250/Academy of Tomorrow Today

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Academy of Tomorrow Today
Date of Scene: 03 May 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 187, Emma Frost, Rogue

Ford Benett (187) has posed:
    This was about as bad as Ford could imagine it would be. Him on the run, his friends and family possibly in danger, and him having to hide like a coward. But this was only temporary. He'd find the bastard who'd duplicated him and killed one of his co-stars. And when he did! Ooooooh, he had no idea what he was going to do... but it would probably be brutal! But the problem was finding who did it... he suspected a shapeshifter of some kind. That was the only solution he could think of. Logically, anyways.

    Wearing over-large sunglasses, a black jacket with the collar popped up to hide his face, and a simple, brand-new backpack slung around his shoulder, Ford passed by the Metropolis Academy with his hands in his pockets, racking his brain as he tried to think of how to approach things. No doubt the set was ablaze with police activity... he'd have to wait until night time. He couldn't go home... no doubt they were watching his penthouse. How to handle all of this? This and a myriad of other questions plague his mind as he powerwalks past the Academy gates.

Ford Benett (187) has posed:
    Emma is walking from the nearby parking garage towards her school. The white queen is wearing a black pantsuit with a black leather over coat with a white and tan fun around the collar and cuffs. Aparently she doesn't want to catch a cold. She walks surefootedly, like she knows what she's doing, how she's doing it and there is a greater plan beneath those long blonde locks. She looks over at Ford and spots the man trying to hide obviously based on his attire alone.

    Emma approaches the man and puts her hand on his elbow, trying to catch him before he passes. "You're doing an awful job of hiding from someone. Come with me." She says, missing one step in her quest to head out of the cold, but is now trying to help Ford inside to talk.

Ford Benett (187) has posed:
    Ford blinked as he felt the hand on his elbow, blinking and doing a double take as ths drop-dead gorgeous woman was trying to get him inside to talk with him. Normally, he would be absolutely ALL over that, but under the current circumstances. "H-hey! Who says I was trying to hide from anyone? I'm fine, really." He paused a moment. "...what makes you think I need help?" Despite his words, FOrd didn't put up too much of a fight being led inside by this gorgeous woman in fur and red lipstick. He always was a sucker for the ladies.

Emma Frost has posed:
Practically dragging Ford into the Frost school, Emma doesn't even have to look at him once more to know exactly what he looks like. "The popped collar, constantly looking over your shoulder while keeping anyone from seeing your face for more than a moment." She starts to climb the steps towards the main doors, but they're a bit of a treck up. "You smell like a man on the run." She says, sounding almost judgemental but not with that hint of negativity, but giving the hint that she's been where he is before, she's speaking from experience.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is rolling down the sidewalk in the opposite direction that Ford had been going in. She's rolling, because she's on her skateboard. The young teenage mutant has her bronw hair tied up in a bun on the crown of her head with two metal 'katana hair sticks' criss-crossed through, but her snow-white bangs are left to drape down the sides of her face and blow about in the wind as she rolls along.

Rogue is dressed in a XL Xavier School hoodie that is super baggy on her torso, whipping around in the winds. On her lower half she has a pair of very slim-fit blue jeans that are a stark contrast to the baggy top she wears and on her feet are some leather boots with kevlar 'fireman' laces (because she's less likely to break them when tieing them).

Rogue just skates along, occassionally doing a trick off a stone ledge or jumping over something in her way. She was quite skilled on the board (flying powers helped her cheat a little).

Ford Benett (187) has posed:
    Ford grimaced a bit as she rattled off how he stuck out like a sore thumb by trying not to be conspicuous. But she talked like she knew what he was trying to do. Like from experience. "...dang. I guess that makes me a poor excuse for an actor." he replied. Wait... it couldn't be, could it? He looked back briefly, catching sight of the young lady skateboarding down the street. She was... very acrobatic. Reminded him a bit of himself. Well... he cheated a bit because of his density powers. 'Nimble little thing.' he thought... and Emma probably hears as he follows after her. "Fine, fine, you can let go." he said, trying to shrug her grip off. "To be fair... I've got a pretty good reason."

