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Meggan (Scenesys ID: 1351)
Full Name: Meggan Puceanu
Gender: Female
Species: Mutant
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Occupation: Foreign Student
Citizenship: {{{Citizenship}}}
Residence: {{{Residence}}}
Education: {{{Education}}}
Status: Active
Groups: Xavier's School
Other Information
Apparent Age: 19 Actual Age: 19
Date of Birth 12 January 2005 Actor: Halston Sage
Height: 170 cm Weight: 54 kg
Hair Color: Blonde (Varies) Eye Color: Blue (Varies)
Theme Song: {{{Song}}}


Meggan Puceanu was saved from an impoverished existence in the North of England by the Xavier academy. Catching up for an ill-served educational childhood with great energy, she has dealt with the internalized shame of her origins as well as the crises that come when you go to THAT PARTICULAR school. Now approaching the time of graduation, she is still struggling to figure herself out, which her empathic and metamorphic abilities do not, quite, help.



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Meggan can see and hear patterns of force in the world around her, if she looks carefully. This is limited to major flows of energy, such as power lines, magnetic fields, air currents, and the presence of psionic or occult energy or constructions. (She does not have any ability to see what a telepathic message *is*. But she could perceive one being sent, if she was looking closely at the time.) 

This is typically an active ability - Meggan has to look and even have some kind of idea for what she's looking for, unless it is some kind of HUGE spike in otherwise unexpected energy flowing near her, which would trigger a startle response. Conventional measures of concealment hide things from her; her range of perception is wider, but her senses are not much more *acute* than normal. It is also not much good on finding individuals unless they are primarily radiating or composed of a particular sort of energy; she could spot out an air-elemental who was otherwise invisible, for instance, but wouldn't be able to track people like a heat-scanner.


Using her empathic abilities, gesturing, and pointing, Meggan can communicate on a basic level with almost any living being despite language barriers. This is very effective for expressing basic ideas and building good feelings, although it is extremely unsuited for abstract concepts or discussing things or people that are not present. Concepts tend to break down to "our group," "your home," "the thing you're running from," and so on.


Meggan can sense the emotional states and feelings of people and living entities around her, out to quite some distance - stronger feelings travel farther. She can also project her own feelings out onto others - she has to actually be experiencing the relevant emotion ("fear," "hope," "principled loathing for the New England Patriots") in order to do so, however.


Meggan can fly in the air, like a REAL superhero! Her top 'cruising' speed when going in a straight line is about ninety miles per hour. Meggan herself is unsure why she can do it; she discovered she could while imitating several other people who were capable of flight, and it seems to have "stuck."


Meggan can change her shape to just about any approximately humanoid form imaginable. She can imitate the appearance of individuals, although the fine details may be slightly "off" - sex, voice pitch (if not accent) and distinctive features will be present, but the fingerprints and retinal patterns will be random trash and not those of the person in question. She can't really leave the basic humanoid body plan, either, as much as she might want to; that said, she can range from Blob-sized to Peter-Dinklage sized without problems.


Meggan is able to do some of the things that you would expect from a transmogrified form; for instance, if she's being big and muscular, she will be stronger (though see Perfect Body), if she has metal skin she will be tougher, and so on. She can also often imitate simple maneuvers and super-powers that involve projecting energy of some kind, although these are difficult and complex, and are often based more on how Meggan guesses it would work rather than actually understanding the powers of the person she is imitating. 

(This is actually a much more limited form of her canonical 'true form' being able to draw on the power of a living world and do all kinds of crazy stuff; however, Meggan doesn't *understand* this to be the case and would unlock this potential in the long term.)


Meggan's usual appearance isn't her "real" appearance, in her view, and if she's going to be living in that look, she might as well get it right. She is thus mildly superhuman by default. The practical effects are listed below since none of them are really big enough to need their own entry. 
  • Ballerina flexibility!
  • She's about as strong as a big pro fighter, thanks to optimized muscles. (Her proportional strength can grow with more beefy forms but tops out at about three tons of lifting power in the most grossly liefeldian bulkmeat forms she can manage.)
  • More resistant to incidental bumps and bruises; most impacts and similar traumas harm her about a third as much as they ought to, all things considered. She abuses this to walk around barefoot a lot.
  • She heals well; not faster, but injuries don't tend to leave lasting mementoes on her.
  • She can hold her breath for about ten minutes, or fifteen if she doesn't do much. If relevant, she can also metamorph into a gill structure and breathe water.
  • She isn't meaningfully bothered by "normal" temperature extremes, although she does sweat a lot if it's very hot. (She also doesn't smell bad, ever. Ha ha! Take that, Unilever.)
  • Resistance (though not immunity) to a lot of conventional sources of minor chemical injury. She can drink like a fish (in theory, of course, no drinking at her age in the States, promise) and shake off things like tear gas.


Meggan is extremely difficult to distort or transform with external effects, due to her fluid nature, probably. She can still be harmed by reality distortions or the like, but they have a hard time changing her directly. She has to let them in. She is also likely to recall more subtle distortions of reality, due to this.


