4851/BlackSky: About a Hacker

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BlackSky: About a Hacker
Date of Scene: 08 July 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Matt comes to Elektra to ask a favour, turns out she has one to ask in return.
Cast of Characters: Daredevil, Elektra
Tinyplot: BlackSky

Daredevil has posed:
To say Matt was conflicted about confronting Elektra about Genus was an understatement. He dragged his feet, spending a couple of nights trying to hunt the thugs that tried to grab Skye instead. It left a lot of Chinese gangsters, bloody, but didn't get him much closer to coming to a decision.

Part of him was willing to let it go. To say, Genus knew what he was getting into when he broke the law, and as the saying goes, if you play stupid games you won stupid prizes. Deep down though Matt wasn't that cynical and the part of him who felt for this Genus person shouted louder than the other part did. It helped it had the words of Thurgood Marshall to argue for it, âwe must dissent from the indifference, we must dissent from the apathy...'

He didn't have a choice.

So he made some calls, dredged up a flimsy pretext about the contracts for the fund and then at the appointed time he went to the Hugo Building dressed in his daytime costume, a simple suit and tie combo, with the red shades and cane.

"So, Marcus, how have you been?" he asks the attendant as he's led to Elektra's office.

Elektra has posed:
At the desk, Marcus is looking loads more confident and comfortable in his position. It looks like from most accounts, Elektra's plan here with the Foundation and building just might be working. It was early stages still, though, so it was hard to be certain, but it was looking promising.

"Hey, Mr. M., Ms. Natchios is in the office waiting for you. Said you'd be by and here you are. Made coffee and everything. You coming to the carnival? Everyone is talking about it. Whole neighbourhood is invited."

He's clearly excited by the thought. And his job. And at giving Matt a better showing this time around.

Meanwhile, in the office, Elektra is waiting for Matt. With the aforementioned coffee, as well as a series of contracts she'd made a point of having her lawyers - her very expensive lawyers - draw up copies of, plus some new cases that would have otherwise been couriered to Matt. From all the angles that she could control, this looked like a legitimate business meeting, and it was very important that it should. As Stick had said: there were eyes everywhere.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt could sense the shift in Marcus' confidence. His heart beat slower there was no smell of cortisol in his sweat and by the smell of his lunch behind the counter he was eating better too. He gives the man a smile, "Yeah, wouldn't miss it," he confirms. "Anyhow, I should probably get in there, Ms. Natchios will be waiting. Glad to hear you're doing well though."

He lets go of Marcus' arm once they reach the door, then he opens it and steps inside. "Ms. Natchios," he says keeping things formal until the door has clicked closed behind him and he hears Marcus' steps take him back out to the desk.

"Elektra," he greets her more properly, dropping the formal tone as he folds up his cane in preparation to sit. "Thanks for seeing me."

Elektra has posed:
Matt wouldn't be wrong. Marcus was definitely doing better on all counts. He was even studying while on duty, during the down times. Getting his GED even. "There ya go, Mr. M. Straight ahead, about five steps."

And with lot less awkward than last time, Marcus lets Matt find his way into the office, the door shutting firmly behind him. Marcus returning to his desk.

As Matt joins her, Elektra gets up from her desk and begins closing the blinds to the office. A fairly standard proceedure to give maximum privacy, though in this case more to hide the actual nature of their meeting.

"Matt. Thank-you for coming. Please. Take a seat. Coffee?"

She pausese before returning to the desk in order to pour them both a cup and doctor them as preferred.

Daredevil has posed:
Doing away with the pretense of being blind as soon as the door closed Matt drops into the chair opposite Elektra and tosses his cane onto the other. "Thanks, and black," he says of the coffee.

His tired demeanor spoke of sleepless nights, or well, knowing Matt and his nightly activities, sleepless early mornings.

He takes his cup with a nod of thanks and takes a grateful sip.

"Needed that," he admits, before he sighs and gets down to business. "How have you been?" he asks. It was all a stall. A way to buy a few more seconds before they had to talk about the business that brought him here.

Elektra has posed:
Two coffee. Black. Elektra pours them each one and delivers his before taking her own and going to the other side of the desk.

"I'd lie and say well, but we'd both know that wasn't true," Elektra says tiredly. "Yourself? The others?"

At first she'd set a watch. Had reports even. But after the first couple of days, and time to think, Elektra decided that it was more dangerous to keep the eyes on the group. She had to trust the others were keeping one another safe and that if she wasn't in their lives, their value as targets would go down.

Removing eyes on them was the first signal that they just didn't matter. She'd hoped it would be enough.