Emma Frost has posed:
"I'm not saying you don't have a reason, but you have to not try. Just become average." Emma says simply, stopping at the tops of the steps as she follows Ford's eyes towards the young mutant on her skate board. "Like her yeah!" Emma says with a motion towards the bipedal skunk. "Tell me if you can figure it out what she's hidding, or running from." Emma says, able to read people super quickly, and the telepathy doesn't hurt.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is run into by a man in a suit getting out of his super expensive car and its about two seconds later that the two of them get into a shouting match standing not far from Emma and Ford. The man is yelling at her for skateboarding and Rogue is shouting back at him for being a "Rich prick who's too busy thinkin' about himself to watch where he's going!". Rogue is shouting in a thick southern accented voice, the man is waving his hands at her and telling her to get the *bleep* out of here.

Ford Benett (187) has posed:
    "Hard for me to be average. So used to be a superstar." Ford replied, smirking slightly. "...I would presume she isn't running from anything." he replied, shrugging a bit. "Then again, I can't go around without something covering my face. It's... a pretty recognizable one." He reached up and tilted his glasses down, revealing enough of his face to make it noticable. It's the famed TV and movie star, Ford Benett himself! Wait... isn't he currently wanted for murder?

    As the shouting match started up, Ford grimaced a bit. "Alright, then... like this?" he asked, taking his backpack off and setting it down, lowering his collar. 'Here goes nothing.' Ford quickly trekked back down the steps and came up behind Rogue, immediately adopting a matching southern accent as he smiled. "There ya are, sis! Was wond'rin what you were gettin' in ta." he said, patting Rogue's shoulder and ushering her away as he nodded to the rich man. "Mah 'pologies, mistah. She's a bit hot in the head at times, ya know? C'mon, sis. Teach is waitin'..." He tugged her along, lowering his voice a bit. "Play along."

Emma Frost has posed:
"Then find a way to cover your face. Try a beard or something less obvious." Emma says, obviously not star studded or even affected by the man's status or his current allegations. Leaning her backside against one of the hand rails up the stair case, she crosses her arms below her chest and observes the man going to help the southern nonstudent that happens to be passing by her school.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's green eyes looked back over her shoulder when Ford touched it and she glared at him, expecting a fight from another direction. But she heard what he said and seemed confused by it since he was a stranger and strangers were generally always mean to her.

Thats when the Rich Guy kicked Rogue's skateboard across the sidewalk and went to shove her with his hand on her collarbone area... But Anna-Marie was an immovable object by a mere mortal's hand, and when she watched her board go flying, then the guy shove at her, she just reached her gloved right hand up and turned his wrist, bent it and put the man in a painful hold, pulling him back to her body.

"Ah'll play along." Rogue angrily whispered up into the Rich Guy's ear who was crying out in pain. "Right aftah Ah smash this man's arm an' then turn his Bitch Mobile inta a god damn tin can!"

The Rich Guy was struggling, painfully, but he couldn't get away from Rogue's grip. "She's gonna break my arm!" He shouted. "God damn freaks!"

Ford Benett (187) has posed:
    'Haven't had a chance to let one grow, babe. Besides, I look so much better without one~ ...wonder how she looks without that jacket on~' Ford mentally mused. Evidently, he doesn't realize Emma can read his thoughts... or he simply doesn't care.

    When Rogue starts to utterly lose it, Ford recoiled a moment, before placing a hand on Rogue's shoulder again... and making it heavier. And heavier. Muuuuuuuuuch heavier. "Sis. Ah think we ought ta be gettin', dontcha think? Let 'em go. He ain't worth it. Trust me on this." He started to tug her along again, leaning up and pulling his glasses down a bit, revealing his face and nodding to her. "C'mon. Let 'em be."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma doesn't respond to Ford's words or his thoughts, instead, remaining against the brushed metal bar, watching scene unfold with a smirk. This girl really is something special, all those different thoughts... personalities, she's wild.

With a simple thought, easy for the practiced telepath, the man attacking Rogue would not only apologize, but retrieve her skateboard for her and scurry on off towards his office. Emma still remains at the top of the stair case, waiting, watching with those overy calculating ice blue eyes.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue didn't watch tv or go to movies, so she didn't recognize Ford sadly. But her better judgement was trying to filter through her anger and she knew that the Professor wouldn't like what she was doing... it was hard to make her anger go away though, it pushed at her like a tidal wave trying to rush over a dam.

