3035/I'm a Barbie Girl

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I'm a Barbie Girl
Date of Scene: 01 November 2017
Location: Radiance's apartment
Synopsis: Radiance has a new job, with a perk: Lots of clothes! How exactly they got her measurements is a bit more sketchy.
Cast of Characters: Radiance, Breath

Radiance has posed:
Hermione has been home all day, answering the door and signing for packages. Lots of packages. Shoe boxes, garment bags, shopping bags. The tiny aparment is filled with packages, more the the place can reasonably hold and Min is starting to look a little frazzled. "Jarvis? Can you *please* tell Mr Stark to stop sending stuff. I don't have enough room for all this!!"

Breath has posed:
Lyssa knocks on the door, looking confusedly at a package. "Uh.." She brushes her hair back and looks at some of the package labels. "Hello? It's Lyssa.. Um.. Am I going to even be able to walk into this place?"

Radiance has posed:
Looking up from the last package that came for her, Hermione sees her room-mate and sighs with relief. "Lyssa! I'm so glad you're here! You have to help me. Mr. Stark's gone insane! He said he was going to get me a few things to wear for work, but I don't think he knows the meaning of the word 'few'!"

Breath has posed:
Lyssa blinks and looks around. "Plus he's a *guy*. What would he know about women's clothes? Doesn't he mostly just want to take them *off* of women?" She pokes around and starts examining the boxes. "Right, we'd better start figuring out what all of this stuff even IS..."

Radiance has posed:
Hermione sighs and nods to her friend. She's tried putting the boxes in groups of similar styled things. Shoe boxes are all together. All the garment bags on the bed. The shopping bags from all the fancy high-end stores in New York that people of Hermione's pay grade would never even dream of walking into are all at the foot of the bed. "I asked the Jarvis app on the phone Mr. Stark gave me. Apparently, he had his computers take my measuurements! Sent those to a personal shopper he knows. Should I be a little creeped out about him knowing my measurements?"

Breath has posed:
Lyssa uhms.. "No, you had to walk through security on the way in. And he might be a little off, anyway. Save it until we start opening things." She looks at stuff. "Shoes are probably easiest, and the boxes take up lots of room, so let's do those first."

Radiance has posed:
Hermione nods her head to you and smiles. "WHat size are you? Because if any of this fits you.... well, I can't wear it all in one day, right?" She heads over to the boxes and sits on the floor. "The Jarvis app also said that if I don't like anything, I can just send it back." She opens the first box and wrinkles her nose. "Well, I don't think I can wear these." Inside, a simple pair of black pumps with a high heel. "I've never worn heels before. I'd break an ankle. Well... okay, I probably won't break an ankle anymore, but you get the idea."

Breath has posed:
Lyssa shrugs a bit and looks, "I like heels sometimes, but like.. you have teensy feet compared to me. I'm a lot bigger than you are in shoes, so you're on your own there. I mean, you're, like.. short, and I'm, you know. A towering linebacker amazon with shoulders you can land an airplane on. Those aren't THAT bad though. You just sort've get used to them. They still hurt your feet after a bit, though."

Radiance has posed:
Hermione has to chuckle softly. Here in the apartment, she wears what is comfortable, which usually means tights and t-shirts that neither display nor hide her figure. The fact that Lyssa gets to see her figure at all shows how comfortable Min has become with her room-mate. "I'm smaller then you everywhere. Except the two B's." She listens to Lyssa explain about the shoes. "I'm going to need practice before I'll wear these at work then. I'm going to be at the front desk, welcoming people to the building, directing them to their floors and things. Like a Directory, only more personal. It apparently helps prevent sabatoge."

Breath has posed:
Lyssa nods. "Heels like.. make you taller, and make your legs look longer, and you wiggle more when you walk in them. And like.. I'm totally gonna hit B one of these days. I even measure at B now, but like, I can't actually fill up the cup. It sucks. But hey, receptionist is good. I would have expected you to be, like, answering phones or something. Your voice is like, super nice."

Radiance has posed:
Hermione chirps excitedly. "Taller is always good. I don't think I need to wiggle more though." She sighs softly. "I'd give you some of mine, if I could, but I don't think it works that way." More boxes of shoes are opened. They are all professional styled, with heels ranging from one inch to three. "I think I'll start with the training heels at first." She looks around the apartment and sighs. "We're going to need a bigger apartment, just to hold all these new clothes! I hope Mr. Stark pays well. I haven't had the guts to ask him about my wage."

Breath has posed:
Lyssa nods, "Well sure. I can help you with walking in heels, totally. I learned how to wear them a long time ago. I just don't, because I never need to and they kind of hurt to walk around in. And yeah, I mean, I can help with rent."

