must brand with her personal magic mark, create a new spell in her book, and then speak aloud an incantation that includes the name of the creature she's given it, or she hasn't given one, it's scientific name. She can only summon one type of animal at a time, though can summon multiples of animals up to the size of a normal house dog at once. Currently, she can only increase the size of any given animal up to the rough size of a single story building. Creatures of that size require her full concentration to keep summoned. Should she lose consciousness, all creatures return to their point of origin.

Revision as of 17:02, 22 December 2018

Miss Moreau (Scenesys ID: 1143)
"Gotham is a city of darkness. It belongs to us with the most evil of urges. I will turn this city into a criminal paradise."
Full Name: Sophia Crowley
Gender: Female
Species: Magician
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: Exotic Animal Seller and Thief
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: Gotham City
Education: Self Taught
Status: Active
Groups: {{{Groups}}}
Other Information
Apparent Age: 29 Actual Age: 29
Date of Birth 1 June 1997 Actor:
Height: 160 cm Weight: 54 kg
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Grey
Theme Song: {{{Song}}}


Sophia Crowley, a.k.a. Miss Moreau, is the leader of a gang of thieves and exotic animal smugglers in the slums of Gotham. Though born blind, in crippling poverty, and chased away from her orphanage due to abuse, the intelligent and quick witted young woman had a thirst for knowledge and a love for animals that would have her finding a magical tome in an abandoned Gotham library. Her inborn powers as a magician, along with the help of her Scarlet Tome, allow her to mutate and evolve animals she's tamed into exotic, unearthly beauties...and deadly, terrible weapons. Unendingly polite and respectful of even her enemies, she nevertheless is ruthless in her desire to rise to the top of Gotham's criminals and turn the city to a haven for the lost, damned, and evil.



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A thin woman of roughly average size stands before you. Long brown hair cascades down her back to just above her waist. Her skin is pale, with a dainty nose, grey eyes, and a mouth lined with black lipstick. A scar mars her right cheek, reaching from chin to ear.

Her figure is modest, and made more so by her clothing. She wears a grey and white buttoned corset beneath a long dress, with ribbons tied at her elbows and white ruffles at the ends of her puffy sleeves. White gloves complete the ensemble.

From the waist down, her dress ends ankle-high, revealing more white ruffles and a large ribbon in black side-tied to her hips. The only splash of color is a scarlet book held within her waist ribbon. A cane, tipped white, is rarely out of her reach.


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Sophia Crowley grew up in the Gotham slums to a single mother. A complicated birth, she lived only long enough to give Sophia a name. Her mother had little, and what little she had was taken by the state for unpaid taxes, leaving Sophia in a run-down orphanage. Though bright, she would face abuse from the alcoholic headmaster, and constant teasing for her disability. By the age of ten, on the verge of a mental breakdown, she left.

Gotham, a dangerous place, would have claimed the young girl were it not for an act of altruism. The White Rose Gang, a small time cadre of thieves and exotic goods sellers, were just another outfit. Yet their leader had a quirk: a love for the lost and the abused. The White Rose Gang took in the young woman, taught her all that they could. For the first time, Sophia had a true family.

And she quickly became a valued member. An extremely intelligent young woman, every scrap of knowledge she absorbed hungrily, from mathematics, to all of the inns and outs of thievery, and even fencing to protect herself. By fourteen, she was planning all of the White Roses' heists. And they had grown rich from the genius young woman's natural talents.

But the gang's leader had grown old, and knew it was time to pass on leadership. And so in a final act, she gave Sophia a test: to take the gang, and steal the treasures found in an old, abandoned library in a rival gang's territory.

It all ended in a bloody battle, with half the Roses dead and Sophia herself cornered and outnumbered in the old library with only her guide dog. In a desperate gamble, she grabbed a book, a last ditch weapon against a murderous gangster. The Scarlet Tome spoke to her soul, and her Power long hidden awakened. Her loyal guide dog, barely more than a pup, became a nightmarish beast, spitting fire and devouring her enemies.

And so Sophia Crowley took up the name Miss Moreau, her Power and her skills leading the White Roses from simple thievery to masters of exotic, illegal animal sales. Eventually they would have the funds to buy the land where Sophia originally found the Scarlet Tome, the library transformed from abandoned building to a petting zoo of creatures most bizarre. So too has Moreau's research into her tome only made her arcane powers stronger, and their heists more lucrative. The White Roses are well funded, skilled, and above all, loyal to each other. Miss Moreau intends to use her loyal soldiers to gain rulership over Gotham, all for the sake of vengeance against the rich and the police that forget the poor and downtrodden, the insane and bloodthirsty in Gotham's dark heart.