"I did pull the contracts you asked for." The files, plus the next set of clients, were pushed across the desk. He might be stalling in his way. She was stalling in hers. The business remained important to the facade. Even if they weren't under surviellance.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt nods, "Yeah, I could tell when I walked in," he says. "Most couldn't though."

He knew her and he knew the subtle tells he hoped her enemies didn't see.

"Usual stuff, got involved with some guys from Danny's end of the world," or well his adpotive part of the world. "That's been fun," he says with a cocky smile that was made less convincing by the undertone of tiredness to it. "Danny and Colleen have been away on business, Luke is Luke and Claire, is well, Claire, it was her birthday the other day, stuck a card under her door. Still giving her space."

Which was a shame because those guys from Danny's part of the world did like their knives and Matt had to do most of his own stitching.

When the papers are presented, Matt smiles faintly, takes a sip of coffee and shifts gear into lawyer mode. "Thanks, should be pretty easy to clear up. I had Karen type this up," he produces a file of his own and hands it back. "That'll remove some of the roadblocks to funding clients right on the edge of the previous qualifications. The old metrics didn't account for a couple of factors we've seen come up a few times."

Elektra has posed:
Elektra flips through the specs Matt provides, nodding at figures. "I'll have a better look at these numbers before forwarding them back to my laywers and the Foundation staff, but it looks like it's kosher, what you're saying. We expected this, to be honest. The initial numbers were all projections based on the available figures, and didn't account, as you say, for some of these parameters. However, that's the advantage of working hand in hand with a team."

Even if most theoretically she wasn't supposed to be a link in that chain. However, to allow them a point of contact.. she'd ignored that, and hoped others had too. Not that her Hand fellows knew of the particulars of her arrangement with the Foundation and Nelson and Murdock.

The file is closed and tucked away into a portfolio. "Sounds like business as usual. You and Danny's end of the world, I mean. I'd apologize if I thought that they were mine, but I don't honestly know at this point. I'm sorry, Matthew. I wanted to protect you, but the best way I can do that is to let things be what they are."

She doesn't say she knows Luke is Luke. Nor does she suggest he should send her regards to Claire. There, too, some things are best left to be what they are.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt nods, "We figured there'd be some places to tighten up as well, we took the clients that slipped through the cracks on pro bono," a smile there. "We're still being paid for most of our work now, that's an improvement over the last couple of years. We're not being paid in chickens and pie anymore."

Speaking of payments, if the books for the fund are studied in detail, there are regular monthly donations to the fund by an M. Murdoch, roughly equal to half of Matt's take home from the cases he's worked.

"If they are yours, I figure they're way down the chain, lack the class of the rest of the Hand types I've met. Might just be a Triad thing."

Matt sounds almost releived as he says that. Just a Triad thing. The prospect of facing the entire hand puts things in perspective.

"And I understand Elektra," he says about leaving things as they are.

He sighs. He can't stall any longer what he's come to say needs to be said.

"Though I need a favour from you, a big one."

He waits to see how that's taken before he carries on.

Elektra has posed:
Elektra is all calm and quiet until he gets to the mention of needing a favour. Well, other than a slight chuckle over the absurdity of 'the Triad' being 'just a thing'.. like he's so much experience now with ninja that some just didn't rank anymore in terms of being concerned about.

"A favour," Elektra says cautiously. "You know there's very little I can do for you, Matthew. Not much more than I already am. Though I do have news for you."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt joins in the chuckling. Yeah, things had changed a bit from his days dressed in black beating up the Kingpin's goons. Now if they weren't ninja they didn't count.

He lets out a breath, but is happy to stall when she mentions news. "What's the news?" he asks.

Elektra has posed:
"No fair, you brought up your favour first," Elektra complains with a slight smirk. Her coffee sipped. "Besides, I think my news may derail yours, so let's get your request out of the way."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt takes a sip of his coffee too, buying time, putting words together.

"A friend of mine told me about a hacker named Genus, apparently he was with the Rising Tide and someone is putting a squeeze on him. I was wondering if you might be able to help with that?" he asks, obliquely to give them both space to manoeuvre, though he keeps his attention on Elektra.

Elektra has posed:
Elektra takes another sip of coffee before answering. "I see. So, what little game are we going to play around this, Matthew? That's not a name plucked out of thin air. Might I ask your little friend's name?" She's pondering if Genus himself might have gone to Matt. She's also displeased about that matter. What she doesn't seem inclined to do is make it easier on Matt by admitting anything.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt frowns. "I wasn't looking to play games, just give us room to talk about this without it getting personal," he explains. "And you know I can't say."

