706/Two Pair, Bugs over Cats

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Two Pair, Bugs over Cats
Date of Scene: 30 May 2013
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: In which two cats and two ladybugs have a conversation, or Adrien admits he's in love with Marinette.
Cast of Characters: 142, 143

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
That first night was tense. Though the sleeper chair was brought over, Adrien really didn't sleep well. The constant beeping kept him on the edge of proper sleep, but there was no complaint from him. Not even when he was brought a protein shake for 'breakfast'. No cheese. No cookies. Even though he had demanded. Someone went over his head. So, despite being hungry, Adrien carefully poured some into the cap for Tikki and Plagg, murmuring his apologies and promises to go down to the hospital food court and get some food for them. He wanted to wait for Tommy befoer doing that. He didn't want Marinette to wake up alone, even if Tikki was with her. Mostly, Adrien just didn't want to leave Marinette's side.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
It's a hospital and unless medicinally knocked out, no one ever sleeps well. Marinette was no exception. She drifted in and out most of the night. The cutback in her pain meds left her feeling a dull ache in her shoulder.

It wasn't long after breakfast that she woke with a soft groan though. The ache was there and her head felt foggy and heavy. It wasn't a feeling she particularly enjoyed. And her felt like it had been stuffed with cotton.

"Morning," is groaned as she reaches for her water.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Plagg is the first to perk up, but not sure if Marinette remembers, his green eyes flit to Adrien, who sits up from where he had been scrolling aimlessly through his phone and leans over with a soft smile.

"Hi... How are you feeling?" he asks gently, reaching to help her get the water so she doesn't have to move too much. His eyes are worried, but he's putting on his brave face, the model smile that makes everything seem like ther eis nothing wrong. The smile that fools hte world.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Tikki sits up a little straighter next to Plagg. Eyes flicking from mate to Adrien and then up to... "Marinette?"

The entire cup of water is downed and when gone, the cup is set aside so she can raise the bed into a semi-sitting position.

"Well... One of my newest friends is the Cheshire Cat eho was just akumatuzed because I didn't take something he said seriously, Hawkmoth is in New Yotk which pretty much screws my chance of graduating with a good grade, I have a hole in my shoulder, my best friend and partner who I was horrid to also happebs to be the guy I've been love with for years and I never knew all because of somr stupid promise I forced on you without even asking your opinion which makes me all kinds of hypocritical for ever tearing into you about taking mu choice away... Over all? I'm ready to go home and sulk now."

She leans forward slightly, only wincing a little. "Hi. Tikki."

And then her blue eyes go back to Adrien. "How are -you- holding up? And where's the other one?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
She remembers! Plagg smiles at this.

She remembers. Adrien smiles bashfully at this. Okay, then. Watching her make the bed sit up, Adrien shuffles a frew things aside, standing to help her arrange the pillows so she's comfortable.

"It's alright, Marinette. I get why you did it. I never hated you for it. THe situation, maybe but... I always figured that... when you were ready... you'd tell me," Adrien says, shrugging lightly, trying to be light about it all, about the turmoil he had been in when he had for a while been falling in love with whom he thought were two completely different people.

"It just turns out that I got to fall in love with you twice, instead of just once, so... I'm going to say that I'm pretty lucky," he's saying. He inhales, eyes starting for Plagg as Marinette asks for him, when Plagg pulls an Plagg and just barges in.

"He's a mess. I'm here, and I'm wasting away! Tell your boyfriend to get and get me cheese already! I'm dying over here!" Plagg grouses while floating in front of Marinette's face, little arms folding over his tiny chest to look all sorts of tiny cute grumpy kitty. And he is very much a little black cat.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"Eee! Oh my god, Adrien, he's adorable!" Mari can't help but giggle, bluebell blue eyes fixed on Plagg as Tikki gloats herself up to perch on Adrien's shoulder and begins counting backwards, softly, from thirty.

Mati resches out her uninjured arm, hand extended for Plagg to sit in. "Oh you thing! You most certainlu need breakfast. All of you!"


"You're in love with me?" Mari blinks, blushing softly. "Really?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Plagg puffs up, tail curling under him as he drifts down to Mari's hand, landing down with dainty velvetine paws. Unlike how he crash lands onto Adrien's anywhere. All claws those landings.

"I am too adorable. Adrien doesn't believe this, because Adrien is dense. Can you believe he keeps me in a pocket? By his ARMPIT?"
"Because you smell like cheese!"
"And what does that tell you about your armpits, kid?"
"See what I have to deal with here, purrincess? His brain is unobtainium."

Adrien just groans faintly, though he's grinning. A grin that warms to a smirk at Mari's question.

