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Date of Scene: 15 June 1027
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Brainiac 5, Magno

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainy is lying in the Sick Bay. His vital signs have stabilized, and he's resting, quietly, listening to the gentle hiss and hum of equipment. It's... relaxing? Well. It's relaxing when you just mainlined a cosmic storm and you're utterly tired.

Magno has posed:
It's been a few hours. Dyrk slipped out of the medbay in the fuss; more or less to mope and sulk in private for a bit. He's since had one of his tussles with Mister Coffee and come away with a cup of something potable after only three tries, and is now coming back to check on Querl properly.

"I heard you were conscious not too long after I skipped the room," Dyrk says quietly. "I went off to mope, but I'm better now."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Querl looks up. "Why?" He says. He murmurs. He looks at the IV in his arm, and then sighs, quietly.

Magno has posed:
"Because you pushed me, and it *worked*", Dyrk admits pretty readily. Dragging over a stool, he sits right where Querl can see him without turning his head too much. "All this time, accepting that things were done and gone with no reasonable explanation, and I find out that a little real stress and some focus and... it's there. I can't hold onto it, but I can *find* it."

"So I'm happy, but I'm upset, too. So many wasted years."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"I didn't tell you, because I didn't have time to tell you -- the problem wasn't that you were damaged, or that your powers were removed." Querl says, "It's your personal electromagnetic field that changed. Imperceptibly. It doesn't respond to you in the same way it does for most other Braalians. YOU are fine. Unfortunately," He says, "Beyond the most rudimentary hypothesis, I don't know how it changed or the right way for you to relearn to use it."

Then he closes his eyes. "I had nothing but faith that you would come through. It's what you do."

Magno has posed:
Taking one hand from his coffee cup, Dyrk traces his knuckles gently down Querl's cheek, "And you. You've given me a key, something to work at and towards. You're helping me be *whole* again."

He smiles a little, watching you. "It's almost enough to make me forgive you for almost getting vaporized by temporal-cosmic energy and/or eaten by space whales."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Querl looks to the side. "There was no one else available with the power to move that calf. And if--if you and Invisible Kid hadn't succeeded, I would've been able to generate an electromagnetic pulse from within the storm that would have stabilized it." And would have killed him.

"I was aware of the risks."

Magno has posed:
"So you *are* trying to stay Leader, then," Dyrk teases gently, stroking his hand across Querl's cheek and under his chin. "Only people who want to stay Leader try to solve problems at the cost of their own lives. Long Live the Legion, we all try to get killed in the line of duty." Teasing tone of truth; not a single one of them wouldn't do it.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"Yes, well." Querl looks away. Not going to respond to that. Then he says, "The potential damage that storm could have done to the Earth was massive." He looks up, and says, "And a leader should lead from the front, and be an inspiration."

Magno has posed:
Scooting closer, Dyrk rests his chin on the edge of the bed close to Querl's face, moving his hand up to stroke his hair. "You're definitely inspiring. But what are *you* really thinking?" Looking right into Querl's eyes, searching for... what he's not sure. "I've unburdened myself, it's your turn."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Querl Dox looks up. "I'm thinking about lots of things. I'm thinking about how after I'm sufficiently convalesced I need to go looking for the Justice League before they come looking for us. I'm thinking about how frightened I made the three of you, and feeling a healthy measure of guilt. I'm wishing I wasn't completely exhausted at this particular moment in time. Because I can't do much more than lie here. Wondering how a 12th level intellect could be so gung-ho and foolhardy."

Magno has posed:
This actually makes Dyrk laugh a little, and he leans forward the little bit it takes to give Querl a quick kiss. "I adore you. You did what needed to be done. You saved the earth and the whales, and you didn't die." Tracing his fingers across Querl's cybernetics, rubbing his nose against his. "You're brilliant and stupid at the same time because you're a sprocking Legionnaire, and we worry because we're all friends." Or more. "It'll all be ok."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Querl Dox closes his eyes, and smirks, responding to the kiss and snorting when their noses touch. "I think..." He says, "I'm going to sleep, for awhile. A week, possibly two? Make sure to help Lyle while I'm lying down. He's hopeless without me. And if it's really important, send for me. But I think... it would be logical to rest. I'll be fine."

Magno has posed:
One more kiss then, and Dyrk sits back up. "We'll all be here when you wake, Captain - don't worry. The ship won't go down without you. I'll look in on you later, give you an update if you're up for it." But for now... all is good, or leading up to it.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Querl Dox closes his eyes, and smirks, and settles back. "The things I have to do to take a vacation." Then he stills, and sinks into sleep.