Not that it would likely keep Elektra from finding out, but technically Skye was a client and while he may be bending a hell of a lot of rules when it came to Elektra, he still held to his professional ethics.

"Anyhow, I can understand how someone like that might be valuable, so, I'm here to ask what it'd take to get him out of his current situation."

Elektra has posed:
"Can't say? Or won't." Of course she knew he wouldn't say. Likely couldn't given his ethics based on who and what she was. He might love and trust her, but he wasn't stupid. Even if Skye wasn't a client - and it was debatable if this fell under attorney-client priviledge - Matt's personal code wouldn't put Skye in possible danger.

"Fine. No games. Your little hacker is valuable. And even if I were interested in bargaining for him, just what sort of message do you think that sends to the Hand?"

Daredevil has posed:
Matt remains stubbornly silent. He's said his piece when it came to Skye.

"I know he's valuable, and that letting him go would send the wrong message, but what I'm asking is there anything worth that sort of trouble?" he asks. "Some way this doesn't become a problem."

Matt hoped there was, but he had his doubts.

Elektra has posed:
Elektra signs, and her defenses drop momentarily long enough that her weariness isn't a guarded thing. "Everything is a problem, Matthew. Things continue to get out of hand. What you're asking for.. what do you want me to say? Even if there were a price, just how do you imagine this playing out, setting him free?"

She rubs her temples and picks up her coffee cup again. And much as she wants to say no, and build cold walls between them, there is one small fee she could ask, only she's not certain she wants that price. Or that it would solve anything anyay.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt rises from his seat to put a hand on Elektra's shoulder. A gesture of support. He leans against her desk. "I understand," he offers quietly, wondering if he really did. There was so much hidden about the Hand and truth be told he couldn't imagine the stresses it put on her and yet, here he was adding another.

"I could see it going a couple of ways, if there was a price to be paid that'd sway the Hand, we make a show of paying it, with due deference to the Fist, see if we could somehow make it strengthen your position. The other, would be to fake his suicide. I think I know some people who could manage the logistics of something like that."

That last one was pure spur of the moment speculation but he was willing to wager SHIELD was up to the task. The question was would they put that sort of effort into saving a hacker.

Elektra has posed:
Elektra laughs, the sound bitter, "Just how do you see any of this playing out, Matthew? You have no money. And you paying the price in any visible manner makes you a target. Even if.."

She stops herself and stills. "Friends. Who can do that. Oh.. delightful. Or did you think I didn't know about my little hacker's connections to SHIELD? Unless I miss my mark, your little friend is in SHIELD as well." Which, if you played a straight numbers game meant 1+1=1 DarkSky.

Elektra, as it happened, had followed that fiasco. It had allowed the Hand to make some shrewd moves. And Elektra was always shrewd.

"Supposing I were to agree, Matthew. Supposing I felt that this little job you're suggesting could be pulled off, just what do you think it worth to me to agree to it? To maneavour on my end to make certain it happens?"

She already knew what she was going to ask.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt pulls his hand away at the bitter laugh, then steps back from the desk as well to pace.

"Wasn't thinking /I/ was going to be paying the price," he says a touch defensively about not having the sort of money to make it happen.

When Elektra mentions SHIELD, Matt leans against the wall and relaxes some. So, she knew, that made things easier. "Wasn't sure, didn't want to put it out there until I was. You knowing, I mean."

As to the price. "Honestly no idea, but given this guy is connected to SHIELD it might be worthwhile parting ways with him just to get them off your back. I mean, I don't think the Hand wants SHIELD looking too deeply into their affairs." It was hard to read if Elektra had a price in mind or not, but he doubted that was what she had in mind if she did.

Elektra has posed:
"This favour is for you, Matthew. I've known about SHIELD since I first took Genus under our wing. If he's freed, this costs you. And since we both know your bank account, just what do you plan on giving me in return"

Elektra wasn't about to be mollified and manipulated into merely letting Genus go - not merely because of SHIELD. Even if Matthew was right about that. No, Elektra needed something of Matthew. Well, Stick did. And Elektra was becoming desperate.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt's brow arches above his shades. It sounded like she had something in mind even though the question was given to him.

"I am not sure, how about you tell me what you want?" he asks in return.

Elektra has posed:
"A friend of mine is going to contact you. And when he does, you're going to agree to work with him. You're not going to like it, but you're going to say yes, and you're going to do it. You can negotiate the details of what that looks like with him. But that's my price."

Elektra sits back, walls thrown up. Stoic.