But with the words from Ford, and the unkown assistance from Emma to make the man in the suit apologize... Rogue released him and watched him go and retrieve her skateboard. She breathed in and out, heavily, but eyed him the whole time until he was going toward wherever-he-was-headed. "Get the hell out of here." She said quietly before glancing over to Ford, then looking down at her skateboard in her gloved hands.

Rogue went to drop it on the ground on her wheels and to get back on it, presumably to roll away back on her own path.

Ford Benett (187) has posed:
    As the man rolled away, Ford grimaced, before looking back and patting Rogue's shoulder again. "Need to work on that temper, 'sis'... could get you into some real trouble some time." he said, ditching the accent finally and smiling. "And... maybe not get QUITE so fancy with the tricks, yeah?"

    Nodding as he let Rogue roll off on her board, Ford turned back and headed back up the steps to Emma's place on the railing. "How's that? Bit more incognito for your liking?" he asked, holding out his hands before grabbing his backpack. "So... you said you wanted to help?"

Emma Frost has posed:
"I just did." Emma says, nodding softly to Ford before she lifts her finger and raising her voice, aimed down the steps towards Rogue.

"You go to that school?" Emma asks, attempting to get information from the girl, even if it's a quick mental thought.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's green eyes examined Ford's face for several seconds, her black eyeshadow making the light green of her pupils stand out even more than they normally would. "Fancy trick." She said about his accent mimmicking her own. But then she started to roll off...

Until Emma spoke to her, Rogue hadn't noticed Emma up until this point and it made her stop on the board and look down at her chest where the (X) logo was with the school's name encircling the large printed letter.

"Sure do." Rogue said back at Emma, staring at her now with an angry edge still lingering behind her gaze. Rogue then nodded past Emma toward the Metropolis school that she figured the guy she was just fighting with worked at. "Sure bettah than this shit hole." She said, having no idea Emma owned the school.

Ford Benett (187) has posed:
    "...oh." Ford replied, rubbing the back of his head. "Well, then... uh... I guess I'll be on my way then. I'd... normally offer you to dinner, but I'm afraid I'm a bit busy, so... perhaps when I get things cleared up? Come back and take you out someplace fancy?" he asked, quirking his brow over those sunglasses. Well... at least he was incorigable.

    "School?" Ford asked, following her finger to Rogue and blinking. Wait... like the Xavier Academy? SHE went to that school?! "...well I guess that would explain the X..." He frowned at Rogue's cussing, though. Seriously... that girl needed to curb her tongue. "A pity her manners don't match her looks, eh?" he asked, smirking at Emma. Oh yes, he could give it out. "Perhaps sailor talk is one of the many cirriculum of the place. In which case, it begs which is better... my money's on this place if they've excluded that from the coursework."

Emma Frost has posed:
"Feel free to come stop by when Xavier's fails to help you with your problems and you want to become the best you there can be." Emma says, uncrossing a hand and lifting it in a farewell wave before recrossing her arms turning her head back to Ford.

"Feel free to come by when you're off the lamb."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's eyes narrowed in Ford's direction when he spoke about her manners not matching her looks. Then she looked at Emma when her response came. "Least people don't say shit like that t'me at Xavier's." She retorted, pulling a pack of cigarettes out of the front pocket near the waistline of her hoodie. She had a lighter in the other hand and lit a cigarette up then put her hands back into her hoodie.

"Ya'll are big city bitches." She told them. "Thinkin' you're bettah than everyone else." Her head slowly shook side to side then and she started to roll away down the sidewalk. "Thats pretty pathetic shit.." Her husky voice was quiet and soft, calm again at this point.. the cigarette helping with that.

Rogue put her right booted foot down and pushed off on the concrete for a bit more speed (even though she didn't have to do that to make the board go).

Ford Benett (187) has posed:
    Ford watched as Rogue lit up a ciggie and rolled away, calling him a 'big city bitch' and thinking he was better than everyone else. "...only cause it's true~" Ford replied, smirking at Emma and winking. "A whole lot of other people seem to think I am~" he said, before hoisting his backpack up. "I'll hold you to that, Miss, erm... sorry, didn't catch the name?" Probably because he was too busy thinking about her figure.

Emma Frost has posed:
"Frost." Emma says looking over to Ford and falling awfully quiet afterwards and turning towards her building, her offer made to both Rogue and Ford, she's done trying to help strangers for the day.

"Have a good day." She said, not having gotten Ford's name but isn't too concerned about it.