Radiance has posed:
Hermione says, "Hey... that's something I haven't figured out yet. Will wearing heels hurt? Because I can't be hurt anymore, so... " Hermione sighs then and raises her shoulders. "I'm still not entirely sure how these powers work. I know my clothes aren't immune. A bank robbery happened when I was coming home after giving the Squeeze my notice. I tried helping and one of the men shot at me! I got holes in my sweatshirt!" She frowns. "You have your super suit... Where did you get it? I mean, is there a store for those sort of things?" She gets up and goes to put the shoes away in a corner of the bedroom. "You can pay when you get your job with Mr. Stark. He wants to meet you.""

Breath has posed:
Lyssa ohs.. "I modified some clothes for my first one, and the last one I copied on the printer at Titan Tower. I really need to do some more design work on it though, maybe when I can finally corner Robin for wings without somebody making him stomp off in a huff."

Radiance has posed:
Hermione blinks. "Titan Tower? You know the team at Titan Tower?!" Hermione squeals happily and bounces. "Lyssa! Oh my goodness! Why didn't you tell me! Oh my goodness! Can you get them to sign my poster? Please? Pretty please?!!" She hugs herself and gives herself a squeeze. "What is Beast Boy like? And Raven? And! Oh WoW! THat is SOOOO cool! So, are you a Titan in Training? Like I'm and Apprentice Avenger?"

Breath has posed:
Lyssa ums, "Yeah. I haven't talked to Beast Boy, he's a spaz, I guess. Mostly I talk to Stardust. Raven is, uhm... kinda creepy. I don't think I am ever going to feel like I know her very well. Starfire is sweet. Robin gets pissed off and stomps out a lot." She shrugs a bit. "I mean, like.. I can introduce you some time? Iunno, like, if nobody tries to blow the lobby up when I walk in again."

Radiance has posed:
Min is giddy, the way she gets when talking about superheroes of any kind. She just can't seem to think of superheroes as regular people, even though she sort of is one herself now. "Well, maybe Robin just has a bit too much of the Gotham broodiness about him. Have you ever noticed that? It's like everyone from that side of the river is a little... angry at life in general." She tilts her head when Lyssa mentions the lobby being blown up. "WHat happened? Are you okay?"

Breath has posed:
Lyssa nods, "It was just a smoke bomb. Sulphur and stuff. It tasted nasty, is all. It was just like.. weird I guess. I still don't know what happened. And I guess? I don't even go into Gotham. Dunno why, just like, it never comes up."

Radiance has posed:
Hermione listens and starts heading to the garment bags on the bed. Zipping them open, each one has a full outfit that can be easily mixed and matched with the outfits in the other bags. Twelve bags in total gives her several options to choose from. "I could have a different outfit every day of the year! I like that his shopper got things that still hide... " she looks down at her chest. "The girls. I was worried that Mr. Stark would get things that show off all sorts of cleavage. I don't want to get stared at while Im working." She nods in regards to Gotham. "I know I want to see all of the Tri-cities, but I've just not gotten around to Gotham yet. It seems even scarier then parts of Harlem!"

Breath has posed:
Lyssa nods, "Or Brooklyn. New Lots is kind of scary sometimes. It helps knowing that I can blow muggers away and leave, I guess. But like, some of the punks read me as a girl and then find out that their friends didn't after they catcall me, then they get kind of dangerous. Oh, and I think a lot of guys stare at anybody that's even a little bit female. I don't even get that."

Radiance has posed:
Hermione shakes her head. "I understood the stares in highschool. I was a cheerleader. And we were in highschool. I just figured, that when guys got older they'd get more mature? But they don't, not really." She sighs softly and shakes her head. "And the men here in New York don't seem any better. Mr. Stark has tried really hard not to stare, and I think it's sweet, but I've noticed him looking." There isn't enough room in the armoire for all the clothes, so most of the garment bags get hung on the hooks outside of it. "I used to think about getting a reduction job, but then I figured I was made this way for a reason. I just got to figure out what. Like Dolly Parton did. I'm glad you can blow muggers away. I don't want you getting hurt

Breath has posed:
Lyssa nods, "Me either. And yeah, testosterone is ridiculous stuff. I hated it." She hmms and helps sort. "Do you know if these fit very well? In case he got the size wrong? I mean, sometimes stuff ranges different than you expect.."