"Yeah. I've ...kinda been telling you that for years, M'Lady," Adrien quips as he settles back to his seat, green eyes flitting to Tikki's counting. A light smirk plays on his lips, hint enough for those that know, to easily see the cat in the expression.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"Adorable... And a ham," Tikki whispers into Adrien's ear as Mari brings Plagg up to her nose so she can lightly nuzzle him and then gently kiss the top of his head. And then he has her giggling. "Aww. What a poor little kitty. We'll just have yo see what else we can come up with, won't we?"

But Adtien has Mari's attention then and she's blushing brightly. "I thought... I'm sorry I never took it seriously, chaton." He was just always so over the top and dramatic about everything... Everything exaggerated and never serious...

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"Tell me about it. Everything is the end of the world for him," Adrien comments to Tikki softly, watching as Plagg rubrubs his little head into the nuzzles, and then he chuckles when loud purrs fill the room the moment his head is kissed. Plagg FLOPS to his side in Marinette's hands, rub-sliding himself toward her thumbs, one eye open one eye closed.

"Can we come up with some cheese? Preferrably camembert. I'm wasting away into nothing," Plagg tells Marinette, because his plight is the most important.

"I suppose, maybe it was easier to let you think it was a joke, to laugh with you instead of correcting you. It's easier to take a rejection when it's not serious," Adrien replies on a roll of a shoulder, eyes still on the overdramatic, hamming it up, this is exactly why Chat is as Chat is, tiny ball of cat kwami in Mari's hands.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
A thumb which is carefully brought down to petpet the little black kwami. "I doubt the hospital has camembert. I'm sorry. The minute I get out of here though... I promise. But I promise to see about getting you something." Marinette offers.

"It's a cat thing," Tikki explains. "Dramatic, exaggerated, over the top..." She shrugs.

And the Mari, clueless to the conversation between her kwami and Adrien, looks over at the young man. "If I had thought you were serious..." Her brows knit before she motions at Plagg. "He starving, ya know..." They'll talk about it, of course, but after breakfast is given to little godlings.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"Of course it does. Adrien just has ask for it, but he's so dense. Can't see a cat's starving over here," Plagg continues, purring and purring so loud his body is visibly shaking from it. His eyes are closed as he's petpetted.

"Must be," Adrien murmurs softly to Tikki. His brows lift at seeing Plagg so openly affectionate.

"He is not starving."
"Am too."
"Are not, you piglet. I fed you before I went out-" "Last NIGHT!" "-and I didn't use Cataclysm at all. You can survive-" "How? I ask you! How!!!??" "-a few more hours while I try-" "Try he says! Try! There is no try. There is do or starved kwami!" "-to convince Gorgille to bring me some cheese and cookies." "Ew! Who wants cookies?"

And Adrien facepalms.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"Kinda like... Chat, no?" Tikki says with a smitk before she looks iver at Plagg. "I do!"

"Let's let him have it sent for, okay? Trust me... You eant to avoid hospital good for humans, I certainly wouldn't want to force such horrible things on a kwami with taste such as yours," is cooed at Plagg as Mati pets him and winks at Adrien.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"No. Nothing like Chat," Adrien deadpans at Tikki. Because it's more than a river!

"Because you have no taste," Plagg tells Tikki, as if telling her her eyes are blue.

"Why are you humoring him, Mari? It just makes it worse," Adrien says softly, even as he is grabbing his phone to send Tommy a text. Because he knows NOW that Tommy can get things in here without anyone being the wiser.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"Uh-huh... Where do you think those feline qualities come from?" Tikki can't help but smirk before, "Hey! Cokkies are wonderful! They're warm, gooey, cheey bits of love!"

And Mari giggles about... well... All of it.

"For the same reason I let Chat get away with calling me Bugaboo, break vases that cost more than my tuition and put his filthy boots all over my counters. He's too adorable to say no too."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"Purrfect," Adrien deadpans.... yes, he deadpanned a pun. Adrian Agreste deadpanned a cat pun. All as Plagg opens an eye to peer at Tikki. Unimpressed kitty cat kwami cat is unimpressed... as long as Marinette pets. The moment her thumb pauses, Plagg reaches out with velvet paws to pull the thumb back so he can rubrubrub his head on the pad of her finger.

"Cheese is better," Plagg states, while still purring loud enough that most could mistake it for the purr of a full sized cat.

"You think I'm adorable, purriness?" Adrien asks, face splitting into that Chaton Grin. The only thing missing is the slits in his eyes and messy hair. Though admittedly, sleeping on the chair has a bit of muss to his locks.

"Now who's getting encouraged?" Plagg notes, standing up to flop to his other side, purring still.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
And that Adrien manages it has Tikki giggle-fitting so hard she almost falls off his shoulder. "Is not," is her brilliant, giggled reply about the cheese.