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Meggan has learned some of the tenets and craft of acting, although this has two main uses: being a scenery-chewing monster in school plays (but an effective one!) or pretending to be someone else.


Meggan had a certain degree of vicious instinctual slashing and grappling informed by watching cheap wrestling programs. She has not pursued the advanced forms of the martial arts, although some training at Xavier's has gotten her into a place where she can do some tricks with her metamorphic abilities, a favorite being abruptly shrinking or bending unnaturally to avoid or break a grasp.


Meggan was raised, almost literally, by a portable television and, in the latter days, a cheap smartphone plugged into the caravan wall. She has watched a lot of great things, and a lot of crap as well. The joy of literacy has brought her to trashy fiction as well. 
Meggan will *definitely* know almost everything about anything that was on the BBC from 2011 to 2020. Everything. This notably includes most of the 90s Star Trek runs, Doctor Who (naturally), and a range of other programs. She *may* know about just about any garbage pop culture factoid. If it helps with determining if she might know about a particular piece of pop culture: Meggan's preferences are for bright colors, melodrama, emotional stakes, luxurious/beautiful people and surroundings, moderate amounts of violence, and cheap or lurid humor.


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Meggan makes videos for people on the Internet who pay her modest sums. That sounds awful, doesn't it? Usually it's her imitation of various movie stars doing or saying something preposterous, or creating extremely idiosyncratic presents for people. (20 quid and David Tennant says a personalized birthday message for you.) She doesn't reveal her origin or even how she does it, claiming to be "very good at costuming and makeup" instead, and always clearly stating them to be parodies. This mostly provides her with "teenager spare job" money.


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Meggan's empathy power doesn't have an 'off' switch, although she has learned to habituate enough to be comfortable in urban environments. (It's better high up. You're near fewer people!) Sudden emotional shifts, like fear in crowds, can leave her dazed; positive emotions can have a similar effect but are actually pleasant experiences. 

She is also much more vulnerable to emotional assault, either in the literal powered sense or being guilt tripped, shamed, or so on than others. This is particularly true if it's oriented on herself personally, rather than others.


Meggan considers her natural form to be some kind of clawed bat-goblin whose main redeeming feature was luxurious hair. She has spent the majority of her life in that shape. It was hideous. She thinks that's the real her. This makes her extremely vulnerable to flattery or expressions of interest in her, personally. 

She is also insecure about being thought stupid and takes some pains to try and sound "cultured." When angry or in dire emotional states she tends to slip back into what she considers a humiliatingly lower class way of talking. (Americans may notice the change but probably won't 'get' the signifier.)


Meggan is a big ol' mutant mutiepants with all the problems and prejudices that this involves. She is also ethnically Romani, but this doesn't really show in her usual form so the only way someone could tell is to hear her talk, maybe.


Meggan is a big ol' sucker for all kinds of people and sob stories, not least because she herself has been low. This can make her a genuine and caring and unprejudiced friend but it also makes it easy to play on her good nature. She is not a complete fool - indeed, a clumsy attempt may just make her angry. But while she wouldn't give the Red Skull or the Joker a superweapon, she might be persuaded by a more charismatic and less blatantly murder-happy figure. She wouldn't hurt the innocent or her allies... directly, anyway... but she might let someone go. And that can be just as bad, can't it?


For reasons Meggan does not fully comprehend, she periodically catches the eye of occult forces and seems to have a great deal of magical potential. This can be sensed by various forces, although it does not seem connected to her mutant abilities.
(It actually is. I am leaving details up in the air because they are plot fodder, but Meggan's mutant powers let her attune with planetary-scale flows of occult and natural energy alike, although she is nowhere near realizing any of this.)


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Title Date Scene Summary
megganlomania November 20th, 2023 Summary needed
Gloriana Tenebrae October 30th, 2023 The Black Queen taunts and feeds upon Meggan, brilliantly citing not-vaguely-remembered-and-out-of-context characters from 'The Faerie Queen.'
Pool'n'Drinks February 19th, 2019 Several of the X-Men girls have a good time at Harry's Hideaway near Xavier's. Scott makes a cameo and acts like an angry school principal from an 80s movie. Its great!
My new BFF February 18th, 2019 Meggan returns to Xaviers. Various people visit. Erika gets embarrassed a lot.
School Night February 18th, 2019 Summary needed
Feelings and Hurts October 14th, 2017 Summary needed
=What Lassie October 13th, 2017 James Proudstar visits the school to ask for help after Emma Frost was mentally altered by Gorilla Grodd
What Lassie..Emma turned into a monkey October 13th, 2017 James Proudstar arrives needing help. He is met by Meggan and Jean Grey.
Megan-Twin Powers Activate! And Others! October 12th, 2017 Summary needed
Log 2798 October 11th, 2017 Summary needed
Irresponsibility September 4th, 2017 Summary needed
Shooting Starro September 1st, 2017 Summary needed
Wolf and Tiger September 1st, 2017 Summary needed
Patronage August 30th, 2017 Summary needed


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