Radiance has posed:
Hermione says, "Well, he got the computer do to the measuremtents. I'll play barbie doll after we have it all out of its boxes. The sizes seem right though. At least, they all range in the sizes I usually try for when I'm shopping for myself. His shopper did a pretty good job." Able to sit down on the bed now, all the shopping bags from the big named stores are still to go through. Jewelry and other accessories, hair pins and more, and .... well, it was really only a matter of time. This is Tony Stark, after all. Hermione blushes a vivid red. "Do you suppose his computer scanner thing has x-ray?" she asks, looking at the lingerie."

Breath has posed:
Lyssa hmms? "I don't know, you mean like the things in the airport? Is that the right size, even?" She looks at the lingerie critically. "I don't know, I mean, I'm not showing mine to anybody but you right now, and you seem awfully straight to me so far. So like, how much do you need to get to wash day really?" She hrms. "I don't know, I mean, it's hard for me to find anything that fits.."

Radiance has posed:
Hermione shakes her head to Lyssa. "Sort of like the things at the airport, but ... well? Starkified. LIke my Jarvis app. It's like Siri only... so much better!" She chews on her lower lip. "I mean, his Iron Man suit has similar scanning functions. Hell, for all I know, he could have had his computers go into my old school files and dug up my cheerleading uniform sizes." She rolls her eyes. "He's a nice man. But I kind of get the impression that just because he *can* do a thing, he thinks he's allowed to do it." She looks at the bras in particular. They are all rather nice, attractive but not provocative. She blushes. "They're all my size. I am going to blush every time I walk through that computer scanner now."

Breath has posed:
Lyssa nods. "He's probably totally being horrible. Dunno. I mean, I don't care, nobody thinks I'm hot and sexy. Or at least if they do they don't act like it for very long. For you? I.. I dunno. I'm sure he'll get nightmares looking at me, anyways."

Radiance has posed:
Hermione frowns. "You shouldn't say that about yourself. I think you're lovely. And if he ever complains about nightmares caused by looking at you, I'll throw a chestnut at him." She smiles to her friend, reminding her of the first time they met as just Lyssa and Min. "I don't want to say no, because I don't want to seem ungrateful, but all of this! It's too much. I mean, I guess for someone like him, this is nothing, but this is more clothing then I've ever owned!"

Breath has posed:
Lyssa ohs... "Well.. Maybe he just didn't feel like spending the time to whittle it down? Like, "Hey, go grab a bunch of stuff for the new girl, she can sort it out"? None of this is my size, so like, I can't really say anything about this stuff. You wear what you like. So like, find some of the stuff that's not really 'you' and we can send that back so we will be able to at least walk around the room again?

Radiance has posed:
Hermione laughs and nods her head. She goes about starts playing dress-up, letting you help her decide what to keep. MOst of what is being sent back is probably the stuff that Tony would like best, infamous lecher that he is. In the end, Hermione has several outfits that will do quite nicely for the front desk of a well known corporate giant like Stark Industries. "Did you know, Mr. Stark knows how I need to charge my powers and didn't try taking advantage? Not once. I don't think all those stories about him being a playboy are true at all. I can't wait for you to meet him. Or Captain Rogers."

Breath has posed:
Lyssa nods, "Well, maybe, maybe not. But sure, I'd love to meet him. Do you know if he had anything in mind for me? I'm not as pretty as you are, so probably not anything up front. Plus, he probably knows about our arrangement already, so it's not like you are out of power much, right?" She hmmms.. "I just hope Rogers doesn't make an idiot out of himself meeting me. They didn't really have a lot of people like me when he was younger."

Radiance has posed:
Gathering up all the items she isn't going to use, Hermione uses the special app on her phone to ask for the items to be removed. A posh voice with a British accent tells her that he will arrange to have someone come by and fetch the items within the hour. "See what I mean? I love that app! It's going to arrange things. It's like I don't have to do anything at all! Now, if only there was an app to cook and clean too." She lifts her shoulders when asked about where Stark will put Lyssa. "Well, he only put me in the front because I'm friendly and pretty. I'm sure he'll ask you about your skills and find something that works best for you. And don't be so sure about the Captain. He's a gentleman through and through."

Breath has posed:
Lyssa nods. "Yeah, I totally know he's a gentleman, but like.. is he going to think I'm some sort of weirdo or something? And say all those bad ally things? Like *snooty voice* 'I respect your choice!'" She makes a bit of a face. "I'm never quite sure what to say when people say things like that.."

She yawns a bit. "So like, someone is going to show up here in an hour? Can I just like, get in bed now then? I'm kind of wiped out from like.. trying to figure out how to use some gadgets, pretend to be a boy for a few hours, and then worry about what that sadist Robin is going to come up with for us to do for training next."