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Miss Moreau is, at first blush, a polite and upright young woman with a warm, even submissive demeanor. Even to her most hated rivals, she rarely uses harsh language or insults. She is more likely to tease, to laugh, and to provoke others into rage and losing their cool when confronting enemies. Amongst allies and friends, she is just as eccentric, given to dancing with and playing music for those she likes, or simply finds fascinating. She even has a kind streak to her, some of the last vestiges of a woman who would have been had she not been abused and fallen into a life of crime.

All of her dancing, her pseudo-nobility airs she puts on are all a mask for a deeply scarred, troubled, sick woman. A beastly anger hides inside of Moreau, unleashed in fits and bursts during her most stressful moments. Those who harm her gang members or children in her presence deeply incense the woman, and her vengeance is never small. Once made an enemy of Miss Moreau, she hunts them eagerly with her Power and her gang, only to kill, torture, or ruin the lives of that enemy. And in the case of great harm, often anyone associated with them. She considers superheroes to be her natural prey, and takes great pleasure in facing them. Politicians and the police she similarly considers enemies, but she is not above trying to bribe, buy, or blackmail them into her service.

Other criminals she views as rivals, to be fought or allied with as the need arises. As she sells her services to any buyer for nearly any task within her gang's capabilities, she is willing to work with villains ranging from the ordinary, even up to Gotham luminaries like the Joker or Penguin, should they pay her the right amount.

There is a kind streak lingering in her, mostly limited to children and the innocent downtrodden. She, and her gang alongside her, have occasionally saved such souls from other criminals, or from other disasters. So too has she discretely given money to various orphanages, and more than one abusive headmaster of an orphanage has died from odd animal bites, or simply disappeared. It's through this that perhaps Moreau and her crew might be saved from their own hungers.


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The Scarlet Tome enhances the senses of it's holder, and Miss Moreau is no exception. Her hearing is as good as a hawk's, and her sense of smell nearly as good as bloodhound.

Miss Moreau's greatest ability is her magic. Alongside the Scarlet Tome, she has the ability to control and accelerate the evolution of any non-human animal. Increasing their size, bloodthirst, hardened skin and fur to deflect bullets, turning simple pigeons into beautiful, creating living bombs from mere rats, vicious hellhounds from poodles, shining birds of paradise large enough to fly are all examples of her magic at work. Most animals are reluctant to harm her, and she is able to communicate with and magically summon any animal she has branded with her personal mark.


Like many attuned to magic, Moreau has the ability to sense magic. She cannot detect magic purposefully obscured or hidden, but overtly magical abilities are seen for what they are.


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Moreau is extremely skilled in animal handling, familiar with the care, breeding, and capturing of many types of animals.

When it comes to thievery, Miss Moreau can be considered a master of her craft. Her naturally high intellect and experience in stealing both through mundane means and through using her magic has made her gang very efficient, and it's she who always plans their missions. She may not personally be able to pick every lock, defeat every security system, but she knows how to utilize people who do in the best possible way that compliments each other and gets the job done swiftly.


Miss Moreau is an extremely skilled dancer and fencer. Graceful and swift in her dancing, nearly Olympian level in fencing, she combines both in a fighting style with swift flourishes and dazzling swordsmanship for when her magic is unneeded or she must physically defend herself.


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An old, abandoned library that's been purchased by the gang and renovated. It acts as hideout, gathering place, and as a holding place for Moreau's most exotic and strange creatures that double as security alongside any White Roses staying there.

Moreau's gothic fashion sense isn't just an eccentricity. Her heavy dress is made of a combination of special silks and Kevlar that can stop most small arms rounds, and protects her from stray bullets of larger firearms and some melee weapons.

Moreau and the White Roses have several useful contacts: bought cops, bribed politicians, and a multitude of rich clients and fences that assist them in moving their stolen goods and exotic animals, as well as supplying them with arms and the means of obtaining animals.

A magical, ancient grimoire of unknown origin. It acts as a focus for Moreau's magic, without it she would be unable to use her powers. The writing for each spell in the book is in braille, and the book itself can erase or change spells by itself through the commands of it's user. Though not indestructible, it's very resistant to damage through physical and mystical means.


As it's leader, Miss Moreau has access to all members of the White Rose Gang. A group of diehard, loyal men and women with a violent streak, the average member is skilled in theft, murder, and marksmanship. Specialists in the gang include hackers, anti-security experts, as well as money laundering and other such aspects of a well-funded gang of thieves.