Daredevil has posed:
Despite the walls thrown up around Elektra. Matt does his best to get in and glean some sense of who this friend was. Finding nothing on his own, he asks.

"What's his name?"

He doesn't expect an answer.

Elektra has posed:
"No name until you agree. That's my price." Elektra doesn't budge. She isn't leaving wiggle room on this one.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt lets out a breath. "Really? So I am just supposed to walk into this blind?" he says. True, she did say he could negotiate with whoever this was., but he was still wary.

He waits to see if there's an answer coming, before he says more.

Elektra has posed:
"Yes," Elektra says in tightly controlled tones. "I do. I do because you came to me, Matthew, and asked for this favour. I do, because this puts me in danger because of. You keep failing to understand how it isn't just your life in danger because of our connection, but mine as well."

"You keep asking me for things playing on my feelings for you without a concern for what it means for me. So, yes, Matthew, I expect you to say yes. I expect you to invite this gentleman in, hear him out, and negotiate terms the two of you can live with. If he releases you, it's not my concern, but that's my price. Take it or leave it."

Daredevil has posed:
Elektra's words stung but not because they were untrue but because they were all too accurate. His jaw tightens in frustration, but he nods.

"Fine. I'll meet this guy and work things out."

He pauses, jaw loosening. Frowning at his own behaviour but not sure how to apologize or if there was a space for it.

"So, who is it?" he asks quietly.

Elektra has posed:
There's a sudden, relieved slump of shoulders from the woman. She had his word. He might hate her for it later, but she truly believed it was the only answer. And, much as she hated to admit the weakeness, it might be her only choice as well.

"Stick," Elektra says quietly. "He's looking for you. The war is coming. I didn't stop it. I didn't end it. I brought it to pass."

Daredevil has posed:
There was a moment of blinking confusion from Matt.

"Wait, Stick?" he asks.

Like there could be another one.

His hand massages his forehead. He was ready to yell and to pace but he was aware that mentioning their old mentor's name too many times might be one of those things to put Elektra in danger.

"Fine, I'll talk to him," he says with that same stiff necked defiance he always had when it came to the old man. "But that's all I can promise."

Elektra has posed:
"No. You say yes. That was what you promised. Then you talk with him. After that, it's out of my hands. But when he asks you to join with him, you say yes. Yes, or Genus is mine and you explain to your friend why."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt frowns, jaw clenching, though when Genus is brought up it brings things into sharp focus. A man's freedom was at stake, possibly his life, was he going to endanger it and Elektra's life for the sake of pride?

He relaxes his jaw again and gives a single nod. "I'll join him, you've got my word Elektra."

Elektra has posed:
Elektra doesn't want to give him the satisfaction, but even with her immense self-control of her body, she can't help the wave of relief that passes through her. She can't make the two stay together, but she's done the hardest part for her old mentor... totally aware of the irony at how she'd lost both men because she wouldn't do this those years ago.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt notes the relief but knows enough not to comment. It is noted though. He moves across the room to the second chair to recover his cane. He unfolds it, then setting the point against the floor he leans on it. The time gives him a chance to get his own thoughts under control. For agreeing to work with Stick, he was no less conflicted than when he came in here despite having succeeded in his task. "So, how does this work? With Genus and with Stick," he says dropping his voice for those names. "I am honestly surprised he hasn't dropped in on me yet. Must be getting slow in his old age," there's a smile along with the lame joke, that quickly vanishes behind an inward flinch and smoothing of his features.

As for the irony, Matt sees it, it's a bitter sort like God or fate or... something was laughing at them. All this time and struggle to end up back here.

Elektra has posed:
"Arrange it with your friend," Elektra says tightly, finishing her coffee. "Have her front the instructions through Genus. I can't know anything. He dies a good death, and I'm none the wiser. Out an information source, but I'll live."

At least she's more likely to than merely letting him go. That, and having Matt at least entertain Stick's notions.. it might give her a chance. All of them, really.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt nods. "That works," he says. "I'll pass along the message to my friend and get this started."

As for the other, Matt is less sanguine, if only because he has yet to hear what Stick has to say, so the irony is a bitter thing that tastes like ashes in his mouth.

"I should probably go, but, it was good to see you, even with the circumstances," he offers with a tired smile.

Elektra has posed:
"Take care, Matthew. I wish things could be different."

She's tired as she says it, but even as she's done, Elektra is already putting on her business face and covering up all nuances of anything but being in charge. Matt might know better, but he's an exception, not the rule. And she has things to do today.

She doesn't look when he leaves.