Mari has to roll her eyes even as she fights not to giggle as much as her kwami. "Pawssibly..." There's no way she's stopping the smile though. Or the light blush that touches her cheeks.


Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
In the world of Best puns ever, it was second. The all pun sentence is definitely still on the top spot. The smile and the blush as like catnip, and Adrien leans in, elbows gently resting on the edge of her bed near her knee.

"Are you pawsitive, Purrincess? Beclaws if you're not absolutely pawistively one hundred purrcent fur reals sure, I could try to be more adorable," says a Chat in Adrien's clothing. Plagg looks over, purrs fading slightly.

"Ugh. Now he's doing it when I'm AWAKE! Tikki, make it stop, for the love of all the holey cheese, make it stop," Plagg laments... without moving. Because Marinette is petting him.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Bright blue eyes dance with laughter. "Still terrible puns," is said as she fights oh so hard not to outright laugh at the jokes. "And didn't you tell me only fools are positive?" Finally, her head shakes. "I don't think it's at all possible for you to be more adorable, my chaton." And it's all so much easier when they aren't hiding from each other.

And thank all the gods Tikki can fly because she laughs herself backwards, right off of Adrien's shoulder. "You did it to me for almost 2000 years," she reminds.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"Well, yes. But that's because it takes one to know one," Adrien retorts, leaning all the way forward so his chin in on his hands and those hands are over his elbows and his elbows are pressed into the bed near her thighs. He's grinnign up at her, like all those times on the Eiffel Tower.

"Those weren't terrible. This one is terrible: It hurt you know..." And he waits, Plagg drawn by Tikki challenge so he drifts off petting hands.

"I did no such thing! I was charming and witty and perfectly wonderful all the times," he's saying, tail curling in amusement.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Hand now gree, Mari smirks and reaches out to push Adrien back with a single finger playfully. She's done it to Chat so many times. "Is my Knight calling me a fool now?" Cue the pout. "...What hurts?" She's almost afraid to ask...

Tikki rolls her eyes. "You were flirty and flighty and easily distracted anf liked to puff up." And, yes, completely adorable.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Pushed back, Adrien rolls up to sitting. Yes, she's done this so many times, but this time it feels different. It doesn't leave that tiny sting in his heart. Instead, it leaves him as if he had drawn a fresh breath, ready to lean forward for more. He just grins his chaton grin in reply to her asking if he was calling her a fool in favor of answering her poutfilled question.

"When Eiffel fur you."

Plagg uuuuughs melodramatically in the air, flies down to grap Adrien's phone, flies over his head and then proceeds to drop it.

"That was wretched! Horrible! Possibly the worse ever! How are you even mine again!?" Plagg says, as Adrien laughs, wincing as phone is dropped a whole inch onto his head.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
But it makes Marinette and Tikki both laugh.

"Tjat was absolutely terrible, Adrien. How long have you been holding that one back?"

"If you break that, he can't send for good," Tikki reminds Plagg just before laughing again.

The laughter subsides for Mari but only because sje'xs reach for the cup she seems to have forgotten was empty intil she picked it up. Sigh.

"Would you mind? My strings haven't been cut yet."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Bending sidewise, Adrien collects his phone.

"About a year and a half," he admits on a proud grin, phone returned to the bed. Plagg settles on his head, ruffling Adrien's hair, clearing pulling or scratching for Adrien closes an eyes in a silent wince.

"He can replace it. He's good for it," Plagg says, finishing whatever he was doing and leap-pouncing for Marinette's cheek... which he very shamelessly rubs himself against while heading for her neck to curl against. Adrien takes the cup from Marinette, smiling as he stands to go across the room to fetch the pitcher. He refills it, then just brings both over.

"Not at all, M'Lady," he had said when he stepped away. Upon his return, Adrien presents the drink with a flourishing bow. "Your chalice."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Mari snickers, head shaking slightly. "Do you write those down somewhere?" She snuggles Plagg as he curls against her and then grins as Tikki curls against him. Eh. They'll look like little stuffed toys.

The presentation of the cup makes her giggle before she stifles a yawn. "Merci " is said sleepily before she brings the cup up, pausing to look at him. "You should get breakfast," is murmured before she takes drink.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"I will, Princess. I promise. Right now, sleep some more," Adrien says, smiling at the three, at Plagg curling about Tikki, gathering some of Marinette's hair, and then purring into them both. Adrien brushes at Marinette's bangs before leaning forward to lightly kiss her forehead, a soft gentle kiss that's full of a promise: a promise to be there, ro love, and cherish, and protect, and provide.