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Naturally born without sight, Miss Moreau has several difficulties. On the more mundane side, she has to rely on her sense of smell, hearing, and touch when it comes to locating objects and people. A loose brick on the roadside is a danger to her even with her magic, and thus she is rarely without either a Branded animal at her side, or a member of the White Roses to compensate for her disability. In combat, she is even more so tied to her ability to communicate with her animals and the support of her gang. Should she be deprived of her hearing and smell in any way, she would be entirely reliant on her animals and gang members to protect her. The more she loses senses, the more vulnerable she is.

Moreau and her Gang have a soft spot for children, refusing to take any job that would harm them, or work with anyone that harms them in their presence. This leaves them vulnerable to manipulation, and at times can cause them to take actions unusual for a vicious gang that border on heroism.

Moreau's enhanced senses are a double edged sword. She is particularly vulnerable to loud sounds such as flashbangs, and her sense of smell makes her weak to anything spread through smell such as gasses or pheromones.


Though broad in it's domain, Moreau's magic requires the use of the Scarlet Tome in very specific ways. In order to use her magic or have access to her animal senses, Moreau must hold the Tome in her hand, open to the page of a spell she's currently using. Should the book be closed or should she drop the book, any animal summoned returns to where she summoned it from. Any animal she wishes to summon she must brand with her personal magic mark, create a new spell in her book, and then speak aloud an incantation that includes the name of the creature she's given it, or she hasn't given one, it's scientific name. She can only summon one type of animal at a time, though can summon multiples of animals up to the size of a normal house dog at once. Currently, she can only increase the size of any given animal up to the rough size of a single story building. Creatures of that size require her full concentration to keep summoned. Should she lose consciousness, all creatures return to their point of origin.


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Title Date Scene Summary
An Outing in Gotham October 24th, 2018 Summary needed
Cats and Gangsters October 18th, 2018 A high end jewelry store gets a visit from the thief Black Cat. Unfortunately, Miss Moreau and her pets have a bone to pick with the owner. Things end in fire.
Night out in Hell's Kitchen August 20th, 2018 Summary needed
Midnight Dinner August 11th, 2018 Wanda and the House of Mystery host a dinner for any and all of the arcane and mystical sort (and Billy Batson too!). All meet peacefully and enjoy. Wanda brings up an idea she has for a Cirque Nuit to mixed results. Dinner is declared a success and all are invited back again to the next one.
Kid In Wonderland August 9th, 2018 Summary needed
Ninjas vs Gangsters August 9th, 2018 Summary needed
The Green and the Red August 8th, 2018 Summary needed
Miss Lewis And The Goth-Larper's Bad Day October 31st, 2017 Summary needed
Beasts and Clowns At The Opera October 29th, 2017 Miss Moreau, wanting to heighten her profile amongst the criminal underworld of Gotham seeks the favor of the Clown Prince of Crime through a grisly performance. A partnership made in hell is formed.
Log 1732 July 30th, 2017 Summary needed
Involuntary Adoption July 29th, 2017 Miss Moreau tries to rob a zoo. The Punisher, the Yellow Ranger, and a pair of Bats don't like this plan.
Log 1701 July 28th, 2017 Summary needed
Road Side Corpse Service July 18th, 2017 After a run in with some Daemonites, Priss has a body to get rid of. Miss Moreau spies an opportunity, helps her out, and is a thoroughly creepy, crazy mage.
A Cat and a Mage At The Zoo July 17th, 2017 Miss Moreau is at a petting zoo, and meets Tigra. The creepy mage finds herself fascinated.
Log July 16th, 2017 Summary needed
Post-Fight Club Raven and Razorgirl July 10th, 2017 Summary needed
Thief Talk July 9th, 2017 A cat and a
Fight Club: The First Night Of Fight Club July 9th, 2017 Summary needed
A Most Non-Scandalous Meeting July 8th, 2017 Miss Moreau, cooling down from a recent drive by, plays for passers by in the bronx. She meets and has pizza with one Miss Scandal Savage. Professions and names are discussed.
Three Amazonian Red Heads Walk Into A Park And ... July 8th, 2017 The 'Odd Men' appear in Queensland Park, and cause some concern. And a fight.
A very Marvelous Drive-By July 7th, 2017 Carol Danvers visits the Crowfeather Bar, a den of scum, villainy, top hats, and white roses. A drive-by interrupts moralizing and pleasantries amongst Goths, White Roses, and a Superhero. Favors hang in the aftermath.
The Proper Dress June 18th, 2017 Summary needed
Black and White June 11th, 2017 The White and Black Roses clash, heedless of the innocent few attending a funeral. The Steppin' Razor Molly Millions assists Miss Moreau in her bloody deeds, and Tim Drake attempts to stop them all. Only Moreau leaves happy.


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